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Sidney Clarence Van Sickle Diary, 1909-1913
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1909 Daily Record.
May 5 Wednesday. doing chores. started to sow oats in back field & barley on east field as Potatoe ground. very nice day. & drying. Frank cultivating in lower field. snow in lane. {In the left margin it reads: 'sowing oats & barley'}
May 6 Thursday. doing chores. sowing barley & oats & pease in lower field. & oats in back field. Frank cultivating & harrowing rain about 6 P.M. & night. Mrs Tom Jones called here to see A.E.V. about seeder box.
May 7 Friday. doing chores. fixed up {funel?} back on sand hill. in A.M. cleaned up tree that fell across fence back of wood. & fixed fence. cultivated garden. & clearing around. set hen to-day off on 28 May. recd butter 5 lbs & eggs. 40.
May 8 Saturday. doing chores. fixing fence in lower field. cultivating in garden. & picking up rail-wood. Recd letter from H.E.P. she being at Hamilton.
May 9 Sunday. doing chores. home all day. had head-ache. rainy all day. & night.
May 10 Monday. doing chores. rainy all day. My Birthday. Recd letter from H.E.P. & tie from Mrs A.A.P. at Present. doing chores. & While washing celing of my room & painting wood work of same Cara & Mother papering room. Recd Balance on hay from James Hunt. Recd card from Jean to-day.
May 11 Tuesday. doing chores. helping to house clean. painting
May 12 Wednesday. doing chores. taking down old board {fescce? or fence?} along evergreen trees.
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