File #44343: "Frank McMillan 1930 Diary 25.pdf"



Aug 20 Rhymal Hamilton 432 21 F D Canalla Banie 1875 21 WM Peek Buktall 12840 21 SJ Anderson Ausland 3325 22 P J Mauin {Breaebege?} 14825 Aug 23 R.J. Scott Aldestbat 65656 25 A Davidson Bul 15409 Sept 2 Manser Welt Toronto 6807 3 G Williamson Tottenham 400 4 G W Michols Beeton 11625 S Ruier Trading Co 9310 W.V. Fuy Thomton 3100 Sumpson Tottenham 4630 H Runin Tottenham 9475 J R Couse Cookstown 8770 Hare Burs Braeebridge 211.28 Sept 5 CP Carpenter Wimona 8607 6 R J Scott Aldersbet 36195 6 Hutehrison Braeebridge 33143 267552 July 23rd A Bullock Bu 144.95 25 A Davidson Bul 17810 25 Upton Jam Co Hamilton 878.83 28 R J Scott Aldersbet 659.66 28 L Robinson Elmurole 16.45 28 Manser Welt Toronto 71.24 29 R L Scott Aldershut 2622 31 July Cash Sales 14160 Aug 7 D. S. Litster Bukstalls 9390 8 C P. Carpenter 9850 8 CW Sharpe Bukstalls 152.20 12 Allan Davidson 133.40 C P Carpenter 3618 MS Gallop Cookstown 1250 J F Cullingham Cookstown 450 15 Hare {Bire?} Braebridge 23749 15 T.S. Trenonth {illegeble} 67.25 16 A. Davidson Bul 300.90 18 R L. Scott Aldershut 59185 3781.60
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