File #23302: "William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 64.pdf"


1845 October
Tuesday 14 W'd & Tom ploughing - Ch'r churning - after Cattle &c - 10 pm first snow rain morn'g aft'n fine 40 34
Wednesday 15 light covering of snow & snowing 6 am. W'd & Tom ploughing morn'g Tom aft'n aft'n W'd pottering - Ch'r to Stratford - Hine &c in quest of Cust'or for Beef brot 2 Canadian pd & 1 Inquirer pd by C. 1/2d - pd Washers Mrs Jno & Roy 3 ~ snow show'rs 32 30
Thursday 16 borrowd of Wm Crerar 22 1/2 W. Salt including Sack took up & put into Cellar the last of the Potatoes (Mercers) sup. Bush'ls - Befsy & Mary Crerar & Ann Stewart here fine & cold 30 28
Friday 17 Killd Befsy - all butchering - sold to W.H. Hine Hind quarter 121 lb lefs Sack 2 ls -- 119 lb Leg of ano'r ---- 65 174 @ 4 cts $7.1.9 1 16 9 beautiful 25 36
sold to Seigmiller Hide @ 4cts ---62 2.2.5 0 12 5
kept 2 fore Quarters & part of Hind 82 + 42+ 39 + 48 + 84 = 295 @ 3 1/2 Cts 10.4.8 rend'r Tallow .24 @ 6d C'y Tallow Hind {illegible} 2.2 value of Cow $ 22.3.10 Wilf to Stratford aft'n with Waggon & del'd the above to Hine & Seigm'r M Jun'r accomp'd him - both took tea at Mrs Kirkes
Saturday 18 W'd & Tom ploughing - Christ'n cutting up, making hook, & hanging up Beef & pottering Boiling Pieces into Barrels. -- receivd from Stratford a letter for Henry dated Hamilton 9th by private Hand - unknowns. Do 28
Sunday 19 Ch'r W'd & Tom to Stratford Allsworth - took to P. Office letter W.T to Henry fine & pleasant 51 37
Monday 20 W'd & Thom ploughing - Ch'r pottering - at day light a covering of snow borrowd more Salt of W Crerar 12 n. a shower of snow aft disappeard 33 27
Tuesday 21 W'd & Tom ploughing So & at Lot 38 - Ch'r digging up Hops T & J Daly & Emily arrivd from Tyes @ 6 1/2 pm . T & J remain the night E. brot a small Cabbage Rose - 3 Citrons &c from Mrs Tye snow show'rs & very cold 26 20
Wednesday 22 W'd & Tom ploughing West - Christ'n walkd to Dalys & brot Ingredients for Ink To Jane Daly left us @ 10 am - M & E to Stratford aft'n fine 24 24
Thursday 23 W'd & Tom ploughing West - Ch'r at Hops - making Ink &c fine 20 37
Friday 24 Do -- Do ---- Do Ch'r at Crerars pointing the House roof to oven destroyed by fire beautiful 36 38
1845 October
Saturday 25 Paid Mrs T for Margaret Tom & W'd ploughing West - Dh'r at Crerars mild, dry 28 38
Sunday 26 W'd to Stratford - Mr Allan fine 30 46
Monday 27 W'd & Tom Logging & Burning South - Christ'n again at Crerars Mrs T & Martha walkd to Allan Bank - Lying in visit Do 35 44
Tuesday 28 W'd & Tom burning - Ch'r Do part of day & at Hops - transplanting Mrs T & M. walkd to & from Stratford - dined at Dalys - tead at Mrs Sargints Do 37 45
Wednesday 29 Tom thrashing W'd Christ'n to P Office brot Letters Mrs Joe to Mrs T. pd to Isaac to self - pd brot also 1 Bottle Whisky from Mickle Do 34 58
Thursday 30 Wilf'd & Tom thrashing - I walked to Mr Dalys re Lot 38 Mrs T Emily & Christ'n came to me in Waggon aft'n - home@5 paid Mr Dalys Acc't to 31 Dec'r last of Dec inp ap Book 1 5 5 1/2 cloudy & warm 54 55
Inclosed in a Note & gave to Mrs Daly to forward to Mr Donkin $1 note & 1/yk on acco't Mr Barron for Cheese ~ 5 7 1/2
Friday 31 Tom ploughing & winnowing W'd winnowing - making Rack for Waggon & preparing for Market - Ch'r sundries
Saturday 1 W'd to Sutherlands Mill with 4 Sacks Wheat & brot back flour from our own Wheat lb Shorts - Bran Mrs T & Em'y accomp'd him to Robinsons last Goldfinch seen all other summer birds having previously left showers 48 56
Sunday 2 Tom to Stratford - brot a Patriot sup frm D'd McDonald - Reading news took to P.O. letter self to Isaac - inclosing one Mrs T to Chas fine 32 34
Monday 3 Tom at his Brother in Law's a raising - Christ'n & W'd sundries - 1 in Snow at Daylight even'g W'd took Watson to Stratford in Waggon & rec'd $1 Ballard calld at 7 pm & pd Mrs T her acco't his charge for plastering Back Room would come to about $6 --- 9 cts p sq yd. 1Bo Whisky for Mickle rec'd letters (Circular) from M Jones urging paym't on acco't Lots 37/8 snow nearly all day 32
Tuesday 4 W'd & Tom thrashing Peas - Christ'n repairing fences &c paid Mrs Roy & Ann Crerar 3 ~ snow in the n't this day gloomy 34
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