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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 34.pdf

Revision as of Feb 12, 2024, 8:22:27 PM, edited by

1844 March

Thursday 21 Casey & the Boys chopping - M & E at Sugary brushing snow out of troughs fine 12 22
Friday 22 Do --- Do --- Do Dr Moore trad Load of Straw 5/ ---- Mr McDonald of Goderich calld - tool a letter Mrs T for Ellen, Toronto Do 20 25
Saturday 23 all chopping - went to Sugary - Sap not running Crerar brot from P. Office letter from Isaac 4 inst Do 11 20
Sunday 24 Chas to Stratford morn'g Em'y to Orrville after dinner taking letter Mrs T. to Isaac & a line W.T. to WJ Jun'r pd 9 Do 23 37
Monday 25 Christ'n Chas & Casey chopd W'd Em'y & I at Sugary - gathering Sap & boiling - F. Sargint had a Load Straw $1 Do 41 31
Tuesday 26 C'r Ch'n & Casey chopping early m'g @ 9 Chas to Cofseys School businefs &c

ret'd 2 pm - Ch'n & Casey hauld 5 Loads Hay rem'd of Stack in Hemlock


Wilf'd & Emy Martha at Sugary all day - brought in Sap am I was out 3 or 4 hours morning - Emily 1 evening -

pd Washers 1 3 1
4 1 fine till 7 pm then rain 30 38
Wednesday Thursday 27 finished making the Sugar @ 2 1/2 a.m. Milk Pail small Water Pail & Baking tin - in all 40 lbs ~

Christ Chas & Ia's chopping before breakfast - after breakfast the 3 grinding axes at Jno Stewarts till 12 - Wilfred at Sugary - after dinner Chas to Smith EArl with Bar Iron to make 2 Coulters to Plough - Wilf'd to J Stewarts grinding Axe - Christ'n & Ia's chopping -

Paid my Note to Adam Seigmiller & Co or Bearer

due 13/6 March inst -----
4 2 11 rain morn mid day day & wnd, ev'g thunder lightn'g & rain 34 31
Thursday 28 rain till 2 or 3 pm 33 34
Friday 29 dry & cold 23 26
Saturday 30 snow morn'g aft moderate 18 18
Sunday 31 beautiful 5 19
1844 April
Monday 1 fine 14 32
Tuesday 2 Do 28 37
Wednesday 3 Do 36 50
Thursday 4 Showers 47 48
Friday 5 fine 38 48
Saturday 6 fine 39 39
Sunday 7 fine a drop of rain ab't 3 o'c 38 48
Monday 8 heavy shower thunder &c morn'g aft'n fine 51 53
Tuesday 9 beautiful 35
Wednesday 10 Do 32 52
Thursday 11 Do 40 56
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