File #10433: "Duncan MacFarlane Diary Transcripts, 1882-1884.pdf"


Duncan MacFarlane (1818-1892)
1882-1884 Diary
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive volunteers

Jan 2nd this is a fine day but frosty we had the Election for Dep Reeve I was Elected I got
190 votes Iles 128 Majority 62 in my favour the back roads is very rough
" 3 this day is cold and windy with a little snow Jane is bad with a sore throat John went to
Guelph with a load of Tamarick for pump stuff it is all in now John Little was here today
" 4 this day is clear and frosty very cold
" 11 this is a fine day I went to Guelph to a Meeting of the Reformers of South Wellington
and to hear Mr Paterson of South Brant I was appointed convener for Puslinch
"12 I went to Aberfoyle to a meeting the Agriculture Socitey
" 14 this is a very fine day we went to Guelph with Mrs Cassans funeral I was the Annual
Meeting Meeting of the Puslinch Mutual fire insurance Company I was Elected President for
this year
" 16 this was the first Meeting of the Council W Nicoll Reeve D Macfarlane Dep Reeve Little
Glennie and Rea Councellors

January 17 this day is fine but frosty we went to D Campbell and D Watts to visit
" 20 this is a buetifull fine day I went to Aberfoyle in the evening to an Oyster Supper at the
Town Hall given to Mr Leslie Reeve and to present him with a Gold watch and chain it cost
$180 for his his long servesis in the Council
" 21 this day is dull and soft a little snow I went to Aberfoyle to get the Horses shod at D
McGibbons shop got 3 new shoes 4 sett paid $1.45
" 23 yesterday was a very cold stormey day with very high wind this day is excessive cold
keen frost we killed a steer today

" 24 this is a very cold frosty day last night wa the coldest keenest frost for 25 years in this
part of Ontario I went to Guelph I sold the steers hide for $7 per 100 its weight was 55 lb I
went to the County Council at 2 Oclock PM
25 this day is not so cold
26 this day is very dark and foggey it rained all afternoon the snow is nearly all gone

January 27 a fine day very wingy last night the County Council was invited down to inspect
Sleemans Brewery the most of us went down it is a great establishment we were shown
through it all and then treated kindly both to eat and drink then went back to work at 3 oclock
" 28 this is a very fine day we got through with the County Council for this Session I received
$10.90 for pay
" 31 a beautifull day we were cutting Peas with the cutting box and Horse powr Cullin Watt
was here on a visit he has been away in the Rocky mountains for 16 years
Feb 1 a fine day but dull in the afternoon we were cleaning up the Peas that we cutt
" 2 a fine day we went to Moriston bought things for Duncan Shirts Etc
" 3 a very fine day I went out to Aberfoyl to a Reform Meeting I was appointed President of
the Reform Assosiation of Puslinch and William Ross Secritary
"6 a fine day I was at the Meeting of the Council we appointed Township Officers

Feb 7 a very fine day white frost in the morning then got very warm rained a little in the
afternoon John went up to Haines Mill with 12 bags of Peas & Oats to chop paid 96 cts
" 8 this is a very warm day the roads are muddy John & George is chopping wood for fire
" 7 I paid $6 to Mr Swackhamer for the Horse Service Dusty Miller
" 9 this is a fine day the Mrs and Me went up to Robert Amos the roads are soft

" 10 this day is cold and windy
" 11 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with 12 bags of Potatoes sold 1 bag for $1.15 the
others for $1.9 $13.15 and butter 23 cents per lb I bought a plate for the cutting box at
Toltons paid 50 cents
" 13 this day is very soft it rained last night it is very warm the roads are very soft almost
impassible James Watt was here
" 14 the roads are very bad we were at Mrs Duncan Campbels funeral I went over to Action I
was one of the Pallbearers
15 very warm we put tick destroyer on the sheep

Feb 16 this day is very warm and soft it rained a little all the afternoon we cleaned up some
peas in the afternoon
" 17 a fine day I went down to Morriston in the afternoon and I fixed the doors of the horse
shades at the Church I paid Scott 90 cents for fixing some harness
" 18 this is a very cold stormy day high wind but not much snow I was in the house all day I
have a bad dose of the cold the rest of the family is bad
" 20 this is a fine day John is hauling home fire wood
" 21 this was a very stormy forenoon it sort of snowed or rained or both all night and this
forenoon it brock out clear afternoon I was mending shoes
" 23 this is a fine day we went to Morriston in the afternoon with some Butter and egg got
some tin pails bottomed paid 50 cents bought 4 Gallons 1 quart 1 pint of coal oil paid 25
cents per gallon $1.10 from the tinsmith Johnston
" 25 this is very fine day frosty in the Morning I went to Guelph with 12 bags of potatoes sold
them for $1.10 per bag 12 lb Butter at 21 cents
" 27 a fine warm day cleaning wheat
28 John went to the Arkel Mill with 6 bags 13 B 35 lb of Wheat fall and spring

Feb 28 this day is very warm and soft it rained a little in the evening John got home with the
Grist 540 lb flour 40 lb to the Bushel
March 1 the Month of March sett in very warm this day is very soft and warm it rained nearly
all forenoon so that we could not get to the Guelph fair the roads are very bad
" 2 this day is very warm the road are very bad we went over to Alexander McCaigs Sale on
the 3 con
" 3 this day is very cold
" 4 this day is cold in the morning we went to Guelph with some Butter got 23 & 24 cent per
lb and a Calf skin weight 8 lbs at 10 cents per lb 80 cts
" 8 this day is very cold in the morning a fine clear day I barganed with Dan Kennedys son
for to hire for seven Dollars Months at $100 I went over to Andrew McRobbies for John
McLean from Manitoba he is at our house
" 9 this day is foggy and soft it rained some I went down to Donald McPhersons with John
McLean we stoped all night
" 10 this is a fine day it snowed and freezed some last night I came home from Morriston

March 11 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with some butter got 24 cents per lb and 5
bags of potatoes got $1.10 per bag I got $600 from John Smith for to give George and
Duncan before they go to Manitoba
" 14 there is a little snow on the ground but the brock road is very bad we went down to
Morriston with Butter and eggs
" 15 the weather is cold and raw the sow piged last night she had 8 and they are all dead
John went to Muttries Mill with 6 bags of Oats & Peas to chopp I was T. Willoughbys Sale I
bought an old Waggon for $10
" 16 this is a fine clear sunney day the sun was very warm we cleaned some peas and cutt
some straw

" 18 this day is very soft it rained considerable in the afternoon and at night I went down to
Aberfoyle I wrote a letter to John Little and one to Annie the roads are bad
" 21 this is a very stormy day snowed a little and there was a very high wind it did not freze
very much there was a large partie here tonight
" 22 this day is prety cold we went over to I K Glennies sale Duncan Bought a yok of Oxen
for George paid $140 cash for them to take to Manitoba

March 23 this is a fine day the roads were good in the morning but got soft in the afternoon
we went to Guelph with a load of wheat 34. Bushels 25 lb at Guelph 34 B 30 at home got $1.
24 cts per B bought some bran paid at the rate of $15 per ton
" 24 this is a very cold windy day we cut some straw and saved some firewood Duncan and
Mother went down to Morriston
" 25 this is a fine day cold air we went to Mrs Stewarts
" 27 this day is Soft it rained all night and all forenoon it snowed yesterday morning the roads
are very bad I was at the Council Meeting
" 28 this is a fine clear day frost last night John went in to Guelph with a load for George he
is going to Manitoba
" 29 this is a fine day I went to Guelph with a load of of trunks and boxes for George and
Duncan to put on the Cars we started to load the Cars
" 30 this is a fine day we went to Guelph nearly all in the House we took up the Cattle a yoke
of Oxen and 2 cows for Manitoba and Duncans Horse Christ Little had 3 Horses 9 Cows

March 30 this is the Ester fat Cattle fair we took in the Two Steers to Sell John Sold them on
the road for $105 George And Christ Little Started about 6 oclock in the evening with a car
load of Horses Cattle and / Implements for Brandon Manitoba
" 31 this morning is cold but clear I was down to Aberfoyle to the Seed fair

April 1 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with Butter and Egs got 25 cts per lb & 15 cts per
Doz I went to the station for some Chairs and table of Georges he could not get them on the
Cars I brock the tounge of Duncans rig and had get a new one paid $1.50
" 3 a fine day we were Sawing fire wood with the circular saw Hugh Kennady comenced to
work he is hired for Seven Months for $100 we bought 5 bags of Early rose Potatoes from
John Hardy paid $1.10 per bag
" 4 this day is soft it rained in the afternoon I went up to Mutries Mill with 8 bags of chopp
" 5 this morning is windy and cold we went to Guelph with Duncan and Mary and her children
that is Georges Mary they went off on the Cars at half past two 0clock for Brandon Manitoba

April 5 Bought 1 1/2 Bushels clover seed at the McEldarys paid $5 25 per B 1 1/2 Bushels
Timothy paid $3.75 per B
" 7 comenced to Plough the sod field at the old roothouse
" 8 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with Butter and egs got 23 cts and 14 cts
" 6 this day is soft it rained some I went to John Thompsons Sale I Bought a Pleasure Sleigh
have to Pay $9 25 staire carpet $1.50 gave a note for $10 75 one year after date
" 10 this is a very cold frosty day a great change since last week we sowed clover back in the
flats the field behind the bush
" 11 very cold we were at the Aberfoyle horse and Bull Show Robert got the Second prize for
the Bull Reno $2 I went to Moriston and Paid I J Scott $45 for Duncans harnis there $5 to
pay yet
" 13 was out Mrs Stewarts about the pump with Hardy
" 15 this is a fine day but cold air been colod and frosty all week we went to Guelph with
Buter Egs and one bag of Potatoes got $1.15 per B
" 17 a fine clear day the men are Ploughing we went up to Margrets with Jane and the

April 18 this is a fine day I was at Mrs Stewart to help to put in a pump in the weell it cost $13
50 then I went down to Aberfoyle
" 19 this day is Soft it rained in the forenoon and at night it was fine and warm James Laidlaw
and the Mrs was here on a Visit
" 20 John went to Guelph for a load of Salt 2000 lb paid $5 25 per ton
" 13 John went to Guelph for 1000 lb of bran paid $15 per ton
" 21 very windy and cold Sowed Some Spring wheat
22 a fine day cold in the morning we went to Guelph with some butter and eggs I got 14
apple trees at Sunleys paid 10 cents each John finished Sowing the field at the end of the
barn 6 bushels of wheat 9 bushels of barley
" 24 a fine day a little cold a good day for work
" 25 this is a fine day John Sowed Barley in the big flat field 3 acres 6 Bushels
" 26 Sowed the the field back near Archabald McKenzies at the back corner in barley and
Oats 4 1/2 Bushels Barley 10 Bushels Oats Sowed the Onions & beets and some carrots in
the garden

April 27 comenced to gangplough the field at the creek
" 28 a fine day but cold and frosty at night I planted 15 apple trees I bought from Sunly at
" 29 we went to Guelph with Butter and Eggs Christ Little came home from Manitoba
May 1 this is a fine morning but it was Shoury in the afternoon I planted 8 Maple trees in the
oarchard and the lane
" 2 this is a very cold day it was very hard frost this morning it is a cold wind all day we
planted 15 Maple trees in the back field Hugh is ploughing sod John is rolling the wheat fall
Robert went out with Christs cow in the evening

" 3 this morning is cold a fine Dry day we went to Guelph fair we took in the ram and one
wether sold the ram for 5 cents per lb his weight was 249 lb at home the weathers weight
was 159 at 6 cents per lb we bought 5 hundred lb of salt at 5 1/4 $ per ton 1300 lb of plaster
at $5 per ton
" 4 this is a beautifull day warm and growing John finished Sowing the Oats he sowed 49 1/2
" 5 this day is cold again and dry

May 6 this day is cold and dry we went to Guelph with some Butter & egs and 3 bags of
potatoes got $1.30 per bag and one Bushel of appels got 18 cents for the Butter 12 1/2 for
the egs
" 8 a fine day but dry and cold John Sowed 5 acres of Peas we had to Kill one of the yearling
hiffers she got her leg brock very bad back in the swamp
" 9 this is a very fine warm day the warmest we have had this spring we have had it very cold
and dry all this last Month there is very little groth yet I was over to the Bridge at Buchannans
to lett a job we lett the job of Building a new Bridge to Donald Campble of Crief for $255
" 10 this Morning is cold with a cold east wind in the forenoon but the Afternoon was very
wett cold east rain I went to Guelph with the Buggy to get it fixed I bought a Bushel of Corn
paid 90 cents
" 11 this is a very Stormy day it comenced to rain yesterday about noon it rained all
afternoon and all night this this forenoon it blowed with light rain but this afternoon is terible
stomy and wett the wind from the east all the time and very cold the Mare Doll foaled this
morning and the foal Died today

May 12 it is 40 years today since we got Married this is a terible stormy wet day very windy
from the east it has rained steady since it comenced and very cold
" 13 this day cold we have had 3 days of steady wett and cold east wind we we went to
Guelph with Butter and eggs and 3 bags of Potatoes got $1 30 per bag

" 15 a fine day but cold we were at John Winyards funeral
" 16 a fine day I went down to McIntosh the Tailors to get measured for a coat then we went
up to Robert Amos in the evening
" 17 a fine day Mother and Me went up to John Littles to Bells Corners in Luther
" 18 a fine day I went with John Little to Mount Forrest to see the place I have not ben there
for 18 or 20 years
" 19 a fine day we came home from Luther
" 20 a fine day cold air we have frost every morning there is very little groth in the ground we
went to Guelph with butter and eggs
" 22 this is a fine growing day it rained nearly all afternoon I was at Guelph at a Meeting of
" 23 this day is dry but very cold I went to the Aberfoyle Mill with a grist of 13 B 43 lb got 521
flour 45 short 1 72 Bran

May 20 John finished sowing the Peas he sowed 2 acres he sowed the rest on the 8th and
9th 11 acres he sowed 1 Bushel of corn
"23 comenced to plant the Potatoes
" 24 Hugh was off work John ploughing the turnip land
" 25 we finished planting the Potatoes fine weather but cold
" 26 finished ploughing down the Dung on the turnip land
" 27 a fine day warmer we went to Guelph with Butter and eggs I bought 30 lb rape seed
paid 9 cents per lb
" 29 this is a fine day the weather keeps cold I was at the Council Meeting and a Meeting of
reformers to appoint Deligates to go to Guelph

" 30 I went to Guelph to the Convention to nominate a Candidate to the House of Commons
James Innis was chosen John washed the Sheep
" 31 a fine growing day it is Shoury all day it rained
June 1 a fine morning but a cold wind this is our fast day
" 2 we had a shour I was over the roads with James Glennie to examin them where petioned
for money
" 1 I went down to McIntosh the Tailor for a new Coat I got made paid $4 for coat and vest
for making

June 5 we had a heavy rain yesterday we cliped the sheap 26 left 3 to clip they are sick
" 6 I went up to Palmerston to the Meeting of the County Council went up from Guelph on the
Cars it is 53 miles from here
" 7 the County Council was invited to H F Clarkes Brewary to Dinner
" 9 I got home from Palmerston we were at a Meeting of J A McDonalds in Guelph in the
" 10 we went to Guelph I bought 13 lb of turnip seed paid $2 for it
" 12 fine warm weather John and I went in to Guelph in the evening to a politake meeting
Johnston and Guthrie spock
" 13 I was in Guelph at the Nomination Innis and Goldie was Nominated
" 14 a fine growing day a good deal of rain but very warm I was away with Glennie letting
jobs on the roads
" 15 a fine growing day warm and shours
" 16 a fine day we went to Guelph took 3 bags of oats to Mutries Mill to chop sold one bag of
Potatoes $1.50


June 17 John Sowed 4 acres of turnips
" 19 the men finished sowing the turnips sowed 13 1/2 lbs paid $2 12 1/2 for the seed
" 20 a very fine day the crops is growing very fast this was Election day for the House of
Commons James Innis was Elected by a Majority of 116 over James Goldie the Conservitive
" 21 we went down to Morriston with the Boys Robert James and Edward to get new close
for them Bought cloth for two Suits got them cutt Jane is going to make them
24 a fine day very warm very hott We went to Guelph with a load of Wheat Spring there was
27. Bushels 37 lbs at Guelph 27 B 51 at home we got $1. 29 per B $35.62 96 lb wool at 21
cents $20.16 I bought 100 lb of oatmeal paid $3 for it
28 fine growing weather the men started to plough the field near the creek it is very thilstely.
" 29 I went down to Morriston paid Ross for the Boys close $7. 60 paid Scott the Balance of
Duncans harness $5 paid James McLean $7.
30 we went to Guelph it came on very wett before noon I went to the Agricultural Coledge to
the coloseing exercise

July 1 a fine day but cold John and the Boys and Mary went to Guelph to the Calidonians
games I went to Aberfoyle to a Meeting of the Directors of the Puslinch Insurance Company
and examin Hugh Reads job on the road
" 3 I was at the Council Meeting in the afternoon
" 5 we went to Guelph Fair I bought 2 hoes paid 95 cent for the two 3 rakes for 25 cents
" 6 this is fine weather I was cutting thistles the men is hoeing the Carrots
" 7 this is the Examination and picknick at the School they are all at but mysilf I sent a letter
away to Duncan
" 10 this is a fine day we had a shour after dinner hoeing the potatoes
" 11 a fine day but windy I went to Guelph for 2 gaurds for the mower I bought a keg of white
lead paid $ 2 25 1 1/2 galons linced oil paid 95 cents per gallon 1/2 gallon turpintine paid $1

per gallon a steel barley fork paid $1.15 285 lb salt 83 cts some paint 40 cents per lb a
butcher nife 30 cts John comenced to cutt the heay in the oarchard I paid Green $4 for
Grafting 86 grafts

July 12 John is Setting up the potatoes in the afternoon he finished them he cut some heay
we had some rain in the evening Hught scuf finished Scufling} the turnips the boys
comenced to thin
" 13 this is a fine day John finished cutting the field behind the stable we hauled in 2 loads of
" 15 this is a fine heay day we finished hauling the field behind the stable 10 loads of heay 2
1/2 in the Oarchard John comenced to the heay back in the flats Susan and the children
came down from Bells corner
" 18 John finished cutting the heay in the Morning hauled in two loads then we had some
thunder shours in the afternoon it was very warm in the forenoon
" 21 fine heay wether finnished hauling in the hay 27 loads of very good hay in good
" 22 a fine day we went to Guelph
" 25 very dry warm weather I went to Guelph with Christ Little and Jane they went on the
cars to go to Chicago on a visit
" 26 a fine day comenced to cutt a swath round the Barley and some of the wheat
27 John cutt the Barley near the Barn it rained in the evening I am Busy at the Potatoe Bugs

July 28 a fine day cutt 5 acres of wheat
" 29 cutt some wheat and hauled in 3 loads of Barley
" 30 a fine day warm and dry hauled in 5 loads of Barley and cutt some wheat

Aug 1 hauled in one load of Barley all that is cutt 9 loads cutt some wheat it comenced to
rain about 10 0cl it sort of rained nearly all the rest of the day
" 2 this is a fine day I went to Guelph Fair got a front leg for the Scuffeler paid 90 ct got a
steel collar cap paid 50 ct
" 3 this is a fine day but dull and warm finnished cutting the fall Wheat 16 1/2 acres
" 4 a fine day in the forenoon but got dull with a little rain cutt the Barley back in the big field
" 5 this is the best harvest day since Monday at the turnips in the forenoon hauled in 4 loads
of fall wheat and 2 loads of Barley
" 6 this day is very warm we had a thunder shour in the evening in rained very heavey
" 7 this day is dull and warm in the forenoon but got up a good drought in the afternoon we
got in one load Barley
" 8 we had a very heavy rain with thunder and lightning it rained for a long while
" 9 we got in 6 loads of wheat in the afternoon it rained in the evening

August 10 this day is dull and some shours we are at the turnips
" 11 this is a fine day the best harvest day we have had for two weeks it has ben shoury and
dull we were hauling in wheat 9 loads and 4 of Barley
" 12 this is a fine day here there is some Shours going round we got in all the fall wheat 30
loads and all the Barley 18 loads Some of the Barley is badly coulered the wheat is a fine
crop I went over to the Bridge at Buchanans to meet the Contractor
" 15 we have fine harvest weather the men is at the turnips
" 16 we comenced to cut the spring wheat in the afternoon
" 17 finished cutting the spring wheat it is a good crop 3 acres the men comenced to pull the
peas we went down to Aberfoyl in the evening

" 18 a fine day we went in to Guelph in the evening I went up to Mutries Mill in the morning
about the Voters list
" 19 this is a fine day warm we were thrashing till half past four we thrashed 170 Bushels of
Wheat and 41 Barley Johns Wife had a son
" 21 this forenoon is very warm and sultry we hauled in one load of spring wheat after dinner
then it comenced to rain it was showery all afternoon

August 22 this day is very dull and Soft it rained a good deal all night today close and warm
neithere wind or drought I was at Beatties thrashing the men is at the turnips in the forenoon
and pulling peas in the afternoon
" 23 this day is very dull and warm there was more rain last night it is bad harvest weather I
was cleaning some wheat the men was pulling peas in the afternoon
" 24 this is a fine harvest day the men were pulling peas we hauled in 3 loads of spring
wheat we had 4 big loads and 1 load of peas we put the lambs from the ewes on Monday the
" 25 this is a fine day very warm the men is hauling in peas I was at Aberfoyle Seed Wheat
Show I got the second prize for 10 Bushels of Fulty wheat $3 and 3 prize for 10 B of Clawson
wheat $2 I sold the Clawson wheat for $1.25 per B
" 26 a fine day hauling in peas
" 28 a fine day finished hauling in the peas 18 loads they were a fine crop I was at a Meeting
of the Council in the afternoon John comenced to cutt the Oats after noon

Aug 29 this is a fine day the folks are at the Oats I was cleaning wheat
" 30 a very warm day I went to Guelph seed fair I had 20 Bushels of Clawson Wheat I got the
3rd prize $2 sold it for $1 25 per B I had 20 Bushels of Fultye wheat sold 6 B at $1.20 per B
" 31 we had a heavy Shour last night we were cutting and Binding Oats in the afternoon the
men were Ploughing in the forenoon

Sept 1 finished cutting the Oats I have not ben very well today I was not able to work
" 2 this is a fine day I went to Guelph with some Butter and 8 Bushels of Seed wheat for P
Gow got $1.25 per B $10 the folks finished Binding the Oats got in 3 loads we had a heavy
thunder shower in the evening
" 4 a fine day the men is plowing in the forenoon we hauled in 5 loads of Oats to the Back
' 5 hauled 5 loads of Oats in the afternoon John was at Grants thrashing in the forenoon and
Gilchrists in the Afternoon with the horses
" 7 very warm we finished hauling in the Oats 24 loads they were a good crop
Sept 6 I went to the Aberfoyle Mill with 3 bags of wheat
" 9 we went to Guelph with butter and egg I got 6 bushels of White Mountain Wheat from
John McKorkindale paid $1.20 per Bushel and 2 bushels of Democrate Wheat from James
Glennie paid $1.50 per Bushel
" 12 fine weather I went to Guelph for a casting for the seed drill then went over to the Bridge
at Buchanans to inspect it it is finished
" 13 Johns Baby Died this Morning it was 3 weeks and 4 days old I went to Guelph for a
coffin paid $4.75 for it I was at the Annual Sale of the model farm we had a thunder Sower
" 14 Johns Baby was Burried we had very high wind all day John D McWilliams got 16 Bus of
Clawson Wheat he is to pay $1.25 per Bushel
" 15 warm weather John comenced to sow the Wheat sowed 11 acers I had to go to Guelph
Mrs Robert Cook Died and was brought from Grandrappids to be burried in Puslinch I had to
go to Guelph for to get her brought to her Mothers I had to go down to order the grave to be

Sept 16 John finished sowing the 14 acre field in the morning then we went to Jennie Cooks
Funeral at 10 0clock

" 18 this day is very warm the men is busy ploughing for wheat I went down to Aberfoyle with
the Buggie to get the tires Sett at Beckleys
" 19 this day is very close and warm we had a thunder Shouwer at noon very warm all day
we sowed 10 Bushels of Clawson Wheat in the field at the old roothouse Margaret was down
" 20 a fine day the men is ploughingh I went to Aberfoyle in the evening for the buggey
" 21 we went to Guelph with mrs Stewart and Bob Cook we finished sowing the fall Wheat 25
Acres 42 bushels
22 this Morning is wett it rained nearly all night
23 this is a very fine day John and the two Girls and the two boys went to the Lake there was
a Sundy School Picknick to the Lake
26 we have fine weather but cool at night Robert Amos was down we went to Sandy
Flimmings Sale he has sold the farm he lives on to Christ Little
27 I was at Archy McKenzies thrashing in the forenoon the men were hauling out dung

Sept 28 this is a fine day but dry John was down to help to move Christ Little he moved back
to Sandy Flimmings farm I was puting up a new fence back the lane near the back barn
" 30 this is a very fine day we went to Guelph I went with Johns Mary and the Buggy with
Butter and a Bushel of Pears sold them for $1.50 per B John took in a load of Barley 43 B 13
lb at 72 cents per $31.14
Oct 2 the weather is very warm we comenced to Dig up the Potatoes
" 3 I went to Guelph with 2 bags of fall wheat and 2 lots of potatoes to the show
" 4 Mother and Me went to Guelph to the Show I got the 3rd prize for the Clawson Wheat
and 2nd prize for the early rose potatoes I sold the potatoes for 50 cts per Bushel sold 2 B
" 5 I got a letter from Annie She has been very sick in California
" 6 a fine day we were all at the Puslinch Show exept Mother

" 7 went to Guelph with Butter I got a Box for Mrs Stewart from Bob Cook Grand Rappids

Oct 9 Sandy McCoag and Aunt Jane come down from Keppell on Saturday they went down
to Beaverly today we finished Diging the Potatoes they are a very fine crop about 8 loads
they were in the Oarchard I was pulling Apples
" 10 this day is dull threttning rain we thrashed 75 Bushels of spring wheat in the evening it is
a good crop
" 11 we were thrashing we had Bob Blacks mashine he thrashed today 306 Bushels of fall
wheat and 265 Bushels of Barley I sold 15 lambs to 2 men strangers for the sum of $53 $2
" 12 this is our fastday we were at the Church
13 we went up to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the possessive}
with Aunt Jane she is going home we then went up to Mr Jonston the Mrs and Mary and me
it rained in the evening and we did not get home
" 14 this is a very fine day very warm we got home from Pilkington
" 15 this is our Sacrament Sabath a fine day
" 16 a fine day Meeting of Councill
" 17 a fine day I went to Aberfoyle Mill with 10 bags of Potatoes for McIntyre 14. B 30 lb to
the Mill of Wheat at 95 cents per B and a small grist

October 18 this is a very fine warm day we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 52. B 16 lb
at 73 cts
" 19 the men are Ploughing we cleaned up a load of Barley and thrashed some Oats for the
" 20 I was at Hugh Reads Sale I Bought a Breeding Sow $15.81

" 21 fine weather we had some frost last night I went to Guelph with a load of Barley 60.
Bushels 40 lb got 73 cents per B
" 23 we comenced to top the Turnips and harrow them up
" 24 a fine day hauling in turnips 19 loads
" 25 a fine day frosty in the Morning got in 12 loads turnips I finished takeing in the Apples
" 28 this is a fine day we finished hauling in the turnips 74 large large loads we have had
very fine weather warm and dry the turnips is a very good crop we had about 12 cart loads of
carrots and 2 wagon loads of Mangelwartyle I was in Guelph with Mother
" 30 a fine day John went down to Moriston with 8 bags of apples to make cider he brought
home the plough from Bickleys we got a new steel mouldboard and a new ladder from
McIntyres paid $2 for it

October 30 we went over to William Gilfillians when we were comeing home we upset in the
dark and Mother got her arm brocken
Nov 1 I went to Guelph fair and bought a Sherling ram from E Tolton Erin for $11
" 3 the weather is a little colder frost at night but dry I went to Aberfoyle got a letter from
Annie Uncle John Sent $40 to Mother and Mary in a present
" 4 Hugh Kennidy left today his time was up seven months for $100 paid him in full
" 6 I went to Aberfoyle to a Meeting of the Insurance Directors on some buisness
" 7 this day is dull and soft warm looks like rain I went to the Caulfields Mill with 4 bags of
Peas and Barley to chop paid 10 cents per bags sent a letter to Annie
" 9 a fine day warm and foggy I drove Mother down to Moriston to the Dr put the Ews to the
" 11 a fine day a very light shour in the Morning I went to Guelph with a load of potatoes sold
them for 55 cts per bag bought a barrel of herring paid $7

" 13 this morning was stormy we had a fine rain yesterday and this morning then it
comenced to Snow soft the first of the Season

Nov 14 this morning is rather cold a little snow on the ground a good day for work we were
thrashing we thrashed about 90 bushels of Barley 185 of Oats 34 of peas
" 15 this is a fine day I went up to Caulfields Mill with a grist of 5 bags 11 Bushels and 8 bags
of chop I did not get it home
" 16 this is a fine day I went up to the Mill for the grist there was 10 bushels and 54 lb got 396
lb of flour that is 36 lb per Bushel it was first clas Clawson Wheat I went down to Moriston
with Mother to the Doctor
" 17 this morning was a little stormy it comenced to rain last night then turned to snow it
snowed about 3 inches the first of the Season we have had a very fine oppen fall very little
" 18 frosty this morning I went to Guelph with 12 bags of potatoes got 60 cents per bag
" 21 this is a fine day I went over to Rockwood with the wool to the factory I got 23 1/2 lb
carded paid $1.65 traded off 11 1/2 lbs for flannel got 23 cts per lb flannel 50 cts per yd left
37 1/2 lb to spin
23 we have very fine weather it rained some this after noon we killed a cow today John has
ben at Watts thrashing nearly all week 3 1/2 days

Nov 24 we had some snow this morning John is at Gilchrists thrashing
" 25 I went to Guelph with 20 bags of Potatoes got 55 cts per bag and 4 bags of apples got
$1.25 per bag
" 26 Snowed nearly all day
27 a fine day but frosty I went to Moriston with Mother to the Doctor with the cutter

" 28 this day is raw and cold James Lennie and wife was here we went to James Mooneys
" 29 this day is cold James Cotteral has ben at Laings thrashing for me for 3 days
Dec 1 this is a fine day we were thrashing peas about 130 B
" 2 we went to Guelph we took up a load of Clawson wheat to Mutries Mill 35 Bushels 45 lb
at 91 cts
"4 I was at the Council Meeting the last of the season we received our pay $40 each
' 5 I went up to Mount Forest to the Meeting of the County Council went up on the Cars from
Guelph John took up 13 bags to the Mill to chop
" 6 this is a fine day the Country Council was invited to visit the centeral and the High
Schools of Mount Forest we were drove round in Sleighs I went in the evening to John Littls
to Bels Corners 9 Miles

Dec 7 this is a terible stormy day wind and Snow all night and all day I drove in from Bells
Corners in the Morning right against the wind it was a terible drive the County Council was
invited Mr McMullins MP in the evening to Musick and refreshments we went
" 8 this day is stil stormy the County Council was invited to an Oyester Supper at the Queens
by the Town Council of Mt Forest I did not go
" 9 this day is not so stormy we got home from Mt Forest we got paid $10 and $7.70 milage
67 miles I got $10 for Cummishoner on the Brock road I bought a Valice on Tusday paid $4
and a Buffilow scin paid $11
" 11 John went with Mother to the Docter
" 12 I went down to Aberfoyle paid Alex McLeod for the boys boots $6 50
" 13 this day is stormy we went to Guelph

" 14 it has ben windy all night the roads are heavy this is the Christmas fat cattle Show and
fair we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 73 Bushels got 73 cts per B $53 30 Bought a
100 lb of oatmeal paid $3 per 100

Dec 16 this day is cold a some stormy in the forenoon we went to Guelph John Mary Mother
and me we took in 30 Bushels and 10 lbs of Barley got 73 cts per B the Barley is very low in
price from 40 to 50 cts per B my Barley is good and I sold it some time ago I have Sold 216
Bushels 18 lb to John McKenzie for 73 cts per B it came to $157.82
" 20 this is a fine winter day I went up with mother to Robert Amos she is going to stay a few
days I took up 6 bags of Apples to Sell to Guelph 3 bags for $1.25 and 3 for $1 each Mother
had some butter got 23 1/2 cts per lb
" 21 this day is soft a great thaw with a little rain there is a great quantity of snow on the
ground at present
" 22 this is a fine day I was down at the Nomination of Councillors I was Nomanited as Dep
Reeve Robert Little was Nominated in opposition to me
" 23 we went to Guelph with 5 bags of apples sold them for $1 per Bag we had some turkeys
" 28 this is a fine day I went to Guelph for some things for Annie and Brother John to send to
" 29 this is a fine day I went over to Duncan Campbells early this Morning to meet John
Campbell he is going to Austrialia he is going to call on Annie

Dec 29 we sent some small presents to Brother John and Annie with John Campbell
" 30 I went to Guelph to see some of my Friends

January 1 this is a very fine day the Sleighing is very good this is the Election day for the
Municiple Council I was Elected Dep Reeve by a Majoyerity of 78 over Little

" 3 I went down to Toronto as a Deligate to the Reform Convention
" 4 I got home tonight from Toronto we had a very large Convention the largest meeting of
meen ever seen in Ontario some eight Thousand men
" 5 this is a very cold stormy day
"6 this day is cold Robert Amos and Margaret came down today I sent a letter to John Little
" 8 I went to Guelph in the Morning with Bob Cook and Bill Pattons Wiffe to Meet the train
then I went down to Morriston with Mother to the Doctor he took the splints off her arm
" 10 this day is Very cold we killed the pigs 7 6 spring pigs and one 20 months old

Jan 11 this is a fine day but cold and frosty we went to Guelph with two pigs sold them for
$8.15 cts per 100 lb the one weighed 372 lb and the other 200 lb they came to $46.20 the
weight of them we left at home was 200 lb 198 lb 199 lb 193 lb 165 lb Spring Pigs they were
nice ones
" 12 this is a fine day but very frosty I was down to Aberfoyle to the Annual Meeting of the
Puslinch Insurance Company I was Elected President I received a letter from the Post Office
Department at Washington with regard to a Package sent from California
" 13 this Morning was very stormy but it changed soft in the afternoon I wrote a letter to John
in California
" 15 this is a fine day but very keen frost I was at Aberfoyle at the first Meeting of the Council
for the year 1883
" 16 a fine day but very cold I went to Guelph and got a parcel out of the Custom House it
was sent by express from California I paid 30 cents for getting the papers drawn out to
relieve it
" 17 we had a great fall of snow it snowed nearly all day then got very stormy all night the
roads are bad the snow are deep this is the night of the Puslinch Farmers Social there was a
great crowd


Jan 17 John got home from Aurther he bought 50 bushels of Peas from Mr Harriot of Aurther
Township paid 70 cts per Bushel he left 8 bags at John Littles he is to bring them down the
roads were very bad the snow is so deep
" 18 I went to Rockwood for the yarn got 31 1/2 lb paid 15 cts per lb $4.73 the roads are very
" 19 this was a very stormy day especialy in the forenoon I went out to Aberfoyle in the
afternoon I took out 85 lb of pork to Mrs Stewart got $6.92
" 20 we went to Guelph with Mrs Stewart to meet Mennies Son Duncan he came on the 4:30
train from Port Huron we had a very weet night comeing home
" 22 yesterday and today has ben extreemly cold very keen frost and windy the coldest this
23 this is a very cold day the coldest day I think that I ever felt I drove into Guelph I was very
cold this was the first Meeting of the County Council of Wellington for the year 1883
26 this was a very cold morning it was 20 below zero
27 this morning is not so cold it snowed some and rained last night there is a hard crust on
the snow

Jan 27 I went in to Guelph I have ben in to Guelph for the last five days at the County
Council we finished this Morning we are to Meet next in Harriston on the first Tuesday in
" 29 this is a fine day we were at Morriston
' 30 a fine day John went up to the Caulfield Mills with 13 bags of Peas & Oats to chop paid 8
cts per Bag
" 31 this day is cold and windy John went to Guelph with a load of wood for John Smith he
had a Bee and a dance at night
Feb 1 this day is cold we were working about home

" 2 this day is cold we cleaned up a load of wheat read fall I went down to Aberfoyle in the
evening and got some papers and a letter from California and a letter from Duncan
" 3 this morning is very stormy it snowed a lot all night the snow is very deep and the roads
bad it rained in the evening then frezed hard
" 5 this day is very cold and the roads are very hard to travel on there is a thin crust of ice on
the snow and the roads not much traveled the last two days it cuts the horses feet I was at
the Council
6 this is a fine day but cold

Feb 7 this is a fine day we had a shour of snow this morning I went to Guelph with Mary I
had the Cutter this is the Guelph Fair John had a load of read Winter wheat with him 38
Bushels 15 lb a $1 per Bushel $38.25 it weighed 62 lb to the bushel Grace Grigor came over
from Michigan on the afternoon train
" 8 this is a very Stormy day high wind the roads are drifting very bad I was down to
Aberfoyle to a meeting to appoint Deligates to go to Guelph to a convention of reformers
" 9 I went to Guelph to the Convention held for the purpose of Selecting a Candidate in the
Reform interest James Laidlaw was appointed the roads are badly Drifted we had hard work
getting in to Guelph Gilchrist, Murry and Rea was with me and Cullen Watt came home with
me from Wyomen
" 10 this Morning was very cold very calm and keen frost they say it is the coldest this winter
we went down to Morriston with the Boys we bought some cloth for a Suit for them we cutt
some wood with the Saw in the forenoon
12 this is a fine day we are working at home

Feb 13 this is a very fine but very keen frost in the Morning the Sun was bright and clear
John and Me was down to the Meeting at the Aberfoyle Town Hall Laidlaw and Johnston
spock I was Chairman
" 14 this is stormy day high wind from the East and some snow 1

6 this day is very dull and foggy with some shours the Snow is very soft
17 I went to Guelph with 5 bags of apples got $1.50 for 3 bag $1 for one $1.30 for one 6
bags Potatoes sold them for 65 cts per bag the roads are very bad the snow was soft in the
19 I went over to sell some timber on the Sideline between lots 10 & 11 on the 5 con
14 put the young Sow to John Hitchens Boar
" 20 I went to Guelph to the Nomination of Members of Parliment James Laidlaw and
Mathew Swetman was Nominated
22 the weather is cold and stormy Mother went up to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs,
indicating the possessive} they are all bad with the mesels exept himself we had a Reform
meeting at Arkell for Mr Laidlaw I was Chairman
23 I went down to Morriston in the afternoon

Feb 24 I went to Guelph I had some Butter got 25 cts per lb 8 1/2 lb I bought 860 lb Bran at
12 per ton at the Caulfields Mills
" 27 this is a very cold day stormy in the afternoon this was the Election of Members for the
Ontario house of Parliment James Laidlaw was Elected by a majority of 32 over Swetman I
went up to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the possessive} at night
" 28 this is a fine day I brought home Mother from Margarets they are getting better
March 1 this a very fine warm day
2 a fine day we went over to James Lennies in the afternoon the roads were soft
" 3 this day some colder John went to Guelph with his wife Mary she went up to Culross to
see her Sister the Girls went to Guelph the Boys and me cleaned up some wheat to sell I
paid James Watt $7.50 the price of one mare to his horse Englands Glory

" 4 this day is very cold with a high wind and very clear
" 5 I was at a Meeting of the Council in the afternoon
"6 this day is cold and stormy with snow John went to John Hitchins with the young sow to
the Boar

March 7 this is a terable Stormy day and dredfull cold with a very high wind the roads are
very bad drifted especialy the sidelines we took up a load of fall wheat to the Mill to Sell Sold
it for $1.5 per B 42 Bushels and 5 lbs $44.18 is was read Winter Wheat weighed 62 lb to the
B we went into the Guelph Fair it was a poor fair John Little came down yesterday from
" 8 this is a fine day but frosty we were diging snow in the forenoon hauled in 3 loads of
turnips in the afternoon the Doughty Boys came to chopp some firewood
" 9 we are hauling home Oats from the back barn I went to Aberfoyle
" 10 this day is sort of soft soft snow in the forenoon colder in the evening we went to Guelph
to meet Johns Mary she is up at Teeswatter she did not come home we went to Morriston in
the morning
" 11 this is a Very cold day with high wind
" 13 this day is Milder but the roads are badly drifted we went over to Lamonts near the Lake
with Grace Grigor we came home by Gilfillians I sold two heiffers to Christ Little fat for $92 to
go away tomorrow morning
" 15 this day is cold high wind we went to Guelph Easter fair we took a load of read fall wheat
up to Mutries Mill sold it for $1.2 per Bushel 37 B 13 lb $37.94 we Bought a Barel Salt paid
$1.40 25 lb cattle food $1.75

March 16 this is a fine day we went down to Morriston in the afternoon with some Butter and
eggs paid Scott $1.90 for fixing harness John was at Sandy Flimmings bee hauling bricks
from Morriston

" 17 we went to Guelph the Boys got there Pictures taken at Burges we took the Horse Dick
to Guelph to Deliver him to Palmer John Sold him two weeks ago for $150 Mary came home
from Teaswatter
" 18 this morning was wett it rained in the forenoon and snowed all afternoon
" 19 this is terrible stormy day ben stormy and very cold all day and all night snowing and
" 20 this is a fine I went in to Guelph and deposited $81.50 in the Saveings Bank then I went
over to Suttons Sale
" 22 this is a fine day but it was very keen frost last night and yesterday 20 below zero we
went down to Morriston then overto Gilfillians
" 23 this is a terible stormy day wind and snow Robert Amos and Mr Legate came down for
Barley Mr Legate got 41 Bushels at 60 cts $24.55 Robert got 20 B 7 lb Barley and 9 B 20 lb
of Peas at 85 cts $19.90

March 24 this is a fine day John and the Boys hauling turnips
26 I was a the Council Meeting the Boys got all the turnips hauled home
" 27 this day got very cold in the afternoon we was at Watts Sale
" 28 this is a fine clear day but frosty John was at a Bee at Kenneth McKenzies hauling Sand
we got home the Horse rock we Bought from Christ Little for $100
" 29 this is a fine clear day frosty at night I went up to the Mill with a grist of 6 bags of wheat
13 B 38 lb I had to leave it we went down to James Scotts I paid $80 to Christ Little in part for
the Horse Rock
" 30 this is very fine day we were thrashing Oats 300 bushels we thrashed Some Some flax
crop of 1881
" 31 this day is fine but very frosty an clear we went to Guelph with Some butter and egs I
bought a Bushel of Clover Seed paid $8.50 100 lb of Oat meal paid $3

April 4 this day is Milder and soft it has ben clear and frosty for some days we went to
Guelph with 8 Bushels of spring wheat for Mr Legate got $1.5 per B for 12 B 12 B 4 lb of
Peas for W Dunn at 85 cts per B part of the Peas we brought down from Arthur

April 4 I sold the 2 stears to Christ Little for E Gray for $6 1/2 per 100 lb live weight to be kept
till the Month of May and to be Delivered at Aberfoyle and weighed there he paid me $10 on
" 5 this day is soft and wett it rained a good deal John went up to Mutries Mill with 13 bags of
Peas & oats to chop the Boys and me were cleaning spring wheat for Seed
" 4 I received Mrs Stewarts rent from Barkly $100 I deposited $10.80 in the Ontario Saveings
Bank I paid Christ Little $20 in full for the Horse Rock I bought I paid a note of $10.75 to John
Thompson for the sleigh and carpet
" 6 this is a fine I went out to Aberfoyle to the Farmers Club Seed Show I Showed 10 bushels
Spring Wheat the white rusian variaty I got the Second Prize for it I took out 8 bushels to
John Carter he paid me $1.8 cts per B $8.64
" 7 this is a fine day we had a fall of snow last night about 3 inches Johns Mary and me went
down to Morriston with Butter and Eggs I got a letter from George
" 9 this is a fine warm day the Sleighing is bad we were Sawing the wood we cut 18 cord Bill
Amos and

April 9 R Rogers choped 11 1/2 cords the Doughtys cut the rest we gave 50 cts per cord for
chopping it
" 10 this day is warm John and Robert is at Murreys sawing firewood
" 11 John is at Duncan Gilchrists sawing wood and cutting Straw
" 14 this is a very warm day the Snow is going very fast we went to Guelph with some Butter
and eggs and apples got $1.65 for one bag $1.25 for 2 bags we got 24 cts for butter 15 cts
for egg

" 16 this is a fine day we were at Mrs Tomas Todds Funeral Samual Bradshaw comenced to
work comenced to Plough
" 17 this is a very fine day the snow is nearley all gone I was down to Morriston to P P
Johnson Sale I bought a new boiler for the stove paid $2.90 6 milk pans paid 21 cts each a
pot 25 cts
" 18 this is a fine warm day I fixed the Shafts for the Buggy
" 19 this morning was very weet it rained nearly all night I went to Guelph with Grace Grigor
she went off on the 10 0clock train going home to Michigan
" 16 Samual Bradshaw comenced to work he is hired for Seven Months at the rate of $18 per
" 20 this is is a fine day frosty at night

April 21 this is a fine day but cold a frosty in the morning we went to Guelph With Butter and
eggs I took 3 bags of Oats to chop to Muttries Mill for the Bull
" 22 this is a very cold day cold wind from the North
" 23 this is a very cold day very hard frost wind from the North East John Went to Guelph for
a load of Salt 2255 lbs at $5 50 per ton paid $6.20
" 24 this is a very cold day hard frost and shours of snow we put tickdestroyer on the Sheep
the men is ploughing Sod I was prunning Apple trees
25 this is a very cold day and frosty the ground was White in the morning
" 26 this day is some warmer we Sowed Salt on the oarchard we sowed barley in the
Oarchard it comenced rain after dinner
" 22 the old Sow piged she had 11 but 4 died before Wednesday
" 27 a fine day but very cold I was prunning trees
" 28 a fine day we Sowed 8 bushels Barly and nearly 3 B of peas in the back field

" 29 this day is very cold very hard frost in the morning
" 30 a fine day but frosty in the morning cultivating the land whare the turnips was got the
garden plough
May 1 a fine day but frosty in the morning we sowed 6 bushels of Spring Wheat 3 bushels
Oats 6 Bushels Barley

May 2 this a fine day John finnished sowing the Barley 18 Bushels in all I was in to Guelph
" 3 John Sowed Some Oats in the big flat field it rained in the afternoon I wrote a letter to
Annie in California
" 4 this day raw and cold after the rain Mother & Me went over to Mr Thomas and got in
some new teeth Mother got 28 a full sett and I got 12 above paid 38 Dolars he threw $4 off
" 5 this day is cold John Sowed 6 acres of Oats we went to Morriston in the Afternoon the
Girels got a letter from Annie
" 7 this is a fine day I was out to Mrs Stewarts about the farm I went in to Guelph in the
evening for to Meet Annie Grigor from from Michigan but she did not come
" 9 this is a fine day John Sowed Some Oats in the field at the creek I was busey at the
" 10 this is a fine warm day in the fornoon it rained a good deal in the Afternoon John sowed
Oats in the forenoon it is a fine Spring day
" 11 this day is raw and cold we went down with the 2 steers to the Credit Valey Station at
Leslies that I sold to Edmon Greay they weighed 2790 lb at $6 1/2 $181.35

May 12 this is a fine day but cold very frosty at night John Sowed Some Oats and Some
peas 8 bushels I was down to Morriston got a pair of new blinders from J T Scott paid $6 50
for the blinds and 50 cts for 2 tiestraps bought a pair of Shoes for Edward paid $1.75 for

" 14 this morning is very cold there is a cold east wind it was very cold yesterday and frosty
at nights it comenced to rain about 10 0clock and rained all day John Sowed 4 1/2 Bushels
peas in the morning
" 15 this is a fine day the land is very wett we Sowed plaster back in the heay field Sam
comenced to plough in the Orcherd
" 16 this is a fine day frosty at night cold air all day rolling the fall wheat and ploughing the
Oarcherd planted 4 or 5 bushels of potatoes in the Orcherd the rest is for corn
" 17 this is a very fine day warm through the day frost in the morning I was grafting apple
trees put grafts on 5 or 6 trees {intended space} John was harrowing the turnip land
" 18 a fine warm day I trimed part of the willow fence back John Sowed 10 1/2 bushels of
Oats Sam is ploughing this is the first appearance of Spring weather

May 19 this is a very fine day we went to Guelph with butter & eggs butter 18 cts eggs 14 I
bought a bag of potatoes from John Phin the White Ellephant potatoes paid $1.50 per B
" 21 this is a very cold wett day a very high cold wind from the east it has rained all day it is
realey very cold
" 22 this day is cold and wett it rained all night very raw I got a letter from George
" 23 this day is raw and cold I went to Guelph with Mary she is gone up to Mount Forrest on
the carrs she is going to see Susan at Bells Corners I bought a grape for the stabble paid $1
for it
" 24 this is a fine day the weather is improved
25 this is a fine warm day we sowed the Carrots and Mangoel Wortzell we went to Morriston
" 26 this day is very wett it comenced to rain in the forenoon it has rained most all day
Strattons Men came here to pent the roof on the House with fireproof
" 28 this is a fine day I was at the Council Meeting John and the boys is planting the

" 29 a fine day we finished planting the Potatoes getting the Dung on the turnip land
30 a fine day in the forenoon rained heavy in the Afternoon I was examining the roads with

May 31 a fine day this is the fast day for the Sacriment
June 1 this is a fine day frost in the Morning I was at a meeting of the Council in the evening
" 3 this is the Sacriment Sabath
" 4 we were at Mrs John Marchels funeral
" 5 a fine Morning but it rained heavy in the evening I went up to Harriston to the County
Council Meeting paid $2.35 for a return ticket
" 6 the County Council went on an excursion up to Wiarton on Colpas bay we paid $1 for a
return ticket from Harriston to Wiarton we had a sail on the Bay in the steamboat
" 9 this morning is dull and soft some rain we got home from Harriston in the evening
4 we finished sowing the Oats
" 12 this is a fine day I was out letting jobs on the roads all day
" 13 I went in to Guelph and put a notice in the Mercury for jobs on the roads
14 this is a very fine day we have had very wett cold weather this Spring every thing is very
late it is good growing weather now John Hardy and Me were Shearing the Sheep 34
June 16 this day was very warm it is fine growing weather the Mare Fannie foaled this
Morning it is a fine strong Mare foal She went 11 Months and 14 day John is drilling for the
turnips we would have sowed tonight but we had a slight thunder shour but it went round
" 18 the weather is very warm it rained nearly all night till 10 0clock we had a terable thunder
storm about 5.0clock some very heavy lightning and thunder and very heavy rain there have
ben a great deal of rain since last night

" 19 we had a very heavy rain about 5..0.clock the men was working the Statute labour today
I was over at the 7 Con opposit lots 5 & 6 lettin jobs on the roads
" 20 this day is very dull and shoury the land very wett there is a large quantity of the flatts
covered with watter we went to Guelph with Mrs Stewart I bought 1 1/2 bushels of Hungarian
grass paid $1 50 per Bushel '
21 this is a fine day it got more settled towards evening John has ben drilling for the turnips
the drills he made last Saturday he had to harrow comenced to Sow the turnips in the

June 22 this is a fine day Sowed a lot of turnips John was at A McKenzies Barn raising Sam
got the Summer fallow all ploughed
" 23 this is a fine day Sowed Some turnips
" 25 this morning is soft and dull John finnished drilling for the turnips but did not get them
sowen it came on very heavy rain after dinner John Little was down with little Johnie they
went away to go home in the morning he took a young Boar away with him he is to pay me
$5 for it
" 26 this day is soft and dull I comenced to paint the Dining room
' 27 this day is dull and Wett I am painting
" 28 this morning is dull and soft it rained heavy last night
" 30 this day is fine John finished Sowing the turnips
July 1 the young Sow piged She had 10 pigs all alive
" 2 this is a fine day the folks went to Guelph to the Calidonians games I was up to examin
the roads near the Mill at Arkell
" 3 this is a fine day I was at the Agricultural Coledge at the closing Examination in the
" 4 this day is very warm and some shours

July 4 Mother and Me went to Baverly and Galt
" 5 we came home from Dumfrice we were over to visit at Mr Amos{small superscript occurs,
indicating the possessive} and William Beatties there was some very heavy Shours of rain in
the afternoon
" 7 this day is Shoury and wett I went over to the 7 Con to Examin the road Hugh Reids job
then I went to Guelph I bought 4 lb of Paris Green paid 40 cts per lb
" 9 this is a fine day John comenced to cutt the Heay I went down to Moriston I got a letter
from Annie
" 10 a fine day we got in 2 loads of heay
" 11 a fine day there was a Shour last night I went to Guelph with the wool Sold 98 lb at 19
cts per lb and 8 lb fine wool at 32 cts per lb $21.18 I bought 3 bags of liverpool Salt paid 90
cts per Sack I bought 6 rakes and a fork and a 100 lb of nails paid $3 for nails
" 12 this is a fine day bussy at the heay got in 4 loads we had a Shour in the evening
" 7 the Mare Doll foaled the morning the foal died
" 13 this is a good heay day I went to Morriston in the afternoon I put the Mare Fannie to
Peter Bibers horse young Englands Glory
" 14 this is a fine day we are at the heay and thining turnips and Mangalwurtyele

July 16 this is a fine day dull in the Morning we had a very heavy rain yesterday Morning I
was at the Council Meeting in the afternoon they got in 1 load of hay from the big flat field
17 we had a small shour in the morning but it turned out a fine day prety windy we got in 4
loads of hay I was cutting thistles in the Oats
18 this is a fine day for the hay we got in 5 loads I was Cutting thistles and went to Aberfoyle
in the afternoon
20 this is a fine day finished cutting the heay got in 4 loads

" 21 this is a fine day dull in the morning finished hauling in the hay 27 loads of very good
heay Edward was comeing home from the back lot with the horseraik and he let fannie run
away and Smashed the raik badly we went to Guelph with Bill Pattons Wife
" 23 this Morning is dull we had a heavy rain yesterday Morning and a great deal of thunder
and lightning the folks is thining the turnips
" 25 this is fine weather warm today it is cold at night the rust has comenced on the Wheat
" 26 a fine day the girls and Me went to R Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the

July 27 there was a great deal of rain last night with thunder and lightning we had a terible
storm of wind and rain in the afternoon I was down at Aberfoyle at the time
' 28 a fine day got up a very hgh wind in the afternoon
" 30 this is a fine day but cold Mr and Mrs Amos was here from Galt on a visit Strattons boys
is here painting the roof at the house and sheep pen
" 31 this is a fine day but very cold for this season of the year the Men comenced to cut the
Barley in the Oarchard it is very heavy and laid down very bad the boys are gang Ploughing
the Summerfallow comenced to clean the turnips the Second time
30 was up at the Arkell Mill with a grist of wheat 13 B 45 lb got 524 lb flour 38 lb to the
Bushel I got 182 lb of Bran
August 1 this is a fine day we went to Guelph with Mrs Patton and her children to go to Port
hurran I bought a wheel for Sulky rake paid a Dollar for it the men finished cutting the Barley
in the Oarchard
" 2 this is a very fine day very warm comenced to cutt the fall Wheat we got in two loads of

August 3 this day is very cold with a high wind we are cutting wheat got in 3 loads of barley

" 4 a fine day but cold for the Season cutting wheat got in 1 load of Barley
" 6 this is a very fine warm day cutting wheat
" 7 a fine warm day finished cutting the wheat 25 Acres it is badly rusted cutt some Barley
" 8 this is a very warm day finished cutting the Barley we hauled in 11 loads of Wheat
" 10 we finished hauling in the Barley 15 loads it is a very good crop
" 11 the weather is very dry we finished hauling in the fall wheat 27 loads
" 13 the men is at the turnips the second time
" 14 Robert is at the Plough he is Ploughing the Barley land at the back lot I went to Guelph
and got Some Shears for the Gang Plough and one for the No 4 Plough I bought a bag of
Shorts at the Mill
" 15 Robert & Sam is Ploughing the rest is at the turnips
" 16 the weather is very dry and warm in the day and cold at night Sam comenced to haul
out dung we were putting Paris green on the Potatoes the Second time
" 17 this day is very warm John was at Sandy Flimmings thrashing

August 17 I was at the Puslinch Lake with Mother and Elizabeth we were at the Gilchrist
Clan Picknick
" 18 this day was Soft and dull and very warm and some light showers then we had terable
storm of wind and rain in the evening about 5 0clock
" 19 there was a great deal of lightning all last night and Some rain then in the Morning we
had a terable rain it rained until nine 0clock very heavy the flats are flooded with watter
" 20 this was a fine day with a Shower about noon the men pull pulled the Peas in the back
field a little over an Acre they were a fine crop I was at the Council Meetting
" 22 we have fine weather now we were thrashing wheat we thrashed about 160 Bushels but
it is badly shrunk some is very poor

23 this is a fine day we hauled in 3 loads of peas Sam is hauling out dung to the back field

" 15 took lambs from the ewes 17 lambs and 33 others
" 25 this is a fine day the men is pulling peas we went to Guelph with butter and eggs and 2
bags of Apples got $1 per Bag I bought 50 lb of Oatmeal paid $1 37
" 27 this is a fine day the men is pulling peas we hauled in 2 loads of Peas they have got the
bigest part of them pulled

August 28 this day is very cold and sort of wett showry and disigrable John is at Laings
thrashing and Sam is at Hardys I was examining the roads on the Townline Susan and
Margaret came down to See us today
" 29 this is a fine day but rather cold I went to Guelph with a load of Oats 55 B 30 lb I only got
55 B 10 lb Sold them to Carter got 39 cents per Bushel $21.55
' 30 this is a fine day we comenced to cutt the Spring Wheat and we brock the pitman shaft
and I had to go to Guelph got it mendid at Toltons paid 50 cts
31 this is a very warm day we finished cutting the Spring wheat it is a very good crop we
hauled in 2 loads of peas Sam has been at Watts thrashing nearly 2 1/2 days
Sept 1 this is a fine harvest day the men has ben hauling in Peas and pulled Some we have
about an Acre to pull yet but they are not ripe we went to Guelph
" 3 this day is dry but cold John comenced to cutt the Oats Sam is ploughing for the fall
wheat I went to Guelph to draw some money out the Bank for Mrs Stewart $20
" 4 I went out to Aberfoyle to the Seed Wheat Show I had out 16 Bushels of Wheat for John
Caruthers I got $1.15 per B we got a very heavy rain coming home

Sept 5 a fine day the men is ploughing in the forenoon at the Oats in the afternoon I cleaned
up 11 Bushels of Democrat Wheat all we had off 2 Bushels sown

" 6 a fine day we were at the Oats in the back field next Archys
" 7 this morning is dull we were at the Oats till noon it comenced to rain at noon and rained a
little all afternoon Robert went away with Susan up to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs,
indicating the possessive} he is going up home with her to Bells Corners
" 8 this day is very cold got very cold in the Afternoon the men is ploughing we cleaned up
some wheat for Seed 12 Bushels for Duncan Gilchrist and 16 B for John Black and 8 B for
" 9 this day is cold frost last night had our overcoats at Church
" 10 this is a warmer day but it was a very heavey frost last night the corn and hungarian
grass is frozen white we have a field of late Oats 8 Acres badly frozen they were very heavey
crop but late we got in the Spring Wheat 4 loads Robert got home from Bells corners
" 11 this is a fine day very warm in the midle of the day we were cutting Oats
" 12 this is a fine warm day but frost at night John Sowed 10 Acres of fall Wheat we pulled
the last of the Peas we hauled in 3 loads of Oats we have 6 loads in

Sept 13 this is a fine day we were hauling in Oats in the forenoon 3 loads it rained a little in
the afternoon John is at Murrays thrashing
" 14 a fine day I was up near Arkell letting jobs on the Roads
" 15 a fine day I was at Guelph the Men is at the Oats hauling in
" 17 a fine day the Men is ploughing for fall wheat at the back field Annie and Uncle John
came home from California on a visit I got a present of a very fine Gold Watch from Brother
" 18 the men finished ploughing for the fall wheat I went down to Morriston with Uncle John
" 19 a fine day I went in to Guelph With Uncle John Annie Mary and Elizabeth they went
went down to the Toronto Show I bought a Coffie Mill paid $1 for it John finished Sowing the
fall Wheat Sowed 9 Bushils 24 in all there is 15 1/2 Acres
" 21 this day is fine the boys is at the Oats cutting and binding

" 22 a very fine day they finished cutting and binding the Oats we went to Guelph with Some
butter and eggs John and Annie went up to Margarets
" 24 this day is Soft and raining John went to the Arkell Mill with a grist of 2 bags of Wheat
Old 4 bag of peas to chop

Sept 25 this day is cold and raw we went up to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs,
indicating the possessive} with Uncle John and Annie the men is ploughing
" 26 this is a fine day cold in the morning we were up to Guelph to the Provincial Exibition
" 27 a fine day we were nearly all up to Guelph at the Fair or Exibition it rained at night and
very dark
" 28 I was up to Guelph to the Show
" 29 this day is soft and wet in the afternoon we comenced to dig up the potatoes in the
30 the old Sow piged 8 pigs
October 1 a fine day but cold I was at the Council Meetining John and the Boys is at the
" 2 this morning is very wett untill 8 0clock we thrashed Some Peas about 90 Bushels and
about 45 Bushels Spring Wheat it was a fine day after it cleared up
3 this day is cold and raw Susan and the Children went away home this afternoon the Most
of our Fammily was here at Diner today
" 4 this day is fine but frosty at night the men is hauling in Oats we went over to Andrew
McRobbies with Uncle and Annie and Mother
" 5 a fine day but cold and frosty in the morning Mother Georges Mary and Me went to
Guelph the Men finished hauling in the Oats

October 6 this morning is cold and thretining rain I went in to Guelph
" 8 this is a fine day the Boys is at the Potatoes I was getting things ready for the Show
" 9 this is a very fine warm day we were at the Puslinch Show there was a great crowd of

" 10 this is a fine warm day the Boys is at the Potatoes I went to Guelph in the morning with
Brother John and the three girls Annie Mary and Elizabeth to the Station they went to
Niagaria falls I was home by half past nine oclock I was out to Mrs Stewarts to measure her
Apples in the Afternoon there was 10 1/2 Bushels and about a gallon
" 11 the Boys is at the Potatoes I went in to Guelph in the evening for the folks they came
home from the falls this is the fast day
" 12 this day is dull and soft the Boys finished taking up the Potatoes I went down to Mr
Leslies to a Mgestrites Court to try John Murray laborer for breaking Alexander Campbell jaw
" 13 we were at the Church Sam was ploughing the Potatoes land the Boys were gathering
" 14 this is the Sacriment Sabath very cold

October 15 Sam was at Atckinson thrashing John finished ploughing the Potatoe land I was
pulling apples I went up to David Kings to Examin a job on the Road
" 16 this is a fine day but very frosty in the morning we went in to Guelph with Annie and her
Uncle John to see them off on the Carrs they started off to there home in California U S
" 13 John went up to the Arkell Mill with 2 bags of Wheat
" 17 this day is very cold I was at the Apples I went out to Mrs Stewarts in the morning John
went up to the Arkell Mill with a load of Wheat 42 Bushels 50 lb got $1..12 cts per Bushell
$47..89 cts
" 18 this morning is frosty I was at the apples I went out to Mrs Stewarts in the evening with
50 lb flour
" 19 this Morning is warm I went to Guelph to enquire about Some caned fruit that is coming
from California John and the Boys is pulling up the Mangelwurtyels
" 20 this day is very cold and raw I was out to Mrs Stewarts we Sold her farm to Pat Bailey
for $5000 we went down to Mr Leslies to get the agreement wrote

" 22 the weather has ben very cold we have got the carrots up the Boys is topping the turnips
Sam is Ploughing

Oct 23 this day is warmer I was at the apples got the most of them in John is at McKenzies
thrashing Robert harrowed up some of the turnips
" 24 this is a fine warm day I finished pulling the apples they are a very poor crop a great
many trees there is no apples on we comenced to haul home the turnips 11 loads
" 25 we were busy at the Turnips John has ben 3 day at McKenzies
" 27 thrashing I went in to Guelph with Georges Mary she sent a box to George with John
McRobbie to the Postage
" 27 we have had very fine weather this week we have got in 47 loads of turnips
" 29 this day is soft there has ben a light rain most all day
" 30 this is a fine day at the turnips in the afternoon
" 31 this is a fine day got cold in the afternoon we finished hauling in the turnips part of them
was good part very small there was 60 big loads I went up to the Arkell Mill with a grist of
new wheat 10 Bushels got 360 lb of flour on 36 lb to the Bushel
Nov 1 this morning was Soft there was a light shour of snow last night but it turned out a fine
day I went out to " 2 this is a fine day Mrs Stewarts to fill up her Potatoes and appls Patrick
Baley paid $432 on the Farm

Nov 2 this is a fine day we were thrashing Barley over 200 Bushels and over 100 Bushels of
Oats thrashed well
" 3 this is a very fine day I went to Guelph with Mrs Stewarts Potatoes 13 Bags Apples 4 1/2
Bags Potatoes 70 cts Apples $1 Per Bag I paid David Stirton $432 on a Mortgage he held on
the Stewart Farm got a release

" 5 John and the Boys hauled home the Potatoes from the Back field I went down to Bickleys
to get a tyre on the iron axeltry wagon
" 6 the men comenced to Plough the turnip land I cleaned up a load of Barley
" 7 we have very fine weather just now Johns wife had a young Daughter this morning we
went to Guelph with a load of Barley 52 Bushels at home 51 B 12 at Guelph got 65 cts per
Bushel the highest price paid
" 8 this is the Government Thanksgiveing Day John and Me went to the Church cleand a
load of Barley
" 9 it was very foggy in the forenoon with a shour then it cleard up with a very high wind in
the afternoon
" 10 this is a fine day I went to Guelph with a load of Barley 52 B 4 lb at home 51 B 32 lb at
Guelph got 65 cts per Bushel $33.58 Robert and the two Marys went to Guelph with the
Buggy they went to See the Doctor

Nov 12 this is a terable Stormy day a terable wind with Showers of Snow it continud all day
we cleaned up a load of Barley the Boys Started to go to School
" 13 this is a fine day but rather cold in the morning John and Me went to Guelph with a load
of Barley 51 B 4 lb at home 50 B 24 lb at Guelph got 66 cts per Bushel $33..33 I Bought a
pair of felt Boots paid $2.75 John a pair of long felt Boots paid $3 Sam a pair of cowhide
Boots paid $3 got 2 Bags of Liverpool Salt paid $1.80 100 lbs of Oatmeal paid $2 50
" 14 this is a very cold Stormy day high wind with Snow Showers
" 15 this day is stormy snow Showers got very cold in the evening I went up to the Arkell Mill
with 6 bags of Oats and peas to chop I went down to Aberfoyle in the evening
" 16 this day is cold and frosty I went to Bickleys to get Farmer and Doll Shod I paid for them
" 17 this is a fine day cold in the morning I went to Guelph with a load of Potatoes 20 bags
Sold them to Mrs Campbell Dentist for 70 cts per bag and 4 bags of apples got $1 50 for one
bag N Spys and $1 25 for the other three Bags got a pair Boots for R.J paid $3 for them

Nov 19 this is a very fine warm day Sam is Ploughing John is Sick with a bad cold
" 20 this is a fine warm day a little rain at night Sam was Ploughing
" 21 this day is wett it rained a good deal
22 this is a fine day a very high wind in the morning Robert Lamb was here and built the
steps at the front door Samual Bradshaws time was up tonight I paid him in full $126 for 7
" 23 a fine day John went to Guelph to see the Doctor Orton and he Drove in Sam and Bob
Little and Georges Mary to See the Doctor
" 24 a very fine day I was at Hardies thrashing we got in the Potatoes that was in the
" 26 this is a very Stormy wett day it blowed and rained nearly all day
27 this is a fine day but windy and cold in the morning I went in to Guelph got D Stewarts Will
regestered and other buisness done John is not able to work yet
28 this day is pretty cold and frosty with a high wind and a Shour of snow I was fixing about
29 this is a fine day we killed 4 pigs we had D Gilchrist and C Little helping us there is 7 to kill

Dec 1 this is a fine day we went in to Guelph I had the Buggie with Mother and Some Ducks
and John had a load of Potatoes 18 bags got 70 cts for 4 B and 65 for the rest 3 bags of
Apples one for $1 50 and two for $1 25 each 2 pigs got $5 55 per hundred lb one weighed
182 the other 175 they were 7 month old we kept 2 at home one weighed 325 the other 185
we bought an overcoat for Robert James paid $8 for it
" 3 a fine day I was at the Council Meeting the last of the year received $40

" 4 a very fine day I went up to Arthur Vilage to the County Council Meeting went to Fergus
on the Carrs then took a buss to Arthur
" 7 this day is wett it rained all forenoon then at night we got down to Guelph from Arthur in
the evening and stoped in Guelph all night
" 8 a fine day but cold in the afternoon I got home from Arthur
" 5 John went up to Muttries Mill with a grist of 10 Bags of Wheat
" 10 this is a fine day a little cold I went in to Guelph for Doctor Orton for Georges Mary she
is very bad
" 11 cleaned up a load of Barley 22 bags a fine day
" 12 a fine day I went down to Morriston got a pair of holdbacks paid 75 cts

Dec 13 this is a very fine day we went to Guelph with a load of Barley 53 B 6 lb at home 52 B
29 lb at Guelph got 63 cts per Bushel
" 14 this was a fine warm morning but it got very cold in the afternoon with a high wind from
the north we were thrashing Some Oats about 100 B and 56 B of fall wheat we made a
smash of the Machine about 4 0clock and had to stope
" 18 this is a very cold windy day with some Showers of snow we were hauling home Oats
from the back barn I went down to Bickleys to get Rash Shod
" 19 we were thrashing Oats Some 420 Bushels and about 20 B of Peas we had McKenzies
" 20 this was a fine day we went to the Tea meeting at the Town Hall at Aberfoyle in
conection with our church
" 22 this day is very cold I went to Guelph on some Buisness
" 23 this is a dreadull cold stormy day with the wind out of the east some snow in the
afternoon and Sleet at night

" 24 this is a fine calm mild day with a little Sleighing we went to Morriston I bought near 4
1/2 gallons of Coal oill paid 20 cts per gall from Jonston
" 25 this is a fine Mild day I was at home all day
" 27 this is a fine morning but got stormy before night snowed a good bit I was over at
Glennies with the other members of the Council to examin a new bridge over the river the
sow went the Boar

Dec 28 this is a fine day we filled up some Potatoes
" 29 this is a fine day good Sleighing we went to Guelph with a load 15 bags of Potatoes got
65 cts per bag and 4 bags of Apples got $1 60 per bag
" 31 this is a fine day with Some Snow this was the Nomination of Councillars I was
Nominated for Dep Reev and J Iles in opposition

Jan 1 we went up to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the possessive}
to our New years Dinner there was the Macfarlanes and the Amos{small superscript occurs,
indicating the possessive}

" 2 this is a terable Stormy snowing and blowing we were cutting peas in the forenoon I went
up Peter Ormes funeral Duncan Graham and the Wife came down to See us
" 4 we have had 3 terable cold Stormy days with a very high wind the roads are badly drifted
" 5 this day is not so stormy but very cold 8 degrees below zero I went in to Guelph
" 6 this is a cold stormy day we went to the Church
" 7 this a fine day but frosty this was the Municipal Election I was Elected for Dep Reeve over
J Iles by a majority of 30 I got 193 votes J 163
" 9 this is a terable stormy day yesterday it snowed all day and it has snowed and blowed all
day and last night

Dec 28 this is a fine day we filled up some Potatoes
" 29 this is a fine day good Sleighing we went to Guelph with a load 15 bags of Potatoes got
65 cts per bag and 4 bags of Apples got $1 60 per bag
" 31 this is a fine day with Some Snow this was the Nomination of Councillars I was
Nominated for Dep Reev and J Iles in opposition

Jan 1 we went up to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the possessive}
to our New years Dinner there was the MacFarlanes and the Amos{small superscript
occurs, indicating the possessive}

" 2 this is a terable Stormy snowing and blowing we were cutting pears in the forenoon I went
up Peter Ormes funeral Duncan Graham and the Wife came down to See us
" 4 we have had 3 terable cold Stormy days with a very high wind the roads are badly drifted
" 5 this day is not so stormy but very cold 8 degrees below zero I went in to Guelph
" 6 this is a cold stormy day we went to the Church
" 7 this a fine day but frosty this was the Municipal Election I was Elected for Dep Reeve over
J Iles by a majority of 30 I got 193 votes J 163
" 9 this is a terable stormy day yesterday it snowed all day and it has snowed and blowed all
day and last night

Jan 12 we have had a very Stormy week the Snow is very deep and the roads are badly
drifted I was at Aberfoyle at the Meeting of the Insurance Company I was Elected Presedent
of the Company for this year

14 this day is milder it got very cold in the evening we went down to Morriston and settled up
with W Ross there was a dispute between him and us about $17 50 that he overcharged I
bought 6 tieroaps paid 15 cts each and a closeline paid 15 cts
15 this is a very cold frosty day Duncan Gilchrist and Christ Little was helping us to kill pigs
we killed 7 the old Sow and 6 pigs 6 months old one weighed 155 lb 150 1/2 lb 144 .. 147 lb
324 lb 177 lb 166 lb the Sow to Boar
16 this is a cold day we went to Guelph with 3 pigs sold them for $7 per cwt 322 .. 175 .. 162
lb $45.64 I bought a front Quarter of beef its weight was 174 lb paid 6 1/2 per cwt
" 17 this is a fine day we went out to Aberfoyle in the evening to the Farmers Social it was a
fine night
" 18 this is a fine day we went out to Aberfoyle with Mrs Stewart and Bill McPhatters wife
" 19 this day is very cold we went to Guelph with Mrs Stewart and Bill McPhatters wife to go
to Port Huron U S

Jan 21 this day is cold I was at Aberfoyle at the Council Meeting the first Meeting of the year
" 22 I went to Guelph to the first Meeting of the County Council we Elected A S Allan of
Clifford Village as Warden for this year
" 23 this day is stormy it snowed all day I was at Guelph
" 24 this is a fine day but cold in the evening the County Council went to visit the two
Hospitals in the afternoon
" 25 this is dreadfull cold day it is very calm but very keen frost I got one of my fingers frost
bitt going to Guelph in the morning it is very cold it is 40 degrees below zero
" 26 this day is not near so cold we finished the County Council this is the fifth day I got $11
" 28 this day blustry and Snowing we were cutting Peas in the afternoon we had Donald
{McKugie} and D McKenzie
" 29 this is a fine day we went down to John McKenzies Sale and to W Gilfillans

" 30 this day is very soft it is regular thaw the first thaw we have had in January the roads is
very soft
" 31 this day a good deal colder the road are very rough
Feb 1 we went over to Rockwood with the Wool we traded off 93 lb for cloth got 21 cts got 15
lb carded the roads are very rough

Feb 2 this day is stormy and cold I went to Guelph with Mary
" 4 this day is very cold I was at the Council Meeting
" this day is very soft it was very stormy last night but it got quite a thaw all day John went up
to the Culfield Mill with 10 bags of Oats and peas to Chop
" 7 this is a very fine day the Sun is strong I was down to Aberfoyle at James McLeans at a
Meeting of the Church Committee
" 8 this day is dull and soft Hugh Cockburn and me was going round this part of the
Congregation to get Subscriptions to pay a certain dept on the church
" 9 this morning is snowing it turned out a fine day we went to Guelph with some butter I
bought a pair of shoes for Lizie and some bran at the mill 440 lb paid 60 cts per 100lb I sent
a letter to California
' 11 this day is a little stormy Gilfillian and the Wife was here
" 6 this is a fine day I was at Guelph fair with John James Scott Assessors Man come back
for a young cow I sold to James Scott for 40 dollars to be paid in June
" 12 this day in very disagrable cold east wind with sort hard snow I was down to Moriston
with the Wife and Georges Mary

Feb 12 the wife and me went over to John Murrays in the evening to our tea he paid me for 3
cows to the Bull $3.75

" 13 a fine day a little soft I went to Bickleys to get Farmer and Doll Shod
" 14 this day is some colder with a high wind and some snow we were at home
" 15 this is a fine day John and the Girels went over to Mr Aikins on the third Con in the
evening to a party
" 16 this is a fine day we cutt some Oats for feed and James some wood for firewood
" 19 this day is very soft quite a thaw I went down to Mr Leslies in the afternoon I had some
of the harness to Mr Scotts to get repaired
" 20 this is a very cold stormy day with a very high wind it rained very heavy last night then
changed very cold the roads are very slippery. I went to Aberfoyle to get Prince Shod at
" 21 this day turned very stormy in the afternoon a very high wind with showrs of snow John
went to Guelph with a load of wood for Christ Little he had a bee of ten teams
" 23 this is a fine day Mother and me went to Guelph with the Cutter John and Mary went
with the Duble team

Feb 23 John went up to the Mill with 7 bags of Oats to chopp for the cows he went in to
Guelph with Doll the mare to lett the ferrier se her she is sometimes lame I went out to the
Freight Station to enquire about some wine that Brother John sent from California it was
there and three caces of caned fruit 6 cans it was shipped from California about the first of
last August and we never got it till now it came to Guelph in December last but I did not get
any notice there was about 300 lbs I paid 3 cts per lb Duty there was 38 Gallons of Wine I
paid 55 cts per Gal Duty and $1 50 for freight that was an extra charge
" 25 this day is milder it snowed a little in the morning it was very cold yesterday I went in to
Guelph for the caned fruit and some of the wine I did not get on Saturday Mother came home
she has ben in Guelph since Saturday stopping with Duncan Graham
" 26 this is a very mild day it snowed a good bit last night and this morning Mother and me
went over to Beverley to Visit Bella Gilfillian her Father and Mother went with us we stopped
all night at W Gilfillians

" 28 this has ben a terable stormy cold day snowing and blowing it drifted the roads badly
" 29 this is terable cold day the roads are very badly drifted

March 1 this is very severe cold day it is very cold I went out to Old Mr James Blacks in the
afternoon to get him to signe his Will he is very poorly he is in bed
" 4 this is a very cold day very severe frost I went over to James Glennies Sale I bought a set
of wooden harrows and paid $3.70 for them Duncan McKenzie brought them home with him
" 5 this morning was very frosty we went to Guelph fair with 3 cows there was 2 of them
belongs to George we sold Georges 2 the heiffer new calfed got $35 the other wont calf till
July got $20 our own we did not sell there was a great many at the fair
" 6 this is a very fine day the Sun is strong and clear there was one of the fat lambs died last
night our folks went up to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the possessive}
in the evening to a surprise party
" 7 this day is sort of raw and cold it snowed a good bit last night I went up to the Model farm
in the afternoon
" 8 this is a terable stormy cold day it snowed and blowed the wind from the North East John
is not well
" 10 this is a very fine day frosty in the morning and warm though the day the roads are bad
" 12 this is a fine day but the roads are very bad they are so Soft where the Snow is deep it
rained yesterday

March 12 I went in to Guelph with a load of potatoes 18 bags got 75 cts per bag and 3 bags
and a Bushel of apples got $1 75 per bag I bought 2 bushels of clover have to pay $7 50 per
Bushel and a half Barrel of herring paid $3 50 and 25 lb of cattle food Paid $1.50
" 15 a fine day we we went in to Guelph with 16 bags of Potatoes got 70 and 75 cts per bag
and one bag of apples got $1 75 per bag a calf skin and 2 sheep skins got $2 55 for them

" 17 went up to the Mill with 10 bags of oats to choop I went in to Guelph to return the herrin
and get another half Barel I went down to visit James Scott in the evening the Mrs was there
" 18 went over to N Norrises and Duncan Morrisons
" 19 this day is dull and soft I went over to Galt with Georges Mary to see her Friends she
had the Children
" 20 this is a fine day we got home from Galt all right
' 21 this is a very warm day the snow is going fast
" 22 this is a fine day warm the Sleighing is very bad in to Guelph we went in with 8 bags of
Potatoes for William Taylor of Nicoll got 70 cents per bag bought 100 lb of Oatmeal paid
$2.75 it rained at night Robert Amos and Margaret was down

March 24 this is a fine warm day John Gilchrist came to cut some firewood
" 25 this is a fine warm day I went to Guelph with the wagon Georges Mary and the Children
Started away to go home to Manitoba She went on the 2 Oclock train She paid $26.14 for
her ticket I paid P Anderson $15 for 2 B clover
" 26 this day is very soft it rained light all day nearly I was mending shoes
" 28 this is a very fine day the girels and me went in to Guelph to meet Mrs Stewart her and
Mrs Patton came from Port Huron
" 31 this is a a very fine day I was at the Council Meeting the roads are very good
April 1 this is a fine day but a little raw there was a shoure of snow last night it is snowing
tonight we were at the Seed Show at Aberfoyl I got the first Prize for Barley first for Potatoes
Second for spring wheat I sold the wheat for $1 25 Barly 80 cts Potatoes from 75 cts for
Early rose 90 for B Hebron and $1 for White Elephant it was a very good show

April 1 James Golightly comenced to work at noon he is hired for 7 months at 18 Dollers per

" 2 this morning is very stormy windy out of the east with some snow then it rained and
freezed the men is hauling home wood with the sleigh this is Guelph Fair day but we did not
go in to it
3 this is a fine day but very cold we went to Guelph with Mrs Stewart to meet Mr Bailey to
Settle about the farm we sold to him and he was to pay for it today
" 5 we went to Guelph with Mrs Stewart and her Daughter Mrs Patton of Port Hurron She is
going to live with Mrs Patton
" 6 Sunday a fine day but very cold Mother and me went to see Margarets Baby
" 7 a fine warm day but cold at night I went to Guelph to meet Mr. Bailey we got all the
buisness settled and gave him his deed he paid me over $3000 and I deposited it in the
Guelph Savings Bank on interest
8 this is a cold morning hard frost it snowed about two hours after ten oclock mother and me
went up to Mr James Laidlaw then to R Amoses

April 9 this day is milder but frosty in the morning the roads are very bad I came home from
Robert Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the possessive} I went down and Paid
John Smith $17.10 I was at old James Blacks on business
" 11 this is a fine day we were sawing firewood with the circular saw we had a fine days
sawing of wood
{ink stain} this is a fine day I went to Guelph with some butter {ink stain} 12 lb got 24 cts per
lb some egs 15 cts and a bag of apples got $1 50
" 14 this is a beautifull fine day but is frosty and cold at night John went up to the Arkell Mill
with a grist of 11 bags of wheat 23 Bushels 17 lb got home 861 lb flour or 37 lbs to the
15 this day is Soft it comenced to rain a cold east rain in the morning it rained a little the most
of the day but not heavy it got warmer towards evening

10 this a fine day but a cold air frosty in the mornings we cleaned up the Spring wheat 39 1/2
Bushels altogether Sold 10 B at the seed show $1.29 12B to P Bealey $1 20 7 B to C Little 7
B for ourselves
16 this day is very disagarable it sort of driziled and rained I went to Guelph to the Horse
Show had some butter got 24 cts lb the men comenced to Plough

April 17 this is a fine day the ground was white with snow this morning but it soon went all
away John went up to the Mill with 10 bags to choop 6 of Oats and 4 mixed Pat Bailey got 12
bushels paid $1 20 per Bushel
" 18 this is a fine day the men is Ploughing I went over to William Gilfillians I had a bag of
Potatoes {ink stain}
" 19 this day is warm we wer cutting Oats she{ink stain} and Straw and the big wheel of the
Horsepowr {ink stain} lifted up and the horses run away and brock {ink stain} part of the
horsepowr I went to Guelph with {ink stain} some butter got 22 cts per lb
" 21 this morning was very cold hard frost John {ink stain} went to Guelph for a load of Salt
for the land {ink stain} he brought home 2335 lbs $5 1/2 per ton got 200 lbs of Plaster 70 cts
got some mettle for the horse {ink stain} Powr paid 75 cts at Crows Foundry
" 22 this is a fine day but very frosty in the morning {ink stain} John comenced to
Gangplough the Potatoe la{ink stain} I was fixing the roller one of the sows piged on Sunday
morning had 3 there is only one now
23 this is a fine warm day frosty at night I was sowing {ink stain} Salt on the Spring wheat
land John comenced to {ink stain} sow the Spring wheat Charley Evens got 3 B w{ink stain}
paid $ 1.25

April 24 this is a fine warm day John finished Sowing the spring wheat 7 1/2 Bushels White
" 25 this is a fine day John comenced to sow the Barley in the back field

" 26 the weather is dry cold at nights John Sowed 8 1/2 Bushels of Barley in the back field
" 28 fine weather we sowed 2 Bushels of Barley in the Oarchard Christ got 6 Bushels Sp
" 29 comenced to Sow the Oats in the field this side of the creek I sowed the Onions in the
garden and planted some hitched up the black colt in the harrows for the first time she goes
May 1 this is a fine warm day frosty at night we got a bag of Barley 118 lb from Kenneth
McKenzie and a 3 Bushels and 11 lb from John Murray paid Murray 65 cts per B
2 we had some rain last night it was warm this morning but is got dredfull windy and cold
before noon we planted some maple trees along the back fence at the concession I sowed
some salt in the evening on the Barley land this morning is cold sowed some Barley we went
3 to Guelph with Butter and eggs got 22 cts 14 cts

May 5 this morning is dull and soft it rained a lot last night I went to Guelpt for Carter the
Ferrier to see Doll the mare she is sick with inflamation on the lungs John finished sowing
the Barley 18 1/2 Bushels got the big field in this side of the creek all sowed 18 1/2 Bushels
Barley 20 1/2 B Oats 4 B peas
" 6 this is a fine growing day Jim is ploughing sod and Robert is Gangploughing the little field
at the creek John is fixing fences
7 this day is soft it sort of rained in the morning then it started to rain after noon not very
heavy all afternoon we went to Guelph fair with a load of Potatoes 18 bags 7 bags of the
white Eliphant 11 bags of Beauty of Hebron got $1.10 for the Eliphant 80 cts for the Hebron
we bought a bag of American Potatoes of the rose variety paid 90 cts bought 6 3/4 Bushels
of Peas paid 80 cts per B got 2 bags of chop done Peas and Oats paid 10 cts per Bag
" 9 it has ben very soft these two days rained a good bit both days
" 10 this day is raw and little cold finished the sod and sowed 3 bags of Peas I grafted about
40 grafts some N Spy King of Tomkins and Baldwins

May 12 this is a beautifull fine day things are growing fine finished sowing the Peas all the
land that is ready there is a peice down in the corner of the field is too weet yet the Boys
comenced to Ploug the Back field next McKenzies John is at John Smiths house raising a
log house the mare Fannies leg is very bad swelled and very hott I am bathing it with cold
" 13 this forenoon is cold with an east wind it rained a good part of the afternoon Robert was
rolling till it rained
" 9 the Sow piged she had 5 pigs 2 Died
" 15 this was a fine warm morning till noon we had a Shour then about 3 oclock we had a
great storm thunder and rain and a terable wind David Bradshaw came down to tell us that
Margarets Baby was dead it Died this morning it has be bad for about two months
" 16 this day is very cold all day we were up to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs,
indicating the possessive} to the Babys Funeral John Sowed Some Oats in the Back field he
has got the little field at the creek sowed with Oats Robert and Mary is Sick they are taking
the measels
May 17 this is a fine day I went to Guelph with Butter & egs 15 cts for the Butter and 14 cts
for the egs I bought a Bushel of corn paid 85 cts 40 lb of Pea meal for the steers paid 1 1/2
cts per lb John finished Sowing the Oats we are all but a corner in the Pea field it is wett
" 19 this is a fine growing day some light shours through the day but it rained very heavy at
night James is hauling dung for the Potatoes I finished rolling the fall wheat in the morning
" 20 this morning is very wett it has rained the most of the night Fanney folled last night and
the foll was dead she folled before the time John is sick
" 21 this is a fine day I was pruning apple trees
" 22 this is a very fine day the two Girls and the two Boys are in bed with the measels I is
sick yet
" 23 this day is very warm we went to Guelph with Butter and eggs got 15 cts for the Butter
14 for the eggs I had a Bag of potatoes for Mr Buchanan got $1
" 24 we were at Margaret Kerrs Funeral Jane is bad with the measels

" 26 we have fine warm growing weather every thing is growing fine I was at the Council
meeting we sowed some Peas and a little Oats

May 26 the two Steers went away today we took them to Aberfoyle they weighed 2280 lb
" 27 this day is a little cooler we comenced to plant the Potatoes I was cutting Potatoes all
day Mother is Sick
" 28 this is a very cold day we took the Bull to Guelph he is gone off to London I sold him and
the steers to Edmond Gray the Bull weighed 2165 lb I got 5 1/2 cts per lb the steers weighed
2280 lb at 6 1/4 cts per lb
" 29 this morning is very cold and frosty this is the fast day
" 30 this day is a little warmer W Rae and me was examining the Roads
" 31 this is a fine day we were at the Roads in the forenoon and at the Council meeting in the
June 1 this is the Sacrament Sabath
" 2 this is a fine warm day I was down to Leslies
" 3 this is a fine warm day I went over to A Smiths to see a steer that is laying there the once
I Sold then I went to Guelph to the County Council Meeting finished planting Potatoes
" 5 the County Council went up to the Poor House

June 5 then went out to the Model farm in the evening
" 7 this is a fine warm day we finished the County Council we were 5 days got $11 I bought a
new hat from Stewert paid $2 bought a tube for Janet Amos paid $1
" 9 this is a very warm day till 4 Oclock then it got very Cold it started to rain in the evening
and rained all night we clipped 42 Sheep we had John Hardy helping

" 10 this morning is soft and some rain we were over to the other side of the Township letting
jobs on the Roads
" 11 we were letting jobs on the Roads John went to Aberfoyl to Mrs Thomas Ingrams
Funeral the Doctor was up to see Johns Mary She is not well
" 12 this is a very warm day it is a fine growing day the Doctor was here tonight to Johns
" 14 this is a fine warm day we were at Guelph with some Wool sold it for 18 cts per lb for
long wool and 25 cts for short wool we sold 87 lb long 7 lb short sold 4 bags Potatoes for 73
cts per bag
13 I went over to the plaining Mill in Nassagaweya to get the flooring plained for the Kitchen
floor paid 89 cts $1.85 for 300 feet I went up to Mr Thomas{small superscript occurs,
indicating the possessive} to get some teeth pulled

June 16 this is a very warm day I went down to Aberfoyle in the Morning to See Christ Littles
sheep weighed 25 sheep weighed 4050 lb we comenced to Sow the turnips
" 17 this day is very warm and dry Jim is ploughing the Summerfallow it is very hard John is
18 this is very warm weather we had a small shour Gilfillian and the wife was here Fannie
the Mare got the Horse Bibers young Englands Glory
19 we went to Guelph with Mother and the Girls to get some dresses we had the colt for the
first time
" 21 this day is warm we went out to Aberfoyle to lett some jobs on the roads on the 5th Con
near the new bridge
23 we had a Speacial Meeting of the Council in the evening
" 24 this day is very warm there was a heavy thunder Shour Mother and Me went up to Bells
corners to See Susan and John Little
" 25 we had a fine rain all forenoon here but very little at Bells corners

" 26 we went over to Harriston to See William Horrocks we called at Mount Forrest
27 we were at the great Reform Meetting at Harriston to heare Mr Blake and Others

June 28 this is a very warm day we got home from Harriston {blank space} 24th John
finnished sowing the turnips
" 30 this day is very warm Alfred Howitt was here taking the level for some ditches on the
sideline we were with him
July 1 this is a very warm there was some showers went round in the evening I went over to
the 3rd concession to examin a job on the roads then I went to Guelph to see the
Calidonians dancing
" 2 we had a warm dry day I took out two of the Buggy wheels to get the tyres sett
" 3 we had a fine rain I went out for the wheels
" it rained nearly all the forenoon it is fine growing weather John started to cut the hey he
went a few rounds
" there was some showers we went to Guelph
" 7 this morning was very cold and windy John comenced to cutt the heay
" 8 this is a fine day we are busy at the heay Robert was at Christ Littles raiking heay we got
in one load of heay
" 9 this is a very fine day we got in 4 loads of heay I went to Rockwood with {illegible number,
over 100} lb of wool was docked 9 lb 138 1/2 out of 21 cts in goods $29.9

July 9 I went from Rockwood to Guelph we bought two bags of Salt paid 70 cts per bag we
bought a 100 lb of Oat Meal at Rockwood {illegible} paid $2 50 per 100 lb
" 10 this is a very fine warm day I went over to the 4 Con to see a job on the road at Pat
McGars Rae was there

" 12 this day was showry we did not do any thin at the hay except cutt a little we have had a
very fine week for the heay untill today we went to Guelph with some butter I bought 2 lb of
Paris Green paid 65 cts
" 14 this is a good hay day James Golightly is not able to do much with a bile on his arm Bob
Dunn was helping us in the afternoon I was at the Council Meeting in the afternoon
" 15 this is a fine day but very cold for the season it has been very cold since saturday John
finished Cutting the heay 27 acres in all
" 16 this day is dull and cold comenced to Scuffel and thin the turnips
" 17 this day is clearer and warmer raiked up some hay
" 18 this is a fine day we finished hauling in the hay 28 loads of splendid hay big loads I went
to Guelph with Jane to Meet Christ Little from the old County

" 19 this day is dull and cold it has ben very cold all week we went to Guelph with butter and
eggs and Some black currants I went up to Waterloo with the 10 Oclock train I paid 85 cts for
a return ticket and 15 cts for the buss from Berlin to Waterloo
" 21 they are busy at the turnips James comenced to Plough the Summerfallow the Second
time I was cutting thistles in the Pasture field
" 22 this morning was dull and misty then it cleared up and got very warm I went to Guelph
for some fixings for the reaper I did not get them
" 24 this was a fine day we had a fine light shower in the evening I went over to see a job on
the road near Pat McGars in the evening John comenced to cutt the Barley at the back field
' 25 this is a fine day James is cradeling the Barley in the Orchard John is putting paris green
on the Potatoes the Boy finished cleaning the turnips I was cutting thistles in the Pasture field
" 26 this is a warm we went to Guelph with Butter eggs and Black currants John comenced
to cutt the fall wheat hauled in a load of Barley
28 a very warm day finished cutting one field of wheat

July 28 hauled in 3 loads of Barley
" 29 hauled in 2 loads of Barly and and cutt 5 acres of Barley
" 30 this is a very warm day we finished cutting the fall wheat and some Barley I went to
Aberfoyle with the wagon wheel to get the tyre sett
" 31 this forenoon has ben very Soft it has rained Since daylight and all forenoon I went to
Aberfoyle for the wagon wheel paid McIntyre 50 cts for 2 fillors
August 1 this is a fine day John finished cutting the Barley
" 2 this is a very fine day we hauled in 7 loads of Barley and 5 loads of fall wheat
" 4 we had some rain last night this was a fine day untill about half past 4 Oclock then we
had a very heavy rain for about 2 hours we got in 2 loads of wheat before the rain Mother
and Me went in to Guelph the time of the rain it rained nearly all the road Johns Baby Annie
May McFarlane Died about 2 Oclock She was bad about 30 hours with infant Cholera she
was 9 months old we got a Coffin in Guelph the coffin cost $9 Shroud $1 crape $1 box $1 20

Aug 5 this day is Showry Johns Baby was Buried today
" 6 this is a very fine day I went over to Waterloo to get the crooked Shaft fixed I got a new
one paid $2 75 the boys got in 8 loads of Wheat in the evening they wrought till near 11
Oclock it looks like rain
" 7 this is a very fine day we got in all the Barley 17 loads it was a very good crop we got in
all the fall wheat except the raikings there is 21 loads in I was horse raiking Mary went up
with farmer to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the possessive} to help with
the thrashing
" 8 this is a very fine day we got in 2 loads of wheat raikings we have 23 loads of fall wheat I
went over to the Puslinch Lake with the two Girls to the Gilchrist clan picknick
" 9 a fine day we went to Guelph with Butter & eggs

" 11 this is a very warm day we cutt the spring wheat Jim was at John Smiths thrashing I
gave Robert Black $10 in part paymet for plank for the Caulfield Bridge
" 12 this is a very warm day I went up to Caulfield Mill with some wheat there was 20 bushels
for a grist and 10 1/2 bushels to sell got 82 cents per B it weighed 55lb to the Bushel

August 13 the Boys is at the turnips Jim is at W McKenzies thrashing I went up to the Mill for
the grist
" 15 we have very hott dry weather it is terable hott we were thrashing half a day in the
afternoon we thrashed 150 Bushels it is very good wheat
" 16 this day is very dry and warm we got the spring wheat all but the raikings in 7 loads
" 18 this day is very warm we got in a load of wheat raikings we had 8 loads of Spring wheat
it was a very fine crop we comenced to pull the peas
" 19 we took the lambs from the ews the men is pulling peas
" 21 this is a very warm day at the Peas
" 22 this is a very warm day we hauled in 6 loads of Peas John is at Fliming thrashing
" 23 we had a light Shower this morning we went to Guelph with some apples got 75 cts for
some and 50 cts for one some butter and eggs we comenced to cutt the Oats
" 25 this morning is cool we cutt some oats I was at the Council Meeting is the afternoon
John is Sick he is not able to work he went to the Doctor
" 26 a fine day hauling in Peas

August 27 this is a fine day I went up to Fergus to a meeting of reformers to make
arangements for the Mowat reception

" 28 this a fine day had some rain in the evening we were at Aberfoyle at the Seed Show we
had 10 bushels of Clawson Wheat and ten of Democrat wheat I got the 4 prize for the
Democrat and Sold 6 B 20 lb at $ 1 per Bushel we were at Miss McIntyres Funeral
" 29 we had a great rain last night James is at Murrys thrashing Robert comenced to Plough
for wheat
" 30 we had a very heavy rain this morning but it turned out a fine day after 8 oclock we went
in to Guelph with some Butter and eggs John comenced to cutt the Oats in the back field
next Archies
Sept 1 this is a fine day the folks cutt the Oats in the back field Judge Chadwick Shot Mr
Colson of Guelph in the face back in the swamp he is very bad
" 2 this is a fine day we hauled in 12 loads of Oats
" 3 this is a very fine day we hauled in 3 loads of Oats and 2 loads of peas got all the Peas in
25 loads a fine crap
" 4 this is a fine day we comenced to plough for the fall wheat we hauled in the oats in the
back field next Achys 10 loads a fine crop we hualed them in to the back barn

Sept 5 very warm today the men finished ploughing the little field at the concession
" 6 Sowed the field at the concession 7 Bushels
" 8 this is a fine day I was at a meeting of Reformers at the Townhall Aberfoyle to appoint
Delagates to the demonstration at Toronto to welcome the Hon Oliver Mowat I was
Chairman there was a good meeting
" 9 I went to Guelph this day is very hot we finished cutting the Oats in the field at the creek
the Oats is all cut but half an acre of late oats
" 10 we had a Shour yesterday evening Sowed 12 bushels of Democrate wheat in the big

13 this is a fine day finished Sowing the wheat we sowed 19 Bushels Clawson and 12
Bushels of Democrat wheat I went to Guelph with a load of wheat 39 B 20 lb got 82 cts it
weighed 62 lb to the Bushel
" 16 this is a fine day John and me went to Toronto to the Mowat Demonstration and to the
Toronto Fair there was a terable croud of people in Toronto
" 17 a fine day got home from Toronto about 10 Oclock at night Mother has been bad with
her throat
" 19 a fine day we were thrashing with the steamer about 3 hours in the afternoon thrashed
200 B

Sept 20 it rained some last night nearly all night but not heavy we thrashed a all day
something over 909 B 298 fall wheat 130 sring 452 B of fall wheat 140 B peas 341 Barley
" 21 frost this morning cool all day
" 22 this is a very wett day it has rained very heavy all forenoon and we have 5 acres of Oats
out yet it rained nearly all day
" 23 this day is dull and dark we thrashed the Barley the Second time 241 Bushels it rained
in the afternoon
" 25 this is a fine day I went over to the 7th con to see a job on the road
" 26 this is a fine day we hauled in 5 big loads of Oats
" 27 this is a very wet day it rained nearly all day we went in to Guelph with Butter got 22 cts
per lb 17cts per eggs
" 29 a fine day but dull I was at the Council Meeting we comenced to Dig the Potatoes
" 30 this day is dull and light shours I went to Guelph with some things for the Show I sold 2
bags of apples got 40 cts per bag I then went old to James Blacks Sale
Oct 1 this is a fine morning got in a stack of Peas but it rained in the afternoon I was at the

" 2 this was a very wett day it rained nearly all day lightly John and me went to Guelph Show
it was a bad day for the Show I did not get any prize

Oct 3 this is a very warm day I went over to James Andersons Sale I bought a Shearling
South Down ram paid $9 for it
" 4 this day was warm with Some Showers in the afternoon we went to Guelph with butter &
eggs I then went to James Andersons to get the ram I then went down to Aberfoyle to Sware
some of the Scott Oct canvesers
" 6 this is a fine day they are busy at the Potatoes Mr Rae and me were letting a job of
Ditching on the road
" 7 this is a fine day we went up to Robert Amos{small superscript occurs, indicating the
possessive} with William Horracks he was down on a visit
" 8 we went in to Guelph with a load of Barley 50 Bushels got 60 cents per Bushel it got very
wett and cold in the afternoon John Little and Susan and the children came down in the
" 9 this is a very fine day we were at the Puslinch Show we had some thing at it and got a
few prizes
" 10 John comenced to plough the Potatoe land
" 13 this is a fine day we had a lot of rain yesterday morning John Little and Susan went
home John finished Ploughing the Potatoe land we had a good crop some nine or then loads
I sent a letter to California

October 14 this is a fine day but cold frosty in the morning I received a teligram from my
Brother John from California last night Annie is very Sick I entend to start off to California
tomorrow if all is well John went in to Guelph with a load of Barley 49 B 28 lb got 58 cents
per Bushel it came to $28 75 I bought a trunk paid $2.75 and a pair of calf Boots paid $4

" 15 this is a fine day John went up to Marden with a load of apples 23 bags to make cider
Robert Amos is to Boile it and make Apple butter I Started off to California on the Grand
Trunk Railroad at 3 oclock PM I got as far as Sarnia before dark
" 21 I arived at Sacramento at 7 Oclock this morning had to remain there till 1140 Oclock
then I went on the train to Galt 27 miles got there at 1240 I received a Teligraph yesterday at
Winemuccey from my Brother that Annie Died on Sunday the 19th I arived in time for the
Funeral it took place imediately after I arived in Galt
' 24 my Brother John and me started for San Francisco at 1240 PM we got there at dark we
stoped at the Grand Hotel we remained till monday morning

October 27 we arived at Galt back from San Francisco at one Oclock
31 I left Galt at 9 Oclock AM for Sacramento on my way home to Canada we got to
Sacramento at 10 O Brother John came with me to Sacramento I remained there untill half
past seven then started on the train to cross the Mountains for home the Weather has ben
very warm all the time I have ben in California Brother John returned home with the 6 Oclock
train I started on the express train at half past 7 Oclock in the evening I was to go on the
express untill I would overtake the Emigrant train that left in the morning I had an Emigrant
ticket paid $64 50 for it
Nov 1 I left the Express train at Truckee at 5 Oclock in the morning and waited till 6 Oclock
on the Emigrant train
" 3 I got to Ogden in the morning at 725 Oclock we changed carrs and started at 1015
" 5 we started from Council Bluff at 145 Oclock an Chichago and Rock Island railroad
" 6 we got to Chichago at 7 Oclock left at 930 for Detroit got there after dark on the Michigan
Centeral then we started on the Great Western

Nov 7 I got to Harisburg at one Oclock in the morning had to stop untill 1030 Oclock AM got
to Guelph at 1145 Oclock AM got home in the evening the folks at home had the Sweed

turnips all in loads there is Some Graystone to take in yet they have had very cold and wett
weather at the turnips I had fine dry weather on my way home
" 8 we went in to Guelph to get my trunks but I did not get them
" 10 I went in to Guelph got my trunks and 3 cases of caned fruit from California I paid over
$9 for Duty and $3 63 for freight the freight was paid in California $4 86 they still claim $4 9
" 12 we went in to Guelph with John and Mary we purchased tikets for California from Mr
Gales paid $183 for the three $9 less than the Grand Trunk
" 13 John and his Wife Mary and little Janet and our Mary started for California we went
down to Schaw Station on the Credit valey railroad with then they started at 3 Oclock PM C
Little R Amos Robert J Lizzie and my self went to see them off

Nov 15 this is a fine day we went in to Guelph with some butter
" 17 I went away to hunt for a man to hire Robert was a Sandys Flimings thrashing Edward
at McKenzies
" 19 we went to Guelph to Settle with the Railroad agent about Some caned fruit from
California there is some mistake about the freight
" 20 John Gilchrist comenced to work here this morning he is hired for $13 50 per month for
the winter
" 14 William Beattie from Dumfriece and his wife was here
" 22 we went in to Guelph with 3 bags of fall apples got 60 cts per bag and some butter got
20 cts per lb
" 24 this is a very cold day we had a very heavy rain yesterday Morning then some snow last
night I was at the Council Meeting the last we expect this year we received our pay $40
" 25 this is a sort of a stormy day Snowed some all day we thrashed Some peas 50 bushels
oats 200 bushels we brock the Machine near 4 Oclock we had to quit

" 26 this day is clear but cold Robert and me went up to the Mill with 8 bags of Peas and
Oats to choap we went to Guelph bought Robert a pair of Boots paid $3 25 a coat paid $3 50
a basket 50 cts

Nov 27 this day is mild there is a little sleighing I went to Guelph yesterday with the sleigh we
hauled home 2 loads of Oats from the back barn
29 this is a fine day a little frosty it is fine weather for winter we got all the Oats home from
the back barn the Sow went to the Boar
Decem 1 this is a very fine day we have a little sleighing but not much snow the Boys were at
Christs thrashing
" 2 this is a fine day but very frosty at night I went to Guelph to the County Council I got
Fannie the mare Shod at G Nicholes paid 80 cts
" 3 a fine day I went to Guelph with the Buggie it is fine wheeling at the Council in the
forenoon at Mr W Leslies Funeral in the afternoon
" 4 a fine day at the Council in Guelph
" 5 at the County Council I sent a letter to California to John
" 6 this morning is soft and dull and foggie then it comenced to rain at noon and rained all
after noon heavy near night I was at Guelph to the County Council we finished this forenoon
we have ben five day received $11 I sent a letter to John Little
" 7 this day is wett and raw it rained all forenoon

Dec 8 this is a fine day I was out at Aberfoyle to a Magestrates court we got a letter from
" 10 I went over to the Bridge on the Sideline between lots 10 & 11 on the 5 con to inspect a

" 11 this is a fine day a little cold I was at the Post Office got a letter from John and one from
Uncle John
" 12 this day is prety cold McKenzies brought over the Machine to thrash tomorrow
" 13 this is a very fine day we were thrashing they thrashed all the Oats that was to thrash
470 bushels we have thrashed alltogether about 800 bushels they charged Seven Dolars
15 this day is stormy snowed some all the afternoon I was at Mrs Donald McKeracher funeral
she Died on Saturday
" 16 this day is very cold and stormy we went to Guelph with a Sleigh load of Lambs 13 that I
sold to George Scott I got $3 75 each $48 75 I sent a letter to California to Brother John
" 14 this is a clear day but very cold Mother and Me was back to King the weavers I went up
to Murrays with Elizabeth to get her lessons

Dec 18 this is very cold day I went in to Guelph to the fatt cattle show and fair
" 19 this is a very cold day it is nearly 30 deg below zero we killed the pgs 8 of them and a
heffer we had Christ and Duncan Gilchrist helping us
" 20 another very cold day Robert and me went in to Guelph with 4 hogs they weighed at
home 173 lb 169 lb 234 lb 222 lb got $6 12 1/2 per 100 lb $47.78 a hide and 4 sheep skins
got $5.98 got 6 1/2 cents per lb for the hide we left 4 hogs at home they weighed 798 lb and
the heiffer it weighed 400 lb
" 22 this day is some stormy I went over to the 7th con to see a job on the road one of the
Sows went to Gilchrists Boar the other one went on the 29th November
" 23 this is a fine day I was filling some Apples & Potatoes
" 24 this day is very cold and stormy we went up to Guelph then up to Robert Amos{small
superscript occurs, indicating the possessive} we stopped all night
25 this day is clear and very cold we got home from Roberts then I went to Mrs Peter
McLarens funeral

27 this day is milder we went in to Guelph with some apples 9 bags got 80 cts per bag for 5
bags 60 for the rest some butter got 20 cts per lb got a 100 lb of cattle food paid 5 1/4 Dolars
29 this the Nomanination for Councilors

Dec 29 I was nominated for Reeve and Dep Reeve but I would not stand I have retired from
the Council it is nineteen years since I entered the Council
" 31 the weather is very soft it rained some this morning the roads are muddy I sent away
Annies bracelates to Mary to California

January 1 this morning is cold and frosty it was very windy and cold all night it is calmer now
a little snow this day is very quite we are at home
" 2 this day is clear and cold
" 3 this day is very cold I went in to Guelph with Some butter got 18 cts per lb
" 5 this is a very fine day I went down to Morriston I paid the Doctor Crmack his bill $4 for
one visit
" 6 this day is Soft it rained in the forenoon but it cleared up in the afternoon the roads are
" 7 this is a fine day it was windy in the morning and frosty the roads are bad in the morning
we went to Guelph with a load of Wheat 40 Bushels 35 lb at 78 cents come to $31.66 it
weighed 63 lb to the Bushel I paid a $100 to David Sticton on a note
For more information on Duncan MacFarlane, check out the “Meet the Diarists” page
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