File #29125: "Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1912-1929_007.pdf"


1915 May 12 John took Blakie and Lilie down in york sold for $55.+$75=130 May 12 Teacher came over for SS. May 10 let cows out on grass. May 11 Mr Rae was here. May 8 John & I went to city } Conduct No-73} Nov.14 Mary & I went to Buttonville calling at Duncans & Kelley's Nov 16. We killed one pig & 15 chicks came out from under the pig pen Nov. 28 5 Chicks came out from the stable 1916 Feb.8 moved pigs in new pig pen. Jan 15 Alex enlisted & {Mth} he put his sut on {LR?} then he got his watch. he was 18 years. Feb.9th I was at Huvpers {Illegible} Alex came home He & John went to carnival and {Myball?}
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