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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1922

Franklin McMillan Diary 1922 5.pdf

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Feby 16th very cold. clear & frosty.

Feby 17th very cold coldest this winter about 6 below zero.

Feby 18th mild again today raining tonight.

Feby 19th mild had a thunder and lightning storm in the evening

Feby 20th Fine & mild like spring heard some crows. cleaning up barns getting ready to put baskets in.

Feby 21st Fine, trimming trees, started getting in 1000 crates from applefords. at 25¢ also berry boxs at $7 00 per 1000.

Feby 22nd Rained & sleeted all night, and all day today. (applefords driver says the hill is very icey

Feby 23rd every thing all covered with ice yet, never saw so much on the trees. lots of limbs broken also lots of wires down, no electric lights last night nor tonight rained today at noon and warm this afternoon ice nearly all gone by night and every thing flooded. by bed time ground frozen again and blowing heavy gale from the west. took 3 snapshots of the orchard with ice on trees hope they are good. (note. turned out good)

Feby 24th very cold this morning about zero, one of the Packing Houses all blown to pieces some time last night.

Feby 25th Cutting down 40 more Clapps pear trees. now only about 15 left out of 200. all blighted was down town at night first night since Jan 3rd.

Feby 26th mild & cloudy Sunday had Mr & Mrs B. Mr & Mrs Penn and Mr & Mrs Stan Long out.

Feby 27th Snowed a little this morning we all motored to Hamilton to see about a hired girl also Electric Washer. went to {Locus?} at night with Mr B. did not get home till after 11 oclock.

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  • Start each new day with a new line. Otherwise ignore spacing and alignments.
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  • Note: If a line on one page appears to carry over on the same line on the next page, please check the next page and (if applicable) transcribe both pages together as if they are one page. Type your unified transcription under the first of the two pages.
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