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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1924

Frank McMillan Diary 1924 19.pdf

Revision as of Mar 22, 2024, 3:36:53 PM, created by

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strawberries will soon be done.

July 12th. Picked after berries till 10 oclock. 44 cents. Picked 1200 crates this week. Total up to day 2167 crates

July 13th. Cool + windy had piece with Hicks, Longs and Hans. At Dundays park.

July 14. Strawberries slowing up. Picked 134 crate only sold 48 to Conner balance up north at $1.75. Picked 22 {illegible} Richmond cherries at 604

July 15th. Picked 103 crate SBerries today. And 21 {illegible} cherries (sweets + Richmond)

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