File #19481: "Elizabeth Philp Diary Transcription, 1897.pdf"


Elizabeth Philp (1864 – 1943)
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive volunteers
{Pages 1 to 27 are printed documents - calendars, etc.}
{Pages 28 & 29 are blank}
Diary for 1897 {Printed list of holidays in 1897}
{Pages 31 & 32 are blank}
January FRIDAY, 1 (1-364) 1897
Robt choring & working in the shed
I up to Rothsay with crock of butter
Misty & Mizzling all af
SATURDAY, 2 (2-363)
Robt choring all day
very fine day
SUNDAY, 3 (3-362)
All at home all day
Jas McEwing here for tea.
very fine day
January MONDAY, 4 (4-361) 1897
Robt choring & over to 14th to vote. fore choring and down to Drayton to hear the state of the pole
McEwing & Hamilton Elected. for county
very dull wet day bad roads
TUESDAY, 5 (5-360)
Robt choring fore
fanning up oats & down to Drayton eve.
Da & Ma up to Rothsay
rather cold
WEDNESDAY, 6 (6-359)
Robt choring fore & fanning up oats & down to Drayton
clear & cold
January THURSDAY, 7 (7-358) 1897
Robt choring & down to Drayton with oats & pig
Father & I down to Drayton aft
Clear & cold
FRIDAY, 8 (8-357)
Robt choring & fanning up oats & down to Drayton late in the eve,
Da & Ma over to Sams
very fine
SATURDAY, 9 # {crosshatch design drawn after the 9} (9-356)
Robt choring & down to Drayton with oats
lovely bright day
Sam helping Da fan his oats
January SUNDAY, 10 (10-355) 1897
At home all day
Children down home for a little while
very fine day
MONDAY, 11 (11-354)
Robt choring & down to Drayton with Mr. North took Irons of bobsleighs down to get fixed
very clear bright day
TUESDAY, 12 (12-353)
Robt choring fore
fanning up oats & down to Drayton then up to Rothsay at night.
clear & cold
January WEDNESDAY, 13 (13-352) 1897
Robt choring fore
putting Irons on bobsleighs & started to Draw out Manure
trees rimed & looking like soft weather
THURSDAY, 14 (14-351)
Robt choring fore & drawing out manure aft.
very fine day
FRIDAY, 15 (15-350)
Robt choring fore
very fine day. Jim Lowes came here at noon & Tom Lowes here aft.
very fine roads looking misly
January SATURDAY, 16 (16-349) 1897
Robt choring fore.
Drawing out manure aft
Tom Lowes came here at noon & went down to Drayton aft
very fine roads. very like soft weather.
SUNDAY, 17 (17-348)
At home Children & I down home for a while
very Dismal day raining almost all day
MONDAY, 18 (18-347)
Robt choring fore.
January TUESDAY, 19 (19-346) 1897
Robt choring & fanning up chop & a load of grain
cold & clear
WEDNESDAY, 20 (20-345)
Robt choring fore.
Down at McEwings helping bucher house at four then over to Burrow's helping bucher. Cold but clear.
Osc North came down Morn.
THURSDAY, 21 (21-344)
Robt choring fore. Os North went over for Carrie Robt & Oss went to Drayton aft
clear but cold
January FRIDAY, 22 (22-343) 1897
Robt choring fore & back on the other place helping Cooper skid logs aft
turned out fearful stormy
SATURDAY, 23 (23-342)
Robt took Carrie home & went round by Drayton
choring the rest of day
very stormy
SUNDAY, 24 (24-341)
very stormy all day
I down home a couple of hours
Robt up at Richs
for a while
January MONDAY, 25 (25-340) 1897
Robt choring fore, very fine
fanning up chop aft turned terrible stormy at noon
TUESDAY, 26 (26-339)
Robt choring and helping Perkin thresh his clover all day
very cold & stormy
WEDNESDAY, 27 (27-338)
Robt at Perkin threshing fore. Then aft Dinner moved here & started to thresh aft rather fine but cold.
January THURSDAY, 28 (28-337) 1897
Robt finished threshing clover & done up chores & went to Henry Hilborns to thresh aft
fine but cold
We had four bags of clover
FRIDAY, 29 (29-336)
Robt, choring fore
helping Frank Page kill a beef aft
light snow falling.
SATURDAY, 30 (30-335)
All at home till Eve then children & I down at home. Booth & wife here for an hour or so.
beautiful fine day.
Robt choring & down to Drayton with chop. took Carry down at night
very fine day
January SUNDAY, 31 (31-334) 1897
At home all day till Eve. then children & I down home. Booth & wife here for an hour or so
Beautiful bright day. fine sleighing
February MONDAY, 1 (32-333)
Robt choring fore.
Skidding logs aft. Carrie English {English written in later} finished sewing & I took her home
very fine
TUESDAY, 2 (33-332)
Robt choring fore
finished logs aft
very fine weather
February WEDNESDAY, 3 (34-331) 1897
Robt choring fore & down to Drayton for salts for steer
up at Richds
helping kill beef
very fine day
THURSDAY, 4 (35-330)
Robt choring fore & down to Drayton fore for Salts for steer up at Richds helping kill beef beautiful
day Drawing out manure aft
FRIDAY, 5 # (36-329)
Robt choring fore
drawing out manure aft
inclined to be soft
mild bright day
February SATURDAY, 6 (37-328) 1897
Robt choring fore
soft snow falling. turned to rain. drawing out manure aft and out to P.O. eve
SUNDAY, 7 (38-327)
All at home but down children down home a while
Olive seven years old.
R.B.S.W. {hand written} MONDAY, 8 (39-326)
Robt choring & up to Rothsay with load of corn very fine day
Duncan & Fred here for a while
February TUESDAY, 9 (40-325) 1897
Robt choring & fanning up chop & oats
I down to Drayton aft very fine day
Moody got load of straw
WEDNESDAY, 10 (41-324)
Robt choring fore & out to Drayton aft
very fine day
2 THURSDAY, 11 (42-323)
Robt choring fore & helping Perkins cut feed
clear but very cold raw wind.
February FRIDAY, 12 (43-322) 1897
Robt choring & down at the bush cutting blocks aft
Cooper helping very stormy
Sold five head of Cattle took down to Noeckers for 110 Dollars
SATURDAY, 13 (44-321)
Robt choring fore
back sawing blocks in the bush. Cooper helping
very fine
Duncans all over in the Eve
Robt 47 years of age & Jim 24
SUNDAY, 14 (45-320)
Children down at home a while
very blustering & stormy
February MONDAY, 15 (46-319) 1897
Robt choring & fanning up oats & down to Drayton
got front shoes on horses
very fine day
TUESDAY, 16 (47-318)
Robt choring fore
commenced to draw logs out of bush on other place
Cooper helping aft
very fine day
I over at Sams
. aft.
WEDNESDAY, 17 (48-317)
Robt choring fore
drawing logs aft
up to Fishers Mill
fine day
February THURSDAY, 18 (49-316) 1897
Robt choring fore & drawing logs aft
very fine day
FRIDAY, 19 (50-315)
Robt choring fore
drawing logs aft
finished for the time
very fine day
SATURDAY, 20 (51-314)
Robt choring & fanning up oats & down to Drayton
fine fore. Stormy aft
Clara & Brock over to Sams
with Grandpa.
February SUNDAY, 21 (52-313) 1897
Very fine day
Both up to see McTavish before leaving McDonnalds
Children all at home
MONDAY, 22 (53-312)
Terrible Stormy
Robt took children to School & choring rest of the day
TUESDAY, 23 (54-311)
Robt choring fore
Back to our bush working at logs took one load to Fishers mill
February WEDNESDAY 24 (55-310) 1897
Robt choring fore,
rather stormy
working at logs aft
fine aft.
THURSDAY, 25 (56-309)
Robt choring fore
at the logs aft
Stormy fore
rather fine aft
FRIDAY, 26 (57-308)
Robt choring fore
North here for dinner
Cooper here for load of straw
Robt went to bush for load of logs & took them to mill. fine
February SATURDAY, 27 (58-307) 1897
Robt choring round all day not feeling very well
very Stormy
roads pretty well filled up.
SUNDAY, 28 (59-306)
All at home all day but children gdown home for a while
very bright clear aft
Robt up to Richd for a while
March MONDAY, 1 (60-305)
Robt gone to take a load of pigs to Moorefield for Sam. Os North here
finished the day choring
March TUESDAY, 2 (61-304) 1897
Robt choring fore
fanning up oats aft & choring
WEDNESDAY, 3 (62-303)
Robt choring fore & fanning up oats take out to Drayton aft with chop fine
I down to Drayton aft
very stormy
THURSDAY, 4 (63-302)
Robt down to Drayton for load of chop.
Sam went down with me to Drayton aft
fine fore but terrible stormy aft
March FRIDAY, 5 (64-301) 1897
Robt choring fore & over to Burrows aft helping kill a beef. Sold to Corbett a caff @ $?7
Hughes brought the Turnip Pulper
SATURDAY, 6 * {asterick hand drawn} (65-300)
Robt choring & down to Drayton for Sams
& Das flour then up to the factory to Milk letting. round to Sams
with flour & home
very fine bright day
SUNDAY, 7 (66-299)
very bright Day. Mother & I over to Sams
. aft. Robt gone to Tuckers with with Daisy Deane
Fifteenth anniversary of our wedding
March MONDAY, 8 (67-298) 1897
Rob,t took a calf over to Moorefield. home & spent the rest of the day choring
TUESDAY, 9 (68-297)
Robt choring fore.
Mizzling " {fore}
Robt started to draw out manure
rather soft & foggy
WEDNESDAY, 10 (69-296)
Robt choring fore
drawing out manure aft very fine day
roads very soft & sloppy
I down at home helping cut out squares for a quilt.
March THURSDAY, 11 (70-295) 1897
Robt choring fore & drawing out manure finished very fine day
Mother & I sewed quilt together.
FRIDAY, 12 (71-294)
Robt choring fore fanning up chop & oats aft
rather fine & soft fore,
very stormy aft
SATURDAY, 13 (72-293)
Robt choring fore out to Drayton aft with oats & chop
very fine day
Sam went to Palmerston to meet Eliza Porter
March SUNDAY, 14 (73-292) 1897
All at home except Clara & Olive went to see Grandpa & Grandma
frightful stormy all day
MONDAY, 15 (74-291)
Robt choring & drawing up wood to the house & down to Fathers
fine bright day
TUESDAY, 16 (75-290)
Robt choring fore & drawing up wood & down to Fathers. I went over to Sams
for Eliza Porter then all
down to Drayton to an At home in the hall of the I.O.F
March WEDNESDAY, 17 (76-289) 1897
Robt choring & drawing up wood. Emma & May & Nellie Gordon. Eliza Porter here till night & then Robt
took her over to Sams
& brought Mother home
Dr MacWilliam opened the lump on the Babys head {head underlined in blue ink. and Harold Benson
written in blue ink below}
Brigh lovely day
THURSDAY, 18 (77-288)
Robt choring & drawing up wood very dull & foggy
L{on}e Flath here an hour or so
Da gone to Drayton
got letters from the boys
Roads braking
FRIDAY, 19 (78-287)
Robt choring & gone to take a load of Moveables over to the Eight of peel for McTavish.
roads very soft enclined to be soft heavy rain
March SATURDAY, 20 (79-286) 1897
Robt choring fore & up to McTavishs for a load of oats to keep in store for some time then took straw
down to Fathers
Joe Chambers came down & staid all night with us rather fine
SUNDAY, 21 (80-285)
Robt choring & then we took Joe over to Sams
& brought Eliza back with us to stay at Mothers.all night
very bright day.
Children went down to Mothers
MONDAY, 22 (81-284)
Robt choring fore
Then Joe & Sam came over & all went down to Drayton. aft
very bright & warm but roads soft & bare
Robt & Clara over at Sams
at night
Clara 12 years old
March TUESDAY, 23 (82-283) 1897
Robt choring fore
Sam took Joe & Eliza to station for home
Robt started to put on logs at Fishers
putting on all aft, soft wet snow falling
very disagreeable
WEDNESDAY, 24 (83-282)
Robt choring putting on logs & drawing home lumber
soft snow falling
miserable day
THURSDAY, 25 (84-281)
Robt choring putting on logs & bringing home lumber
March FRIDAY, 26 (85-280) 1897
Robt taking in logs & putting them on & drawing lumber home & Choring
miserably soft underfoot
SATURDAY, 27 (86-279)
Robt choring & gone up for the last load of lumber
choring & down to Drayton to meet Jim at night
Home for a couple of weeks if not sent for
SUNDAY, 28 (87-278)
at home fore
Children & I down home aft
Jim & Robt over to Sams
very fine day
March MONDAY, 29 (88-277) 1897
Robt choring & fanning up chop & down to Drayton with it & to get the horses shod.
fearful bare roads
took crock of butter to Blilers
TUESDAY, 30 (89-276)
Robt choring & taking down Straw to Da Jim helping
drawing manure aft
Da & Ma down to McLennans
beautiful bright day roads bad
3 WEDNESDAY, 31 (90-275)
Robt choring fore & drawing out manure. finished. fine day Jim & I up to Rothsay Jim at Edmisons & I
up to see Ellen Stone. Jim got word to go back. Jim gone over to Sams
at night
very fine day.
April THURSDAY, 1 (91-274) 1897
Robt choring fore fine day Robt trimming some evergreens & choring round. Mother & I over to Sams
to see Baby. Dr. Mc. opened a lump on its shoulder. fine but roads very bad
FRIDAY, 2 * {asterisk hand drawn} (92-273)
Robt choring & then both up to Norths. had a fine visite
Went to see the triplets all doing well. Six weeks old
SATURDAY, 3 (93-272)
Robt choring. Alex Withers here for oats
Robt ovr to Sams
the bee put off on account of Andrew Barrys
death. killed by a tree falling. aged 22 years.
April SUNDAY, 4 (94-271) 1897
Robt choring & down to Hilborns with Fancy & up to his Fathers to see Ellen Stone. Mother & I up over
to Mr Barrys
. roads fearful bad.
looking very like rain
raining hard at night
MONDAY, 5 (95-270)
Robt, choring fore.
At Andrew Barrys
Funeral aft
very large one, & the roads terrible bad.
TUESDAY, 6 (96-269)
Rob,t, choring fore & up to Rothsay with Judy to leave her till their cow comes in.
Round to Sams
to wood bee aft
dark & dull fore
rather fine aft roads bad
April WEDNESDAY, 7 (97-268) 1897
Rob,t choring fore fanning up oats & took them to Drayton aft.
dull & heavy looking
roads bad
THURSDAY, 8 (98-267)
Rob,t choring & fanning oats. fore took them to Drayton aft. snowing heavy all aft.
Young Moodys here with sleigh for oats
FRIDAY, 9 (99-266)
Rob,t choring fore got eight head of cattle dehorned
over at Burrows helping kill pigs aft.
rather fine.
April SATURDAY, 10 (100-265) 1897
Rob,t choring fore & Da helping fan load of oats. took them to Drayton aft. I gone over to see about
getting Carrie & Round by Drayton
raw & cold very bad roads
SUNDAY, 11 (101-264)
At home all day
Children & I down home a while
very fine bright day
MONDAY, 12 (102-263)
Robt. choring fore & up to Newstead's sawing wood aft. very fine day
Art Garneau brought out a Kite & Jack.
April TUESDAY, 13 (103-262) 1897
Robt choring fore & down to Drayton with load of chop. got it back with him
raining almost all day.
very dull
WEDNESDAY, 14 (104-261)
Robt choring fore & up sawing wood at Newsteads aft. dull fore rather fine aft.
THURSDAY, 15 (105-260)
Robt choring fore & fanning up chop & taking it down. Drayton horse Show
Children & I up at Richd's aft
very fine day
April FRIDAY, 16 (106-259) 1897
Good Friday
Robt choring fore & at Coopers wood bee in McEwings bush dull fore.
Mother & I washing blankets
SATURDAY, 17 (107-258)
Robt choring fore & loading turnips. took them to Rothsay came home & went to Drayton for chop.
rather fine day.
Os North came for Jack
SUNDAY, 18 (108-257)
At home all day
Easter Sunday
Children & I down home for tea
turned very windy aft.
April MONDAY, 19 (109-256) 1897
Rob,t choring fore
Snowing & very windy & raw
fanning up grain aft
TUESDAY, 20 (110-255)
Robt choring & started to Palmerston with a grist at early dinner. home & brought four hundred of flour
very cold raw wind
WEDNESDAY, 21 (111-254)
Robt choring fore & building fence between barn & Driving house very sultry & looking like rain. the two
girls over to Sams. all day & walked home
April THURSDAY, 22 (112-253) 1897
Robt choring fore & at Burrows wood bee aft
very fine day. over to Englishs for Carrie & round by Drayton at night
FRIDAY, 23 (113-252)
Robt choring fore
Da helping fan up seed grain.
very fine heavy rain all aft.
SATURDAY, 24 (114-251)
Robt choring fore & fanning up seed grain.
very fine day Carrie walked home
Robt gone to Drayton at night for Timothy seed.
April SUNDAY, 25 (115-250) 1897
All at home all day
Mother here a while aft
very heavy rain about noon but got fine toward Evening
MONDAY, 26 (116-249)
Robt choring & fanning up oats Da helping
dull weather
We emp{y}ed straw ticks
TUESDAY, 27 (117-248)
Robt choring fore
fanning up grain
Da helping. rather fine
Ma & I cleaning the sparerooms
April WEDNESDAY 28 (118-247) 1897
Robt choring fore
Drawing up hay from other place
Wat Burrows helping fine
Da & Ma gone over to see Robt Mitchell
THURSDAY, 29 (119-246)
Robt choring fore & picking stone of the ground for the wheat
looking very like rain
Mother & I cleaning front room.
FRIDAY, 30 (120-245)
Robt started to plough sod. ground hardly fit
very backward spring
May SATURDAY, 1 (121-244) 1897
Robt choring & piling lumber aft very Dull & Mizzling
SUNDAY, 2 (122-243)
Misserable dull day
Both up to Rothsay aft
Children all at home.
MONDAY, 3 (123-242)
Robt choring fore & finished piling lumber & started to pile wood
Mother & I down to Drayton
Mizzling dull day
May TUESDAY, 4 (124-241) 1897
Robt finished piling wood & choring and fixing up things aft
rather fine day
WEDNESDAY, 5 (125-240)
Robt choring & taking manure of potatoes pits Moving them in to barns Da helping
very fine day
THURSDAY, 6 (126-239)
Robt choring. feeling terrible miserable
took seven pigs to Moorefield
ploughing rest of day.
Sam & Chriss gone to Drayton, left Baby with me
rather fine day
Ma 34 years old
May FRIDAY, 7 (127-238) 1897
Robt choring, & ploughing Sod all day. very fine day
Da gone to Drayton at noon for a piece of the plough
SATURDAY, 8 (128-237)
Robt choring, & ploughing sod then down to Adams for the old black pig
very fine day
SUNDAY, 9 (129-236)
Children & I down home for a while & left Orton & rest of us went to the bush for wild flowers
very hot
rain at milking time. & heavy wind
May MONDAY, 10 (130-235) 1897
Rob,t spring-toothing barley & wheat ground
at it all day
rather fine
TUESDAY, 11 (131-234)
Robt finished spring toothing & harrowed both pieces fore,
them went to McEwings for barley aft
sowed both pieces aft
WEDNESDAY, 12 (132-233)
Robt went out to spring tooth
heavy rain & hail at noon.
ploughing potato patch aft
very late wet spring
May THURSDAY, 13 (133-232) 1897
Robt spring toothing forenoon & aft till four oclock.
then heavy shower.
Mrs Boothe here for a couple of hours
FRIDAY, 14 (134-231)
Robt choring up & fixing place for calves.
down to McEwings aft getting Insurance applicaton made out
Steady rain all day till four oclock
then I went up to Rothsay for Ealenor.
SATURDAY, 15 135-230)
Robt choring & building fence round barn yard
rather fine today.
May SUNDAY, 16 (136-229) 1897
Rather fine day
I took all the children up to Rothsay aft.
Robt at home all day
MONDAY, 17 (137-228)
Robt sowing oats & harrowing them
fine day
4 TUESDAY, 18 (138-227)
Robt springtoothing fore & sowing peas aft
fine day
May WEDNESDAY, 19 (139-226) 1897
Robt spring toothing fore & sowing peas aft
very fine day
looking like rain at night
THURSDAY, 20 (140-225)
Robt spring toothing fore
commenced to rain about ten oclock
heavy rain all aft
Mr. {Mr written possibly by Clara} McEwing here to tell us Murphy has a fearful shoulder.
Robt down to see him
very late seeding have about forty acres to put in yet
FRIDAY, 21 (141-224)
{Possibly Clara writing} Da down to see Merphy in forenoon
Da back on other place spring toothing
land very wet. Ma gone to Drayton.
fine day.
May SATURDAY, 22 (142-223) 1897
{possibly Clara writing}
Da finished sowing oats in the big field at the line fence
Rather fine day.
SUNDAY, 23 (143-222)
Ma and us children down to Grandma's Uncle Jim came home on the wheel about ten
o'clock. Heavy rain in morning
Da up at Grandpa Philps.
Uncle Jim over at Uncle Sams.
MONDAY, 24 (144-221)
{Elizabeth resumes writing}
Robt spring toothing in the back field all day
rather fine day
May TUESDAY, 25 (145-220) 1897
Robt sowing & harrowing oats all day
rather fine
cool wind
WEDNESDAY, 26 (146-219)
Robt spring toothing all day Brown here sowing very fine day
Carrie came to sew for children
THURSDAY, 27 (147-218)
Robt spring toothing all day
Brown & Harrie. Tom & Watt all here helping
very fine cool day
May FRIDAY, 28 (148-217) 1897
Robt working corn ground
Mizzling all forenoon
dull & cold
SATURDAY, 29 (149-216)
Robt working in corn ground fore @ Drayton at noon for corn
I took Carrie home aft
Finished corn ground & sowed it
rather fine
SUNDAY, 30 (150-215)
At home all day till Evening then both over to Duncans
very cold wind
May MONDAY, 31 (151-214) 1897
Robt spredding manure all day
rather dull & Mizzling
cold wind
June TUESDAY, 1 (152-213)
Robt. spredding manure on the mangol ground fore.
single ploughing mangol ground.
very drying day. windy
WEDNESDAY, 2 (153-212)
Robt working on mangol ground fore, & in the aft gone back on other place to spring toothing
then over to Duncans
at night for barley. fine
June THURSDAY, 3 (154-211) 1897
Robt gone to Drayton to get the horses Shod. & a lot of more fixing up things done.
raining most of the day
FRIDAY, 4 (155-210)
Robt working potato ground & planting them
rather fine day but cold in the evening
SATURDAY, 5 (156-209)
Robt up at his Fathers all day. I down to Drayton aft & took the Girls along to Englishs to stay all night
little rain at evening
June SUNDAY, 6 (157-208) 1897
At home all day
Children came home at noon.
heavy rain aft.
MONDAY, 7 (158-207)
Robt down to Helfe Hilborns
to help take down his barns heavy rain afternoon
TUESDAY, 8 (159-206)
Robt at Hilborns this forenoon
digging between the little Evergreens aft Mother & I making soap.
very fine day
June WEDNESDAY, 9 (160-205) 1897
Robt spredding manure on the turnip ground
rather fine day
THURSDAY, 10 (161-204)
Robt working up Mangol ground fore. rigdging up & sowing Mangols aft
very fine day
FRIDAY, 11 (162-203)
Robt drawing out manure onto the turnip ground all day fine
June SATURDAY, 12 (163-202) 1987
Robt working on Turnip ground & Spredding manure
Washing the sheep aft fine
over to Bill Hodges
at night
SUNDAY, 13 (164-201)
All at home all day
beautiful day
MONDAY, 14 (165-200)
Robt sowing x & seeding down barley away back on the other place. all day. land none too fit. Mother &
I at Drayton aft very warm
finished seeding
June TUESDAY, 15 (166-199) 1897
Robt gone back to Harrow fore
drawing out manure aft Aunty Gass here
Carrie came to sew
WEDNESDAY, 16 (167-198)
{Someone else writing}
At Hilborns Raising all day raised with Tachel down to drayton at night to get a letter from Willie
THURSDAY, 17 (168-197)
Shearing Sheep all day over to hodges in Evining down toHome at night to see about Going east
June FRIDAY, 18 (169-196) 1897
Drawing manure all day for turnips
SATURDAY, 19 (170-195)
Gone to Palmerston with wool warm day Wool worth 19 cts per lb Cash had 110 lbs. Willie came
home by night train
Chriss here. aft
SUNDAY, 20 (171-194)
At home all day Jim came up on wheel
Sam and Chriss here & Willie
June MONDAY, 21 (172-193) 1897
Drawing out manure Morning then ploughing Sam helping Williel and Grandma gone to Ottawa
TUESDAY, 22 (173-192)
working turnip land all day
Orton two years old
WEDNESDAY, 23 (174-191)
working turnip lang all day
June THURSDAY, 24 (175-190) 1897
finished working turnips and sowing in Evening Eliza took sick Dr here Eliza gone to bed with
Symptoms of fever pults 122. Tempture 102.
FRIDAY, 25 (176-189)
working head lands and sowing fore noon
Cutting thistels aft warm day
{different writer} Clara gone up to School to have the picture taken
Clara stopped School
SATURDAY, 26 (177-188)
{different writer} Choring and cutting thistels all day
June SUNDAY, 27 (178-187) 1897
At home all day Miss Duncan here Sam and Criss here Eliza in bed very warm
MONDAY, 28 (179-186)
Choring and cutting thistels all day
up to Teviotdale to see about a girl
TUESDAY, 29 (180-185)
Choring and cutting thistels all day
June WEDNESDAY, 30 (181-184) 1897
{Elizabeth resumes writing} Robt finished cutting thistles in the barley very hot
Grandpa Philp & Miss Stone here aft. Ellen took away all the dirty cloths to wash for me
July THURSDAY, 1 (182-183)
Choring around all day up to woodes at night Aunty Gass came to see me. Chriss over aft. Aunty
Gass went home with her
FRIDAY, 2 (183-182)
Scuffling potatoes and corn very warm
Eliza up for first time Miss Duncan here Emma down all day
Mary & Emma done some baking
July SATURDAY, 3 (184-181) 1897
hoeing potatoes and choring all day very warm Miss Duncan here Eliza up Dr McWilliam here
picking stone on oats aft noon fearful hot
Grandpa Philp down with the cloths washed & ironed & some baking
SUNDAY, 4 (185-180)
at home all day Miss Duncan here Eliza very poorly Dr Mac McWilliam here Jim came home in
morning very warm.
Jim took Miss Duncan home
5 MONDAY, 5 (186-179)
Started road woork Thermometer 90 deg in shade
Brown drawing & shoveling
July TUESDAY, 6 (187-178) 1897
Working on road drawing Gravel Brown driving team.
WEDNESDAY, 7 (188-177)
Working on road finished Orton got hurt fearful hot weather Brown driving team Peter Doyl died
Gregory Mill Burned
very hot weather
THURSDAY, 8 (189-176)
Down to Drayton morning to see Dr Home and choring fore
{different writer} Poor little Orton took change for the worst at noon & Died about four oclock
Mary Duncan here
July FRIDAY, 9 (190-175) 1897
Robt & Sam gone to see about a lot in Derry {?dd}
Jim came home at Eleven. Terrible sorrowful day
Jim & John Gordon went to Palmerston to meet Dick & Eliza Porter.
SATURDAY, 10 (191-174)
Dear Little Orton buried at twelve
left the house at Eleven
Mrs Edmison & Aunty Philp staid at the house.
Robt took Mrs Edmison home aft Jim went to Drayton to send a message to Ma to know when she
would be home
Miss Duncan went home
SUNDAY, 11 (192-173)
Aunt Eliza Died Miss Duncan here with us all day Jim & Eliza here
rain fore. Much cooler
Jim & Eliza over at Sams
July MONDAY, 12 (193-172) 1897
Robt gone to Palmers Harriston for lumber
Eliza helped me wash
very fine cool day.
Da took her over to Sams Eve fine day little rain at night
TUESDAY, 13 (194-171)
Robt scuffiling potatos & banking them went to Rothsay but rained heavy aft
Dick & Eliza came over aft.
Robt took Eliza to Drayton to train to go home.
WEDNESDAY, 14 (195-170)
Robt mowing the grass round the front & back doors & up to Rothsay all aft
Children & I down home scrubbing & fixing up for Ma Comming home.
Miss Duncan came in the Eve.
July THURSDAY, 15 (196-169) 1897
Robt paris greening potatoes fore
I gone down to meet Mother on the 11.30. Robt gone with load of Cheese to Moorefield & round by
Drayton & got Horses shod. Dick Chambers went along pretty hot day
FRIDAY, 16 (197-168)
Robt gone back to scuffle fore .. then down to McEwings helping with barn aft Mother, Children, & I
round to the cemetry aft frightful heavy rain after five in the eve.
SATURDAY, 17 (198-167)
Robt at McEwings all day helping at barn. then down to Drayton for the groceries Sam & Dick went
fine day
July SUNDAY, 18 (199-166) 1897
At home all day
children & I down home a little while
Much cooler
MONDAY, 19 (200-165)
Robt hoeing turnips fore. greening potatoes aft Mother & I washing blankets & quilts
looking very like rain
put down 7 big gems of gooseberries & rheubarb
TUESDAY, 20 (201-164)
Robt gone to Drayton with a load of chop choring & down to the mill for it in the eve.
rain aft
July WEDNESDAY, 21 (202-163) 1897
{lines of child's scribbling}
Robt hoeing children & I down to Drayton & round by Englishs to pay Carrie. Both over to Hilborns at
Robt gone down to see Craigs boys
THURSDAY, 22 (203-162)
Robt hoeing turnips all day
Children & I at Grandman Burrows funeral aft. rain at night.
Mary Duncan & Maggie Bell here after the funeral.
FRIDAY, 23 (204-161)
Robt went out to hoe but a heavy rain fell fore. choring round aft very dull.
July SATURDAY, 24 (205-160) 1897
Rob,t hoeing turnips all day
Pages boys & Craigs boys here helping hoe
Robt down to Drayton at night
fine day
SUNDAY, 25 (206-159)
All down to Mothers a little while
rather fine day
Sam & Chriss over home
Grandpa Philp 78 years
MONDAY, 26 (207-158)
Robt hoeing turnips finished first time going through them. Pages twins helping and Craigs Boys here
quite a heavy rain Eve.
July TUESDAY, 27 (208-157) 1897
Robt went away to hunt the too pigs. found them and took them to Hodges
very dull rainy day.
What is written for today was done on Wednesday
WEDNESDAY, 28 (209-156)
What is written for today was done on Tuesday
Robt choring round fore
took Mark out to get Shod aft
home & cleaned out chips out of wood house & Emptied Leach barrels
Miserable dull day Mizzling all day
THURSDAY, 29 (210-155)
Robt gone to bush to pick berries fore got pailful & went to plough aft in the pasture field
rather fine
July FRIDAY, 30 (211-154) 1897
Robt scuffled turnips fore
Greening potatoes aft and Robt hoeing in the potatoe patch aft Eve
fearful heavy storm of rain, thunder & lightening about milking time
Mr North called in Eve
SATURDAY, 31 (212-153)
Robt hoein ploughing fore in the pasture field.
hoeing turnips aft rather fine day but ground wet. Both over to Hodges at night
Ma with the Children
August SUNDAY, 1 (213-152)
Jim came home on the wheel
Clara, Olive & I up to Church. Brock at home with Robt
at home the rest of the day
very fine day
August MONDAY, 2 (214-151) 1897
Robt started haying
mowing in the field next to Trask. Jim took Ma & the Children over to Sams. raked & put up hay Evening
very fine forenoon
TUESDAY, 3 (215-150)
Robt mowing Das piece of hay then mowing in our own field. fore.
Robt raking & putting up hay aft Children & I round to Craigs to get the boys to help in the hay
WEDNESDAY, 4 (216-149)
Robt finished mowing in the field next to Trask.
mowed the clover in front & cut round field at the corner fine forenoon
Aft raining a little all aft
Scuffling in the turnip patch
August THURSDAY, 5 (217-148) 1897
Robt hoeing the bean patch fore fine drying morning
raking hay next to Trask & finished putting it up Willie Craig here
fine drying aft
Ma & Girls gone up to Rothsay
FRIDAY, 6 (218-147)
Rob,t drawing in hay all day finished the field next to Trasks
Art Garneau Craig & boys here helping draw in very fine day
Da drawing up loads with Nell & then took Molly aft.
SATURDAY, 7 (219-146)
Rob,t mowed down the corner field very fine day.
Da went to Drayton for the Sugar from Jims
August SUNDAY, 8 (220-145) 1897
At home all day
threatening rain
Sam & Chriss over home Evening
MONDAY, 9 (211-144)
Robt drawing in hay fore
Art Garneau here fore.
heavy short rain at noon
Oss North, Man & team here at noon but had to go home on account of the rain
Robt scuffed turnips all aft Mizzling aft
TUESDAY, 10 (222-143)
Robt choring round fore
Mizzling & very dull
Took load of chop out to Drayton aft. dull
August WEDNESDAY, 11 (223-142) 1897
Robt went with Dutchess to Tuckers fore. then in the aft putting up hay
turned out fine aft
THURSDAY, 12 (244-141)
Robt mowing clover fore
heavy short rain at noon
cutting fence corners a while aft then putting up hay Eve.
I went over to get help at Craigs Eve
FRIDAY, 13 (225-140)
Robt drawing in hay all day Art Garneau & Mr Craig here all day Craigs boys here aft. took in a load of
rakings for Da in Eve
fine day
August SATURDAY, 14 (226-139) 1897
Rob,t drawing in hay all day. little rain at night
Art Garneau & Mr Craig helping all day
SUNDAY, 15 (227-138)
All at home all day
looking like rain
raining a little Evening
MONDAY, 16 (228-137)
Robt gone back on other place to mow clover worket till 11 o/clock then heavy rain. moving straw all aft
in the barn
August TUESDAY, 17 (229-136) 1897
Robt gone back to finish mowing clover on other place. fore.
Then in the aft. mowing down the too pieces of barley.
rather windy & cool. no rain today
Aunty Gass & Bobs
wife here aft
WEDNESDAY, 18 (230-135)
Robt raking & putting up hay back on other place till five oclock. then heavy rain
Craig here aft.
THURSDAY, 19 (231-134)
Very dull Robt mowing fence corners. aft back on other place
Shaking up a few winrows & putting it up after supper
drying aft
August FRIDAY, 20 (232-133) 1897
Robt gone over to Craigs & Sams & raking up the barley fore.
Craigs boys here aft helping draw in the barley.
very fine aft.
SATURDAY, 21 (233-132)
Robt stacking hay back on other place. Drury, Cooper Charlie Walker & Art Garneau here helping
finished about five oclock. then drawing in too loads of barley after Supper
fine all day
SUNDAY, 22 (234-131)
Children & I up to Church morn
Jim came home & went back next morning. fine all day Childrin & I down home for a while
August MONDAY, 23 (235-130) 1897
Cooper & Robt drew in a gag of barley & then went back & tied up Coopers flax & loaded up too loads
took it to mill aft & then went back & fixed the top of hay stack
fine day
TUESDAY, 24 (236-129)
Rob,t got out the bindger & cut the piece of spring wheat fore
Then down at McEwings helping aft
helping move out the barn
fine all day till might then rain.
WEDNESDAY, 25 (237-128)
Rob,t helping at McEwings all day. very fine day.
rather cool.
August THURSDAY, 26 (238-127) 1897
Rob,t at McEwing helping forenoon
then raking over barley ground. after supper drew it in very fine day.
FRIDAY, 27 (239-126)
Robt cutting oats with the binder from ten till half past six
very fine day. Mr Fielding here with tea took 17 lbs of green & 2 lbs of black. @ 40¢
SATURDAY, 28 (240-125)
Rob,t shocking oats all day
very nice day
August SUNDAY, 29 (241-124) 1897
Looking very like rain but cleared off till Evening Both over at Sams
aft. took Brock with us
a heavy rain at night.
MONDAY, 30 (242-123)
Rob,t cutting oats between the peas . . & stooking up in the Evening.
very fine day.
TUESDAY, 31 (243-122)
Rob,t shocking oats forenoon and afternoon started to cut oats on the other place. fine day.
September WEDNESDAY, 1 (244-121) 1897
Robt shocking up oats away back on the other place fore
moving straw in the barn aft
dull fore. & raining very steady all aft.
THURSDAY, 2 (245-120)
Robt down to Drayton with chop fore.
Cutting oats aft cool & fine
FRIDAY, 3 (246-119)
Robt cutting oats all day
very fine day
Mother & I down to Drayton aft.
September SATURDAY, 4 (247-118) 1897
Robt finished cutting oats on other place & cut Das
patch before dinner Art here all day
Both shocking up afternoon
SUNDAY, 5 (248-117)
Girls & Jim up to Church Morning
Both up to Rothsay at night
very fine day
Jim Clara & Ma down to Drayton Church aft.
MONDAY, 6 (249-116)
Robt drawing in wheat and oats all day very hot
Art Craig & (two boys here aft) Jim & all the Children over to Sams
September TUESDAY, 7 (250-115) 1897
Robt drawing in oats all day Art & Craig here
looking like rain but kept fine
WEDNESDAY, 8 (251-114)
Very fine weather
Craig boys & Art here helping draw oats all day
THURSDAY, 9 (252-113)
drawing oats all day
Art & Wm. Rolicka Rockela here helping
September FRIDAY, 10 (253-112) 1897
Robt finished drawing oats & pulled the peas. took load of oats up to Rothsay after night
fine day
Wm Rockela here all day
SATURDAY, 11 (254-111)
Raining fore Robt choring
Gone to get horses shod aft
down again at night to take back twine to Henrys
SUNDAY, 12 (255-110)
At home all day
down to Mothers
fine day
September MONDAY, 13 (256-109) 1897
Robt choring forenoon
went to Palmerston aft for flour
fine cool day.
Got two baskets of plums for 50¢.
TUESDAY, 14 (257-108)
Robt cutting barley from 10 oclock finished cutting for this season
I down to Drayton aft
very hot aft
WEDNESDAY, 15 (258-107)
Robt & Craig Shocking barley fore
Craig Boys here aft all drawing & stacking peas finished peas
Jim up from Guelph
September THURSDAY, 16 (259-106) 1897
Robt covering pea Stacks & Down to Drayton for the fruit from Guelph helping Perkin all aft fine
FRIDAY, 17 (260-105)
Robt over to Sams all day helping with peas fine day
heavy frost
SATURDAY, 18 (261-104)
Robt drawing in the barley Craig & Boys here till three oclock
Robt back mowing a few oats & getting then in
finished Harvest. fine day
September SUNDAY, 19 (262-103) 1897
At home all day
Children & I down at home
Sam & Chriss over aft.
cold & cloudy
MONDAY, 20 (263-102)
Ma gone back to North Gower to wait on Aunt Be{tty} Sam took her to Arthur Station
Carrie here to sew
Robt started to cut the corn
fine day
big frost that cut the corn
TUESDAY, 21 (264-101)
Robt cutting corn fine day
September WEDNESDAY, 22 (265-100) 1897
Robt working among the corn
took Carrie home & went round by Drayton at night
fine day
THURSDAY, 23 (266-99)
Robt shocking corn
finished the corn
very fine weather.
Went to Drayton for the Tomatoes
FRIDAY, 24 (267-98)
Robt asking hands to thresh & helping Perkin a few hours fore.
Fisher Here threshing pea Stack Aft. very fine. Carrie here aft
September SATURDAY, 25 (268-97) 1897
Robt helping Cooper thresh till 3 oclock then choring & straightening up things rest of day very fine
SUNDAY, 26 (269-96)
All at home all day
very high wind
Bill Gass here aft
MONDAY, 27 (270-95)
Rob,t started to take up the potatoes terrible lot rotten
rather fine
September TUESDAY, 28 (271-94) 1897
Rob,t finished taking up the potatoes
had about 16 bags & the small ones
fine day
Mr Butterworth here for a sheep
WEDNESDAY, 29 (272-93)
Robt covering potato pit & getting ready to draw wood.
Drawing wood aft
fine weather
THURSDAY, 30 (273-92)
Drawing wood all day from the bush & piling in the wood house.
October FRIDAY, 1 (274-91) 1897
Robt still drawing wood to the woodhouse
down to Drayton at night
Saturday, 2 (275-90)
Robt finished drawing to woodhouse fore. Then drawing up wood to thresh.
down to Drayton at night for a barrel of pares from Willie
SUNDAY, 3 (276-89)
Jim came up & went over to Sams
till noon then Robt & Jim went up to Palmerston to John Jennings
Sam & Chriss over in the Eve.
very hot dry weather
October MONDAY, 4 (277-88) 1897
Robt piling wood & gone to George Drurys
very hot & Smoky weather
TUESDAY, 5 (278-87)
Robt threshing at Burrows all day from 11 o clock.
Took Brock down to Drayton to get too Teeth fixed.
Drayton show
little rain at night
WEDNESDAY, 6 (279-86)
Robt finished at Burrows & went on to Trasks
mizzling & dull all day
October THURSDAY, 7 (280-85) 1897
Robt threshing at Garner Pages all day
rather fine day
FRIDAY, 8 (281-84)
Robt helping Hilborn thresh till three oclock then went to McEwings rest of day
rather fine day
7 SATURDAY, 9 (282-83)
Robt choring fore
Down to Drayton with chop. aft
fine day but cold wind at night
October SUNDAY, 10 (283-82) 1897
Children & Grandpa over to Sams for dinner
I went over to the graveyard aft. Met Children comming home & took them round with me
very cold wind Evening
MONDAY, 11 (284-81)
Robt drawing in corn fore
down to Drayton aft for chop
went for a load of wood to the bush
looking very like rain
heavy rain all night
TUESDAY, 12 (285-80)
Robt drawing out manure
rather dull
October WEDNESDAY, 13 (286-79) 1897
Robt commenced to plough
started on this place
fine weather
THURSDAY, 14 (287-78)
Robt took lambs to Drayton fore ploughing aft & up to Rothsay at night
FRIDAY, 15 (288-77)
Robt ploughing all day fine
October SATURDAY, 16 (289-76) 1897
Robt ploughing all day
ground frightful hard
fine weather
Mary Duncan here
SUNDAY, 17 (290-75)
All at home
Jim came up from Guelph on Wheel very fine
Mary Duncan here
MONDAY, 18 (291-74)
Robt ploughing all day
October TUESDAY, 19 (292-73) 1897
Robt ploughing all day fine & hasy
Da gone to Arthur for Meet 917mother.
WEDNESDAY, 20 (293-72)
Raining. Robt ploughing till eleven raining again about four. Craigs boys brought over a dressed
THURSDAY, 21 (294-71)
Robt ploughing all day
Mother & I peeling pears & preserving them
fine cool day.
October FRIDAY, 22 (295-70) 1897
Rob,t ploughing all day
Mother & I picking the Geese
Cooper laying the floor in there wood house
very fine day
SATURDAY, 23 (296-69)
Robt ploughing all day
very fine weather
Robt at Drayton at night
SUNDAY, 24 (297-68)
Children & I down home
Jim up home Sam & Chriss there Bill Gass Aunty & Ann Eliza there aft. very fine day
October MONDAY, 25 (298-67) 1897
Robt ploughing all day
very fine day
TUESDAY, 26 (299-66)
Robt ploughing all day
very fine weather
brought in the Cabbage
WEDNESDAY, 27 (300-65)
Robt over at Sams
Threshing all day
very fine day
October THURSDAY, 28 (301-64) 1897
Robt ploughing all day
very fine
FRIDAY, 29 (302-63)
Rob,t ploughing all day looking dark like snow at night
SATURDAY, 30 (303-62)
Rob,t ploughing all day. groungd white with snow
finished in that field all but head land.
October SUNDAY, 31 (304-61) 1897
Robt & all at home till Eve. Children & I down home for a while. gone back to see young cattle.
very fine day
November MONDAY, 1 (305-60)
Robt gone over to Flaths for our heiffer
filling up chop & took it to Drayton. & brought home a little barrel of Sugar from Guelph. Topping turnips
dull like rain
down for the chop at night
TUESDAY, 2 (306-59)
Robt choring fore
raining from 10 oclock
choring round aft
Steady drizzling rain
November WEDNESDAY, 3 (307-58)1897
Robt started to take in Turnips
Topping & harrowing them out Da helping Top
very fine day
THURSDAY, 4 (308-57)
Robt drawing in turnips
Craigs boys here aft
very fine day
FRIDAY, 5 (309-56)
Robt working at turnips
Willie Craig & J{oh}nie here
Mr Craig took load of Turnips to Rothsay to Grandpa Philp
Mother & I went to Drayton aft
started to rain
November SATURDAY, 6 (310-55) 1897
Robt choring & throwing back turnips in the roothouse
topping Turnips all aft.
Miserable day snowing & Mizzling all day
SUNDAY, 7 (311-54)
Children & I went over to Sams
aft very fine & mild.
MONDAY, 8 (312-53)
Robt choring & pulling turnips with hoe all day
Miserable day
November TUESDAY, 9 (313-52) 1897
Robt drawing in corn fore. heavy fall of snow
Robt choring aft
Miserable snowy day
WEDNESDAY, 10 (314-51)
Robt choring Rich here fore cutting corn. & out for a load of turnips
cold & frosty
THURSDAY, 11 (315-50)
Raining Robt took girls up to School. & choring fore
brought in two loads of Turnips toward Evening
November FRIDAY, 12 (316-49) 1897
Robt choring fore & wheeling out the morter out of the stable. heavy wind all af day & snowing in flurries
SATURDAY, 13 (317-48)
Robt choring fore.
covered potatoe pits
unloaded a load of turnips & brought in one. & went to Drayton at night. cold and snowing some
SUNDAY, 14 (318-47)
All at home all day.
very dull fore.
Snowing & sleeting towards Evening.
Booth & Mrs. Here for two hrs.
very dull & miserable weather.
November MONDAY, 15 (319-46) 1897
Robt choring fore & drawing turnips all aft.
a foggy, dark, dirty day
sloppy & soft underfoot
TUESDAY, 16 (320-45)
Robt choring fore drawing in Turnips. topping
very little sunshine aft cold wind & drawing in Some more
heavy rain last night colder & freezing at night
WEDNESDAY, 17 (321-44)
Robt choring & working at the turnips one of Craigs boys here.
cold but clean under foot
November THURSDAY, 18 (322-43) 1897
Robt working at turnips all day Craigs boys took Star to Drayton & helped aft with turnips
Wat Burrows helping
fine day to take up roots
finished turnips
FRIDAY, 19 (323-42)
Robt choring & working at the turnips all day took load of turnips to Charlie Stepenson. aft
not very fine
SATURDAY, 20 (324-41)
Robt choring & fanning up chop & took it & Some lumber to be dressed to Drayton
rather fine day
November SUNDAY, 21 (325-40) 1897
Dull kind of day
at home Except down to Mothers for a while
cold wind at night
MONDAY, 22 (326-39)
Robt choring & down out aft for the carrots
Charley came aft Robt gone to Drayton for chop & lumber in the Eve, Da & Ma here helping chop
Cabbage for Saurkraut
TUESDAY, 23 (327-38)
Robt choring all day & Charlie gone to Perkins
{writer changes for next line} Da drawing in corn.
November WEDNESDAY, 24 (328-37) 1897
Robt choring fore Charlie at Perkin & gone to Frank Pages aft.
Down helping kill pig aft
Sam helping
THURSDAY, 25 (329-36)
Robt choring fore
Charlie at Frank Pages threshing
8 FRIDAY, 26 (330-35)
Charlie choring all day Robt gone out to plough but it started to rain & had to stop
Mr North came down
November SATURDAY, 27 (331-34) 1897
Robt & Mr North fitting sash in to Das
Windows. fore. & making two storm doors & gone to Drayton with
chop. fine fore rather colder comming on to night
SUNDAY, 28 (332-33)
rather fine day
Children & I round to the Graveyard in the Eve.
Robt & Charlie up at Richds
MONDAY, 29 (333-32)
Robt & Charlie choring & working in the stable
very stormy & snowing
November TUESDAY, 30 ( 334-31) 1897
Robt & Charlie choring & Robt gone to Drayton with plank to get sawd for the stable & bring home chop
very stormy
December WEDNESDAY, 1 (335-30)
Robt & Charlie choring & down at the stables
Mother & I gone to Drayton aft
cold & rather snowy
Robt down for a Jack
THURSDAY, 2 (336-29)
Robt & Charlie choring & working at the Stable
fine day
December FRIDAY, 3 (337-28) 1897
Robt & Charlie working at the Stable & choring
rather fine day
SATURDAY, 4 (338-27)
Robt & Charlie working under the barn & down to Drayton at night
sleeting & rain
SUNDAY, 5 (339-26)
Children & I down home for a while
rather fine aft
December MONDAY, 6 (340-25) 1897
Robt choring round all day. Charlie at Isaac Hilborns threshing all day
Carrie came to sew at noon
good sleighing
TUESDAY, 7 (341-24)
Charlie at Hilborns & McEwings threshing all day
Robt choring & down to Drayton with chop Called for it at night
Carrie went home at night
Robt & I took her home
WEDNESDAY, 8 (342-23)
Robt choring round & getting ready to thresh
Charlie at McEwings all day
December THURSDAY, 9 (343-22) 1897
Robt & Charlie at McEwings threshing fore
Machine m/oved here & started to thresh aft
fine day
FRIDAY, 10 (344-21)
Threshing all day till four oclock. then took Machine home to Fishers.
drizzling dirty day.
SATURDAY, 11 (345-20)
Robt up at Richds all day helping take out turnips
Charlie & the Team up aft.
Down to Drayton at night
December SUNDAY, 12 (346-19) 1897
Children & I down home for a while aft
Terrible dull dark day
snow all gone roads soft
MONDAY, 13 (347-18)
Robt over to Craigs & round to S Cemetry to fix Orton's grave. home & over to Hodges. fore. Aft went
out to plough
Charlie & Brock went to Coopers for our bags
TUESDAY, 14 (348-17)
Robt & Charlie choring fore
Robt gone to Drayton with chop. very misty & dull.
December WEDNESDAY, 15 (349-16) 1897
Robt & Charlie choring fore. Working at the Stable aft.
THURSDAY, 16 (350-15)
Robt gone round for Carrie & round home by Drayton fore.
Charlie & Robt working at stable aft
rather colder
FRIDAY, 17 (351-14)
Soft snow falling all day
Robt & Charlie choring & working at Stables. Robt took Carrie home & went round by Drayton at night
December SATURDAY, 18 (352-13) 1897
Charlie choring Robt down to Drayton fore. Aft Both up at Richds
Threshing rather cold & stormy
Robt up to pay taxes at night
SUNDAY, 19 (353-12)
Rather fine day
Oss North here. Children went down home for a while
MONDAY, 20 (354-11)
Robt & Charlie choring & fanning up oats
Robt took them to Drayton aft
rather fine
December TUESDAY, 21 (355-10) 1897
Robt & Charlie choring & fanning up oats
Robt took them down aft.
WEDNESDAY, 22 (356-9)
Killing Geese
Mrs Burows & Ma helping & Robt took them to Add Flaths.
Charlie choring
Robt. down to Drayton at night with a load of oats
THURSDAY, 23 (357-8)
Robt at Richds
threshing all day frightful Stormy day
Charlie choring
December FRIDAY, 24 (358-7) 1897
Robt & Charlie at Rich fore
North came to put on Storm doors & windows Robt helping him aft
Charley gone on a holliday
Robt gone down to Meet Willie train 2 1/2 hrs late
cold night
SATURDAY, 25 (359-6)
Robt choring. Xmas
Willie here for an hour or so then started down East at noon.
Sam brought Jim from Guelph
Jim took Willie down to train
sleighing very good. rather a fine day
SUNDAY, 26 (360-5)
Robt choring
Children & I down home for dinner Jim home
mild fore. stormy aft.
December MONDAY, 27 (361-4) 1897
Robt choring af fore
fanning up oats & took them to Drayton aft. Jim went back home
Ma & I went up to see Mrs Huston & called to see Aunty Gass. very fine
TUESDAY, 28 (363-3)
Robt choring fore
Sam over & helped Da fan up his oats & took them away
Da helping fan oats Robt took them to Drayton
Frank Page called for his feathers Sold him $4.00 feathers
WEDNESDAY, 29 (363-2)
Robt choring around all day.
Emma Bishop Married
started to sown {snow} at noon
rather Stormy aft
December THURSDAY, 30 (364-1) 1897
Robt choring fore. snowing Da helping fan up oats
Ma here helping Me aft Mrs Boothe here aft Soft snow falling
Da took Girls over to Sams for all day & went for them
FRIDAY, 31 (365)
Robt done some chores & loaded five pigs & took them to Drayton
home & finished chores & took load of oats to Drayton
Isaac Hilborn here at night
Willie arrived from the East with Aunty. Cold
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