File #23323: "William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 85.pdf"


1846 September
Monday 28 Bot of Jno Manley a Fanning Mill for $25 & gave my notes for same dated South Easthope 28 Sept'r due 31 Jan 48 L3.2.6 at sixteen months after date __ 31 Dec'r 49 Do 3.2.6 at twenty seven Do Do Wilf'd to Mill at Hagersville with 7 @ 8 Bush'ls Wheat (Spring) & brot back Flour &c &c -- Simon & Denny ploughing - the latter after dinner Em'y to Stratford - brot four quarter mutton from Pindar fine 32 49
Tuesday 29 Simon & D ploughing - getting in young Pigs for Reynolds tomorrow W'd after dinner taking John Crerar to purchase a few Sheep Zarra Wilmor &c - gave him $ 84 .- L 4. _._ pd Mrs Jno & Mrs Roy Stewart rep'd Jno Stewart flour borrowed of him ~ 3 ~ fine 50
Wednesday 30 W'd returned from Wilmot @ 5 1/2 pm with 2 Wethers & 4 Ewes bot of @ $1 3/4 --- paid -- 2.12.6 Expenses - ~.3.9 1/2 gave W'd L4.~ 2.16.3 1/2 1.3.8 1/2 2 16 3 1/2 fine
Thursday 1 W'd to Stratford re Subscription Bull &c - Simon ploughing Reynolds alt'd 5 Sows 7 Boar Pigs - 1 Sow kept Denny to Stratford & pottering - Hine came this morning 9 @ 10 oC opening Doorway & putting up Door from Kitchen to yard - all afsisting heavy rain from 7 pm 50
Friday 2 Show Day - Simon took up Societys Bull - W'd Hine & Denny followd at 11 1/2 - Mrs T. & Em'y in Helmers Waggon - Em'y taking 2 G Finches for Mrs Wilkins - W'd & Mrs T & Em'y ret'd in Waggon @ 5 Simon & Denny at dusk, having mifsed Bull in Stratford pd Jas Thompson Butcher John't 4 1 1/2 rain m'g aft'n fine 46
Saturday 3 Simon ploughing morn'g - aft'n to Stratford after Bull left yesterday - brot him home W'd Carpentering & Plastering m'g - aft'n ploughing - Denny aft'n to Stratford for Beef from Woods - gatherd more apples fine 30
Sunday 4 Simon to his friends - all the rest at home Lunar Rainbow ev'g lasted 1 1/2 hours very misty bright Rocket falling Star fine
1846 October
Monday 5 had Chas Charnock with W'd S. & Denny taking up Potatoes &c brot into Cellar 3 1/2 Bush'ls 26 fine 43
Tuesday 6 C. Charnock & the rest as yesterday - brot home & hilld 30 Bush'ls paid Eiza Fisher for 3 bowls Rankin called evening, & we signed an agreement for purchase of a thrashing Mill - whic see. transfr Pans Charnock calld 9 1/2 pm on way from Robinsons 3 ~ Do 40 56
Wednesday 7 Paid Mr Charnock on acco't ----- $6 Jno Charnock{probably his signature} all as yesterday - brot in to Hill 20 Bush'ls killd a Wether No. 1 this morn p -- W'd & Crerar 70 lbs - Tallow 1 10 ~ Do 54 64
Thursday 8 a Storm of thunder Lightning & Rain 3 @ 5 am W'd left @ 7 am to accompany Rankin in his Waggon - Bill & & his Spang to Hambro West to enquire about a thrashing $Z - Sim. Denny & C Charnock finish hauling Potatoes . 8 Bush - pitted here - making 58 Bush'ls - Hill } 84 Bls a show'r noon 60 64
Friday 9 Simon with Waggon & Oxen set off for Lime - met Casey near P Kostners who told him it would not be sufficiently burnt before Monday morning when he might depend upon it afternoon ploughing - Denny pottering -- Wilfred arrived from Flambro Galt @ 11 pm. -- showers 61
Saturday 10 Paid W'd expenses to & from Galt 4.4 1/2 & for 1 Bush'l Apples ---- .11 W'd pottering - Simon ploughing - Denny took a note to Hamilton after dinner - not at home -- 5 5 1/2 fine 32 34
Sunday 11 Simon & Denny with their friends - former brot from P. Off'ce Letter Mr & Mrs Barron two travellers eastward - dind Bed. T. Daly calld on way to Toronto p Stage 8 pm Do 32 46
Monday 12 Simon with oxen to Caseys & brought 20 Bushels Lime - W'd making Box for Do & pottering fine till 4@5 then rain 49 52
Tuesday 13 Hamilton came this morning about 10 - He & W'd mixing Lime &c for Plaster - Simon fencing rain continued without interuption since yesterday till 8 @9 pm & has light 10 pm rain all day 44
Wednesday 14 Hamilton & W'd plastering Simon ploughing & hauling firewood tol 32 42
Thursday 15 Do Do Do Do Do - Denny ret'd to day at noon absent since 11th & brot from P. Office 3 Papers, 2 Inqu'rs & 1 Canadian & a letter (paid) from Henry to self fine Do 30 37
Friday 16 Hamilton at Staircase & pafsage - W'd afsisting morn'g Simon afternoon -- Simon ploughing morn'g W'd aftern'n - Denny home after breakfast to afsist his Father in taking up potatoes heavy show'r
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