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Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper Diary, 1902-1903


Revision as of Jun 3, 2023, 9:58:05 PM, edited by

Wed May13_ Fine +very, alice went to Toronto, we washed Uncle brought Mary and the children over then they {written above "went back while"}

Thur May14_ Fine and warm, came a little shower; we took our Coal stove out + cleaned dining room, Annie here for tea

Fri May15_ Fine day, and very warm. I called at Ma's A. has a felon

Sat May16_ Fine day. very warm, the girls here in the Evening.

Sun May17_ Fine and very warm, I went to Fishervile, Uncle Aunt Nellieand I went to evening church

Mon May18_

Tue May19_

Wed May20_

Thur May21_

Fri May22_

Sat May23_

Sun May24_

Mon May25_

Tue May26_


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