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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 41..pdf

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and Daddy took Ginger and Joe out and mowed. Bill and I cocked up. About three Huby came out. It looked very stormy and and sprinkled a little so Daddy cocked up some and then thought he would cut it any way and if it rained we could shake it up. We went on cocking up and finished all that was ready about five. Bill mowed with Harry and Belle till after tea and then Daddy went out and is there yet. (about dark). Huby and I walked up the fence along the gully and he figured on where to plant some trees next spring. Then we came up and he sat out in front with his feet in the pear tree watching for a rig to take him home butas none passed he stayeds to tea and went down with Bill after wards.

Dick and I did the chores to-night as Daddy was mowing. {Margin note} I got a letter from Aunty to-day. Bill got one from Jack Paine telling him he wanted him at the Point from. Friday till Monday. Of course he will go.

It has been cooler to-day souwest wind changing to nor'west.

Wednesday July 12th

We expected Huby out early this morning but he did not come till late so Daddy and I went out and cocked up while Bill mowed the rest of the timothy. Huby arrived about 9 o'clock and said he had had trouble with a sitting hen and so could not get here before. He has an awful time with his stock. We cocked up all that was ready and then went and pitched off the load in the horse-stable. After dinner Huby and I cocked up till tea time. I raked up all the hay that Bill mowed this morning. After four o'clock Bill and Daddy took a load over to Martin's.

To-night Bill had to go up home to get Jack Paine's stuff read for him as it was at his house. and so I went with him. We drove Ginger and Joe and started about 7.30. We took Huby down town, and went straight out and were out of Port Ryersie before sundown. He stopped at his father-in-laws {.....?}

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  • Start each new day with a new line. Otherwise ignore spacing and alignments.
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  • Note: If a line on one page appears to carry over on the same line on the next page, please check the next page and (if applicable) transcribe both pages together as if they are one page. Type your unified transcription under the first of the two pages.
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