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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 22.pdf

Revision as of Jun 25, 2023, 2:25:54 PM, edited by

1843 September

Wednesday 6 Is. & Cha.s Cradling Wheat - Mr. Stewart & McWilliams raking Chr.r & W.d binding.

Mrs. T. & M. calld on Mrs. Meany by whom she (Mrs. T.) rec.d a parcel f.m Dublin in which was £1 . 1 . - for me from Eliz.h {Elizabeth} Thompson for a {p.n?} {Cambrie?} sent to her for sale some years ago - rec.d £1. 1 Stirlg C.y {below this line reads: Jar.n & Shillg}
1 5 7 fine 0


Thursday 7 morning threatening rain but got out fine - hauld 3 Waggon & 3 Cart Loads of Wheat - aftern.n Cradling &c. &c. - fine 60 60
Friday 8 Cradling &c morning - @ 11 threatening rain hauld in 1 Waggon & 1 Cart Load Wheat - which had the benefit of a Shower - aftern.n again fair - proceeded evening in Waggon some to Alex's & some to Stratford for our Cask Whiskey from Kostner - again none ready - bro! from P. Office Letter Ellen & Emily to Mrs. T. & M. - paid - Showers 11 @ 1 or 2 59 50
Saturday 9 finishd hauling Spring Wheat Waggon & Cart Loads all in good condition

Mrs. Meany & Annie took tea with us - Mrs Sarqint & Mrs. Jackson {Lunetr}.

wW wind

Sunday 10 Mrs. T. M & Cha.s to Stratford - Mr. Allan - took tea at Mrs Meanys

Macculloch {McCulloch} Alex Risk & Watson calld - G. {Gerunlock?} g.o -
fine 45 40
Monday 11 a Sharp frost - Squash - Manures - Cucumbers &c. Potatoe tops in field & Garden & Beans. Tomatoes Capsicums. Balsams. M. {Conolous?}. Delichos - all destroyd
Tuesday 12
Wednesday 13
Thursday 14
Friday 15
Saturday 16
Sunday 17
1843 September
Monday 18
Tuesday 19
Wednesday 20
Thursday 21
Friday 22
Saturday 23
Sunday 24
Monday 25
Tuesday 26
Wednesday 27
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