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James Cameron Diary, 1889
James Cameron 1889 Diary 5.pdf
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Mr James Cameron Island
2 of December 1889 W Wind soft Killed the Big Pig no Lights up to night no Boats to Day
3rd E Wind Freezing cut the Pork and salted it Weighed 320 Good Weight I went to the Head of the Island seen the Weasel Tracks Lewis the Indian here Lent the Pot and Knife 2 Trace chains Brought my axe handle sheep Put in for the First time Freezing hard to night
4th E Wind Cold Frosty
5th E Wind soft cold Patterson Mr Hume's Boy here for Butter and oil 35 cents Broke on a Marsh hay stack cutting up some of the Meat in the Milkhouse set a Trap for the Weasel
6th a Fine Day I think Mr Humes went off Thawing seen a Boat coming to Charlies Island St Nicholas Day Festival of the Germans Allen Buried on the 6th 1877
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Mr James Cameron Island
7th of Dec 1889 Fine West Wind Thawing Leander crofsed to Hamiltons for the Mial Took a Pair of Mits to Gordon and a vest
8th E Wind Leander and Livinia went to Charlie's Island John H not well
9th Livinia Fixing the Frame Leander Found a Decoy Fixing the Hides in the Barn a fine Day Digging for the Rake in a pile of snow some shooting salted the cattle
10th Leander's Birth Day 1872 Fine Day Leander went to Summerstown Bought of J Summers 100 of Flour 2"50 a pair of Boots for Hughann 1 Dollar 1/4 lb of Pepper 10 Gave Leander 25 cents for his Birth Day Mr Hume's at Ducketts Leander met him crofsing to the south side sawed a Dead Tree of oak in the Grove that the Wind Broke the Top of at off the 15th of April 1865 A Big Gale of Wind the Time Lincoln was shot I was Drove to Rofs's Island wind Rising high to night from the East Whitewashing to Day