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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 19.pdf

Revision as of Jun 18, 2023, 8:19:12 PM, edited by

1843 July

Saturday 1 Underbrushing -
Sunday 2 Emy & Cha.s to Stratford - (Mr Allan) W.m & Ch.n walkd to Orrville ret.d {returned} at dark
Monday 3 Underbrushing -
Tuesday 4 go. {underbrushing again} --- Mr. & Mrs. MCullork. {Macculloch?} Mrs Jarqint Mr. & Mrs. Jackson calld
Wednesday 5 g.o {underbrushing again} --- Is. to Stratford - bro! letters from Aunt Jane to W.T. & from Mrs Jas. to Mrs. T. - p.d - Box shipd p the {a word has been scratched out and cannot be made out}

Birkley @ aptn {appointment} {Seasse?}

( to pay W Jun. £2 of the £20 letter of Cr {as in credit?} recd from Aunt Jane through Elr {Eleanor} Todhunter).
Thursday 6 Underbrushing - W.d to Mill with Wheat to Mill - not ground today

killd Emilys Sheep - took 3/4 R to the village - kept 1/4

paid William £2 {Stert.s?} as unders. add 1/9 R = 2.4.5@.y

{Exih?} 71/R {H?}! - .3.5


rec.d from M. overcharge on letter from Toronto rd 28 {all?}





Friday 7 Repairing Shingling of back room - Underbrushing - W.d at Donald Stewarts for the day - making Cover for Well. fine rain 1 hour morn.g 60 51
Saturday 8 Underbrushing - W.d to Mill for Grist left on thursday bro! a paid Letter from {bits?} to William - fine 51
Sunday 9 no meeting at Stratford - Will.m Christ.n & Cha.s & Em.y at Alexs morning came home with Annie for tea - fine
Monday 10 Chipping & barking a few Hemlock on our Lot north - William & Isaac on Mares to Stratford m.g ret.d @ 1 - M Culloch {Macculloch} {---lims?} lifting Shirks Notes a few drops Rain 7 am. after fine 62 52
Tuesday 11 Chipping & Barking - p.d washers ------------------------ 3 --- fine - 48 53
Wednesday 12 fine - 42 55
Thursday 13
Friday 14
Saturday 15
1843 July
Saturday 15
Sunday 16
Monday 17
Tuesday 18
Wednesday 19
Thursday 20
Friday 21
Saturday 22
Sunday 23
Monday 24
Tuesday 25
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