File #5215: "Vincent Bowerman 24.pdf"


W illet Edward born on
the 3 rd day of January
[Charles? looks like Crarles?] Augustus born
on the 28th day of July
George Edgar born 21st
day of May 1883.
[pg 27a]
Elen Bowerman
Died 1 l m 25th 1883
Buried the 27th
The decision of our
Law Suit has com [sic]
to us By telegraf [sic]
[? to] received us
the 10 day of [first?] mo
1884 the the [sic] [Plantif?]
came to appeal which
will take up some
the mercury stood at
32 this morning 1 mo 25
3 below zero
[pg 27b]
The Bloomfield tannery
was burned between
mid night [sic] and day light [sic]
on the 19 of 3 mo 1884.
I believe tho [sic] [?] there
is some Insurance on it
My sore hell get bad
about the 10 of may

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