File #23329: "William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 91.pdf"


1847 February
Friday 5 Wilf'd @ 5 am with Load Sib'n to Ferries Sacks Mat chop'g firewood Mat'w to Stratford for Dr Moore who came about 11 left @ 1 receivd of a paper by for a Pochle Hay for a knockd up yoke oxen 3 Snow Sleighing bad
Saturday 6 W'd ret'd from Ferries about 3 pm sold him 33 36/60 B's Sib. Wheat @ 6/8 y = 6.19.6 1/2 Expences road !.4.3 Cy 6.15.3 1/2 6 15 3 1/2
pd Ferrie for 17 lb Pearl Barley @ 3 c'h -- 2.6 r'd 6.12 .9 1/2 Mat. chop'g firewood in Bush & Stovewood - Hauling I'c aft'n - left evening Crombur Else called with Notes due 1st - Ann - brot from P. Off'ce 2 6
Sunday 7 all at home Letter Mr to Mrs B. -- & 4 Inq'rs & a Church Snow
Monday 8 W'd hunting after help - brot Lathy for a month @ $8 - together brot in Send Hay from W. Stack - chopping Stovewood - had 1/2 Bo Whisky from -- Lathy came to day @ 2 for a month @ $8 - Dr Moore visit snow show'rs good Sleigh'g
Tuesday 9 W'd & Lathy west Barn winnowing Siberian for Market tomorrow brot home from Do Black Befs which was found dead there on Saturday suppose owing to Buckwheat feed - of which many are said to be dying sent Eliz'th for Dr Moore at dusk Mrs T being worse - not a home & not expected Emily also at the village for sundries.
Wednesday 10 Wilf'd left - 6 3/4 with Sacks Siberian for Ferrie - Lthy chopping firewood chop'g up Bl Befs to boil for Soap Grease - Dr Moore morning Eliz'th to Dr Moores aft'n for Bed pan brot fm P. Off. a Canadian Lathys Brother came after supper to afsist in winnowing &c &c
Thursday 11 The Lathys winnowing Sib'n filling Bags &c - firewood W'd ret'd fm Ferries ab't 2 oC - sold him 40 Bush'ls @ 6/8 yk --- C'y 8.6.8 expences --- " .4. 4 1/2 Emily to Stratford for Be to see Dr Moore. sent p John Fisher letter to P. Off'ce Mrs to Mr B -- 8 2 3 1/2
Friday 12 W'd @ 6 1/2 left for Ferries with 22 Sacks Siberian Dr Moore calld before breakfast & remained 2 or 3 housr - Lathy chop'g & haul'g firew'd
Saturday 13 Mrs T. expired this morning @ 2 1/4 oclock - present Martha Mrs Barron, Emily & self
1847 February
Saturday 13 W'd ret'd from Ferries about 2 sold him 44 Bush'ls Sib'n @ 6/8 yk -- C'y 9.3.4 lefs expences New Whippletree & treat 7.6 8 15 10
paid Mr Robinson for Cask Cyder for Mrs Barron 5 ~
Sunday 14 all at home - Mrs Rober - Mrs Meany - Mrs Sargint & Kirk calld
Monday 15 W'd to Stratford morn'g brot Hine & Mr Colleman with Coffin box Tea from John. pd Hicks Carr'ge p Stage ~ 3 3 day fine
pd Alex Orr for 3 Gall's Whisky @ 3/yk pd Wilf'd 5 7 1/2
William & Colleman for 2 Bars Soap --- @ 1/4 2 8
prosefsion left home @ 1 1/4 pm - Mr Daly on approaching laid hold of my arm to go home with him before the Service was a quarter finishd - I had however the in{illegible} satisfaction of seeing my dear wife quietly deposited by the side of poor William - had a little refreshment at Dalys & got home in good - all conducted with more than usual decorum - Mr Murry came in the morning & rem'd with the Girls till after our return. rem'd to John 1st inst $6 -- 1.10.~ 6 lb young Hyson -- @ 2/10 -- +.14.6 qu 1 -- old -- 4/6 -- .4.6 1 -- Sowberry ----- 3.6 1 -- Ground Rice ------- 7 1/2 4. Biscuits ---- 7 1/2 - 2.6 1.5.7 1/2 S -- .4.4 1/2 rec'd also 8/6 C'y due on former acco't qu. + .8.6 r'd 12/ 10 1/2
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