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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923 & 1924
Frank McMillan 1923 & 1924 61.pdf
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March 12th. Fine & warm but with strong north wind. Dr Baird says more wind this winter than any other winter since he came 34 years ago, got 4th shot in my arm. pretty sore this time. Ottawa won the group Hockey Championship for Professionals. Hamilton in last place.
March 13th Asked Mr Brown he says we can stay on a couple of weeks longer, our time was out March 20th. Weather is still Fine & warm.
March 14th. Got some small oranges at the Fay Packing house a whole big paper bag for 15 cents about 100 I guess. Got letter from John. saying they got car of manure on March 7th, and had the hot beds up on March 8th. says Smith knows nothing about hot beds. Got a letter from Fred, says they would like to come down and see us some Sunday guess they are not going home with us.
March 15th. Partly cloudy today. received a couple of pictures from Jeffries the baker showing the snow at home on March 10th. Hamilton won the Senior O.H.A. Finals from Stratford 4 to 3. Niagara Falls won Intermediate O. H.A from Peterboro by 7 to 6. and Kitchener won the Semi Finals from Hamilton 8 to 7 in the Junior O.H.A.
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