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Rosamond McKenney Sweet Diary, 1914
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Practical Hints Regarding Children.
Always teach a nurse that a child cannot swallow as long as the spoon is between the teeth; that it is advisable to depress the tongue a brief moment and withdraw the spoon at once, and that now and then a momentary depression of the nose is a good adjuvant. The taste of quinine is disguised by coffee, chocolate and "elixir simplex." Powders must be thoroughly moistened; unless they be so the powder adhering to the fauces is apt to produce vomiting. Inunctions require a clean surface, and are best made where the epidermis is thin, and the net of lymph-ducts very extensive, as on the inner aspect of the forearm and the thigh. Babies, after having taken opiates for some time, demand larger, and sometimes quite large, doses to yield a sufficient effect. Febrifuges and cardiac tonics, such as quinine, antipyrine, digitalis, strophanthus, sparteine, convallaria, etc., are tolerated and demanded by infants and children in larger doses than the ages of the patients would appear to justify. Mercurials affect the gums very much less in young than in advanced age.-Jacobi.
The Druggists's Trials.
A Forth Worth druggist is in receipt of a curt and haughty note, in an angular feminine hand: "I do not want vasioline but glisserine. Is that plain enough? I persoom you can spell."-Tex. Med. Gazette.
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- Note: If a line on one page appears to carry over on the same line on the next page, please check the next page and (if applicable) transcribe both pages together as if they are one page. Type your unified transcription under the first of the two pages.
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