File #23269: "William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 31.pdf"


1844 February 1844 February
Thursday 1 Wilf'd morning to Watsons with 4 Barl's Salt. 10 p W Smith 3 young Everetts & Mifs Sommerville ar'd @ 1 ~ Chas & M - accomp'd them to Stratford & ret'd to dinner @3 ~ left us @ 8 ~ Chas pd Wm McDonald in full of Hog head {line scratched out} pottering Sno aft'n
Friday 2 Chas & Self left after Breakfast - to Hamburg - Sigmillers & thro the Bush to Everetts where were arrived 5 @ Boys making Sleigh Boat acrofs Swamp & hauld some Bark logs and engld'd fetched from Izards Bar'l Whisky for Watson - Carr'd 5 /. fine 20
Saturday 3 Hauling Bark - W.T. & Chas went to Mr Tyes @ 11 - dined & set'd to Everetts, calling at Wm Puddicumbs about 6 pm W'd took up Bl Whisky to Watsons morn for brot letter frm William Ex 9 fine
Sunday 4 Chr's & I {illegible} calld at H Puddicuombe @ 11 - dined at H Puddicombes & got home about 6 - Exp's 4 morn fine ev. Hail & Snow
Monday 5 Chas took up Cutter to Mr Jacksons - Fanning - filling & loading 15 Sacks Wheat fine 28
Tuesday 6 Chas left @ 3.55 with Wheat as above for Gerrie, $2.- rec'd of Cowmans for Hector 43 hauld a Load Bark into Barnyard - & pottering workd the 2 black Calves with Salt & Water to kill lice W'd ev'd delivered at Duncan's the Smith for Douglas Wearn 6 lbs 2 oz Woolen yarn & 2 lbs Cotton to be worn into flannel delivered to Geo Seigmiller 4 sides Leather left by him on Sunday paid Mrs T for Horny ther Calf Befsy M J 15 5 ! a little snow 26 18
Wednesday 7 Chas ret'd @ 12 having left his Load 27 Bush's Wheat at Ferries to be taken out in Flour &c brot 1200 lbs Flour 312 lb Bran & 150 lb Shorts - on acco't in 4 Barrels of 196 lbs 4 Jacks 400 lbs 15 13
{illegible} pd for 4 Barrels @ pad for Straft to Jacksons Cutter 3 9
& road expences .3 9
Jackson had a Sleigh load Wheat Straw gratis Chris'n & W'd hauling Bark north into Barnyard morning aft'n all fanning Wheat - even'g Christ'n & W'f to Stratford took letters Mrs T. to Ellen B Mifs Toohunter W.S. Calhoon's M Jane to Aunt Jane W.T. to Jacob Seigmiller - the last pd ret'd @ 11 1/2 W. fr. 4 1/2
Thursday 8 Sold to W Jackson a Load Wheat Straw $1. -- Hauld in a Load Do to East Barn - filling & loading 15 Sacks wheat to be taken down tomorrow 7 pm rec'd notice from Jackson that the Trunk had arrived P Stage - Christ'n & W'd went up with waggon & brot it home all in good order - pd Carriage from London to Goderich 7/6 prec't & from Goderich 6/3 ~ 13 9 Snow even'g 20
Friday 9 Wilf'd left @ 6.40 with wheat as above taking Christ'n & Chas to Seigmillers re Bark for CAttle made a List of Contents & put in Trunk Chr'n & Chas ret'd @ 12 the latter having had a tooth extracted by Flyn pottering 6 10
Saturday 10 Christ'n pottering - Chas lain up with tooth ache Wilf'd & Alex arrived a little before 8 - the former left at Ferries 5 Bush'ls making 60 Bush'ls now on Due Bill sold him 2318 lb Bush'ls @ 6/10 yk & rec'd 4 19 6 very little Sn. aft'n 11 14
Road expences paid 6 5 1/2
brot up for Watson 5 Barl's Salt @ 2/6 & a Sofa for G Watson Rec'd of a traveller for 1/2 Bush'l Oats 7 1/2
paid Mrs T. on acco't Dr Flyn for drawing Chas tooth 1 3
pd Wilfred being Bal'ce due to him on purchase of Calf 4 vs
brot fm Ferries on Due Bill 15 lb Shorts & 165 lbs Bran pd Duncan McNaughton Smiths Acco't Cash 10 / overch'ge 1/3 & to have 1 Bl Oats 2/4 10
Sunday 11 Christ. to P. Office after dinner {illegible}ing letters - Mrs T. self & M. to Wm pd W T. to C Ralph dated 9 & Ch'n to J F Werner Mrs Meany Annie & Alex & Mr Watson here at ten 9 fine 11 14
Monday 12 Wilf'd del'd 5 Bls Salt & a Sofa at Watsons - 2/6 6 Bl & 2/6 Sofa afternoon Load of Bark to Seigmillers Stratford - in the Sleighs Nose Christ & Chas winnowing Wheat &c. Mrs Sargint & Annie here paid Mrs T in full of mem for 4 Calves 2 5 ~ beautiful Z 29
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