File #16450: "Stephen %22Sylvester%22 Main Diary 1890.pdf"



January the 1st 1890 Jesus with me I started this New year out. To Desdemona's
all day January the 2nd not much of anything this forenoon and to Galt for Lang
this afternoon January the 3rd drawing straw for Lang from Mr. McQueen's all
day. filled 2 ticks last night. 4 fixing my Sunday shoes this forenoon not much of
anything this afternoon. 5 to Sunday school in the morning to Methodist Church
at night. the 6th fixing a little wagon for Clevie. Jirden and I to Galt got a Bible
for myself. January the seventh out to Desdemona's all day making sausage.
Truman and I organized a Christian endeavour society. 8th started to school
today my first day to school January the ninth to school all day, today snowing at
night. 10th to school all day the 11th making a little wagon for Etta made a lid for
a pot took Dexter over to Henry's. the 12th to Sunday school in the morning to
church at night to the brethren. 13th to school today snowing some this
afternoon. special meetings started. a little under the weather laying around all
day the 15th not much of anything today just lying around. 16th not much of
anything today but put a strap on my rubber 17th fixed my overshoe this mark
this forenoon. Sam, Albert Truman Pa and uncle Johnson over to Henry's he had
a little wood bee I was over too the 18th to Galt this forenoon traded chickens
with Charles Lang 19th to quarterly meeting this morning to the United brethren
Church at night. The 20th to school all day today to church at night 21 to school
to last recess came home fixing my hen roost to Church at night 22nd to school
all day today, to church at night 23rd to school all day today to church at night
24th to school til first recess to church til noon to school in the afternoon and to
Church at night January 25th to Galt this alone this forenoon Mott chores doing
Mott's chores because he is sick January 26th to Sunday school in the morning to
the United Brethren Church at night 27 to school all day today to church at night
January 28th to school all day today to church tonight 29 to school all day today
no church at night January the 30th to school all day today 31 to school this
forenoon and down to Lang's this afternoon help unloading cheese the
Methodist League at night.

February 1st Saturday Truman and I shooting this forenoon splitting wood down
to Mott's this afternoon. February the 2nd to Sunday school and church this
morning to Methodist Church in night February the 3rd to school all day today
skating at night with some others the fourth to school all day to first Christian
endeavour society the 5th to school this forenoon took a load of cheese to
Branchton. The 6th to school all day the seventh to school all day today. The 8th
fixing a wheel in my rat cage shooting some this afternoon February the ninth
Sunday to Sunday School in the morning to the Brethren Church at night. 10th
went down to Bonds in the middle of the forenoon there the rest of the day. The
11th drawing wood to Galt for bonds all day 12th to a load of wood to Galt for
Bond this forenoon fetched a load of lumber for uncle Charles February the 13th
to school all day, to church at night 14th home this forenoon to school this
afternoon fifteenth to Galt this ffor morn for bonds went down to Aaron Main's
tonight after Jirden The 16th to Sunday school and church in the morning to the
Methodist Church at night 17th to school all day today started to get up an
entertainment 18th to school all day today to the Christian endeavour tonight the
19th to school all day 20th to school all day today 21 no school today out to
Branchton to prayer-meeting at night 22nd helping Mr. Cochrane get ready for
moving, all day 23rd to Sunday school in the morning to the brethren Church at
night 24th to school today wrote a letter to Jacob Burley 25th to school today to
Christian endeavour at night white rat had six young ones 26 to school did all
day did got a letter from Jacob Burley 27th to school all day today to the
Methodist to prayer-meeting at night 28 to school all day today bought a pair of
Sunday shoes March the 1st back to Tom Wedge's and James Montgomery this
forenoon not much of anything this afternoon.

March the 2nd to Sunday School and Church in the morning to the Methodist at
night 3 to school today practicing for the entertainment. 4 to school all day today
to the Christian endeavour at night getting ready for the entertainment March
the 5th to school all day practicing the dialogues after 4 March 6th to school
today practicing dialogues after four. 7th to school all day our entertainment
tonight the House was full I was in 2 dialogues "story telling" and "how she
made him propose" a recitation "the old man in the Palace car" made $17.10
March the 8th helped straightening up the school house til 10 went back to the
swamp to help Albert the rest of the day March 9th to Sunday school in the
morning to United brethren Church at night. 10th back to the swamp this
forenoon to Uncle Davey's bee this afternoon. March 11th in this forenoon rating
back to the swamp fetched a load of home Albert did Joseph Henry Culham's
here tonight. 12th fixing my rat cage some putting a man on top traded my
Endfield gun to Thomas Wedge for an oil cloth coat got 50¢ to boot March the
13th went over through the woods with the gun to prayer reading at night March
the 14th fixing some at my rat cage. 15th went up to the credit valley station to
meet Mott started to make a gunstock March the 16th to Sunday school in the
morning and Church to the Methodist Church at night March 17th working at
my gunstock finished it and painted it 18th to Hamilton all day with Truman
drove Laing's team got a suit of clothes March the 19th went out to Branchton
this afternoon stayed all night March 20th come home from Branchton this
morning got a poultry catalogue 21 making a reel to put a cord on to sail a kite
this forenoon to Mr. Humphrey's cleaned up a load of oats and pitched on a load
of hay March 22nd went back to Tom Wedge's over the woods this afternoon Mr.
Richter gave us his woods to tap for nothing I ask him March 23rd to Sunday
school in the morning and brethren Church at night 24 packing up crocks this
forenoon tap this afternoon about 40 trees 25th boiled all day alone sap running
good all day and all night boiled all night stayed alone until 8:00 father came
over and stayed until half past 10 Truman came over father went home Truman
and I stayed all night and all next day boiled all day 26th Truman and I got home
at 8 o'clock and had a little over three gals March 27th made a kite this forenoon
over to the woods this afternoon Truman and I boiling stayed til 3:00 in the
morning snowing and blowing most careful come home at 3 in the morning 28
snowing and blowing all day started to make a pair of water proof stockings I
drug some boards for a shanty in the sugar bush 29 went over and made a
shanty in the woods Truman and I 30 reorganized the Sunday school to the UB
Church in the morning and the Methodist Church at night 31 Truman and I
boiling all day over to the woods at last the last day Truman helped me boiling

April 1st boiling alone this afternoon father came over this afternoon home at 5.
2 helping Henry cut straw til 4 gathered the sap tonight did not boil today 3
father and I boiled all-day 4 went over to the woods in the middle of forenoon
Albert and I boiled til near night the fifth went down to Davie Smith's for
Elmira's hymn book went over to the woods and gathered the sap fixed a
different arch 6 no Sunday school this morning to the Methodist Church to the
brethren church at night April 7th started to boil at 10:00 boiled all alone today
got an 8 qt. pail near full. home about half past five. sap near stopped. eight went
over to Ricker's helped split wood about 10:00. for the use of his wood to the
Christian endeavour 9 split wood til 4 got through went to Branchton after
Jirden. through to Mr. Rickers helped one-and-a-half days 10 not much of
anything all day. went over to the woods gathered the sap 11 went over to the
woods and boiled. boiled home at noon. taffy off this afternoon 12th Jirden and I
went after barks for to boil. went over and gathered the sap 13th to Sunday
School in the morning to the Methodist Church at night 14th boiled this forenoon
gathered the crocks into the shanty this afternoon the sap getting raspy 15
fetched the crocks home this forenoon went back to the swamp. Albert fetched
out a load of wood to Bonds. broke the tongue 16th helped Bonds cleanup some
barley for Henry's seed in the morning. to Cooley's sale this afternoon 17 went
fishing down the creek snared six nice ones home after dinner nothing the rest of
the day went to Tom McB???igns drawing the disc harrow all-day stayed there
all night 19 picking stones a while this morning driving the dish harrow until
noon rolling this afternoon home tonight 20th to Sunday school in the morning
and Church the United Brethren Church at night 21 laying around at Henry's this
forenoon ploughing for him this afternoon 22 ploughing all-day Sage Johnson
and I with two teams 23rd ploughed three rounds then sowed barley til noon
with the drill ploughed this afternoon 24 ploughed til four-o'clock sowed with
the drill until night 25 finished sowing and dragged some til noon dragged til 4
this afternoon ploughed until night 26 ploughed all day till four o'clock rain
came rained came home then 27 to Sunday School and Church in the morning to
the church at night 28 Henry and I took his sow to Sweets ploughing the rest of
the day 29 ploughing til 8 rain stopped for a while finished near night dragged til
night the 30th dragging til near night came home and took Desdemona home.
Henry's mare had a colt last night.

May the 1st moving two stone piles filling up the well picking stones the rest of
the day Sage Johnson and I. May the second drawing rails from Studiman's Sage
Johnson and I for Henry the third drawed one load of rails and one of stones to
put under fence Sage and I building fence May the fourth to Sunday school in the
morning to the United brethren church at night the fifth to Albert Bonds drawed
some manure ploughed his lot May the 6th helping Henry move out to the shop
fetched one load out in the forenoon and one in the afternoon building fence all
rest of the time May the 7th Elmira and I to Galt this forenoon over to Henry's
this afternoon drawed a load of dirt moved some of his apple trees. May the
eighth to Henry's today with Albert Bond bought me a double barrelled gun
Friday the 9th took Jirden's horse went over to Henry's got his wagon and
drawing manure on Cocker's place for potatoes May the 10th over to the wagon
shop took the wagon home and Dexter 11 Sunday school in the morning and
Church to the Methodist Church at night 12 George Steel and I went shooting
and fishing down the creek home near night 13 around the shop til near night
helped Albert Bond put on a load of wood 14 to Galt for bonds this forenoon
with wood fishing this afternoon with George Steel 15 out to Destes this
forenoon ploughing for ourselves down on Cochran's place 16 Rosa and I down
planting potatoes for a while down to the creek fishing and shooting shot a
something and had on my water proof stockings 17th down to the wagon shop
mother and I made a gun bag 18 to Sunday School in the morning and Church to
the Methodist at night Orery preached 19th down to Albert Bonds digging out an
apple tree this forenoon to Galt this afternoon. 20th not much of anything
cleaned out my revolver getting ready for off. 21st got on the train for Thedford
got there at 2:00 stayed all all night at Uncle John's 22 Wib and I went for a walk
up the rail road track come to Fort Franks with the mail 23rd fishing to the lake
all day did not catch very many 24th fishing until 4:00 to the lake fishing with
hook and line along the River 25th Jacob and I took a walk to the big sand hill
went over to Mr. Stubb's in the afternoon May 26th fishing all day to the lake
with the same-a lot of people over to the beach May 27 not fishing today shot a
wild duck and caught a big black bass shooting the rest of the day. 28 th fishing
all day over to the lake with this thing May 29 fishing all day over to the lake
with the seine shot a wild duck tonight the 30th fishing all day hauled three
times today caught quite a lot of fish May the 31st fishing today to the lake made
two hauls.

June 1st took a walk over to the beach David here went up the river with a piece
with David June second-made one haul this fishing and hunting this afternoon
June the 3rd fishing all day to the lake, caught a lot of herring got two golden
slumbers June 4th cleaning fish and salting them Will Stubbs and I trolling the
River the fifth made one haul planted two rows of corn hauled again sixth
cleaning fish for a while come back cleaned and salted some more at night 7 to
rough the fish went with uncle for the roses took my gun came back cleaned it
up put up the duck tent The 8th over to Mr. Stubbs for dinner to the free
Methodist Church in the afternoon back for night June the 9th fishing today to
the lake made three hauls caught a lot of pickerel 10 planting corn and beans this
forenoon made one half caught near nothing June 11 helped get two colts across
the river this forenoon went with uncle down the river and back through the
woods 12 1/2 this forenoon two til night 1 after dark home at 12 June the 13
made one haul cleaned the fish made another half cleaned all the fish 14 washed
and salted some fish started to make a haul too rough the Boat swamped reeled
up went up the beach miles for another boat walked half up all the way back 15
Aunt Jackie Miss Brown Miss Hazelwood and I went to Stoney Point took our
dinner home at night 16th made one half Bill got sick packed half barrel of fish
for me and packed up my clothes 17 I walked out to Thedford carried my gun
got my dinner at Aunt Sally's went to Point Edward stayed to Stephen Burley's
all night June the 18th looking around Port Edwards went to Sarnia, Port Huron
and Fort granted and then back to Nelson Burley's all night 19 started for home
this morning came to Branchton walked home tonight 20th took a walk over to
Henry's got home to Jirden's horse went to Branchton after Mother and up to
port league 21st fixing a screen on the front Albert and I fishing to the millpond
June the 22nd to Sunday school in the morning and Church to the Methodist
Church at night Dougall's farewell June 23rd on the road working for Tom
Cornell spreading gravel uncle Charles and I down by the elm trees 24 working
on the roads spreading gravel got through June 25th over to Henry's sowing
turnips and hoeing mangles this afternoon 26 over to Henry's this forenoon
Hoeing mangles not much of anything this afternoon 27 hoeing thistles out of
our potatoes on Cochran's farm fishing Clevey's father and I down to the
millpond 28 made a frame for our window screen down to the mill pond for a
swim 29 to Sunday school in the morning to the United brethren church at night
the 30th to Albert Bonds in the forenoon hoeing potatoes and white washing hen
roost to Peter Humphrey's hoeing potatoes.

July the first to Albert Bonds 3 quarters of a day shingling for a swim tonight
July the 2nd to Peter Humphrey's hoeing potatoes all day to Clyde at night
Varley Bond and I. July the third hoeing potatoes all day for Peter Humphrey.
July the fourth hoeing potatoes got through Paris raining this afternoon. July the
5th scuffling potatoes til noon Paris grading a while scuffling the rest of the day
the sixth to quarterly meeting in the morning to Sunday school convention in the
afternoon to church tonight to the Methodist Church the seventh scuffling
potatoes in the forenoon ploughing summer fallow this afternoon the 8th
ploughing all day in the summer fallow. 9 ploughing this forenoon horse raking
and cocking up fetched in one load the 10th ploughing this forenoon picking up
hay this afternoon drawed in four loads 11 ploughing this forenoon brought in
three loads, horse raking after supper the 12th pitching on all day drawed in
seven loads 13th to the Sunday School in the morning to brethren Church at
night 14 ploughing all day finished the summer fallow 15th cutting hay by hand
around the fence horse raking a while drawing in some slept in the wagon shop
16 drawing all day today Simon and I slept in the wagon shop 17th drawing in
this forenoon rain not much of anything mowing with the scythe and shook out
some hay drawing in this afternoon drawing in this forenoon horse raking and
drawing in 20th to Clyde Rosa and I to church to the Methodist Church at night
21 drawed in three loads Simon and I cutting around fence corners this afternoon
22nd horse raking and cocking up took in 1 load Walt Smith's helping drawed in
three loads horse raking 23rd Walter Smith and drawing in all day loading and
pitching off all day. 24 helped spooling some warm. rain some to Mr.
Humphrey's drawing in this afternoon back to the cedar swamp picking up
berries til 3:00. George Steele I and I over to the woods with their guns the 26
went down to Bonds at 9:00 shocking up all day 27 to Sunday school in the
morning and Methodist Church and the brethren Church at night 28 back to the
cedar swamp picking berries home at 3:00 29 to Albert Bond's shingling all day
his hen roost 30th to Bonds til noon drawing in barley rained not much of
anything 31 went to Bonds about nine o'clock there the rest of the day drawing in

August 1st over to Henry's drawing in all-day got in his barley, the second back
to the swamp picking berries home at noon brought in some hay August the 3 rd
to Sunday School and Church in the morning to the Methodist church at night
August the 4th over to Henry's this forenoon drawing in wheat rain not much of
anything August the 5th not much of anything went to Bond's ploughing this
afternoon. August the 6th to bonds all day ploughing August the 7th to Bonds
ploughing all day got through. 8 over to Henry's all day drawing in wheat 9
shocking up wheat this afternoon pitched on two loads of hay took one to Mr.
Moore's. 10 to Sunday School to the brethren church at night 11th made a box for
my rats to Mr. Humphrey's this afternoon drawing in wheat. August the 12th to
Mr. Humphrey's all day horse raking drawed in two loads drawing in all
afternoon the 13th thrashing to Mr. Humphrey's this forenoon out to Branchton
on a bicycle 14 not much of anything put on some braid on my collar. 15 George
Steele and I shooting all-day shot a rabbit 16 to Galt with Frank Bond got home
at four o'clock 17 to Sunday school in the morning and Church to the Methodist
Church at night August 18th pitched a load of hay bound around a wheat field
threshing to Uncle Dave's for Mr. Humphrey 19 to Uncle Dave's this forenoon
thrashing to Will Coverdale's this afternoon thrashing for Mr. Humphrey 20th
pitched on a load of hay shocking up til six pitched on another load 21 cleaning
up wheat this forenoon rain wrote a letter to Lizzie Burley 22 down on the
summer fallow dragging all-day 23rd to Smith Willard's George Tilney away
cultivating til 3:00 rolling til night 24 to Sunday School to the brethren church at
night. 25th down to David Smith drawed in three loads of oats and eight loads
of peas pitched on a load of hay ploughing the rest of the day 26 pitching on a
load of hay ploughing the rest of the day. 27 pitched on a load of hay over to Mr.
Hattrick's thrashing drawing in oats this afternoon 28 pitched on a load of hay
ploughing the rest of the day. 29 thrashing to Jack Gerard's this forenoon
drawing in oats this afternoon. August the 30th sorry Witherspoon and I down
to his place all-day.

September the 1st ploughing all day pitched on a load of hay 2 dragging til fouro'clock rolling the rest of the day. three finished rolling dragging until near night
pitched on a load of hay 4 rolling til eleven dragging til near night pitched on a
load of hay 5 digging and pitching up potatoes digging and picking up potatoes
down to the summer fallow finished dragging pitching on a load of hay
September the 6th to Albert Bonds painting fence all day. September the seventh
to Sunday school in Methodist Church in the morning the brethren church at
night September 8 to Albert Bonds painting fence all day. 9 to Albert Bonds
painting fence all day to endeavour at night 10th to Mr. Lang's helping digging
the well 11 rain today painted over my gunstock fixed my shot bag and fixed my
shoe. 12th helping Walter Smith take down an old House. to Peter Humphrey's
clean up wheat. 13 to Albert Bonds painting fence all day 14 to Sunday school
and Brethren Church in the morning to church at night. 15 to Albert Bonds
painting fence all day 16 to Albert bonds painting fence this forenoon. Rain.
made a nail saw and flag-pole. 17 to Albert Bonds painting finished and fixed his
pump. 18 down helping Walter Smith raise the house. 19 down to Walter Smith
shingling til the middle of the afternoon come home fixed picnic wagons 20th to
the picnic to the lake all-day hired a boat had Maggie Milroy for a girl she came
home with me at night 21st to Sunday school in Methodist Church in the
morning to church at night 22 down to Walter Smith's finished shingling putting
on siding 23 over to Henry's for a walk took Elmira down to Rockton up to
endeavour took Maggie Milroy home. 24 down to Hamilton show took Maggie
Milroy down Albert and Aggie down to get our pictures taken had a good time
was my birthday. 25 down to Smith Willard's drawing out manure this forenoon
setting up buckwheat 26 drawing out manure all day came home with Maggie
Milroy. 27drawing out the manure all day got it all out 28 to Sunday school to
the Methodist Church at night come home with Maggie Milroy. 29 started to dig
potatoes digging and picking up all day. 30 digging and picking up all day to
endeavour at night with Ethers after come home with Maggie Milroy

October the first digging potatoes and picking up all day the second digging and
picking up potatoes all day the third rain today not much of anything digging
some potatoes to home 4 ploughing this forenoon digging and picking potatoes
this afternoon October 5 to Sunday school in the morning and Church at night
the 6th threshing this forenoon cutting bands. Rain. went down to Walter Smith's
lathing this afternoon the seventh thrashing all-day cutting bands got through 8
tinkering around a little at home 9 started to make a box for show for chickens to
Uncle Davie's threshing this afternoon 10 to Joseph Ricker's thrashing all-day
October the 11th went to Galt with Frank Bond walked home fixing up show box
for chickens this afternoon October 12th to quarterly meeting to the Methodist
Church at night 13th fixing my rat cage went to George Ricker's to thrash for
Henry October the 14th to Rockton Show all-day got one first prize on blacks
Spanish 15 Albert and I to Galt got some presents for Elmira fixing tables for the
wedding Elmira and Walter Smith got married about half past six had a good
time I gave her a hanging lamp October the 13th, back to Freelton Show all-day
had Len Smith lack rain in the afternoon had a good time 17th took Albert up
near Branchton for work. washed Jirden's buggy took Henry home this afternoon
put tin on the eaves-trough 18 to Galt this forenoon come home with John Ricker
went out this afternoon with mother and Rosa 19 no Sunday school it rained to
church in the afternoon no church at night 20 down to Walter Smith's mixing
mortar and plastering all day 21 down to Walter Smith plastering got 1st coat on
and part of next. to endeavour at night 22 to Bonds pulling mangles this
forenoon drawing in this afternoon 23 finished drawing in mangles ploughing til
noon. Rained. packing apples this afternoon 24 went to Rockton a horse back
fixed my shoes put on a piece of bottom in the buggy down to W Smith for a ride
25 went to Bond's wagon in the morning down ploughing the rest of the day 26
to Sunday school was secretary. to church in the afternoon to the Methodist
Church at night 27 not much of anything all day down to Walter Smith to see the
plaster October 28th down to Bonds ploughing all day to endeavour at night 29
to Bonds husking corn this forenoon ploughing this afternoon October the 30th
to Galt with Walter Smith after the stove went around by Branchton 31 down to
Walter Smith's cleaning the House all-day

November the 1st thrashing for Walter Smith down to Mr. Sweet 2 to Sunday
school in the morning to the brethren church at night 3 making moldings of
made a picture frame wrote a letter to Lizzie Burley November 4 thrashing over
to Henry's all day cutting bands to endeavour at night 5 threshing to Henry's a
little while this morning Truman and I went to Galt got our pictures taken got
beagle and mine taken. sixth shooting all day shot one pheasant the first one
shot. seven down to Walter Smith's painting the house all day November the 8th
to Galt show the middle of the afternoon bought and some tools for to go to the
shop went down and finished painting 9 in all-day til night went to the
Methodist Church November the 10th fixed a damper and a wood grate not
much of anything this afternoon 11th went over to Henry's for the workbench
put it up this forenoon working in the shop this afternoon boring out sleigh
runners and mounting them 12th putting sleigh knees and benches together
cutting tenons and knees slipping out raver by the band saw November the 13th
plating raves this forenoon-to Mr. Humphrey's sale this afternoon 14 finished
planing the raves fitting on the two raves 15th made a machine drawer plastering
under the wood shed November the 16th to Sunday School in the morning was
secretary the last Sunday of school to Methodist Church at night November the
17th making molding for picture frames made two picture frames 18 down to
Witherspoon's sale Truman and I all-day 19 planing and marking out stakes
shaving off the ends of pollsters 20th painting some spokes in the wheels planing
and ripping out circle boards put a crosspiece in the back saw 21 ripping with
the band saw this forenoon turning chisel handles 22 painted a sleigh and tongue
this forenoon ripped out two reaches by hand and planed them 23 to the
brethren church in the morning to the Methodist church at night. 24 planed a
tongue this fornoon painted a tongue and two reaches 25 back to a sale near
Clyde but did not buy anything to endeavour at night 26 pouring and chiseling
out benches this forenoon to Galt for Walter some lathe home marley pouring
benches and chiseling them 27 putting knees and benches together made a
whippletree this afternoon 28 boring out and chiseling sleigh runners went down
to Mott's but did not stay long boring and chiseling raves 29 made a hog trough
this forenoon and painted one front bob sleigh 30th in all-day til night went to
brethren church

December the first started to school today my first day to second to school all day
today led the prayer meeting at night 3 to school today, then down after the
cutter at night 4 to school all day practicing dialogues for the entertainment to
the Methodist Church prayer meeting December 5th to Galt home about 2:00
went over in the bush to hunt but did not get anything got our pictures taken to
Galt December the sixth fixing my little gun this forenoon hunting all afternoon
December 7th to quarterly meeting in the morning to the Methodist Church at
night December 8th to school all day making a turn lathe nights and mornings 9
to school all day to endeavour at night 10 to school all day fixing my turn lathe at
night December the 11th took MacPherson's horse Varley and I went back to the
swamp got a Christmas tree to school after in the afternoon December the 12th to
school all-day examinations this afternoon to it up to league 13 fixing at my turn
lathe all day 14 to Methodist Church in the morning to the brethren at night 15 to
school all day today 16 out to Branchton this forenoon went out with Wat Smith
gave me bills out for our entertainment. met entertainment Albert and I went out
for a little hunt. to endeavour at night December 17th to school all day today
practicing dialogues for the entertainment 18 Sally Dean Moore Olive Humphrey
and Rosa and I to Galt to get the teacher a present got a rocking chair and album
not much of anything this afternoon practicing dialogues at night December the
19th to Galt all of us to get our group taken to school tying on prizes and other
stuff practicing dialogues entertainment tonight and Christian Christmas tree up
on the platform all the time made $18.90 December the 20th helped cleaning out
the school house after the entertainment fixing a little on my turn lathe 21st to the
brethren church in the morning to the Methodist Church at night 22 out to
Branchton bought a colt for $25 brought Mr. McPherson's cow down to take it to
Stoney Creek 23rd took Mr. McPherson's cow to Stoney Creek started at 6:00 got
to Hamilton at quarter to one got my dinner, got my picture taken left in two
hours got to Stoney Creek about 5:00 got our supper at his wife's mother's and
stayed all night. walked all the way 24 started from Stoney Creek at half past ten
got our dinner at Bullock's Corners got home about 4 o'clock 25 Christmas today
John and Desty and family Henry and Henry out too had turkey and pudding
26th Albert and I to the swamp to see if we could get it up to Hugh Mulholland
to see his stock. to Henry Bonds to get a job cutting wood 27 cutting wood this
forenoon. Pa Albert and I home this afternoon fixing at my turn lathe this
afternoon 28 in all-day reading a little. to the brethren church at night. 29 went
up to Henry's Bonds to cut wood up all day. 30 cutting wood all-day to
endeavour at night 31st raining a little and foggy. frost all over the trees fixing at
my turn lathe a little this forenoon cutting wood this afternoon.
signed S. Sylvester Main Sheffield Ontario 1890

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