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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1924

Frank McMillan Diary 1924 30.pdf

Revision as of Mar 25, 2024, 2:14:34 PM, created by

(Left Page)

Sept 21st. Sunday cloudy and cool

Sept 22nd. A few showers in the morning. Had quite a few orders today. Plums. Peas. Cauliflower. Etc.

Sept 23rd. Picked 12 barrels Cobuat Appels + 1 barrelt Holland pepper sold at $2.50 per lb also some peas + 77 lshts plums.

Sept 24th. Weather fine + clear and not very warm. Picked 91 plum today and 79 lsht tomatoes 31 pears + 21 red peppers for Ross Hart at $100 lsht 12 bags carrots at 904

(Right Page)

1200lbs cabbages at $900 per ton (averaged at 404 per dozen)

Sept 25. Not very many orders. 85 peas. Also shipped 50 peppers to Toronto sold at Greens 35 + 40 Red $100. Also some Flemish Beauty + Windfall peas to Toronto sold at 20 + 304 and a few large yellow plums sold at 204.

Sept 26th. Very few orders today. 21 plums. 37 tomatoes. 19 peppers. 12 pears. 7 caul + 4 crate cabbages. Weather fine. Went to Ham. and got 170 orange + lemon boxes also took

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