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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 20.pdf

Revision as of Jun 20, 2023, 1:38:14 PM, edited by

1843 July

Wednesday 26 Raking Hay to carry but prevented by rain coming on @ 12 1/2 Martha to Alex's @ 6 am. bro! letters from Ellen to W.m & Mrs. Jas. to Mr. T. both P.. {paid} - - thunder showers 5 @ 7 pm 54 63
Thursday 27 Cha.s before breakfast to Stratford &c.- bro! from P. {post office?} Kostner Whiskey & from Dalys sugar rice & matches - at same time the rest to Duncan the Smith to get the ring put in his the Bully Nose - on return fastend him with a chain to the ring which he broke, & again got out - fastend him a second time & so far 9 1/2 pm. is quiet. I got 3 Loads of Hay into the Barn & put the rem.n {remaining} into {Cackan?} Gale.s fine 53 70
Friday 28 Got in 2 more Loads Hay from So. side. obligd to leave 5 {Cooks?} in consequence of heavy thundershowers ~ Hestor again broke his chain & got out of the stable put him into the field ~ forenoon fine aft.n rain &c. 62 70
Saturday 29 Hic {Hickey} with us for the day - Mowd Hemlock Piece & Bank in William Lot misty rain morng aftn.n fine 58 50
Sunday 30 Martha Emy W.m & Is.c dined at Alex's - all here for tea - no one at Church Isaacs took to P.O. Letter Mrs. T. Martha & W.m to Ellen - Big Befs - fine 50
Monday 31 {Alie?} here for the day - put Hay in Hemlock field into Wind Rows & a {Henwands?} into Cask expecting rain - had a very few drops 8 pm fine 45


Tuesday 1 August

Hauling & Stacking Hay in Hemlock field - Had Dond Stewart aft.n - wrote to John to inquire at both wharves for the Trunk - to go by Alie tomorrow

fine 48 50
Wednesday 2 Finishd topping & trimming the Stack - took 1 Load from Barn to finish

D. Stewart with us till breakfast - Miſs Tye - Mrs. Fenner & Child Miſs Daly - Mr. Buncombe & Mr. Rumbate dined with us on their way home - Martha & Jane D. accompanied them. - Letter fm {from} Ellen to Mr. T. P. {paid}

fine 42 56
Thursday 3 Hunting for Rail Timber without {s----s?} - Winnowing Wheat to take to some Mill East - Stratford being at a stand-still - Bl. Befs {milsing?} fine 45 61
Friday 4 @ 61/2 Cha.s started Eastward with 9 sacks Wheat to any Mill going - rest {frottering?}

Mrs. T. accompd Cha.s to Curtis' & bo.t {bought} a quarter {Mattam?} - W.d to Stratford & had a tooth extracted by Mr. Daly ~ Befs still not to be found -

Will.m having felt a little pain put on a Blister this evening
fine 50 65
Saturday 5 preparing Stumps & seats for Waggon hunting after Befs - not get found - & puttering

Cha.s {ut.d?} found Ferries Mill @ 61/2 with flour boots - & Beam - Alex & T Daly at same time - & Martha & Miſs Daly from Tie's - Cha.s {ispensier?} ---

paid Washers 2 Mrs. Stewarts 3/ Mrs. {McWisharm?} 1/3 day {G?}
- 3




fine 62 64
1843 August
Sunday 6 Is Christn Cha.s Wd & Emily - also Alex & Annie to Helmers (Hickey) in Waggons - after dinner Martha walkd to P. Office to take a Letter

Mrs. & M. to Ellen - W.m added a Line to {Oslo?} - No Befs yet

fine till 9 3/4 pm - then a light shower 70
Monday 7 Boys barking - Mrs. T & Martha to Stratford - calld at Dalys MCullochs {Macculloch} &c

still no Befs - Hear she must be killd or stolen.

pd Charles for chopping Tamaraes near Lake 1/. Garden work 1_
1 1 a very little rain 66 65
Tuesday 8
Wednesday 9
Thursday 10
Friday 11
Saturday 12
Sunday 13
Monday 14
Tuesday 15
Wednesday 16
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