File #23341: "William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 103.pdf"


Dr George Watson 1845 Jan 21 teaming 2 Loads to Hamilton 25 ----" -----2 from Do ./-- Feb 13 8 B'ls Ashes Do Stove guard up Cr 1844 top error in add'n 5.18.4 1/2 Dec 31 By Store Acco't to this date 5.17.3 1/2 1845 June 21 Cash on acco't Road expences 2.10.~ 1845 July 9 owing to me pd in Note P {Kashner?} G's quts 1845 G 3.2 July 14 receivd ---- G 1. -- 25 ------ " -------- 9. ------ Aug 20 (Ferries) -- 9.----- {second page} {D?} J.C.W {Daly?} 1845 feb 4 To 28{13?B?} 38lb. wheat c 3/1 1/4{Illegible} 4.9.6 {Illegible} Mickle 1845 To Cash {Illegible} {8 Sep?} 2.11 Nov By {Illegible} 2.11.2 Sep. 20 To {Hamingtum?} Hamilton {bew?} {Illegible} 3/1 1/12 {am?}.19.6 {Dec?} 31 {Illegible} 1.8.9 {Lady Mickle?} 2.11.2 {Daly?} Mickle 1845 1845 Dec 23 {Illegible} 15.4 {Illegible} 15th 12 {ham?} {Illegible} {GB?} {Illegible} {3/1} 13.1 1/3 1846 {Illegible} Jan 14/14 {Illegible} Hamilton {$?}12 {Illegible} Cash 13 1845 Dec 31 By {Now?} {Am?} To this date 3...{T?} {Illegible} Am {Illegible} 1.8.9
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