File #17060: "Walter McMackon Diary, 1906 Diary.pdf"


1906 Diary – Walter McMackon
Transcribed by descendant, Paul Woodrow.
Cash Accounts at the back of the original diary are not included in the transcription but can be
viewed in the original diary at Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph.
- Small diary, 3 in. x 5 ¾ in.
- Identification on inside front cover:
o Walter McMackon, 1067 Palmer Ave., Detroit, Mich.
o Address: Highgate, Kent Co., Ontario
o Birthday: July
o Height: 5 ft., 8 ¾ in.
o Weight: 155 [lb.]
o In case of accident or illness, please contact: Mr. or Mrs. D. McMackon, Highgate, Ont.
o Shoe size: 7
o Collar: 15 [in.]
- 3 receipts from Canada Business College, Chatham, all in Jan. 1906
o Jan. 5, 1906, for $6.00
o Jan. 8, 1906, for $29.83
o Jan. 29, 1906, for $20.00
- A rent receipt: “Chatham, Ont., July 6, 1906, I hereby acknowledge that Walter
McMackon has paid his board in full to the above date. [signed] Mrs. D.J. McGee”
- A baggage storage receipt from Michigan Central R.R., dated Dec. 26, 1906, at the
Detroit, Mich. Station.
Tues. Dec. 26 – I walked to Nelle Bourne’s 9 miles. Fare to St. Thomas $1.95, fare home $1.10,
union transfer .25.
Sat. Dec. 30 – came into Chatham to arrange about CBC.
Sun. Dec. 31 – at Uncle Nelson’s for dinner.
Monday, Jan. 1 – Walked down to Fenton’s A.M. Called in at Geo. Reycrafts on my way back.
I met Phyllis coming home. I found she was going on the same train I was. Had New Year’s
dinner at Aunt Mattie’s. Frank and I went to Sifton’s to spend the evening. We had a real
pleasant time. We skated in the afternoon at Atkinson’s bush. I skated with Fay, Eva, Ethel &
we walked up town together.
Tuesday, Jan. 2 – I nearly missed the train this morning. Dick Heatherington & Seafy Reycraft
came in too. We did not get started at the CBC till about 10:30. I had dinner & supper at Mrs.
Hetton’s corner, Wellington & Harvey. I am going to change in a day or so. Fare in to C. .75.
Wednesday, Jan. 3 – I went out with Bert Gyman to see about a boarding place on Baxter St. It
is raining tonight.
Thursday, Jan. 4 – Started to board at Don McGee’s at $2.50 per week. I am rooming with
Birton Gyman. I paid Mrs. Hatton for $1.20 from Tues. dinner to dinner Thurs.
Friday, Jan. 5 – Paid D.L. McLaughlin $6.00 on a/c.
Saturday, Jan. 6 – I drew $30.00 from the Molsons Bank today.
Sunday, Jan. 7 – Ray Fenton and Charlie Thornton were down for dinner. I went for a walk after
church with Ethel Gosnell & Laura Huffman.
Monday, Jan. 8 – Edith Reycraft came to Ridgetown on the train this morning. I met Erie
Quackenbush & Eleanor Wickwire at Blenheim. I paid D. McLaughlin $29.85 in full.
Tuesday, Jan. 9 – Went to Aunt Carrie’s after dinner for a few minutes.
Wednesday, Jan. 10 – no entry.
Thursday, Jan. 11 – Mr. Stone gave us a lecture upon landlords & tenants and their relations to
each other and also on deeds, etc.
Friday, Jan. 12 – no entry.
Saturday, Jan. 13 – Fay Neice had a party tonight. Nettie, Hirst, Jim McA., Orene, Louise, Ethel,
Mary, Eva, Jessie, Jim Scott, Frank, Walter, Fred B., Earl G., Vern S., Ray F., Alvin. I went
home early. I was in bed by 1.30. Ray came down over night.
Sunday, Jan. 14 – no entry.
Monday, Jan. 15 – Took cousin Minnie’s parcel to Penn Stone at noon. I saw Eleanor Wickwire
this morning at Blenheim.
Tuesday, Jan. 16 – Answered Mabel Truedell’s letter.
Wednesday, Jan. 17 – no entry.
Thursday, Jan. 18 – Mailed Truedell answered letter.
Friday, Jan. 19 – Promenade. Took M. Graham home. I met Mabel McKerracher.
Saturday, Jan. 20 – I went home tonight. Mabel K. & Pringle went too. Harry Johnston died
today. Letter from Willie Swent. Flossie Blight came down tonight.
Sunday, Jan. 21 – Johnson Kidd sick this week. J. Jones & I went to see him Sunday. Dougall
Cree of Clarke Dakota was in town over Sunday. He addressed the S.S. in the afternoon and he
was applauded.
Monday, Jan. 22 – no entry.
Tuesday, Jan. 23 – Gyman & I went up town & I did not get back till 10. I saw Dot Smith but
did not know her.
Wednesday, Jan. 24 – Finished 1st
budget tonight. I hope it is right.
Thursday, Jan. 25 – Started exam today.
Friday, Jan. 26 – Went to Victoria L.C. Went home with Mary Graham. We went for a walk
before we went in. I felt good to-night.
Saturday, Jan. 27 – Stayed in Chatham to-day. Went out on 5.35. Miss Lottie Willie as
_______. Nearly missed train at Blenheim Ridgetown. Went to Garret’s to-night. Mrs. L. Tape.
Cecil going away W. McGregor Mon. or Tues. Jim McAskill, Vern Scott, Frank & Walter
Sunday, Jan. 28 – Wanted to drive to Ridgetown but didn’t get the horse. So I walked in and
back. Aunt Nellie’s for dinner. Saw the two Johnson boys & Mabel McKerracher. Left about
Monday, Jan. 29 – A number of men from Gray’s came over to-night. They danced & played
cards. I struck out with the two Miss Pritchards across the River. I went to bed about 1.45 in the
Tuesday, Jan. 30 – Went to Victoria Avenue party. Birthday to-night. Miss Phillips, Miss
Western, Miss Cartier, Miss Burns.
Wednesday, Jan. 31 – Started second Budget 102 to-night. Miss Mary Graham said she was
going to Burks Falls on Friday. I won’t be glad. I want to see her to-morrow night at least.
Thursday, Feb. 1 – We went for a walk to-night for about an hour then came back to the house
and talked away another hour.
Friday, Feb. 2 – Mary Graham went to Burks Falls to-day. I went to the RR station to say good-
by at 8.37 A.M. Went home from U.A. League with Miss Willie. She boards at Patterson
Avenue. Went over to Aunt Carrie’s at noon all well.
Saturday, Feb. 3 – In Chatham to-day. Pringle, Myrta, Eileen, Lottie & I went out to-night.
Miss Willie came down to Highgate.
Sunday, Feb. 4 – Sacrament Sunday to-day. Minnie Reycraft Sunday night.
Monday, Feb. 5 – Borrowed $5.00 from Father to-day.
Tuesday, Feb.6 - Letter from M. Truedel. Wrote to Phyllis Reycraft on typewriter.
Wednesday, Feb. 7 – At Feb. 8 in 2nd
Thursday, Feb. 8 – Went to concert R.C.A. at Ridgetown. Came out from Chatham at night.
They had a splendid concert. Stayed at Arlington over night & breakfast, $1.50. Concert ticket
.40. I saw the eclipse of the moon to-night.
Friday, Feb. 9 – Came in to Chatham this morn. At V. A. League. About ½ CBC Boys over.
Miss Estherbrook Miss Burns.
Saturday, Feb. 10 – Came home this morning. Drew $15.00. Paid father $5.00. Frank went
skating to-night.
Sunday, Feb. 11 – Walked to Ridgetown Presby. C. tonight. Went to ____ house about 9.00
stayed till 10.15. Home at 12.00. I have sworn off walking both ways. It is too hard on me. I
feel too tired afterwards.
Monday, Feb. 12 – Board to Feb. 8 $13.25. Board pd $6., board pd. $7., owe 0.25.
Tuesday, Feb. 13 – no entry.
Wednesday, Feb. 14 – Went to opera to hear Uncle Tom’s Cabin. I thought it would be better
than it was. 50c.
Thursday, Feb. 15 – no entry.
Friday, Feb. 16 – Went to Victoria A. League 10c. Chinaman did not sing. Miss Esther Brook,
Donald Crawford, Miss Willey.
Saturday, Feb. 17 – Came home to-night. I met Edith Stenton. She was with Eileen Bowyer and
I with them. Maybe the last. Phyllis R. Came on the morning train home from Blenheim.
Sunday, Feb. 18 – Frank, Gordon and I drove to Presbyterian Church at Ridgetown this morning.
Was not speaking to K M.
Monday, Feb. 19 – Phyllis came in on the train this morning. Gordon McDonald, Mr. Nrovus,
Miss Leitch did not come in to-day. Aunt Ellen broke a blood vessel in her ankle to-day and had
a very close call. I did not hear of it till Sat.
Tuesday, Feb. 20 – Closed books for Mar. 15 after 4.00.
Wednesday, Feb. 21 – no entry.
Thursday, Feb. 22 – Finished to end of Apr. 15 to-night.
Friday, Feb. 23 – Finished to end of Apr. 30 to-night.
Saturday, Feb. 24 – Went home this morning. Edwin Kroff started for Haysville thence to the
North-West. Frank & I went over & played ihith at Orr’s. Emma & Miss Orr Jones.
Sunday, Feb. 25 – Miss Orr & Emma over for dinner. Mr. Berry for dinner & tea. I saw Edith
Baird to-day.
Monday, Feb. 26 – Started 2nd
exam after dinner.
Tuesday, Feb. 27 – Finished 2nd
exam to-night. Went to Park St. YMCA.
Wednesday, Feb. 28 – Went on Actual Business Class 1st
Thursday, March 1 – Mr. Stone lectured again to-day.
Friday, March 2 – no entry.
Saturday, March 3 – Wonder medicine man here this week. Bessie Crosby got the prize, a ladle
and a large lamp. I broke a window. Aunt Nellie, Helen & Nelson up to-day but went back on
the “Com”.
Sunday, March 4 – At Church & S.S. 3 times today. Went for a walk with E. Driver that night.
Monday, March 5 – no entry.
Tuesday, March 6 – Mrs. McGee’s two nieces over for supper & evening. Saw them safely
Wednesday, March 7 – I saw Edith Reycraft in Chatham to-night for the first.
Thursday, March 8 – no entry.
Friday, March 9 – Promenade to-night. I spent an enjoyable evening. Grace Kernst.
Saturday, March 10 – Home by 10.30. Went over to Ethel’s before dinner. Rale muddy.
Sunday, March 11 – Pretty quiet. Snowing at night.
Monday, March 12 – Fred Humphrey came in to W’burg this morning. He is at the glass
Tuesday, March 13 – Late for school his morning. Had to register. Overslept.
Wednesday, March 14 – no entry.
Thursday, March 15 – no entry.
Friday, March 16 - no entry.
Saturday, March 17 - no entry.
Sunday, March 18 - no entry.
Monday, March 19 - no entry.
Tuesday, March 20 - no entry.
Wednesday, March 21 - no entry.
Thursday, March 22 - no entry.
Friday, March 23 - no entry.
Saturday, March 24 – At Geo. Reycraft’s for dinner. Missed train at Chatham but caught it at the
Junction. P.S. I have the cart before the horse here.
Sunday, March 25 – Frank and I drove down to Sandy MacDonald’s after S.S. 3 Miss Coreys
were there and Gordon made us stay. We left about 8.30 & Frank missed Mary. J. McAskile
was with her.
Monday, March 26 – no entry.
Tuesday, March 27 – no entry.
Wednesday, March 28 – no entry.
Thursday, March 29 – no entry.
Friday, March 30 – no entry.
Saturday, March 31 – Stayed in Chatham today.
Sunday, April 1 – Went for a walk with Menay. Baptist S.S. then to temperance lecture in
Auditorium, at night to Christ Church opposite Market Square.
Monday, April 2 – no entry.
Tuesday, April 3 – Mahler & I are Junior wholesales this week.
Wednesday, April 4 – no entry.
Thursday, April 5 - no entry.
Friday, April 6 - no entry.
Saturday, April 7 - no entry.
Sunday, April; 8 - no entry.
Monday, April 9 - no entry.
Tuesday, April 10 - no entry.
Wednesday, April 11 - no entry.
Thursday, April 12 – Came out on 5.35, also Thomson, Phillips, Currie, Pool, Heather Gosnell,
Stella, G. Moore, G. Kempt, Mabel McK & Annie L. At Ridge T. station to see the crowd.
Squared up for Board to-night by pay 1.50. Stella Coatsworth thro for good.
Friday, April 13 – The kids from Ridge T played here to-day and we licked. Mission Band Tea
at night. Met L. T. went to tea with M. R., E. McK., & L. T. Went to the back woods after
Saturday, April 14 – Frank & I went out to Ethel McK’s to-night & brought girls back. Must
have a license bust in the way I am going at the fair.
Sunday, April 15 – Went to Beattie’s homestead with L. T.
Monday, April 16 – Walked down to Ray’s & back this afternoon. Went to Ridgetown on 7.46
& back on 10.30. Mary R. & Lydia T went up on same & back at night. Frank & I met them at
the depot. I saw Sinclair Pringle too.
Tuesday, April 17 – Went out to Charring Cross to-night and back with Jennie Russell of
Chatham. We had tea with Jack Farrah. On the plug I saw Annie Long, Mrs. Jack Scott, Mrs. &
Myron Miller and at Fargo, Mrs. A. Fenton saw L. T. go thru on 37.
Wednesday April 18 – watching soldiers drill in skating rink. Section 14 rec. to-day.
Thursday, April 19 – no entry.
Friday, April 20 – no entry.
Saturday, April 21 – Friday, May 4 – no entry.
[At end of Diary, dated 4/22/06]. Sunday morning. Park St. Meth. Text Proverbs 30,-24-25.
Lesson from ants “Do the right thing at the right time”. Cronies. “Fly to the right place for
safety”. Spiders "Work in the right spirit”. 109. Chas. Wesley was at Land’s enduring a storm.
A bird flew in the window. He put it in his bosom until after the storm. Then let it go. He then
wrote Jesus lover of my soul. Let me to thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll, While the
tempest still is high.]
Monday. April 23 – no entry.
Tuesday, April 24 – no entry.
Wednesday, April 25 – no entry.
Thursday, April 26 – no entry.
Friday, April 27 – no entry.
Saturday, April 28 – no entry.
Sunday, April 39 – no entry.
Monday April 30 – no entry.
Tuesday, May 1 – no entry.
Wednesday, May 2 – no entry.
Thursday, May 3 – no entry.
Friday, May 4 – no entry.
Saturday, May 5 – Went home to-night.
Sunday, May 6 – Sacrament Sunday. Looked after no one. At Aunt Mattie’s for tea.
Monday, May 7 – no entry.
Tuesday, May 8 – no entry.
Wednesday, May 9 – no entry.
Thursday, May 10 – no entry.
Friday, May 11 – no entry.
Saturday, May 12 – no entry.
Sunday, May 13 – Morning at 1st
Presbyterian. Soldiers paraded to Park St. Afternoon at
Baptist & night at Baptist also. At Aunt Carrie’s for tea.
Monday, May 14 – I am in the Agency office this week. Green is jr.
Tuesday, May 15 – Paul Schendel left to-day. Tom Bolger left to-day. H. D. Earl left to-day.
Wednesday, May 16 – no entry.
Thursday, May 17 – Got a picture of College Boys from J. E. Richards.
Friday, May 18 – no entry.
Saturday, May 19 – no entry.
Sunday, May 20 – no entry.
Monday, May 21 – I am junior in the bank this week. Miss Heath ledger keeper & M.
Brightwell teller.
Tuesday, May 22 – no entry.
Wednesday, May 23 – I went home to-night. I bot a return ticket for 75c. Received a letter from
P. R.
Thursday, May 24 – no entry.
Friday, May 25 – I came back this morning. I forgot my ticket & had to pay 75c to come in. I
only had .50c & borrowed 25 from Jonas Gosnell.
Saturday, May 26 – no entry.
Sunday, May 27 – Went with Boyce to 1st
Pres. Church to hear Rev. Mr. McDonald the Globe
editor. S.S. at Baptist, went to V.A.C. at night alone.
Monday, May 28 – I am ledger keeper in CBC Bank this week. Miss Heath teller & A.O. Little
dist keeper.
Tuesday, May 29 – no entry.
Wednesday, May 30 – Rec. A card from L. T. in German.
Thursday, May 31 – Received a card from Mother to-night all well.
Friday, June 1 – no entry.
Saturday, June 2 – Mrs. MacDonald of Muirkirk was at P.M. station to-night going home. I saw
Gordon MacD., Morley Wilkinson. Rec. Card from Alvin Tedder and letter with check from
father for $15. Uncle Alf cashed it for 15c. Paid him ...., and Jonas 25c, gave Dan McGee $10
on board.
Sunday, June 3 – Church A.M., Park St. Church P.M., Victoria Ave. S.S. Victoria Ave.
Monday, June 4 – Sittle & I seniors in bank.
Tuesday, June 5 – no entry.
Wednesday, June 6 – no entry.
Thursday, June 7 – Had my first swim this year. In the Thames east of P.M. Bridge.
Friday, June 8 – Big storm to-day, broke trees down all over. Took off Park St. Meth. Steeple. 1
chimney off Central School, 2 off Opera House, part of roof off Kent Mills, sign off Taylor’s and
fire-wall over.
Saturday, June 9 – Moving in to new College. Took 6.45 train for Dresden to-night. Stayed at
Queens Hotel over night.
Sunday, June 10 – Walked 6 miles to Macauley. Roads muddy & grass wet at start. 7.15-10.10.
Walked up to see the school. Went to church at night. Met Miss Sagar, Herret, Shepherds.
Stayed off at’s for an hour.
Monday, June 11 – Came in from No. 19. Left at 6.50 out at Dat 7.35. No school to-day. Not
ready for us. I didn’t do any work to-day. Father came in this morning and went out on 5.35.
Expect Mother in Wednesday.
Tuesday, June 12 – School open to-day. Mac. made a short speech. J.H. Anderson made a
speech and said he was leaving for Toronto in the morning. We roundly applauded him.
Wednesday, June 13 – Finishing up in Bank to-day. Burton & I went down to see J.H. Anderson
off on 7.00 A.M. Went to GTR & no Jamison on 8.37 & in on P.M. Mrs. Foster, Crichton,
Mother, Grace & Mr. Ferrerby came in.
Thursday, June 14 – Went out to Fargo by mistake tonight, left my school bag on and went after
it. I walked 3miles & rode 4 miles and came in again. Mother & Mrs. Garrett went out. I saw
Mrs. Russell at P.M. Station to-night. Also Arnasa Landon West S . Ch. 7:4.
Friday, June 15 – Mrs. Foshar, Long, Crichton, Russell went out to Highgate to-night. As OI
was crossing the bridge to V.A. League met Archie Gosnell. About 10 o’clock I saw Frank
Gosnell in Smith’s restaurant.
Saturday, June 16 – Started to write to-day. We had Banking & Joint Stock Book keeping.
Jonas was the only one I saw going out home to-night. Dan McGee intends leaving Monday
morning fa Hamilton where he has a good job at 2.58.
Sunday, June 17 –At Baptist A.M. 24th
Regiment at Baptist S.S. and at V.A. Church P.M.
crowded. I was away up in the gallery. The I.O.O.F. attended services. I am too bashful.
Getting worse.
Monday, June 18 – A.M. Commission. P.M. Real Property. I thought the 1st
O.K. and the last as
pretty stiff. Dan McGee, W.R. & L.G. at Jct. left Chat H.P., W.M., P.C.G. this morn, V.D.
Henry & --- (girls) on GTR.
Tuesday, June 19 – Foreign Exchange had. I failed on it. Manufacturing & departmental
Wednesday, June 20 – Arithmetic & Correspondence.
Thursday, June 21 – Arithmetic & Grammar. I saw Wolham Hardy and was talking to him a few
Friday, June 22 – Single Entry & Business Forms. Saw Maude Weaver. V.A. Church Social
Saturday, June 23 – Practical Book. Spell & Defin. were very hard & Writing. Saw Thos.
Johnston, Herb Guyith from home.
Sunday, June 24 – Went to St. Andrew’s Church A.M. Then over to Aunt Carrie’s to V.A.S.S.,
then to Auntie Barr’s and church P.M. at V.A. (nobody).
Monday, June 25 – Debenture & Tables & Rapid Calculation. Candesgrove couldn’t get press
to work right. At Aunt Teen’s for tea. Looked her & Aunt Carrie each a photo of Grace. At
McKeough school tonight, nearly Miss P.
Tuesday, June 26 – We had Addition this morning and I added 23 but only-------O.K.
Wednesday, June 27 – We took up exercise in foreign exchange. We wrote that and spelling
over again this afternoon... Fred Riseborough & 3 more out to-night. Saw T.I. Bolger. He just
got off the boat. Sent out to Globe 3 times 65c exch 3c. “Position wanted by young man 20
years of age. References.”
Thursday, June 28 – We wrote debentures and commission.
Friday, June 29 – Wrote Rapid Calculation and 1 paper on Arithmetic. Clemens gets 3 medals,
Bell 2, Boyd 1. Miss Bobier 2, Miss Taylor 1. Saw Jean McNabb from Rockwood on 6.30 P.M.
to-night. I didn’t know her but she knew me.
Saturday, June 30 – Went home in the morning. Phyllis Reycraft and Myrta. I met Uncle Will
on train. Going down east to bury Grandmother. I sent Father telegram. Grandmother died
Sunday, July 1 – Church twice S.S. 1. Mr. Clarke down for tea. Did not see W.G. Smith in time.
Fay Neice is here on a visit for a few days. George Murray & Jim Scott Jr home. Also Willie
Monday, July 2 – Highgate Monitors NS Soudsn Orients 1st
14:23, 2nd
14:7. Social at night.
Saw Violet Savage & Miss Blue also Frank Ferguson’s brother. Fay came to Leamington this
A.M. Saw father at station. Wrote 2 exams on Arith. CBC.
Tuesday, July 3 – Wrote Arith.
Wednesday, July 4 – Wrote Arithmetic.
Thursday, July 5 – Wrote over Arith. depart. a/cs & Single entry. I am through on all but
correspondence & writing.
Friday, July 6 – Getting ready to go home. Gelinas
Saturday, July 7 – In the morning Gordon & I sawed up a Maple tree in front of the house.
Worked in the mill P.M.
Sunday, July 8 – At Ray Fenton’s for dinner & Uncle Mac’s for tea.
Monday, July 9 – Chas. Whitmore left this A.M. & A. Teddar came. Cut out 22 gto of hoops.
Tuesday, July 10 – Cut 22 cto staves then the plunger broke.
Wednesday, July 11 – Rec. letter requesting application from the John King Co. Fort William.
Replied at once. Broke shave knife plunger.
Thursday, July 12 – Picked cherries to-night at Uncle Joe’s.
Friday, July 13 – no entry.
Saturday, July 14 – Turned heading, cut staves & fixed jointer. Rec 2.50 for working this week.
Mabel Ferguson came down from Ridgetown with father & Abe.
Sunday, July 15 – Missed A.M. church. At S.S. & P.M. church.
Monday, July 16 – Turned & packed heading, staves for Alvin. Heal .T. & awm.
Tuesday, July 17 – Rained 10.30 A.M., drew heading to shop in P.M.& brly to warehouse.
Wednesday, July 18 – Alvin & I drove to Ridgetown for a jointer but did not get one.
Thursday, July 19 – Turned heading to-day. Fan broken at 2.00 P.M. started to fill him. Killed 2
chickens & finger saw -- 6 to-night from League. Albert Gordon home.
Friday, July 20 – Filling kiln.
Saturday, July 21 – Rec ticket from Mother. Went to Belle Isle. W.R & Fran, Sy & Fr. & W.M.
Came as far as Essex & missed train. Slept with Stanley at Aberdeen Hotel. Saw Will Fletcher
at Detroit station as was leaving.
Sunday, July 22 – Went to Aunt Enn’s for dinner. Ernie Williams for supper. Saw Lydia &
Carson in Alice St. Left on #37 for Detroit St. Met Mr. Smale at Windsor. Stayed at Fergusons
over night. Attended Grace Methodist in Essex.
Monday, July 23 – Applied at Soluce Ceoo & Telephone bldg for position. None. Also 58
Cadillac Sq. handle only experienced. Registered 601 Slevens blg. 2.00. Missed Specials &
went to Windsor. Saw McPhadyen. Caught #100 just off at Fargo cost 1.55. Then caught
special at Fargo. Home at 10.15.
Tuesday, July 24 – no entry.
Wednesday, July 25 – In morning sawed apple tree. Joinsed staves in afternoon.
Thursday, July 26 – Jointed staves.
Friday, July 27 – Young Peoples Picnic at Eau. ------ Band. Saw Chas. & Mrs. Johnson. Ernie
Gordon & I took 2 girls (Phyllis Reycraft, Mabel Gosnell) for a bad ride. Had a splendid time.
List (presumably of the people at the picnic):
Jas. McAskete
Jennie Gosnell
Ross Crosby
Miss Smith
Pete McAskil
Selena Howe
M. Gillies
Mable Phillips
Leo Heatherington
Eva Smale
Frank McMackon
Mary Reddick
Vern Scott
Letta Bury
Fred Bronchiel
---- Bury
Jim Gordon
Ethel McKerracher
Agnes Gosnell
Mable Gosnell
Alma Gosnell
Rhea Scott
Louise Scott
Irene Crichton
Phyllis Reycraft
Clara Reycraft
Rose Hall
Annie Hall
Cecil Martin
Ray Fenton
Walter McMackon
Ernest Gordon
Morden Watson
Saturday, July 28 – Jointed staves.
Sunday, July 29 – Same as usual.
Monday, July 30 – Jointed 47 bundles of staves. Wrote to M.F. Graham, 123 Summit Rue, St.
Paul. Min., U.S.A.
Tuesday, July 31 – Jointed 57 staves, Gordon helping. Alvin Smale came home to-night. He
looks first rate.
Wednesday, Aug. 1 – Jointed 65 bunches.
Thursday, Aug. 2 – Nelson, Mary, Blanche, Mattie, Uncle Len’s & D. Mac’s picnicked at Eau.
Had boat ride with Morden Watson. Saw M. Wilkinson, Ethel Pack & Vern Dick. Aunt Nellie
& Nelson & Helen were here all day. Elmer won $1.00, Blanche won 25c, Gordon won 25c.
Whitmore’s went home tonight.
Friday, Aug. 3 – Jointed 60. Elmer helped after dinner.
Saturday, Aug. 4 – Jointed 65. Elmer helped all day.
Sunday, Aug. 5 – Sacrament held here instead of at Lee’s as the church is not ready. S.S. &
church. Saw Vern Dick & his bro.
Monday, Aug. 6 – Jointed 4 bunches. Rained a little in morning.
Tuesday, Aug. 7 – Jointed bundles. Started to rain about 11 A.M. Rained all P.M. Cleaned out
cistern. Earl & Birdie came home.
Wednesday, Aug. 8 – Rained in morning. S. Carlyle went to ---- wood. Abe gave ---- for me.
Earl started after dinner. 20 bunches.
Thursday, Aug. 9 – Uncle Len & Aunt Bessie left on 9.00 A.M. for St, Thomas. Louise had
league. Mrs. Ctichton & Eva Smale had readings. Very good. 57 bunches.
Friday, Aug. 10 – Maggie Fenton had a picnic at Terrace Beach. Frank went but I did not. 56
bunches. Annie Lang came home to-night , walked up with her valises. Mail. Norman came on
5 o’clock.
Saturday, Aug. 11 – Father came home on #37, it was late 1.15. Moved machines, 28 bunches.
Sunday, Aug. 12 – Norman went to Essex on 9.00 A.M. Church 2, S.S. 1. 7 boys in S.S. class.
Maggie Nickle, M. Tape, Laura Heatherington, E. Smale, Lyde Gladstone, E. McK., Kate G.
Monday, Aug. 13 – no entry.
Tuesday, Aug. 14 – no entry.
Wednesday, Aug. 15 – 57 bun. Alvin came to-night.
Thursday, Aug. 16 – 150 bun. Took Phyllis & Clara home.
Friday, Aug. 17 – 150 bunches. Frank went to Chatham to circus. Took Phyllis out for a drive.
Saturday, Aug. 18 – 30 bunches. Rec 2.50 for 16M & 5 b. Alvin & Gordon went to Barnum &
Bailey’s Circus at St. Thomas on #36 & back on #37. Drove Lizzie & Ottie to Ridgetown &
Sunday, Aug. 19 – Lillie Gosnell down for dinner. I rained from 12.30 A.M. to 2.30. I went to
Smales for tea.
Monday, Aug. 20 – Filled 2 boxes balks, cut 1 ¼ vat hoops I culled. Staves too went to joint.
Raining hard to-night. Wrote letter to Cullart Swent.
Tuesday, Aug. 21 – no entry.
Wednesday, Aug. 22 – Civic Holiday. Chatham played 2 games Baseball & won both – 1st
Admission 25c.
Thursday, Aug. 23 – A.M. 70 bundles, cut 2 vats. Treated Agnes Long & Jennie Gosnell at
Martins Forest Post at League. Mr. Long talked on the Social side of the Summer. S. School at
Elgin Erie. Met Miss McClelland of Columbus, O. (Mrs. L. Tate’s).
Friday, Aug. 24 – Run mill all day. Jointed 15 after tea.
Saturday, Aug. 25 – Ran hoops out in A.M., cut 2 boxes in P.M. Alvin & I piled staves. Loaded
car of staves to-day. Jointed 15 after tea. -------------------- treated Tedder Mc. Norman came to-
night & went down with Ray.
Sunday, Aug. 26 – Rained very heavy to-night. Lightning struck Gus Valse’s chimney. Jennie
Gosnell, Ray Fenton, Norman & Alvin here for tea.
Monday, Aug. 27 – Velma came from Essex on 9.00 mail. Alvin went to St. Thomas on mail.
Ray & N. Took Velma for a drive after dinner.
Tuesday, Aug. 28 – Lizzie, Norman, Velma & I went to lake at Palmyra with Lorry. Alvin came
back on 4.34. Velma & Norman went to St. Thomas to-night.
Wednesday, Aug. 29 – Jointing staves. A.T. L.K. 1AA
Thursday, Aug. 30 – Jointing. A.T. L.K. 1AA
Friday, Aug. 31 – Jointed 80. Had a fire at ware house at noon. Loyd, Alvin, Geo., & I moving
apple brls in P.M.
Saturday, Sept. 1 – Jointed 120. Started hard staves to-day. Alvin phoned that he might go to
Blight Monday eve. John W. MacGregor died at Ridgetown, aged 26-6-26 [26 years, 6 months,
26 days].
Sunday, Sept. 2 – Mr. Leddycote did not come. Children’s Sunday Dan. 5. Text Dan. 5-27.
S.S. Zaccheus & Barrhimens . Tedder left for St. Thomas on 36.
Monday, Sept. 3 – Alvin Smale went to Toronto. Eva Smale went to Chatham. Ray Fenton
went to St. Thomas. Jointed 20 --- A.M. alone. P.M. helped Geo. To sheet the shed.
Tuesday, Sept. 4 – Hugh Gillies, Geo. & I shingled all day. 39 bunches out by to-night.
Sneeze once you are feeling better
Sneeze twice you will get a letter
Sneeze three times you will get a kiss
Sneeze 4 times you will get your wish.
Wednesday, Sept. 5 – We three shingled all day. I haven’t felt well all this week. Took Pill
(D.S., K. & L.) & citratred M. They fixed me O.K.
Thursday, Sept. 6 – I feel like another man to-day. Finished shingled shed by noon. P.M.
Jointed 21 bunches. Mr. Talbot of London talked on the Forward Movement. I signed for 4c per
Friday, Sept. 7 – several calculations
Saturday, Sept. 8 – Wrote Joseph O’Mara, Palmerston, for a position at $8.00 per week. Wrote
also to Man for particulars re a position.
Sunday, Sept. 9 – Jin Gordon here for tea.
Monday, Sept. 10 – no entry.
Tuesday, Sept. 11 – Tried my new coat on to-day.
Wednesday, Sept. 12 – no entry.
Thursday, Sept. 13 – Joe Smith came here to board at noon. At League this eve. Literary
selections in charge of Louise Scott.
Friday, Sept. 14 – 52 bunches.
Saturday, Sept. 15 – Jointed 28 bunches A.M. Turned heading P.M. I could have easily finished
jointing to-day. Received word from Mac Chatham re a position in Wallaceburg sugar Coat/$50.
per mo.
Sunday, Sept. 16 – Frank went to St. Thomas on #36. Came home with M. Riddick.
Monday, Sept. 17 – A.M. drew heading to shop. Took 2 back rows of heading put. P.M. finished
Jointing. George filled kiln with staves.
Tuesday, Sept. 18 – no entry.
Wednesday, Sept. 19 – P.M. Goh Knapps scraper & plough. Voting to-day for Hall By-Law.
Thursday, Sept. 20 – A.M. It rained most of morning. P.M. cleared up part of back yard, burnt
some of the rubbish.
Friday, Sept. 21 – Fired & run engine to dry kiln all day. Took Irene Crichton for a drive to
townline & back by ridge.
Saturday, Sept. 22 – A.M. Fired & run engine to dry kiln. P.M. Turned Heading ½ M set.
Sunday, Sept. 23 – 2 church, 1 S.S. Cecil, Crossly, Frank, Vern, Walter. Got my suit this A.M.
19.50 7 yards.
Monday, Sept. 24 – Drew heading to shop. Drew dry staves to shop, 6 loads. Put some staves in
kiln & took some heading out of kiln. Hair cut at T H.
Tuesday, Sept. 25 – Put more staves in kiln. Went to Bell Ringers’ Concert at night alone. It
was Very Excellent.
Wednesday, Sept. 26 – Finished putting staves in kiln. Cleaning up yard. P.M. Put 4 loads of
heading in kiln. New cooper came to-night, Armstrong from Alvinstoc.
Thursday, Sept. 27 – Put 1 load of heading in kiln. Frank & I dug potatoes on back lot. Uncle
Will & Aunt Mary came to-night. Aunts Jennie & Martha not coming. League decided to hold a
concert. Fair night.
Friday, Sept. 28 – Mother & father celebrated the 20th
anniversary of their marriage to-day. Mrs.
Blue went away on Plug. Mr. Craig killed at Dutton by No. 37.
Guest list, attached to page in diary:
Gesto: Wm. Blight & Mrs.;
Essex: Ed. & Mrs. Stone & Marguerite;
Chatham: Alf & Mrs. Stone, Will & Mrs. Stone;
St. Thomas: Mrs. W. Whitmore, Helen & Nelson;
Highgate: Wm. & Mrs. Fenton, Nelson & Mrs. Stone, Alfred & Mrs. Stone (Fan), Mrs. (Minnie)
& D.J. Gillis, Mr. & Mrs. Long, Miss Gesner, Mr. & Mrs. T.C. Reycraft, Mrs. Smale, Miss Orr,
H.A. & Mrs. McLachlan, Minnie Reycraft, Mrs. Blue, Mr. & Mrs. C. McLaren & Lizzie,
William Reycraft, Joe & Mrs. Reycraft, Mrs. E. Beathie, Mr. & Mrs. D. McMackon, Mr. & Mrs.
Jack Attridge;
Ridgetown: Mr. & Mrs. W.H. McMackon
[McMackon’s]: Walter, Frank, Lizzie, Laura, Gordon, Richard, Grace
Total: 50
Saturday, Sept. 29 – I tied up about 325 nailed brl hoops. P.M. Frank & I cleaned out well. I
trained nearly all day. Letter to A.S., R.C. card. L. Trimble, Miss Gesner went to Rn 5.20. Aunt
Nell went on plug.
Sunday, Sept. 30 – M. Long had Childrens’ service this A.M. Frank, Jas. McA. & Cecil M.
Took call. Bible, Prayer, Faith, Obedience, Love, Joy. Gen. 28-10.
Monday, Oct. 1 – Run sawmill P.M. Edged loads & planed.
Tuesday, Oct. 2 – Cut short staves & piled them. Put jointed & carts in shed.
Wednesday, Oct. 3 – A.M. picking own apples. P.M. Putting wood in cellar. Irene C. & Laura
B. Down to look at dishes. Minnie, Ella & Miss Tufling called.
Thursday, Oct. 4 – Putting wood in cellar, rainy & wet. Geo. Tinline & wife went to Rodney
Fair. Rainy all day.
Friday, Oct. 5 – Fixing roof on engine room. Mrs. Freeland, Mrs. Loveall & Ida here.
Saturday, Oct. 6 – Raining & cold all day. Helped Frank with barrels in shop to-day. C.
Whitmore came to-night.
Sunday, Oct. 7 – A.M. church. S.S. Went to station to see C.W. off, #37, 1.40 late. Papa went to
Eau. Fred Galbraith here for dinner.
Monday, Oct. 8 – Worked at roof till 3.00. Worked at wood house till six.
Tuesday, Oct. 9 – Geo. & I bricking the cesspool. Ida & friends went on 9.00 mail to St.
Thomas. Papa came home & went back again. 1 duck.
Wednesday, Oct. 10 – Geo. & I at mason work yet. Geo. Here for tea. Snowed a little this P.M.
Thursday, Oct. 11 – At our contract, took 2 cords wood to Mrs. Frazer, $3.00.Snowed a little to-
Friday, Oct. 12 – A.M. finished our brick contract. Manley Hayes brot load of hay. P.M.
Brought 35 apple brls from Wm. Attridges (out) to Frank Phoenix. Picked 6 brls apples at Bob
McK. Papa home, brought 17 ducks.
Saturday, Oct. 13 – Geo. & I picked 3 bean brls of apples at Bob McKerachers. 1 of King, 2
Baldwins. P.M. turned heading.
Sunday, Oct. 14 – A.M. 3 James 1. Text 3 J. 2 1-3 S.S. Matt. 25, 1018, Levt 13. P.M. no one.
Mary Riddick & Ethel McKhere for dinner. They & Frank & Elsa where for tea & church. Miss
McClellan still at Mrs. T. Tape’s.
Monday, Oct. 15 – Finished roof on engine room. Mother went to St. Thomas on #36.
Tuesday, Oct. 16 – Fair day, burnt weeds. Happy Emma Railroad Robbery. At night Frank,
Vern & I were ushers, felt like a fish out of water. Laura Reynolds & Ada Ashton, Frank &
Mary, Vern & Jessie at M.H.R. for tea.
Wednesday, Oct. 17 – A.M. put floor in cesspool. P.M. Geo. took 75 brls to Rodney. I picked
apples at Uncle Nelson’s. 5 bags. Bessie Stone came out from Chatham to-night. Father went
to the Eau again.
Thursday, Oct. 18 – Thanksgiving day. F. & M.H.R. went to Moravian Fair. Rained nearly all
afternoon. Geo. & I sawed some wood up at his place.
Friday, Oct. 19 – Raining this A.M.
Saturday, Oct. 20 – Geo. took 50 brls to Rodney. P.M. we turned heading.
Sunday, Oct. 21 – Rev. Nethercot of Morpeth A.M. Rev. Sawyer o Florence P.M. At S.S. also.
Walter at Fenton’s for tea. Mrs. A. Fenton & he reviewing old scholars & classmates. Friend
(lady) visiting at church.
Monday, Oct. 22 – Bessie Stone went home on A.M. 8.23. A.M. Working sat wood shed.
Asked Clark about a job in mill in Nick’s place. Thought Nic was going to leave now, but not
until Jack Stickle gets settled.
Tuesday, Oct. 23 – A.M. Ego moved Nick Reichheld. P.M. Drew over heading & staves. Father
went to the Eau after his traps. He intends going deer hunting soon.
Wednesday, Oct. 24 – Drew over staves till about 3.30, when it began to rain.
Thursday, Oct. 25 – Father came back from Eau. A.M. Working at shed. All finished but front
end. P.M. Drew over balance of 1st
class staves. Took wood to Mrs. Slipper & Abe. Brought 1
load home. Muirkirk League did not come to-night. Annie Long & W.A. Abraham, Maggie
Moody & B. Burns, Lizzie Bury & C. Carlyle took parcel around to Stella C.
Friday, Oct. 26 – Putting wood in shed A.M. Carryed heading out of kiln. P.M. Mother came
home on mail to-night.
Saturday, Oct. 27 – Turned heading from about 9.30 A.M. Letitia Attridge lost to-day. Left
house about 3 A.M. Been raining all day. Worse to-night.
Sunday, Oct. 28 – Services at Lee’s at 11.57. Father & I out at Attridges. He was back by 11.30,
I by 2.10. Letta was found about 10.30 near Bill Roland’s bush. I at S.S. Frank & M. At Lee’s
Monday, Oct. 29 – Working on L.E. Section under Uncle Mac. Went to Ridgewood & helped
build Rail holder & Set-off for car. Rained & snowed from about 2:30. Home by 5.30 so wet.
Father went away on #36. Andy on R. Section.
Tuesday, Oct. 30 (Nov. 12) – Ridgetown & Rodney gang helped build ours A.M. We went to
Rodney P.M. to build theirs. Home by 5.35 P.M. Mother, Frank & I went out to 10c tea at Lees.
Josiah McKay Chairman. He died about Nov. 9 06.
Wednesday, Oct. 31 – Ditching on section below Gore. Then putting in switch blocking. Extra
men laid off, that’s me.
Thursday, Nov. 1 – Picked up apples over at Sifton’s for cider. Harry sprained his ankle this
morning. Fred Kelly started to work for him for 1 year for 150. After 6.00 helped Geo. Tinline
move stove. At League in time for Amen.
Friday, Nov. 2 – P.M. fixing old buggy. Put in new reach & floor. Fred & Frank brought cider
Saturday, Nov. 3 – Burnt heap of rubbish. Filled hole by barn with brick & dirt. Looked up T.S.
Gosnell’s & John Gillis’ addresses in Winnipeg. Asked I.C. & L.R. if I could have their
company tomorrow night to church at Lurin. Probably. They backed out & so did I.
Sunday, Nov. 4 – 1st
Matt. 4, 1-11. Eph. 2, 1-12. Sacrament Sunday. S.S. 8 in class. Verne,
Frank, Fred K., Ernie, Jim G., Cecil M., Jim McA., W.M. At night Lizzie & I went to Turin.
Saw Nancy, Ethel McK., Miss Switzer, Albrect G., Irene C., Grace G. 2 letters to Winnipeg,
Monday, Nov. 5 – Living on M.C.R. all day 2 men from Taylor aiding us. J. Garreth, Frank &
Mother, 3 Englishmen, J. Tinline, W. McMackon out at Turin. Tea – meeting.
Tuesday, Nov. 6 – On M.C.R. Taruping & living dinner by big elm. Frank & Geo. filling kiln.
Letter from R.E. McPhedron.
Wednesday, Nov. 7 – On M.C.R. Servicing west of Station. Put 2 rails on switch east of station
Thursday, Nov. 8 – On M.C.R. Changed 3 rails, cleaning up cinders & servicing. Letter from
dad. Frank Beaton has 2 deer. Father none. At League read paper on F. Nightingale.
Friday, Nov. 9 - Brought the 3 rails taken out, to tool house. Then cleaning track till six. Letter
from C.R. Whitmore.
Saturday, Nov. 10 – Servicing near Gore Road. Threw dirt away from Brooks ditch. J. Tinline
worked alone all day near in the cut cleaning track. He went on 5.20 to Renwick to visit Geo.
Sunday, Nov. 11 – Slept in this A.M. Jas. Gordon here for dinner. He & Frank out at Turin for
church. Both at church here to-night. Cecil Martin & I only ones in our S.S. class. “The
Making of a Woman”. P.M. Lesson Prov. 31, 10-end. Text Pls 114.12. Jessie Campbell home.
Monday, Nov. 12 (Oct. 30) – Josiah McKay is to be buried to-day. Ditching for M.C.R.R.
below cut. Snow on ground. Chilly in morning now.
Tuesday, Nov. 13 – Ditching below cut. Kept Gore Road clear for President’s Special from
9.40. Letter from J. Gillis, 57 Pearl St., Winnipeg, Man.
Wednesday, Nov. 14 – Ditching below cut. The clay is not soft but rather sticky when wet.
Mother, Aunt Mattie & Frank at Aunt Ellen’s for tea.
Thursday, Nov. 15 – received letter from T.S. Gosnell of Winnipeg. Ditching all day.
Friday, Nov. 16 – Mr. Clark down for tea. A.M. Put 10 new ties in south switch & cleaned up
cinders. P.M. Went to Ridgetown & helped Ab Wolfe line in crushed stone. Wouldn’t like to
work on their track very well. It is too hard. Andy back on M.C.R.R. section.
Saturday, Nov. 17 – Ditching this A.M. It was very wet & sticky. P.M. Jim & I fixed
McKerracher’s crossing. Father came home to-night on #37. Got check from P.M. agent & J.
Tolson cashed it. Frank Beaton also came on #37.
Sunday, Nov. 18 – Say Ray F. & Stanley Driver to-night. A.M. Phil. 2, 1-16, text 9th
P.M. 2 Cor., P8, 68.6. S.S. Lesson Matt. 26, 57-68. Letta Bury here for dinner. Mr. & Mrs.
McGinn & W.M. at Uncle Mac’s for tea. Nix after church, Frank & I discussing milking of
Spot. Lesson P.P. “The making of a Home”.
Monday, Nov. 19 – Working on Section 13 dys. Father said I could go to Detroit if I liked.
Expect to go tomorrow if the weather is fine.
Tuesday, Nov. 20 – On Section. Wet. Changed my mind, did not go to D. Going to-morrow
rain or shine. J. Garret sends in my time & check to be paid at Windsor where I am to get it.
Wednesday, Nov. 21 – Took accom. to D. Arrived in D. 11.15 Saw Burton Gyman. Looked up
Chas. Whitmore. I by his advice appied to C.H. Bieber Suft of Car Service for position as car
checker. It is terribly windy & stormy this P.M. Came to Ferguson’s P.M. Stayed there over
night. All well.
Thursday, Nov. 22 – Went to Daisy B. Miller, paid her $1.00. I appied Ernest Bros 414
Woodward as bookkeeper. P.M. Looking after home in their office part of time & practising.
Lunch at Geo. Soira’s. To go to Otto Ernst’s home by 7.30 P.M. take Baker, up Chene, 748
Friday, Nov. 23 – Arrived at 748 Granby by 7.25 A.M. Otto Ernst & I went over to Works
1067-1069 Palmer Ave. Started work to-day at $1.00 daily. Tending phone & getting insight
into business. Only ½ hour at noon. Quit at 5.00 P.M. ----. Had dinner & tea at Mige’s. To pay
$4.00 per week including washing not laundry. John Mige & I went to Lansing & back to-night
total 12 miles.
Saturday, Nov. 24 – Had a splendid night’s rest. About 3:30 left for Windsor to get Time check.
Didn’t come. Went via Hooper, transfer to Sherman to Woodward, walk to River. Ferry. Car.
Letter to Mother. P.P.C. to Jessie Campbell. Cart to D. McLachlan. I owe N.S.D.W. 2 tickets.
Sunday, Nov. 25 – A.M. at Ashbury M.E. Church. Rev. Greenwood, Heb. 12, Dan. 6. S.S. there
also, teacher Miss Clare Smith. 4 P.M. Left for Fergusons. Will & Gertie home for tea. Mable
& I went to Immanuel Pres. Other side of boulevard. Came home by Sherman & Hooper. 1 tr
coming back.
Monday, Nov. 26 – Ready for another week. Otto proved cash & I posted entries. Phone #
E14534 to be charged to Ridge 574.
Tuesday, Nov. 27 – Called this A.M. as employee of telephone Co. called & said ours was
#R463-R. Mrs. Crocker here to ascertain basis of the firm. Otto here in P.M. To look up Daisy
Miller after 6.00 P.M. I owe her $2.00 more. A little rain this A.M. I have been acting funny
to-night & Mrs. Miggie thinks I have been drinking.
Wednesday, Nov. 28 – To-night at Ball in Orion Hall on Champlain St. Did not get in till 2.30
A.M. Walked 9 blocks to Gratiot & 9 after it. Up by 7.00 A.M. in morning shough. Had ½
glass of beer & it was sufficiency.
Thursday, Nov. 29 – Went over to Windsor this A.M. Got my time check from M.C.R.R.
deposited $15.00. U.S. Thanksgiving to-day. Saw Jim Scott in Merchants Bank at Windsor.
Went to John Fergusons for dinner & Archie’s for tea. Kenneth & I at Rugby Match. I would
call it “more beef”. Couldn’t find J.C. Jones at 47 Macombs St. either. Phone Ridge 705.
Friday, Nov. 30 – Went to store after soap & Acme, wire with letters. Otto didn’t come out to-
day. Getting ready for trial balance and statements. Cards to McPhedran, McLachlan, J.G.
Saturday, Dec. 1 – Pay day for me, drew $7. Check cashed at Lamberts. down town to-night,
back by 7 P.M. Considerably colder to-night. Letter to Mother.
Sunday, Dec. 2 – A.M. at Ashbury Church, S.S. at Ashbury Church. Miss Clara Smith teacher.
Attend 130 coll $3.02. Went down Chene car & to Depot M.C.R.R. Saw Chas. Whitmore there.
We went to 280 Porter where Roy & Mac live. I went to Presbyterian Tabernacle at 4th
Sacrament administered during service.
Monday, Dec. 3 – Sending out statements & Invs. Started check system among the men. Otto
was down this A.M. for awhile. Got trial balance off to-day.
Tuesday, Dec. 4 – Ruled up Cash Book & Journal. Got new check book this A.M. Otto over
this A.M.
Wednesday, Dec. 5 – Letter from D. McLachlan, D. McMackon, Frank McMackon. W. Francks
got hurt to-day. He was pulling a pot of metal and the tongs slipped and hit him near the eye.
Mr. Honam here for tea to-night, also 2 gentlemen who went to church, one a minister. Snowed
about 2 this A.M. & turned to rain.
[At end of Diary, dated Dec. 5]. Mac writes asking me to check in C.B.C. next year & in that
way pay my tuition. Father will not see me stuck for money. Mac wants me to take stenography
& typewriting. I would like to well-enough if I thought I could better myself by doing so. The
trouble is that I don’t know very well how to leave this position with the North Side Brass
Works. It is to their interest to have a bookkeeper & to my interest to better myself financially
either now or inside of 6 mos. I hate to leave as they have let me into the very inside of their
business. They have given me their confidence & trust and it certainly goes against the grain to
leave a place where one gets attached. I believe it would be to my best interests to take the
course as offered by Mac. However I will ask Otto Dec. 7/06.]
Thursday, Dec. 6 – Desk in office all wet. Went to Palme Mfg & Lamberts. Otto over and
didn’t stay long on account of wet. It has been wet & damp all day. Went to Clara Smith’s, 439
Palmer. S.S. class met. Chas., Dale, Chas. Dench, 2 Bakers, Grant. Card from Lizzie Mose.
Friday, Dec. 7 – Letter from Frank. Letter to McLachlan. Pretty chilly – I took a heavy cold in
office to-day. Felt sick all night. The small of my back and thighs ached to-night and Saturday.
Used salve, 3 pills, strong tea.
[At end of Diary, dated Dec.7]. I had a talk with Otto this morning re Mac’s offer. Told him I
would like to accept it. Otto said had he thought I would stay no longer than this he would not
have taken the trouble to break me in. I don’t blame him for saying that. After we talked a bit
longer I said I would like to write Mac & tell him I would take the course.
Otto said that he thot this business would prove a success and that I would have things my own
way in the office and perhaps have an assistant in little over a year’s time. If the business proved
a failure he would do the best he could for me elsewhere. So I will stay with them for awhile and
get office experience.]
Saturday, Dec. 8 – Letter from Albert Swent, letter to Father. Had a heavy headache this A.M.
Took no breakfast. Felt better towards night. Otto down most of P.M. Louis Dupart starts night
work at 7 P.M.
Sunday, Dec. 9 – A.M. & P.M. Ashbury Church. Also League at 6.45. Saw lots of people
skating by the Boulevard. Getting to like Miss Clara Smith better every S.S. Class. Read The
Curse of the Baskervilles.
Monday, Dec. 10 – Sending out invoices and several checks. Desk wet nearly all A.M. So was
pretty busy al P.M. At night John & I went down to Daisy B. Millers. Then I went to Mens
meeting in Ashbury Church.
Tuesday, Dec. 11 – Rather chilly to-day. Over at Lamberts to cash a check for Dufart. Eugene
at Toledo to buy brass to-day.
Wednesday, Dec. 12 – Went to bed right after supper to-night. Called up Fie Sullivan at M398
Bookkeepers Publishing house, 89 Fort St. E.
Thursday, Dec. 13 – After supper played Snap & went to bed as usual.
Friday, Dec. 14 – The desk has been wet all day to-day. Foggy & dank all day. Otto trying to
straighten out Smith’s tangle.
Saturday, Dec. 15 – Went down town to-night. Walked about 2 miles I guess & never saw a soul
I knew. Bought .P.C. Album & a diary for 1907. Got 1# of cheese for Mrs. Agricola at Library
tea store.
Sunday, Dec. 16 – A.M. at Ashbury Church & S.S. Over at Fergusons for tea. Ken & I & Mac
went to Russell & Macomb. Afterwards I walked home.
Monday, Dec. 17 – men working over time to-night. Van Wagoner here for couple hours. Otto
for another. Sent out weeks invoices to-day.
Tuesday, Dec. 18 – Ira L. Wood induced me to give him 3.00 to take out a Life In. Policy. (fool
that I was). The doctor examined me to-night & I wish I had a copy of it now. Ira L. Wood
wanted 5.00 but I told him 3.00 was all I had handy. I wish I hadn’t told him about money I had
in bank.
Wednesday, Dec. 19 – Went down to drug store for Eugene Dufort & took medicine to his wife
on 563 Collins Ave. Overtime to-night for seven of the men.
Thursday, Dec. 20 – Pay day to-day for the North Side Brass Wks. Went down to drug store for
Marr after Orangeman Headache Tablets. A little snow falling to-night.
Friday, Dec. 21 – We went to the Library and I brought home Vanity Fair by Wm. M. Thackery.
About 4 miles of a walk down & back.
Saturday, Dec. 22 – Received check for $1 more than was coming to me. Had quite a time to
cash it up here. Bought excursion ticket to Highgate & return $2.75. Saw Chas. Whitmore, went
down shopping, saw John Migge. Informed him of my intentions returned to 200 Porter St.
Sunday, Dec. 23 – Up at 5.30 Standard, #32 left at 7.00, Windsor 8.30, home by 11.00. Cleaned
up. Cecil Garrett & Miss Orr here for dinner. Had tea at Aunt Laura’s. In our S.S. class Cecil
Martin, C. Garrett, Jas. McAskill, Crosley Weide, Verne Scott, Frank & Walter McMackon.
Monday, Dec. 24 – Frank & I got Xmas tree at Conway’s. Another at Roy McLaratts for
ourselves. Helped F. Stone & Sam Gosnell trim the big one. Out at entertainment. Very good
as only small folks acted.
Tuesday, Dec. 25 – Blanche & Jack married one year to-day. Uncle Nelson & Chas. Thornton,
Uncle Mac & Aunt Mattie, Birdie & Carl here for dinner. Frank & I went skating at Lee’s P.M.
Skated with Mary Riddick & Eva Smale. Mary asked about Lydia Trimble. Jim Scott & I came
over on #37, 4 hours exactly.
Wednesday, Dec. 26 – Started to work again to-day. Only a few men on.
Thursday, Dec. 27 – Full gang on to-day. Otto & Ernst around for about 1 & ½ hours. Called on
Ira L. Wood to-night about Policy. Can’t regain the $3.00 as the doctor gets that for
examination. He is to write father about policy & get his opinion on it.
Friday, Dec. 28 – Thinking about going to Sx Sat. Night & return on Tues. Evening.
Saturday, Dec. 29 – Otto came in A.M. & P.M. He took off a Trial Balance & Balance Sheet to-
night. He also figured out the Inventory. I made out wages to Sat. night. Did not get through till
10.00 & I did not go to Sx to-night, going in morning.
Sunday, Dec. 30 – Walked to Gratiot, car to Woodward, walked to Depot, left at 6.40 A.M. In
Sx at 7.40, went to Aunt Eva’s for the day. Church 2 & S.S. 1. L.T. was visiting & returned
Mon. nite. Lena just likes to tease me about a young lady. Uncle Ed & Aunt Em also give me a
dig. Stanley left for Toronto. Wet & windy.
Monday, Dec. 31 – Saw Mrs. Ernie, Minnie, Fanny, Rufus & Mrs. Rufus Williams. Drove Tom
to Gesto. Went down town line instead of turning on the Malden Road: 10.45-1.20. All well at
Aunt Mary’s & everything is sticky. Laura Harmer stayed with Flossie last night.
Tuesday, Jan. 1, 1907 – Flossie & I drove out from Gesto to Aunt Enn’s for dinner. Aunt Mary,
Flossie, Uncle Wm., Mrs. Whitmore & Minnie Whitmore, Uncle Ed, Aunt Enn, Lena, Wilmot,
Margaret & Whitney, Walter McMackon, Geo. Blight, wife & baby also. About 4.30 Lena
wanted me in the Parlor -- he was going by. Hurry up. Of course I took my time. But I intended
seeing her at Post O. & didn’t. In about 10 mins. Lena wanted me to hurry as she was going
back & I didn’t. Came back from P.O. back way but didn’t find Abbots. I let Wilmot into the
secret. After tea we went for milk & it wasn’t ready so we went over to station. Nix Dow to
Adam’s next. All O.K. As good friends as ever. Then Wilmot & I got our milk & I hope no
suspicions were aroused. Uncle Ed & Aunt Enn went out after tea & Lena had to look after the
children, therefore I had to go to station alone. “Hello” I heard someone say as I was in front of
the station. I looked around & then found out the time & went back. Tell was there although as
I told her I didn’t expect to see her at all. I said Um Hod would send a P.P.C. from Detroit. I am
to send Flossie Blight a P.P.Card Album. I suppose I am rather boothy on this & maybe will find
out so in a few years. Tell said if F. & M. keep on it would come to something.
Jan. 3, 1907 – I wish I hadn’t seen this Ira L. Wood or had anything to do with this insurance as I
am going to be out $3.00 & nothing to show for it unless I can get a copy of the examination
which I am going to try very hard to do, but I want to have Mr. Wood sign a paper saying that I
will be liable to no more expense if I get a copy of it.
I went up to his office on Dec. 27/07 [should be 06] to say that I would not take the
policy & to get my money back. But its gone for good. I told him that my father advised me not
to take it as father considered it a luxury to have your life insured. Father told me this when I
was home Xmas.
So I told him to write to Highgate & get my father’s opinion on the matter. He did so &
last night I was down again. Another fool’s errand. He read me father’s letter & anything
favourable to my taking the Policy he would comment & enlarge on it. Father also wanted to
know the kind of Policy, terms of pay, etc.
Wood says I am to pay $12.84 on receipt of policy & $4.50 in 30 days & $4.50 in 60
days. But no more money does he get out of me if I know anything about it.
He is to send the Policy home when he gets it and the policy will explain itself to father.
After it comes back I am to get it and I hope to have enough nerve to say right out & out that I
don’t want it at all & thereby save the rest of my money from his clutches.
He always taffys me up a little before I leave & this leaves a good impression on me at
the time, but on reflection I dislike him for saying anything about my position here.
I don’t think it is the best policy to have anything to do with a man who always gives you
a little taffy at the end of a conversation. It flavours too much of the bait on the fish hook which
he is holding out for Suckers & I have bitten 3 times:
Warner Employment Agency $2.00
Daisy B. Miller $3.00
New York Life & Ira L. Wood $3.00
1. 601 Stevens bldg
2. 526 Chambers of Commerce
3. 1203 Majestic
I wonder if I will ever quit being a sucker.
While at Essex, Uncle Ed spoke about how well George Stone was getting along & how well
Lydia had done. The firm is now Ballard & Stone. He asked what Frank was doing at present. I
told him nothing very much. He wanted to know if there was anything to hinder him from taking
a position under Lydea Waburn, 10 miles from Broton, providing there was a Vacancy. Uncle
said it would be a splendid opening if he could get in. He said he would write Lyde & see if he
wanted someone else & if he did he would write Mother & let her know how chances stood with
Lyde. I hope Frank can get a start down there as I do not see that he is making any headway at
[Inside back cover]:
Marshall Field’s business rules were simple.
“Never give a note. Never buy a share of stock on margin. Never borrow. Never place a
mortgage on your holdings. Hold all customers to a strict meeting of their obligations. Do
business on a cash basis. Give the best quality for the least money. Never speculate.”
Onward, March 10, 1906.
Jesus is the Lord of every house, the invisible guest, the unseen listener of our every
conversation. (indirectly from Rev. Hoyt, Chatham).
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