File #20713: "Mary Josephine McDonald 1917-1919 Diary Transcripts.pdf"


Mary Josephine McDonald (1863 - 1919)
1917 - 1919
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive volunteers
{Front Cover} Daily Reminder Textile Dominion CO LTD Compliments of Dominion Textile OO. Limited
Montreal Canada
{Printed Page - 1917 12 month calendar}
Year Book Your Memory in Leather Covers 1917 Dominion Textile Co. Ltd Montreal Toronto Winnipeg
{Diarist has written on the diary's cover page} Mrs A J.A. McDonald. {Written along the left side} 475
Gilmour St Ottawa {Various Calculations are written on the page)
{Printed Page describing Dominion Textile Co.'s Subsidiaries and Products}
{Blank Page - Diarist has written random calculations and numbers}
We got oats from A. H. C.
1st 4 Bags Allan himself
2nd 2 Bags D. A. Bowen here
3rd 3 " Wm 1st snow storm
1 " from J. A. Campbell
2 " " H. D
{Mary Josephine has divided each page of this journal so as to make it a three-year journal, 1917-1919.
She draws a line under each year's entry on a page and then enters the following year's entry for that day
underneath it. She notes the year sometimes in the left margin.}
Monday Tuesday January 1 1917
364 to come
"There's a new foot on the floor, my friend, And a new face at the door." - Tennyson.
Went to church, stormed awful. Stopped to vote, Mary Rahal came in to dinner remained till evening. D.
B. came for her. Papa went to station with Mae. Marietta goes to a party to Uncle Johnny Camerons.
Marion & Danny went to Wales dance.
Beautiful Moonlight nights 1917
Papa & I go to church very cold. We hear Mary Jennet Cleary has a daught
We go to church Bessie Papa & I Boys go with Mae to Sta & take tea at Barkers. Miss D. comes with
Tuesday Wednesday, January 2
1 day past 363 to come
By restricting importation, the war has awakened thousands of women to the superiority of
Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics.
Beautiful day. Washed all day boys was putting out manure
Mrs. Amelle comes to sew for Etta Dan McMillan & Monroe Come about 9 o'clock
Wednesday Thursday, January 3
2 days past 362 to come
"C" Prints make economy charming.
Miss Fraser came back early with her father very cold east wind Turned out Stormy & cold busy
sewing all day, making waists and reparing generally
1918 1818
Jim & Bernie Comes and Spends afternoon - Johnny McDonald has a Bee - Wm goes
Thursday, January 4
3 days past 1917 361 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea gives your customers a feeling that they have got more than their money's worth.
Lovely day. Papa goes down to A Tyos to get saw sharpened Boys putting out manure We intend going
to church First Friday tomorrow.
Friday, January 5
4 days past 1917 360 to come
"Like streams that keep a summer mind Snowhid in January."- Lowell
Myself, Marietta, Wm Duncan receive Holy Communion being First Friday of month. Marietta DS have
the happiness of making {n?e} Fridays. It rained coming home & poured till 8. P.m. Edmund & Wm had
a game of checkers. It was a busy after noon as it is the day before Three Kings.
Saturday, January 6 1918
5 days past 359 to come
For the hardest kind of children's wear, "Romper Cloth" is the ideal fabric.
Three Kings Day. Marietta Miss F Wm go to church, meets Susie & Camerons. Has news of Poor
Abraham death. Johnny takes supper here.
Sunday, January 7 1918
6 days past 358 to come
Wm Miss F. & I go to church. Uncle Johnny & aunt Theresa & Greta comes to dinner. Aunt Theresa
feels miserable. leaves for home about 10 Pm. Allan & Johnny goes to see Johnny Barr Finds Mary
Belle at home. J.V. spends evening
Papa Bessie & I go to Mr Valades for dinner _ Miss D _ remains down for Three Kings at Frasers &
comes home with Geo. Rahal & Mary
Monday, January 8 1918
7 days past 357 to come
"Steelclad Galatea" is the cloth "par excellence" for Nurses' Uniforms.
Very Cold we wash & expect Susie & Danny as they went to Monkla Evening before. Separate 8 or 10
pails milk in afternoon But they do not come
Tuesday, January 9
8 days past 356 to come
Patriotism pays when it influences a purchase of Dominion Textile "Made in Canada" Cottons
Allan goes to Monkland finds Susie & D had not been there. took 4 cwt shorts @ $1.85 per cent.
Storming 2.40
{calculation written on bottom of page} { $185 x 4 = 6.40}
Wednesday, January 10
9 days past 355 to come
Women who know the value of money are the best customers for Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics.
Churn good part of day Allan takes separator apart Avonmore dance but girls do not go too far and
cold Had a letter from Mae Miss F. answered. Sewing all afternoon
We go to town order Marettas hats a dreadful day.
Thursday, January 11
10 days past 354 to come
"Whoever thinks a faultless piece to see Thinks what ne'er was, nor is, nor e'er shall be." - Pope
Very Cold. Dan McMillan came at dinner time & spent afternoon Angus C. came same evening and
spent whole eveing till 12 Played cards ate pop corn passed lunch, discussed war cards &ec
Emma comes to sew.
Friday, January 12th
11 days past 353 to come
We are Headquarters for Cotton Shoe Drills.
Dunk sick. cold miserable day. churned. made Ettas slipwaist, Bessies apron Had letter from Dr.
Emma here
Saturday, January 13
12 days past 352 to come
Perfect Weave-fast colours-splendid wear-all unite in "C" Prints.
Cold & Blustery. Wm sick sewing all afternoon Miss F remains over Mrs Hugh Quinn buried
Emma goes home.
Pipes catch fire in evening
Sunday, January 14
13 days past 351 to come
Very Blustery. Papa & I go to church thought we would not get home with Storm. Steve Wood put in
{vault turns} Colder in evening. no one here. Wm Bessie & Dunk sick
Miss D goes to church with J & C Mr. Compo dies
Monday, January 15
14 days past 350 to come
Extraordinary durability explains the name, "Rockfast" Drill.
We wash though very cold got sick same evening & was two days in bed.
Emma again comes
We go back to wake with P. Rahal Miss D. Bessie & I mary
Tuesday, January 16
15 days past 349 to come
"The loud laugh that spoke the vacant mind." -Goldsmith
In bed all day with splitting headache. Papa goes to Monk brings home 600 pig feed 3 cwt @ 2.25, 3 @
2.50 = $14.25. sent 17 lbs or a crock got 35¢ a lb. Clare & Jack married
Emma here we wash
I lie in bed all day sick with cold Papa goes to Campos funeral then goes to town. Boys go to Euchre
Mrs. D goes with H Cahey
Wednesday, January 17
16 days past 348 to come
No. 3 Print - a good all round print for every purpose.
A dreadful storm is on was in bed till noon got up and lounged intended going to Ottawa today not
able to go. Wrote Dr. Min{off page} Boys sick but drag out to water cows while papa went after wood.
A real old fashioned storm -
A very cold day we go to town only one track ahead of us took home Marietta's hats & muff
Allan off hunting Alex Big Jim & Ewberg comes -
Thursday, January 18
17 days past 347 to come
Dominion Textile Cottons equal the imported in everything except price.
Nothing going on but storm storm all the time. We are all sick with Grippe. Mary & Dan went to mass for
Still very cold Emma gets through sewing I Florence comes
Katie comes and Spends afternoon Emma Sewing still
Pa gon off hunting. Pipes catch fire in morning. Boys go to MonKland for load lumber
Friday, January 1918
18 days past 346 to come
The mothers of the land are strong in their preference for "Steelclad" Galatea and our even more
serviceable "Romper Cloth."
Clear & cold Etta in bed. got a letter from Higgins Alex B. J. visited here.
Marietta goes to the church no priest. Emma gets {thurgh} Sewing. Florence comes to spend
afternoon. A. Fraser & Florence comes after teacher
Saturday, January 20
19 days past 345 to come
"The most useful cloth around the house" is "Steelclad" Galatea.
Cold and quiEt Miss F goes down to H.D. in afternoon. Finds HD in bed all had cold. Storming roads
We work all day Mae comes home. Alice Dannie Etta Alice & Mary McGillis comes
Very busy am expecting Joe & Etta tomorrow (D.V.)
Sunday, January 21 20 1917
20 days past 344 to come
Cold no one goes to church but Miss F who goes with T.C. Papa goes down to HD in forenoon &
remains till after 12 Johnny comes in afternoon. plays cards It is a dreadful night One of the coldest
we had East wind howling
Marietta goes to church Early to get through They come back in time and we go to church Uncle Geo &
wife & baby comes Mrs. Montgomery & Cathleen comes.
Joe & Etta does not come. Boys go up there from church. Miss D here no stir whatever
Monday, January 22 21
21 days past 343 to come
"I had rather have a fool to make me merry, than experience to make me sad" -Shakespeare
I feel miserabl. We are not washing still storming only few scholars in school Boys & papa go to Bush
- No mail today
A nice bright morning Marietta & papa. Wm Da & May goes to the church. Mariettas wedding day. a
lovely day Miss F comes back in afternoon
I wash as usual a nice day. Mary Kate married. Mr Mike dies
Tuesday, January 23 22
22 days past 342 to come
"C" Prints are preferred for clean cut, beautiful designs and fresh, permanent colours
We wash got through at noon. Papa goes to Monkland bring home 1 bag oats and $12.00 worth pig
food. Girls go to dance at Seamours St. Andrews. Receved letter from Mae says McNaught was
I wash & move on as before. Preparing for Ettas 1st home coming.
I fix up Maes waists and send them to her. Miss D. goes to dance at Seymours with D Chisholm Mr.
Mike Moody at St. Andrew {Conv?} Johnny McDonald has a bee
Wednesday, January 24 23 {23 written above}
23 days past 341 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea has probably no equal for all-around usefulness in the home.
Papa goes to town Roads passable
work all day Make Bessies dress and do some baking
Wm goes to Pat Rahals to work- I have a letter from Mae Miss D goes to H.D. to spend Eve Mary
Sara starts to Convent
Thursday, January 25 24 {24 written above 25}
24 days past 340 to come
Women who know the value of money are the best customers for Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics.
Still cold & stormy
We go to reception lovely time very cold but bright and clear
Wm Still working at Pats, a big rain. I start at Bessies dress Miss Duncan A A & Joe Gilmour Comes
Friday, January 26
25 days past 339 to come
Thrift goes hand-in-hand with "C" Prints and "Steelclad" Galatea
Fertos dance Still very cold
I got up early Cook and baked all day
Turns cold. Wm goes to Pats in afternoon
Saturday, January 27
26 days past 338 to come
Summer toilettes of "C" print are as fresh and dainty as heart could wish, yet inexpensive and serviceable
Papa & H.D. go to Monkland. Papa brings $12.50 feed for pigs. turns very cold
{different hand writing}
had a dinner 27 there was forty here 20 below zero
{Mary Josephine resumes writing}
Marietta comes home {?} time. 26 take dinner here
Sunday, January (28) Wednesday {written above, brackets written around 28}
27 days past 337 to come
Papa, Marietta & Miss F go to church cold & looks like a storm. no news in church in afternoon girls
go down to Michaels. In evening Joe & Archie come
{writing different} very cold Dont do any thing only chores. Expecting a big storm today
Katie and baby were here. Teacher went to dance.
Monday, January 29
28 days past 336 to come
"Ambition hath one heel nail'd in hell Though she stretch her fingers to touch the heavens." -Lilly.
washing though expecting the will begin storming in afternoon. Had a letter from Mae. Send Bessies
moccasa Am making waists for her. Brownie came in.
Fix up the house
John Jos. married dreadful cold. Susie uncle Allan married
Tuesday, January 30
29 days past 335 to come
Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics are strong favorites with thousands who want the utmost value for their
Made Mae's waists & churned Wm works @ H.D. thrashing
I wash & go on as before. We get an invitation to Susese's reception road impassable
Wednesday, January 31
30 days past 334 to come
No 3 print---a good moderate priced print washes well.
Sent Mae her waists and wrote a long letter. Bessie also wrote to her. In evening C.J.C & Geo came.
The girls were getting ready to go to Seymours. It was a dreadful evening.
Party at Wm Sandy James
Party at Valades boys get ready to go but backs down as roads are impassable
Thursday, February 1
31 days past 333 to come
Empire Quilts for Bedspreads.
{Very cold} {curly brackets added in blue pen} "Please write longer notes on a day's work" {in a different
handwriting, in blue pen}
Friday, February 2
32 days past 332 to come
A. A. Duck--- for hard wear.
The mill comes. Think it the coldest day of season. Miss F. gets ready to go home & is disappointed.
Dreadful cold though as bright as day.
Bessie is sick
Social at St. Andrews. boys & Miss F go
Saturday, February 3
33 days past 331 to come
"Rockfast" Drill---hard and strong as its name
Dreadfully cold. The pipes catch fire before daylight. U.S. declar war on Germany.
Sunday, February 4
34 days past 330 to come
Etta, Wm & I go to church, roads very bad Etta goes up to uncle Joes to party. Jim & M.K. takes tea
We get our {?}hroat blessed saw Marietta in church
Monday, February 5
35 days past 329 to come
"That you have such a February face- So full of frost, or storm and cloudiness." - Shakespeare.
Papa goes to Apple Hill. a lovely day. got home about 5.30 Sold 9 pigs 1405 lbs @13½ c lbs 189.97
Tuesday, February 6
36 days past 328 to come
Muskoka Scrim---best value on the market.
Storming and windy
Dreadful day storming
Wednesday, February 7
37 days past 327 to come
Textile Printed Shirtings are celebrated for their fast colours and sharp printing.
Storming & dreadful wind
Thursday, February 8
38 days past 326 to come
No. 3 Print for all purposes where print is used.
Storming still. No one stirring
Friday, February 9
39 days past 325 to come
A. A. Duck- just the cloth for seaside wear.
A dreadful day. Miss Fraser goes home. Such an awful night
Saturday, February 10
40 days past 324 to come
Textile Printed Shirtings bring success to shirting Manufacturers.
Very cold coldest yet. Blue heifer came in
Sunday, February 11 12
41 days past 323 to come
dreadfully cold, Did not go to church, H.D. came in afternoon. Miss F & A V. came in evening
We visit Marietta in her home for 1st time. A party & H J McGillis
Monday, February 12
42 days past 322 to come
Textile Printed Tickings are best for Mattresses---Pillows---Fancy work---Trunk Linings.
Very cold Did not wash
Papa goes to Apple Hill with pigs. weighs 1065 @ 18¼ = $194.36 And sold 2 calves for $23 = 217.36
Tuesday, February 13
43 days past 321 to come
"To-morrow is St. Valentine's Day." -Shakespeare.
Very cold Mr. Compeau comes Storming this evening, Seamours dance girls don't go. Bessie had a
letter from Mae.
Dreadful day
Wednesday, February 14
44 days past 320 to come
Cold. Black & white cow had a calf.
Ash. Wed.
Thursday, February 15
45 days past 319 to come
A. A. Duck- try it for children's summer clothing.
Still cold. Nothing doing Sold Nig. to Coulthart Theresa David takes tea with us
Friday, February 16
46 days past 46 318 to come
"Rockfast" drill---best cloth for Men's Shirts.
Somewhat milder. Papa goes to town. Anna sends parcel to Mae
Saturday, February 17
47 days past 317 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea---used with satisfaction from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
We go to Apple Hill. A lovely day enjoyed the trip fine 12:15. when we got home
Papa go 6 cwt flour.
Sunday, February 18
48 days past 316 to come
We go to church & go up to uncle Joe's. Roads fine but dangerous -
Marietta & Joe comes back Marietta remains -- AV comes
Monday, February 19 18
49 days past 315 to come
Textile Sleeve Linings---extra good value.
Papa goes to Monkland for ton of Bran. All gone. fine day. We got the first Eggs
Mrs Sam Cameron buried
Tuesday, February 20
50 days past 314 to come.
Textile Underwear Cloths are strong favorites.
Set up my quilt. RA Quail comes through with Snowplow
fine day
Wednesday, February 21
51 days past 313 to come
"They laugh that win." -Shakespeare
I put up my quilt. Wm gets salve to Lill -
Florence & H.D. spends evening here -
Thursday, February 22
52 days past 312 to come
"Rockfast" Drill---for hard wear of all kinds.
Fine day nothing doing quilting
Friday, February 23
53 days past 311 to come
Pillow Cottons and Pillow Slips---all styles, Plain and Twill, Plain Hemmed and Hemmed Stitched
Very stormy. still quilting
Saturday, February 24
54 days past 310 to come
Sheeting and Sheets, full range, all widths, Plain and Twill. Sheets---Plain, hemmed and hemmed
Nice day finish my quilt we have a sick cow Boys go to Monkland for medicine
Joe come after Marietta she spends the week with us
Sunday, February 25
55 days past 309 to come
Wm Miss F- & Marietta get up early & go to chapel Have dinner at Lorettas. J V came in evening -
Papa Bessie & I go over to Uncle Johnnys, AV here Angus Chisholms wife goes to hospital
Monday, February 26
56 days past 308 to come
"Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once." -Shakespeare
raining. Washing as usual we wash kitchen curtains Red & white Bossy had a calf
Wash as usual
Tuesday, February 27
57 days past 307 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea gives satisfaction in the home.
Lovely day. We clean woodwork in kitchen. Papa goes to Monkland for Tyo.
A dreadful storm clothes torn of line
Wednesday, February 28
58 days past 306 to come
No. 3 Print, bright colours---full range---all styles.
We go to Ottawa. Lovely day Roads good. We leave her 7 pm get to uncle Joes .8.30. Uncle Joe
drives us to station train 1 hr late. Get into Ottawa few minutes after 12. Get to Dr. Minnes 12.30
Goes up A S Young get there 4.30 Leave for home 425 Thursday afternoon got home 9.30 -
Thursday, March 1
59 days past 305 to come
Cotton Blankets---Ibex, Dragon and Saxony.
Get home from Ottawa Thursday afternoon All O K
We go up to see uncle Joe who is very sick
Friday, March 2 1
60 days past 304 to come
Grey Cottons---full range---heavy, medium and light.
Lovely day Miss F. goes home Her father comes after her - A beautiful moonlight night
We go to see uncle Joe who was very sick
Bernie comes in afternoon In evening Boys Them go to see Marietta
Saturday, March 3 2
61 days past 303 to come
A lovely day papa goes to Monkland
Papa & Miss F - goes to town Papa has bad cold & goes to see Dr. Lalond
Sunday, March 4 3
62 days past 302 to come
Cold. J V. A V. come in Evening Sow has little pigs. Begins to storm
Wm & I go to church very cold Boys went skating in afternoon.
Monday, March 5 4
63 days past 301 to come
Cotton Drills---for Shirts, Overalls, and Pocketing.
A dreadful day. Miss F did not come no school. Geo. Rahal goes to the Hill with H.D. Pete takes
dinner with us. Sell 2 calves $16.00 Biggest snow storm of Season
Blue cow had calf Papa & Wm went to Apple Hill with cow
Tuesday, March 6 5
64 days past 300 to come
Cement Duck---Eagle Duck---Savanah and Trident Ducks---are standards everywhere.
We was Peter calls to bid us goodbye The Goat has a calf Have a letter from Mae & mail on
Wednesday, March 7 6
65 days past 299 to come
Women who know the value of money are the best customers for Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics
A beautiful day. I spin all afternoon I write to Ferguson
Papa goes to Apple Hill for salt comes home awful sick All children & Miss F down on ice
Thursday, March 8 7
66 days past 298 to come
"On the eighth day of March, it was, some people say That St. Patrick at midnight he first saw the day." -
S Lover.
A lovely soft morning. Mrs. Campbell comes in afternoon Stella got hurt in School- The girls & Wm go
down to Jim's It is snowing
Friday, March 9 8
67 days past 297 to come
"While others declare 'twas the ninth he was born, And 'twas all a mistake between midnight and morn." -
S. Lowell.
Marietta goes down to see Stella. She was very sick when she came home with Grippe In a few
minutes who comes but Alex, Big Jim. We spent a pleasant evening
Saturday, March 10 9
68 days past 296 to come
"For mistakes will occur in a hurry and shock. An' some blamed the babby--- an' some blamed the clock.
Till with all their cross questions, sure no one could know, If the child was too fast, or the clock was too
slow." -S Lowell.
Marietta in bed all day In afternoon who comes but Dannie & Jessie
Miss F goes to down to H.D. Bess takes an awful pain lasting 1½ hrs. Was afraid of appendcites
Sunday, March 11 10
69 days past 295 to come
A wonderful day Storming & blowing. Jessie & Wm Dannie Miss F_ go to church In afternoon never
lets up. Dannie bound to go home. We persuade him to remain
A dreadful day no one goes to church. M. S. comes and spends afternoon
Monday, March 12 11
70 days past 294 to come
By restricting importation, the war has awakened thousands of women to the superiority of Dominion
Textile Cotton Fabrics.
A nice bright day. Quail comes through with snow plow. Dan & Jessie leave for home 2. pm The old
blue cow has a calf
No mail goes through today road blocked
Tuesday Wed, March 13
71 days past 293 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea gives your customers a feeling that they have got more than their money's worth.
Wind blowing I am sick do no wash
Had a letter from Mae. Bessie had one too. Papa sick Wm goes to MonKland meets Bennie who goes
away being sick for 11 days with quinsy
Wednesday Thursday {written above Wed.}, March 14
72 days past 292 to come
"Do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of."
Wed. a nice day. We wash
Alex Big Jim and Fred Young come a terrible Storm comes up - a soft snow. Turns cold Had a letter
from dear Marietta
Thursday Friday, March 15
73 days past 291 to come
"The Ides of March are come; Ay, Caesar, but not gone." -Shakespeare
Thursday H.D. comes when we are eating dinner. Allan goes down to Freddie Dougalds for wood
hears Apple Hill Church is burned
A dreadful day all traffic stopped Concert at St. Andrew prospects blighted. Only 5 children in school.
Papa sick
Friday, March 16
74 days past 290 to come
No. 3 Print---a good all round print for every purpose.
Goes down to F. D for wood upsets & goes to Jims for dinner Miss F does not go home.
A bright day but still blowing A H.C & Rahals
Saturday, March 17
75 days past 289 to come
Dominion Textile Cottons equal the imported in everything except price.
Nice in the morning, They go down to F.D It turns out raining. They come home all wet rains all day
Sunday, March 18
76 days past 288 to come
Wm Marietta & I go to church heard Gerd was sick. H.D. here in afternoon in evening A.V. J.V. come.
{appears to be written by different person}
A H C & Rahals go to church in afternoon Etta Joe & {?} came back glad to see them Mrs Quinn broke
her leg.
Monday, March 19
77 days past 287 to come
Pillow Cottons and Pillow Slips---all styles, Plain and Twill, Plain Hemmed and Hemmed Stitched.
Papa goes to Apple with load for HD takes three calves getting $24, very very cold. Edmond takes
tea here Had a letter from Mae. Got 1st Goose Egg
Papa somewhat better goes to town a lovely day Met Aunt Anna
Tuesday, March 20
78 days past 286 to come
"War, War, is still the cry." - Bryon.
Storming. I Receive a letter from Marion telling poor Gerd was taking to hospital underwent a serious
operation on Sunday. for appendcitis.
Drew 1st load of logs to Monkland roads good but snow melting at an awful rate.
Wednesday Friday, March 21
79 days past 285 to come
For the hardest kind of children's wear, "Romper Cloth" is the ideal fabric.
Rec'd parcel from Mae. and letter from A. L. Young. Papa & Geo Rahal went to Maxville for hay.
Peddler took dinner here Danny, Johnny & M. K spent evening Bo't 3256 @ $9 ton = $16.28
Takes two loads to Monkland roads soft. Ronald Moody comes to buy calves.
{Bessie writing- one of children}
Mamma died on saturday was buried on Sunday Papa died on Sunday night at 11 O"clock
Wednesday Friday, March 21 1919
79 days past 285 to come
For the hardest kind of children's wear, "Romper Cloth" is the ideal fabric.
{note placed on top of diary entry from previous pdf}
Mar 21/919
This was writen by my Aunt Bessie who was only 10 years old. My father was 17 years old & left to run
the farm. He had two younger brothers, one who had brain damage from the red measles when he was 5
years old.
My father was very successful, bought more land & had a holstein dairy farm. He has a road named
after him Willy (willie) Allan road. 9th Con. South Stormont. He was (over)
Thursday, March 22
80 days past 284 to come
Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics are strong favorites with thousands who want the utmost value for their
Papa again went to Maxville found it very soft coming home Stella went to see Dr
3301 lbs @ 9= 14.56
Takes two loads to Monkland snow melting. Rupert comes to buy calves 3. offers $33.-- Mrs. Lalond
here. Recievs parcel from Mae.
{Bessie writing} And was buried on Tuesday morning
Friday, March 23
81 days past 283 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea has probably no equal for. all-round usefulness in the home.
I go down to H.D.s Mr. F comes after teacher.
Takes two more loads Mr. John Malloney dies. Miss F. goes home with A. V.
Saturday, March 24
82 days past 282 to come
"The most useful cloth around the house" is "Steelclad" Galatea.
Snow going at a great rate bad roads
Again he takes two loads very cold freezes hard
Sunday, March 25
83 days past 281 to come
We go to church. The roads in a terrible condition. Black cow has a calf
D.A & I go to church Palm Sunday water dreadful high at Bonneville
Monday, March 26
84 days past 280 to come
"And grasp the skirts of happy chance, And breast the blows of circumstance." -Tennyson.
Beautiful day Snow going at a great rate. Boys tapped abut 100. Sap is running fine- We wash. The
mail comes through today. The 9th day for poor Gerd -
I wash. Papa goes to Monkland with boys
Tuesday, March 27 26
85 days past 279 to come
No. 3 Print---a good, moderate priced print washes well. 1917
Jim's sale an ugly day terrible roads. Have a letter from Mae & Miss Kroham Boys gather two taks
sap roads so bad cannot get to St Andrews with remains
Tap 200 trees March 26 Eddy here.
Wednesday, March 28 27
86 days past 278 to come
Patriotism pays when it influences a purchase of Dominion Textile "Made in Canada" Cottons.
Mass for pa & Ma. Allan goes back to Jim's & H D too. Teacher comes this morning roads terrible.
Poor Leo's funeral
Boys tap 200 trees more Drew last load of logs.
Thursday, March 29
87 days past 277 to come
Perfect Weave- fast colours- splendid wear- all unite in "C" Prints.
Fine day
Snow more than going Boy tapping. Papa goes to town after medicine. I iron & wash buckets.
Friday, March 20
88 days past 276 to come
"Steelclad Galatea" is the cloth "par excellence" for Nurses' Uniforms.
Sap running fine Papa goes to Monkland. Boys finish tapping. Marietta makes 1st syrup
Boys make 1st syrup at night Eddie Compeau sat with them Boys tapped some today I washed 52
bucket of Jims
Saturday, March 31 30
89 days past 275 to come
Cotton Blankets---Ibex, Dragon and Saxony.
Fine in morning. Starts raining in afternoon. Gerls go to Bush
Papa goes to Monkland for Mae with cutter awful roads
Sunday, April 1 March 29
90 days past 274 to come
No one goes to church raining They boil in Bush all day- Thunder and lighting
Etta and Joe come back from church Wm & D.A goes to church with cutter They come back with
buggy. A. H. C. has buggy
folled lots of people they all got stung {written by Bessie possibly}
Monday, April 2 1
91 days past 273 to come
"C" Prints are preferred for clean-cut, beautiful designs and fresh permanent colours.
I went to Bush. We washed Had a letter from Mae
Mae goes away this morning Papa takes milking. Rains all day long no Sap- Berdie McDonald
buried also Aunt Kate- Got 1st Egg hen April 1
Tuesday, April 3 2
92 days past 272 to come
Grey Cottons---full range---heavy, medium and light
Wash cans for Bush or Syrup. Wrote to Mae & National Mfg Co.
Bowen works cutting camp wood sap running good. Did not get in from gathering 8.30 I wash more
buckets & syrup cans- Got 1st Goose Egg
Wednesday, April 4
93 days past 271 to come
Extraordinary durability explains the name, "Rockfast" Drill.
Allan bring calf home. A beautiful day
Allan goes to Avonmore for fee{d} and get pipe of Separator fixed.
Thursday, April 5
94 days past 270 to come
Women who know the value of money are the best customers for Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics
Send syrup to Young from Monkland
Busy in bush. Sap running good.
Friday, April 6 Good Friday
95 days past 269 to come
Thrift goes hand-in-hand with "C" Prints and "Steelclad" Galatea.
Made two batches syrup. A miserable cold day.
Papa goes down to Scotts for calf. B{o}an Comes to butcher in afternoon. Boys busy in bush Bowan
helps to gather.
Saturday, April 7
96 days past 268 to come
"Oh how this spring of love resembleth The uncertain glory of an April day." -- Shakespeare.
Papa went to Jims took home churn cold.
Very busy day. Eddie here Saps running good. Boys stay up sell 15.6 boiling.
Sunday, April 8
97 days past Easter267 to come
Marietta & Wm go to church. J. V. here Sunday Eve. Johnny & Edmond took tea here
Papa & I go to church roads bad. Miss F. comes back. A.V.
Monday, April 9
98 days past 266 to come
The mothers of the land are strong in their preference for "Steelclad" Galatea and our even more
serviceable "Romper Cloth".
We was boys haul home wood Papa goes up road {inviting} to his beat St Andrews. Wm Lets the
goose in cow stable
A miserable day rains all day I wash
Tuesday, April 10
99 days past 265 to come
Patriotism pays when it influences a purchase of Dominion Textile "Made in Canada" Cottons.
Papa goes to town with H Cahey Very Cold. Boys taking home wood Uncl Joe comes & takes dinner
Turns awful cold No Sap Boy pulling out manure Bessie Papa & I go to church very cold. Dr.
Lalond goes to see Mr Campbell
Wednesday, April 11
100 days past 264 to come
Bag Cloths, Rubber Cloths and Grey Cloths for Manufacturers.
Boys getting home wood. Edmond here. In evening start gathering sap
Very Cold No sap
Thursday, April 12
101 days past 263 to come
No. 3 Print, bright colours---full range---all styles.
Marietta Gene & Wm go to church for Easter duty. Storming Papa goes over to hill
Good run of Sap but still cold. Little Pigs come. & blue Cow has a calf Also Black heifer on North side
Friday, April 13
102 days past 262 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea---for Ladies and Children's wear.
Busy boiling. Florence comes up in afternoon
Sap runing good Papa boils in afternoon boys boil till 3 A M. Geo. Rahal with them
Saturday, April 14
103 days past 261 to come
"Men are April when they woo, December when they wed." ---Shakespeare.
A busy day lots of Sap. Wm goes to get a shoe on Maud Papa goes to Station & I go back to make
syrup. Mae comes home. White cow comes in.
Busy boiling
Sunday, April 15
104 days past 260 to come
Papa & I go to church. Drive down to J {?}. In afternoon boys go back to gather them Wm goes to
Station We have straw berries for dinner.
Papa & I go to dinner & supper to Mr. Valades Enjoy the day very much
Monday, April 16
105 days past 259 to come
Cement Duck---Eagle Duck---Savanah and Trident Ducks---are standards everywhere.
Monday Miss F. returns. School opens. I go back in morning to clean evaporator pails put goose to
hatch in hen house
On a new schedule of time McMartin buried boys make last syrup. Uncle Joe came & took supper
Tuesday, April 17
106 days past 258 to come
Dominion Textile Cottons equal the imported in everything except price.
Our Parcel comes from Eatons Busy in bush
Boys gather & wash buckets I start cleaning Cook house
Wednesday, April 18
107 days past 257 to come
Sheetings and Sheets---full range, all widths, Plain and Twill. Sheets---Plain, hemmed and hemmed
Papa goes to Monkland taks home 4 cwt flour. I was in Bush all afternoon
Papa goes to St Andrews with Syrup. I rake front yd. lovely & warm Boys finish washing 625 buckets
& Evpaporator
Thursday, April 19
108 days past 256 to come
Textile Underwear Cloths are strong favorites
We go to Easter Duty Bessie, Papa & I Sandy comes to Butcher I go back & boil in Afternoon We hear
from Miss H. telling of her intended marriage
Turns dreadful cold every thing frozen Snows Got 1st Turkey Egg April 17 1918. before this cold
Papa set fire to weeds & hay it runing for fa{r}e
Friday, April 20
109 days past 255 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea stands the sun and tub.
We go to Easter duty, Besse Papa & I. It rains all afternoon Sandy Comes We go to Easter duty.
Bessie Papa & I
Saturday, April 21
110 days past 254 to come
"Oh how this spring of love resembleth The uncertain glory of an April day." ---Shakespeare.
Boy gathers Bucket & brings home last of syrup
Papa goes up to Dan McMillans a beautiful
Sunday, April 22
111 days past 253 to come
Wm D. A & Marietta & I go to church A. Chisholm called
Wm Bessie & I go to church pours rain all the way home
Monday, April 23
112 days past 252 to come
By restricting importation, the war has awakened thousands of women to the superiority of Dominion
Textile Cotton Fabrics.
Wash as usual very cold begin sending to factory
I wash as usual
Tuesday, April 24
113 days past 251 to come
"War, war, my noble father. Thus I fling it; And fair-eyed Peace, farewell."
I make last churning & wash 300 buckets in afternoon
Wm Miss F and Marietta goes to Mrs J. B's funeral wake
We go over to Uncle Johnny Camerons I wonder what next year will bring who ever lives. Uncle
Johnny leaves for Winnipeg. Poor fellow Papa goes to sale at R. McDoigh
Wednesday, April 25
114 days past 250 to come
No. 3 Print---a good, moderate priced print washes well.
Go to Mrs. J. B. McDonald's funeral. finish washing buckets in afternoon Girls go to dance @ Harrisons
Boys go to Easter Duty & Saw comes in afternoon
Thursday, April 26
115 days past 249 to come
Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics are strong favorites with thousands who want the utmost value for their
Jim Comes in afternoon I make soap. Kate & D A go to church. Wm Sows cabbage & onions
Saw here for while then goes to Geo. R.
Friday, April 27
116 days past 248 to come
Summer toilettes of "C" Print are as fresh and dainty as heart could wish, yet inexpensive and
Papa goes to Monkland with a load for Jim. I send Box to Mae
Saw finishes. Papa & Geo Rahe goes to Monkland. I give Eggs to Goose Miss F. goes home and
goes to Seymour's dance I wash bed clothes - 1918
Saturday, April 28
117 days past 247 to come
Cotton Drills---for Shirts, Overalls and Pocketing.
We go to town for bed. got my hat. A.C called & invited Marietta to wedding
Papa & Wm goes after Binder to R. McDougalds 1918
Sunday, April 29
118 days past 246 to come
Wm Marietta & I go to church very cold 1917
D A Bessie & I go to church In Afternoon Bessie & I go to A H Chisholms. H D & Florence over takes
with car & we ride home with them. Uncle Geo. Sick with quinsy
Monday, April 30
119 days past 245 to come
"By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April's breeze unfurled." ---Emerson.
We wash and clean Cook house
(Aunt Marietta wrote this) Miss F. goes to dance at Seymours with A. P. A V. and J. takes car back and I
Papa goes to Morthfield Sta with 2 Calves $15.00. 1918
Tuesday, May 1
120 days past 244 to come
"For I'm to be Queen of the May, mother, I'm to be Queen of the May." -Tennyson.
I bake bread. Marietta goes to town with Joe Chisholm. Angus Comes home from Trenton pouring
rain. Had welcome at Joes - Miss F goes down with Duncan. Lovely time.
Archie McMillan from Finch takes supper here. 1918
Wednesday, May 2
121 days past 243 to come
"C" Prints make economy charming.
raining all day washed bal of bed clothes, Etta cut border off paper - for hall upstairs
Thursday May 3
122 days past 242 to come
Women who know the value of money are the best customers for Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics.
We start papering hall. up stairs very hard frost & cold
{following entry erased} {All? goes up 8th to buy oats}
Friday, May 4
123 days past 241 to come
"Steelclad Galatea" is the cloth "par excellence" for Nurses' Uniforms.
We finish papering hall upstairs I wash all the curtains. Miss F goes home. It is Arbour day Wm put
Eggs under grey turkey 1917
{writing very faint, possibly erased} {I wash bed clothes. Miss F goes home & goes to Seymour's dance}
Saturday, May 5
124 days past 240 to come
Textile Underwear Cloths are strong favorites.
Avery Cold East wind. I make out factory work for 1st time Papa & Wm go to St Andrew Wm goes to
V. for oats.
Miss F goes up to Campbells Mae. Comes home
Sunday, May 6
125 days past 239 to come
Papa & I went to church and went up to uncle Geo, J. V & A. V. here when we came back
Joe and Marietta & Mrs & Mr. Valade come to have dinner Geo. Rahal has dinner here too. Mae goes
away Joe takes her to Sta 1918
Monday, May 7
126 days past 238 to come
Pillow Cottons and Pillow Slips---all styles, Plain and Twill, Plain Hemmed and Hemmed Stitched.
Washed & started papering my room. Planted potatoes in front of house
I wash & scrub Cook house
Tuesday, May 8
127 days past 237 to come
"Love---whose month is every May." - Ibid.
Etta went to Monkland Papered my room. Etta went with J. C. to see Angus
I sett Old Donald, Grey turkey and Big Black one beside the Elm tree
Wednesday, May 9
128 days past 236 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea gives your customers a feeling that they have got more than their money's worth.
Etta went to Monkland with Papa to get her grey dress fitted Took 19 doz. Eggs got 35.¢ a doz. I set
hen in truck very cold drizzling rain -
Very cold. {erased entry}
Thursday, May 10
129 days past 235 to come
By restricting importation, the war has awakened thousands of women to the superiority of Dominion
Textile Cotton Fabrics
Allan sowed 1st grain in middle field cold I painted my room & boys.
Gene. Wm & D. A go to church and go over to Uncle Johnnys. 1918
Friday, May 11
130 days past 234 to come
Sheeting and Sheets---full range, all widths, Plain and Twill. Sheets---Plain, hemmed and hemmed
Raining Cold rained all night. Set Black turkey at road
Saturday, May 12
131 days past 233 to come
Perfect Weave---fast colours---splendid wear---all unite in "C" Prints.
Papa went up to uncle Geo' for hay. Showery all day. Put down Carpet in my own room
Sunday, May 13
132 days past 232 to come
Bessie, Etta D A & I went to church Miss F went with H. D.s. A. V. McD came in evening -
Monday, May 14
133 days past 231 to come
Summer toilettes of "C" Print are as fresh and dainty as heart could wish, yet inexpensive and
Washed in afternoon wash on strip dining room carpet, finished sowing middle field. Put goose
eggs under hen over hen house Very cold
Tuesday, May 15
134 days past 230 to come
"In the very May-morn of his youth, Ripe for exploits and mighty enterprises." - Shakespeare.
Very cold ice 1/4 in thick at pump sowing field next line south finished washing carpet. now cleaning
teachers room
Wednesday, May 16
135 days past 229 to come
"C" Prints are preferred for clean-cut, beautiful designs and fresh, permanent colours.
House cleaning. In evening May Rufe & Mary spends eveing here Wm goes to Apple Hill on Bicycle
Thursday, May 17
136 days past 228 to come
Cotton Blankets---Ibex, Dragon and Saxony.
D.A. Etta & I went to church Gerd and Marion came to dinner Enjoyed the day very much
Friday, May 18
137 days past 227 to come
"Time and tide wait for no man."
We make the garden sowed Onions.
Saturday, May 19
138 days past 226 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea has probably no equal for all-round usefulness in the home.
Sowed Beets & Carrots. May comes home. Wm goes to meet her - Etta washe Buggy
Sunday, May 20
139 days past 225 to come
Etta Bessie & D A goes to church Miss F. goes home. A lovely day Wm Etta go to train with Mae.
JV. A V. & Miss F - Come. They all go out for drive
Monday, May 21
140 days past 224 to come
"The most useful cloth around the house" is "Steelclad" Galatea.
We wash as usual. In afternoon we finish sowing onions. I set old Donald and two hens in hen house.
To busy to write anything
Tuesday, May 22
141 days past 223 to come
"My voice is still for war. Gods! Can a Roman senate long debate Which of the two to choose, slavery or
death?" --Addison.
Started papering dining Room One Horn came in 1917
Wednesday, May 23
142 days past 222 to come
Patriotism pays when it influences a purchase of Dominion Textile "Made in Canada" Cottons.
Painted dining room
Thursday, May 24
143 days past 221 to come
Extraordinary durability explains the name, "Rockfast" Drill.
The sawyers came in afternoon. The girls, Miss F. Bessie & Etta went to Quails. Got 1st turkey Egg
from small turkey -
Friday, May 25
144 days past 220 to come
Dominion Textile Cottons equal the imported in everything except price.
Papa goes home with Saw.
Saturday, May 26
145 days past 219 to come
"As it fell upon a day, In the merry month of May." --Barnfield
We put out the flowers & fixed flower beds.
Sunday, May 27
146 days past 218 to come
Bessie Etta D A & myself go to church. Uncle Geo. & family and Aunt Annie come also Tom, Ned. In
Eve girls go for motor drive -
Monday, May 28
147 days past 217 to come
Thrift goes hand-in-hand with "C" Prints and "Steelclad" Galatea.
We wash and Angus come Pete comes in Evening. I set turkey down at fence also hen in paper box,
hen house
Tuesday, May 29
148 days past 216 to come
Grey Cottons--full range--heavy, medium and light.
Angus here. I sow carrots Black seed and Cucumbers. In afternoon I put down carpet in dining room
& finish papering
Wednesday, May 30
149 days past 215 to come
Women who know the value of money are the best customers for Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics.
Papa & D A. went to town I clean ceiling of Kitchen Have a letter from poor Mae who is sick with
measles girls go to town. Etta wins candy.
Thursday, May 31
150 days past 214 to come
For the hardest kind of children's wear, "Romper Cloth" is the ideal fabric.
Mr. Jones takes dinner here Old grey turkey has chicken We start papering Kitchen
Friday, June 1
151 days past 213 to come
"A noise like of a hidden brook, In the leafy month of June." --S. T. Coleridge
Wm, D A & Etta go to the church Kate works at H. D. Mrs J.Y.A. has priest. finish papering Kitchen
1918 Miss F. went home
Saturday, June 2
152 days past 212 to come
Thrift goes hand-in-hand with "C" Prints and "Steelclad" Galatea.
I make factory work but very busy all day. $1.00 per @ Paper Cook house. Milk goes to factory 1st
time in evening
Mae came home. a lovely evening but Cold 1918
Sunday, June 3
153 days past 211 to come
Papa Bessie & I go to church drizzling and Cold I wrote to Mae
Mae visits Marietta for 1st time. She and Bessie go to church and go in Car
Monday, June 4
154 days past 210 to come
Bag Cloths, Rubber Cloths and Grey Cloths for Manufacturers.
Wash as usual & clean Cook house Girls go to Seymours Etta gets ready twice, mad as a wet hen
We sow seeds in our garden very windey. Plant every thing. Very windy. Miss F comes back with
her father very miserable tells me she is going to quit so miserable
Tuesday, June 5
155 days past 209 to come
By restricting importation, the war has awakened thousands of women to the superiority of Dominion
Textile Cotton Fabrics.
Set hen between boards at door. I sew Bessies dress
I wash - a lovely day
Wednesday, June 6
156 days past 208 to come
Summer toilettes of "C" Print are as fresh and dainty as heart could wish, yet inexpensive and
Poor S. Montgomery dies. Papa & I go to wake I put out stove in afternoon. I sew, Mrs Lalond gets
calf from Uncle Geo
Miss F goes home for good A V comes after her and her Sister -
Thursday, June 7
157 days past 207 to come
Cement Duck---Eagle Duck---Savanah and Trident Ducks---are standards everywhere.
Nice & cool. Wm disks corn ground. I set hen between boards
Friday, June 8
158 days past 206 to come
Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics are strong favorites with thousands who want the utmost value for their
Went to funeral Sandy Mont Black turkey came out at road
Saturday, June 9
159 days past 205 to come
No. 3 Print---a good all round print for every purpose.
Planted beans. (white).
Sunday, June 10
160 days past 204 to come
Wm Bessie & Etta & myself go to church. Etta goes to McGilles rained all day did not get home till
Tuesday morning Went to dance at Black River
Monday, June 11
161 days past 203 to come
Cement Duck—Eagle Duck—Savannah and Trident Ducks—are standards everywhere.
Etta does not get home Dance at Black River Both girls; both gents come back one gets left.
Tuesday, June 12
162 days past 202 to come
"What is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days." -Lowell.
Start Bessie's white dress set little turkey down at fence Papa & D A go to town to get his face lanced
Wednesday, June 13
163 days past 201 to come
No. 3 Print, bright colours---full range---all styles.
Plant potatoes Angus and Katie come down very warm. I replant Black seed
Thursday, June 14
164 days past 200 to come
Patriotism pays when it influences a purchase of Dominion Textile "Made in Canada" Cottons.
Raining finish planting potatoes in afternoon
Friday, June 15
165 days past 199 to come
Cotton Drills---for Shirts, Overalls and Pocketing.
Replant black seed onions girls go to dance at Dan Woods Mr Fraser cones back and Etta goes out to
Saturday, June 16
166 days past 198 to come
No. 3 Print, bright colours---full range---all styles.
Very busy expect Mae home Papa goes to meet Mae, Wm goes to factory
Sunday, June 17
167 days past 197 to come
Etta Bessie & papa go to church Uncle Joe & Aunt Mary come in afternoon. J V. & A V come Go out
for drive -
Monday, June 18
168 days past 196 to come
Dominion Textile Cottons equal the imported in everything except price.
Wash, Take old Donald out of nest. Boys plant potatoes over. Papa plant Corn & Beans
Tuesday, June 19
169 days past 195 to come
"No price is set on the lavish summer, June may be had by the poorest comer." - Lowell.
I paint the floor
Wednesday, June 20
170 days past 194 to come
"C" Prints make economy charming.
Put 2nd Coat on floor.
Saturday, June 23
173 days past 191 to come
Women who know the value of money are the best customers for Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics.
We goto the church Bessie Gene, Dunk & I. In evening Dan McMillan comes then Allan & John
James Mae comes up with Aunt Annie to Cornwall -
Sunday, June 24
174 days past 190 to come
Etta, Allan, and Dunk go to church, Wm goes with Pat Set hen in hen house west of door
Monday, June 25
175 days past 189 to come
"Rockfast" Drill---for hard wear of all kinds.
Washed, Turkey down at schoolhouse came out set hen in hen house east of door
Tuesday, June 26
176 days past 188 to come
"Brevity is the soul of wit, And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes." -Shakespeare (Hamlet).
Girls go up to Campbells
Wednesday, June 27
177 days past 187 to come
A. A. Duck---just the cloth for seaside wear.
Alovely day. Lawn social at St Andrews. Girls go
Thursday, June 28
178 days past 186 to come
By restricting importation, the war has awakened thousands of women to the superiority of Dominion
Textile Cotton Fabrics.
A beautiful day.
Friday, June 29
179 days past 185 to come
"C" Prints make economy charming.
S A very heavy rain. Weeding garden. Miss F. goes home for good.
Saturday, June 30
180 days past 184 to come
A. A. Duck---try it for children's summer clothing.
We get 1st straw berries. I go over to other side. I make up factory work. Mae comes home
Sunday, July 1
Sunday, July 1
181 days past 183 to come
Mae, Etta D A go to church Wm goes up to Uncle Joe's
Monday, July 2
182 days past 182 to come
"I remember, I remember, How my childhood fleeted by---The mirth of its December And the warmth of its
July." -Praed.
Wash as usual. Mae goes away in evening
Tuesday, July 3
183 days past 181 to come
"Steelclad Galatea" is the cloth "par excellence" for Nurses' Uniforms
We go to berrie early in morning over to McLaughlin's. Goslings come out
Wednesday, July 4
184 days past 180 to come
Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics are strong favorites with thousands who want the utmost value for their
Etta Gene goes to berries I go in afternoon
Thursday July 5
185 days past 179 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea gives your customers a feeling that they have got more than their money's worth.
Picking berries.
Friday, July 6
186 days past 178 to come
"Rockfast" Drill---hard and strong as its name.
Sew all day
Saturday, July 7
187 days past 177 to come
"War its thousands slays, Peace its ten thousands." -Porteus.
Pick berries in afternoon Red & white cow came in
Sunday, July 8
188 days past 176 to come
Go to J. {Lecks} for dinner
Marion & Murphy spend evening here
Monday, July 9
189 days past 175 to come
Patriotism pays when it influences a purchase of Dominion Textile "Made in Canada" Cottons.
Wash. Bessie & I go to berries in afternoon. raining. Took young turkeys out of nest We send case of
eggs to Montreal
Tuesday, July 10
190 days past 174 to come
Perfect Weave---fast colours---splendid wear---all unite in "C" Prints.
Raining still
Wednesday, July 11
191 days past 173 to come
"Steelclad Galatea gives satisfaction in the home.
Etta, Bessie & I go over to berries on other side get about 4 qts
Thursday, July 12
192 days past 172 to come
"Strive still to be a man before your Mother." -Cowper.
Picking berries
Friday, July 13
193 days past 171 to come
Extraordinary durability explains the name, "Rockfast" Drill.
Papa sowed buckwheat behind barn. Black Cow has a calf -
Saturday, July 14
194 days past 170 to come
"Rockfast" Drill---best cloth for Men's Shirts.
Mae comes home
Sunday, July 15
195 days past 169 to come
St. Swithin's Day.
Etta, Bessie D A go to chur Wm in wheel. Mae goes away in evening Etta goes for motor drive
Monday, July 16
196 days past 168 to come
Dominion Textile Cottons equal the imported in everything except price.
wash as usual I finish cleaning goose berries
Tuesday, July 17
197 days past 167 to come
"C" Prints are preferred for clean-cut, beautiful designs and fresh, permanent colours.
We go up to Campbells for berries. C. J. Comes down in evening
Wednesday, July 18
198 days past 166 to come
We are Headquarters for Cotton Shoe Drills.
We go to Cornwall. I take dinner at Aunt Annies Get Boys suits
Thursday, July 19
199 days past 165 to come
Women who know the value of money are the best customers for Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics.
I send to Eatons for Springs & Mattresses. Sew in afternoon
Friday, July 20
200 days past 164 to come
Thrift goes hand-in-hand with "C" Prints and "Steelclad" Galatea.
I sew all day
Saturday, July 21
201 days past 163 to come
The mothers of the land are strong in their preference for "Steelclad" Galatea and our even more
serviceable "Romper Cloth."
Go over to pick last straw berries
Sunday, July 22
202 days past 162 to come
Go to church and go up to Uncle Joes for dinne
Monday, July 23
203 days past 161 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea---for Ladies and Children's wear.
Allan goes to Monkland Sends Crate to Montreal Eggs 40¢
Tuesday, July 24
204 days past 160 to come
"Toll for the Brave. The Brave that are no more, All sunk beneath the wave, Fast by their native shore." -
Go to pick 1st raspberries on Lalonds.
Wednesday, July 25
205 days past 159 to come
By restricting importation, the war has awakened thousands of women to the superiority of Dominion
Textile Cotton Fabrics.
Picking berries
Thursday, July 26
206 days past 158 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea stands the sun and tub.
Picking berries
Friday, July 27
207 days past 157 to come
"C" Prints make economy charming.
Picked berries till 3 in afternoon
Saturday, July 28
208 days past 156 to come
Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics are strong favorites with thousands who want the utmost value for their
Make out Factory work
Sunday, July 29
209 days past 155 to come
Uncle Johnny Cameron and Aunt Annie Comes Have a mess of new potatoes. J. V. comes in evening
go to town.
Monday, July 30
210 days past 154 to come
"He makes no friend who never made a foe." -Tennyson.
Sewing & picking berries
Tuesday, July 31
211 days past 153 to come
Patriotism pays when it influences a purchase of Dominion Textile "Made in Canada" Cottons.
Sewing & picking beries
Wednesday, August 1
212 days past 152 to come
"Habit, if not resisted, Soon becomes a necessity." -St.Augustine.
Picking berries
Boys go to meeting got 18 loads of hay in.
Thursday, August 2
213 days past 151 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea gives your customers a feeling that they have got more than their money's worth.
Picking berries
Friday, August 3
214 days past 150 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea---used with satisfaction from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Aunt Annie goes to town with H. D. Etta & Bessie goes up to Chisholms Archie Rahal comes home in
Saturday, August 4
215 days past 149 to come
"The most useful cloth around the house" is "Steelclad" Galatea.
Usual work
Sunday, August 5
216 days past 148 to come
Etta goes to church with C- & go to picnic out to Island then goes to party at McIntosh'
Monday, August 6
217 days past 147 to come
Dominion Textile Cottons equal the imported in everything except price.
I go to pick blackberries leave washing with Marietta
Tuesday, August 7
218 days past 146 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea gives your customers a feeling that they have got more than their money's worth.
We go to berries early get about 15 qts
Wednesday, August 8
219 days past 145 to come
"He that repeateth a matter separateth many friends." -Proverbs XVII, 9.
We remain at home
Thursday, August 9
220 days past 144 to come
No. 3 Print for all purposes where print is used.
Go to berries with Florence & Mazy and got all wet Etta Jgoes to dance in Williamstown. John Archie
Friday, August 10
221 days past 143 to come
Perfect Weave---fast colours---splendid wear---all unite in "C" Prints.
I go to berries alone
We go to Duncan Neds funera and Mrs Jim Lawson. Hear Marion is dead
Saturday, August 11
222 days past 142 to come
Women who know the value of money are the best customers for Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics.
Usual work no Factory work tonight
Sunday, August 12
223 days past 141 to come
Go to church In evening Etta goes out to Moose Creek Finish Factory work.
We go over to Uncle Johnnys and go to Hotel Dieu to see Marion.
Monday, August 13
224 days past 140 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea has probably no equal for all-round usefulness in the home.
We go to berries do not wash Papa goes to Monkland get Springs & Mattress. Send crate eggs to
Tuesday, August 14 1918
225 days past 139 to come
"'Tis better to be brief than tedious." -Shakespeare (Richard III)
{writing very faint} Herbert Daniels dies at Hotel Dieu Cornwall
Wednesday, August 15
226 days past 138 to come
"C" Prints are preferred for clean-cut, beautiful designs and fresh, permanent colours.
Usual work. raining
Boys go to wake. Herbert Daniels dies -
Thursday, August 16
227 days past 137 to come
By restricting importation, the war has awakened thousands of women to the superiority of Dominion
Textile Cotton Fabrics.
We go to berries. Katie Come down in afternoon Archie Rahal Comes in evening
Marion Comes home to her Fathers. Very poorly Dr. Coming every day.
Friday, August 17
228 days past 136 to come
Muskoka Scrim---best value on the market.
I put Cucumbers in Brine
We go to Daniels Funeral at A.V. go to Uncle Duncans for dinner -
Saturday, August 18
229 days past 135 to come
Extraordinary durability explains the name, "Rockfast" Drill.
Mae Comes home for her vacation. Uncle Johnny & Mary Ann Comes & spends afternoon. Uncle
Johnny works at hay makes coils
Sunday, August 19
230 days past 134 to come
Mae, Etta WmD A. goes to church In evening. The girls go to party at Uncle Johnnys (Lecks)
Monday, August 20
231 days past 133 to come
"A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market." -Lamb.
We wash. In afternoon I run to berries when a big storm Comes up
Tuesday, August 21
232 days past 132 to come
Thrift goes hand-in-hand with "C" Prints and "Steelclad" Galatea.
Marietta goes down to Collect for Florence. Mae Bessie & I go over to pick berries for last time
Wednesday, August 22
233 days past 131 to come
Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics are strong favorites with thousands who want the utmost value for their
Pat Rahal Comes to bind oats They finish Cutting hay on other side west of road. Party at Tom Quinns.
{entry erased}
Thursday, August 23
234 days past 130 to come
Textile Printed Shirtings are celebrated for their fast colours and sharp printing.
Visit with Mae. Little pigs Come.
Friday, August 24
235 days past 129 to come
"Steelclad Galatea" is the cloth "par excellence" for Nurses' Uniforms.
Coil hay read for stacking McMaster Comes to buy pigs Girls go up to Uncle Joes Uncle Geo & Uncle
Joe takes supper here
Saturday, August 25
236 days past 128 to come
Textile Printed Shirtings bring success to shirting Manufacturers.
We visit with Mae
Sunday, August 26
237 days past 127 to come
Mae, Wm Rahals goto Green field. Marion and Mercella Malloney called. Marietta goes to Campbells
Collecting for Florence.
Monday, August 27
238 days past 126 to come
"Castles in the air cost a vast deal to keep up." -Lytton.
We wash. Etta sends money to Florence Papa goes to Apple Hill with pigs They weigh 1445 lbs @
17¢ gives $245.50
Tuesday, August 28
239 days past 125 to come
Patriotism pays when it influences a purchase of Dominion Textile "Made in Canada" Cottons.
Maudie Come Collecting for social at St Andrews. Papa & I go & spend evening at Angus Chisholms.
Dan Rahal goes away
Wednesday, August 29
240 days past 124 to come
Textile Printed Tickings are best for Mattresses---Pillows---Fancy work---Trunk Linings.
Mae goes up to Rahals
Thursday, August 30
241 days past 123 to come
"The most useful cloth around the house"is "Steelclad" Galatea.
Social at St Andrews
Friday, August 31
242 days past 122 to come
For the hardest kind of children's wear, "Romper Cloth" is the ideal fabric.
Mary & Archie Spend evening her. Greenfield dance
Saturday, September 1
243 days past 121 to come
"The book of nature getteth short of leaves." -Hood.
Visit all day.
Sunday, September 2
244 days past 120 to come
We go up to Uncle Joes to see Marion. Danny, Miss McK{inan} Cassie, Mrs D McDonald visit us
Monday, September 3
245 days past 119 to come
Dominion Textile Cottons equal the imported in everything except price.
Mae goes away. Etta goes to a ball at Harrisons
Miss Davis and Miss & D. come in evening. Mae goes to Montreal
Tuesday, September 4
246 days past 118 to come
For the hardest kind of children's wear, "Romper Cloth" is the ideal fabric.
Marion is married a lovely day Marietta remains up from dance goes to Marriage - comes home in
Wednesday, September 5
247 days past 117 to come
Summer toilettes of "C" Print are as fresh and dainty as heart could wish, yet inexpensive and
We talk all day
Thursday, September 6
248 days past 116 to come
Textile Sleeve Linings---extra good value.
Mike comes to work at stack here all day
Friday, September 7
249 days past 115 to come
Women who know the value of money are the best customers for Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics.
They finish the hay, grain and everything
Saturday, September 8
250 days past 114 to come
The mothers of the land are strong in their preference for "Steelclad" Galatea and our even more
serviceable "Romper Cloth."
Boys go to work at H Ds in Afternoon
Sunday, September 9
251 days past 113 to come
We think of going up to Uncle Geo. It rains so we Come home Aunt Annie & Loretta & Rob go up to
Uncle Geo also Uncle Johnny & Teresa
Monday, September 10
252 days past 112 to come
No. 3 Print---a good all round print for every purpose.
We wash and I pick Cucumbers & put in salt
Tuesday, September 11
253 days past 111 to come
Empire Quilts for Bedspreads.
I go down to Montgomerys
Wednesday, September 12
254 days past 110 to come
By restricting importation, the war has awakened thousands of women to the superiority of Dominion
Textile Cotton Fabrics.
Papa go to Ottawa fair with H. Cahey - Comes hom through night with Pat McLaughlin.
Thursday, September 13
255 days past 109 to come
"Pity the best of words should be but wind."
We go to Mrs J. Y. A funeral Mrs McPhaul.
Friday, September 14
256 days past 108 to come
Textile Underwear Cloths are strong favorites.
Wm goes to Ottawa Fair with Dan on Hill & Pat Rahal
Jim Rahal working here since Thursday last. He goes to Greenfield to-morrow Saturaday.
Saturday, September 15
257 days past 107 to come
"Steelclad Galatea" is the cloth "par excellence" for Nurses' Uniforms.
Mae Comes home. Wm Comes from Ottawa with Danon Hill Dan McMillan here
Sunday, September 16
258 days past 106 to come
Mae is at home. Myrtle McIntosh Isabella Faucett, Joe & Marietta & Archie comes to dinne. Archie
drives Mae to Sta - Wm H. here
Monday, September 17
259 days past 105 to come
Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics are strong favorites with thousands who want the utmost value for their
A busy day I do factory work I preserve plums. Dan McMi comes for supper from AV.
Tuesday, September 18
260 days past 104 to come
"Be wise to-day; 'tis madness to defer."
Uncle Geo comes after D A with car. He goes with him Miss D- goes to dance to Mrs Archie Young
Wednesday, September 19
261 days past 103 to come
No 3 Print---a good, moderate priced print washes well.
Boys go to Avonmore Fair Girls go to Ball at Avonmore
Saturday, September 22
264 days past 100 to come
A. A. Duck---for hard wear.
Mae Comes home
Cold and showery Miss D- Sick
Sunday, September 23
264 days past 99 to come
Miss F- goes home from Mass. D McMillan & Maggie here - May goes away.
Miss D- goes to church with Geo. Rahal. He Comes in to dinner. I write to Danny across the Seas -
Wm H- here- Dunk comes home with Uncle Geo. {?g}
Monday, September 24
266 days past 98 to come
Patriotism pays when it influences a purchase of Dominion Textile "Made in Canada" Cottons.
Papa & Wm go to Apple Hill with Bull. raining.
Tuesday, September 25
267 days past 97 to come
"Thick as Autumnal leaves that strew the brooks." -Milton.
J B comes to Butcher pig.
Wednesday, September 26
268 days past 96 to come
Sheeting and Sheets---full range, all widths, Plain and Twill. Sheets---Plain, hemmed and hemmed
Colman Comes to cut Corn. Etta goes up to see Katie
Thursday, September 27
269 days past 95 to come
No. 3 Print, bright colours---full range---all styles.
Marietta & papa goes to town to get her teeth fixed 1917
Friday, September 28
270 days past 94 to come
Patriotism pays when it influences a purchase of Dominion Textile "Made in Canada" Cottons.
We go to Maxville fair Etta Come home with H D gets her green dress made
Saturday, September 29
271 days past 93 to come
We are Headquarters for Cotton Shoe Drills.
A. V. comes after Mae Comes from Monkland she comes out with Uncle Johnnys. Loretta sick. Ruth
remains back
Sunday, September 30
272 days past 92 to come
We go to church think to go to Uncle Geo. but it rains and they go out to dinne to D A McDonald
May home Joe, Miss D, Isabelle goes to Monkland with her. Wm H. comes we remain in parlor
Monday, October 1
273 days past 91 to come
"He that will to bed go sober, Falls with the leaf still in October." -Pollo.
Wash and peel apples all afternoon
Make up factory work and begin wash
Tuesday, October 2
274 days past 90 to come
Pee{l} Apples Boys pick potatoes and sends them to Jims. Papa takes eggs to Monkland.
Papa goes out to Wm Sandy. Jims for wire. Mary Fraser dies
Wednesday, October 3
275 days past 89 to come
Cotton Drills---for Shirts, Overalls and Pocketing
Papa & Etta go to town again rainy and disagreeable We take in the beans - We fix up the dining
room stove & pipes.
We put up dining room stove Dr. Lalond goes to see Duncan Chisholm
Thursday, October 4
276 days past 88 to come
Women who know the value of money are the best customers for Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics.
raining still
We go to Mary Frasers funeral Wm & I-
Friday, October 5
277 days past 87 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea has probably no equal for all-around usefulness in the home.
We go to first Friday Papa goes to town with HD. Miss F goes home-
Wm gets through with Corn and putting wire on fence. Miss D goes out to spend weekend a A H
Saturday, October 6
278 days past 86 to come
Sheetings and Sheets---full range, all widths, Plain and Twill. Sheets---Plain, hemmed and hemmed
A gloomy day make 12 bottle pickles. Make up the books Miss F goes to Ottawa
Rains all day a terrible day Cold
Sunday, October 7
279 days past 85 to come
Etta DA Bessie & I go to chur Wm goes with Tom a cold miserable day Etta goes out to J McGillis to
Another awful day. Dont go to church In afternoon Joe & Marietta come and takes D. A. home from
Uncle Geo Glad indeed to see them
Monday, October 8
280 days past 84 to come
By restricting importation, the war has awakened thousands of women to the superiority of Dominion
Textile Cotton Fabrics.
Wash It rains all day Etta goes to dance at Harrison Miss Fraser goes comes from Ottawa comes
back from dance
A nice day I wash
Tuesday, October 9
281 days past 83 to come
"Nor wanting is the brown October, drawn, Mature and perfect, from his dark retreat." -Thomson.
Nice & bright writing to Mae
I irom Miss D is preparing to go to Teacher's Convention but its posponed to later date
Wednesday, October 10
282 days past 82 to come
Cotton Blankets---Ibex, Dragon and Saxony.
Papa & Etta goes to town
We dig 1st potatoes a lovely day. Bessies Birthday
Thursday, October 11
283 days past 81 to come
Grey Cottons---full range---heavy, medium and light.
Papa & goes up to see Mr Rahal & call at Angus Chisholms to see the girls
We dig potatoes. Miss D. goes to H D. for tea
Friday, October 12
284 days past 80 to come
Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics are strong favorites with thousands who want the utmost value for their
Priest goes to see Mr Rahal and he dies that night
It rains in morning but we dig potatoes in afternoon
Saturday, October 13
285 days past 79 to come
Marietta goes up to Rahals papa & Wm goes to Monklan with Cheese. Papa goes to wake at night.
The boys go over to fill silo
An awful day rains Miss D goes to H D. for hat. I have Card from Mae stating she has flue am very
anxious Wm goes to Monk in evening to telephone but could not find even St.
Sunday, October 14
286 days past 78 to come
We go to church boys go up to R- in evening. J V & A V come in evening.
A thunder storm in morning but clears off and we go to church Everything deferred Confirmation
Mission & Ec. Schools closed
Monday, October 15
287 days past 77 to come
Cement Duck---Eagle Duck---Savanah and Trident Ducks---are standards everywhere.
We go to funeral
Thanks giving day Miss Davis teaches school
Tuesday, October 16
288 days past 76 to come
Dominion Textile Cottons equal the imported in everything except price.
We wash. Florence gos to town Grace is born
Miss Davis cloes school Digging potatoes
Wednesday, October 17
289 days past 75 to come
"Take time by the forelock."
We dig potatoes in front of Orchard
We are digging potatoes awful soft- Lalond boys here -
Thursday, October 18
290 days past 74 to come
No 3 Print---a good, moderate priced print---washes well.
We are still at potatoes Mr. Jones visits the school a lovely day
Still at potatoes with Lalond boys
Friday, October 19
291 days past 73 to come
"Rockfast" Drill---hard and strong as its name.
Rains Unable Boys work at Alex Moodys at mill
Saturday, October 20
{pencil brackets around 20}
292 days past 72 to come
Patriotism pays when it influences a purchase of Dominion Textile "Made in Canada" Cottons.
Papa goes down to Scotts Boys work at Alex on Hill Come home to send D J D Annual home Miss F
goes home papa {papa is written in red crayon} {w}ars a pair of pens
Sunday, October 21
293 days past 71 to come
We go to church Forty Hrs begins - {erased or very faint - J V comes for dinner}
Miss Davis goes out to Sandy McGillis with Wm Joe - another man Miss D - goes to church with Tom
Caughy rains something Awful -
Monday, October 22
294 days past 70 to come
No. 3 Print---a good all round print for every purpose.
Children go to the church I wash. Kate & D. A. go down in afternoon
Tuesday, October 23
295 days past 69 to come
No. 3 Print---a good, moderate priced print washes well.
We go to the church Wm ridges all potatoes in front of Orchard. Archie Rahal, Mary & Biddy spend
We go and spend afternoon with Marietta. Had such a nice afternoon -
Wednesday, October 24
296 days past 68 to come
"C" Prints are preferred for clean-cut, beautiful designs and fresh, permanent colours.
We start potatoes on the side rains awful I go over to HD with Christens clothes
Archie Rahal landed home Mary and he spends evening here- Goes away next morning Archie Bring
me a parcel from Mae
Thursday, October 25
297 days past 67 to come
"Even the sun has spots."
We rest all day as it rains in morning. D. David had his shoulder put out of place
Friday, October 26
298 days past 66 to come
Patriotism pays when it influences a purchase of Dominion Textile "Made in Canada" Cottons.
Florence comes home from hospita a lovely day. The mill moves here Papa goes to Monkland with
case of Eggs 43¢ a dozen of eggs.
Saturday, October 27
299 days past 65 to come
"Rockfast" Drill---for hard wear of all kinds.
The mill is here a big gang for dinner Mae is coming home Miss F & Marietta goes to train to meet her
Sunday, October 28
300 days past 64 to come
Miss F- Marietta & D A go to church Wm goes to chapel with Geo Raha Mae goes away again A V &
J V. come
We go to Marietta to meet Geo McDonald (BlackSmith) funeral. Mrs Bill McAllan dies
Monday, October 29
{pencilled brackets around 29)
301 days past 63 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea gives your customers a feeling that they have got more than their money's worth.
A.G Lawson married an awful day. Boys working at Lalonds at mill. Mr Mike spend evening here
D.A. McMillan comes after dog. It thunders an lightens.
Josephine McPhaul {dr?} also Mrs Bill McAllan Miss Davis goes home-
Tuesday, October 30
302 days past 62 to come
"For who knows most, him loss of time most grieves." -Dante
raining & wind but lovely and warm. Boys help Geo. Rahal thrashing. Papa starts ploughing Archie R -
spends evening Etta has toothache
Wednesday, October 31
{October 31 circled in pencil}
303 days past 61 to come
Papa got new plow. boys at Rahals. Archie goes away We take in the Stove
Ned Boys take Sick Papa & H D. goes to St Andrews to wire for Dr.
Thursday, November 1
304 days past 60 to come
"Blow, blow, thou winter wind, Thou art not so unkind As man's ingratitude." -Shakespeare
Girls expected to go for drive but did not -
Father McRae comes back to see Ned Boys also Dr. Lalond Papa & H D again goes to St A for Fr.
McRae. Rec'd letter from Miss Davis Ottawa
Friday, November 2
305 days past 59 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea stands the sun and tub.
First Friday did not go Katie & Teresa goes to mass Etta & Miss Fraser go to Katies for tea Johnny &
Wm give them a swift ride home. Miss F goes home
All Saints day. Did not go to church on a/c of Flue. Ned's boys sick.
Saturday, November 3
306 days past 58 to come
Perfect Weave---fast colours---splendid wear---all unite in "C"Prints.
May comes home A. V. comes back. The 1st time for Mae to come after being sick Wm Comes home
from Uncle Geo
Nathan McLaughlin dies
{Entire entry bracketed}
Sunday, November 4
307 days past 57 to come
Marion & Les were here glad to see them. Went down to Chisholms. 2 oclock in morning - when they
got home Etta promised to visit Marion in two weeks time I wonder if she'll go
Joe & Marietta comes back Jos. goes to Station with Mae Also Bessie & Eugene. Wm goes back up
to Uncle Geo.
Nathan McLaughlin buried
Monday, November 5
308 days past 56 to come
Patriotism pays when it influences a purchase of Dominion Textile "Made in Canada" Cottons.
Clothes line broke Etta takes cold rinsing in Cold water
I wash a very disagreeable day rain and Snow -
Tuesday, November 6
309 days past 55 to come
Textile Underwear Cloths are strong favorites
Etta Sick
Ned Boys no better send for Dr. in hurry - Dr. Dickey of Newington - Catherine Jennet sick too -
Begin knitting Bessie's stockings
Wednesday, November 7
310 days past 54 to come
"A cheerful friend is like a sunny day." -Lubbock.
Etta sick Pete comes & spends evening
Papa goes to St Andrews for pig feed. A Lovely day
Thursday, November 8
311 days past 53 to come
Textile Printed Shirtings bring success to shirting Manufacturers.
Etta sick
Friday, November 9
312 days past 52 to come
No. 3 Print for all purposes where print is used.
{Etta sik} Fs father comes after her
Saturday, November 10
313 days past 51 to come
Pillow Cottons and Pillow Slips---all styles, Plain and Twill, Plain Hemmed and Hemmed Stitched.
Mrs McMillan is buried we go to funeral at Apple Hill did not get home till 10 PM
Sunday, November 11
314 days past 50 to come
Im sick Etta Wm & D A go to church
Monday, November 12
315 days past 49 to come
Extraordinary durability explains the name, "Rockfast" Drill.
Sick on Monday do not wash
Papa goes to Apple Hill with pigs 4. $1.35
Peace was declared
Tuesday, November 13
316 days past 48 to come
"The moments we forego eternity itself cannot retrieve." -Schiller.
Etta washes we are some what better. Bessie takes sick
Wednesday, November 14
317 days past 47 to come
Sheeting and Sheets---full range, all widths, Plain and Twill. Sheets---Plain, hemmed and hemmed
Bowen comes to butcher
Thursday, November 15
318 days past 46 to come
The mothers of the land are strong in their preference for "Steelclad" Galatea and our even more
serviceable "Romper Cloth."
Mary Rahal comes She & Mary goes down to Kennedys Kate goes to Apple Hill
Ronald & Allan goes to hunt
Friday, November 16
319 days past 45 to come
Cotton Blankets---Ibex, Dragon and Saxony.
Katie comes to Spend Afternoon Sam Lawson Comes Miss F goes home
Mae com {partially erased}
Saturday, November 17
320 days past 44 to come
"The empty vessel makes the greatest sound." -Shakespeare.
Boys go to Campbells to work at mill. Mae is Coming home. Papa takes wood from other side
Mae Comes to Cornwall Comes out with Uncle John from Early mass. Bess {erased}
Sunday, November 18
321 days past 43 to come
Mae is home Mrs Sandy Greefield. Mary & Pat. Archie here
Boys go to Valades. for dinner rains all day Bessie & I goes down to H D Florence has sore hand
Monday, November 19
322 days past 42 to come
By restricting importation, the war has awakened thousands of women to the superiority of Dominion
Textile Cotton Fabrics.
Papa sells the Cows goes to North Star. D A goes to Monkland with May
Florence goes to town & stays in. Maggie Tyo dies
Tuesday, November 20
323 days past 41 to come
Textile Underwear Cloths are strong favorites.
I put up my quilt very cold heavy snow
Maggie is buried. 1st Snow but an awful day
Wednesday, November 21
324 days past 40 to come
"The devil was sick, the devil a monk would be, The devil got well, the devil a monk was he."
They take heifers home Snowing and Cold
R & Allan goes to hunt
(Ronald Quail)
Thursday, November 22
325 days past 39 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea gives your customers a feeling that they have got more than their money's worth.
Snowing and Cold am still quilting but finish 21st
{Erased - Bowen comes to butcher}
Papa goes to St Andrews for feed. Boys take heifers home
Friday, November 23
326 days past 38 to come
Cold & stormy
Wm goes up with black Cow to Ruperts Price 45
Saturday, November 24
327 days past 37 to come
We are Headquarters for Cotton Shoe Drills.
We clean and put up outside windows. Papa goes to Monkland to for Mae Miss D - suitcase Comes
Sunday, November 25
328 days past 36 to come
We go up to Uncles Geo Very very cold Jim Sandy died
Monday 1918
Miss D- here but no schoo A. HC. working at building Snowing & cold I wash & Boys working at hen-
Monday, November 26
329 days past 35 to come
Cotton Drills---for Shirts, Overalls and Pocketing.
Cold still
{Entries have been erased but will note what can be read. Seems to be repeats of earlier entry}
{John Mae come {sleeting} Florence goes to town to see Dr Remains in. Maggie Tyo dies}
Tuesday, November 27
330 days past 34 to come
A. A. Duck---for hard wear.
Cold registered 20 below
{Entries erased but will note what can be read}
{A dreadful day snows all day. Maggie is buried. Mrs {S?day} poorly -}
Wednesday, November 28
331 days past 33 to come
Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics are strong favorites with thousands who want the utmost value for their
turns somewhat soft - Girls Wm go up to Rahals I get the wool
{Entry has been erased but will note what can be read}
{Allan & Ranald again goes out Comes home 2 pm all wet gets nothing. H D in town. Florence not
much better}
Thursday, November 29
332 days past 32 to come
"Each day is a little life." -Lubbock.
We go to town nice going in but cold coming home Wm & Tom have a chase after a fox & H D shoots
Friday, November 30
333 days past 31 to come
Grey Cottons---full range---heavy, medium and light.
I spin It is nice & warm Euchre at St Andrews
Saturday, December 1
334 days past 30 to come
"As soon seek roses in December . . . before you trust in critics who themselves are sore." -Byron
Nice & warm Denis McAlea dies
Miss D- goes to Alex on {hill} Then goes to St Andrews
Sunday, December 2
335 days past 29 to come
Meeting of Alter Society turns very cold
The mission opens. Fr McPhaul, Fr McBreararty Boys go Sunday Eve.
Monday, December 3
336 days past 28 to come
"When angry, count ten; when very angry, a hundred."
Denis is buried
We go Monday morning Boys go Monday Eve
Tuesday, December 4
337 days past 27 to come
Cotton Drills---for Shirts, Overalls and Pocketing.
Papa goes to Monkland to find out the price of turkeys took 2 cwt flour home
We go morning and Eve
Wednesday, December 5
338 days past 26 to come
Bag cloths, Rubber Cloths and Grey Cloths for Manufacturers.
Papa goes to Monkland to find out price of turkeys took 2 cwt flour home We Kill 32 turkeys at 28¢
total 367 lbs - $102.76
We go Monday morn & Eve. Ned Boys & Geo Rahal 1918
Thursday, December 6
339 days past 25 to come
Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics are strong favorites with thousands who want the utmost value for their
I quilt all day.
Allen goes out hunting
We Go to Holy Communion for 1st time -
Friday, December 7
340 days past 24 to come
"Steelclad Galatea" is the cloth "par excellence" for Nurses' Uniforms.
Quilt a while very busy
Go to Holy Communion. Wm Sick not able to go.
Saturday, December 8
341 days past 23 to come
"A man may wear out his welcome, But never his 'Rockfast Drill.' "
Very cold D A. Etta & I go to church Etta goes over to Uncle Johnnys We were very cold when we got
home from church. In Afternoon D A & I go up as far as Bones to collect for Xmas Tree was nearly
perished when I got home - Wm took cheese home
We again have the pleasure of going to Holy Communion
{faint writing by someone else erased - Bessie with ?ay on October 10}
End of Mission
Sunday, December 9
342 days past 22 to come
Roads impassable did not go to church work at my books all afternoon
We go to church Wm much better.
Monday, December 10
343 days past 21 to come
By restricting importation, the war has awakened thousands of women to the superiority of Dominion
Textile Cotton Fabrics.
Did not wash an awful day Finish my quilt
Forty hrs. Devotion begins to day Marietta & Joe sick
Tuesday, December 11
344 days past 20 to come
Women who know the value of money are the best customers for Dominion Textile Cotton Fabrics.
Papa goes to Jury - by O.N.Y. Wm goes to Sta Northfield Wm brings Mae's coat from Mail. girls come
home got snow bound {drawn picture} a dear little man.
We go Holy Communion for 40 hrs -
Wednesday, December 12
345 days past 19 to come
"Dressed in a little brief authority." -Shakespeare.
We butcher 15 chickens, 7 geese and 6 turkeys 31.40
17¢ geese, 20 for chickens 28 turkeys
Papa comes home & tells us Wm McIntosh is dead
Miss. D - opens school.
Thursday, December 13
346 days past 18 to come
Grey cottons---full range---heavy, medium and light.
Etta cleans Kitchen & puts up curtains & irons I work at Bessies coat
Thing going on as usual. I clean Kitchen and wash Curtains-
Friday, December 14
347 days past 17 to come
Sheeting and Sheets---full range, all widths, Plain and Twill. Sheets---Plain, hemmed and hemmed
I finish Bessies coat papa goes to funeral Wm McIntosh a terrible day
I make my Xmas. Cake- We have the mill
{column of numbers written below last entry}
Saturday, December 15
348 days past 16 to come
For the hardest kind of children's wear, "Romper Cloth" is the ideal fabric.
Very cold I spin. Miss F goes home.
Sunday, December 16
349 days past 15 to come
I go out collecting 1917
D. A. Gene & I go to church D A & I go to Valades as Mrs Valade is very sick-
Monday, December 17
350 days past 14 to come
Perfect Weave---fast colours---splendid wear---all unite in "C" Prints.
We wash I make my Xmas Cake
I wash.
Tuesday, December 18
351 days past 13 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea gives your customers a feeling that they have got more than their money's worth.
We go to town very cold I remain in got Etta's clothes
We kill Turkeys only 13 got 38 cts a lb. Av. 11 lbs or $4.33 each
Wednesday, December 19
352 days past 12 to come
"In the best fabric of duplicity there is some weak point; Dominion Textile Fabrics are noted for their
perfect weave."
Papa comes in after me turns soft snowing some
Papa goes to St. Andrews
Thursday, December 20
353 days past 11 to come
Patriotism pays when it influences a purchase of Dominion Textile "Made in Canada" Cottons.
Nice & soft Papa goes out hunting with RA Quail shot a Lynx
Mill comes here
Friday, December 21
354 days past 10 to come
Muskoka Scrim---best value on the market.
I churn & sew. Miss F goes home
Mill leaves goes down to Myles Chisholm
Saturday, December 22
355 days past 9 to come
"Rockfast" Drill---hard and strong as its name.
Bake & prep are for Xmas. Mae comes home. Marietta Angus Comes with her
Miss We go to town. Miss D- goes in with H. C. in evening
Sunday, December 23
356 days past 8 to come
"Ring in the Christ that is to be." -Tennyson.
Mae, Etta & Wm goes to church
We go to church. Miss D goes down to Seguin for dinner Goes to church with H.C.
Monday, December 24
357 days past 7 to come
"The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there." -
C.C. Moore. {circled in pencil}
Visit with Mae fix up for Xmas.
H Cahey takes Miss D to Northfield Sta. with car. roads bad Mr. Mike takes sick
Tuesday, December 25
358 days past 6 to come
"At Christmas play, And make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year." -Tusser.
Bessie, Gene & Etta & Wm goes to church. Mae goes away We hear of D. McRaes death
I do my Xmas baking put up decorations. Papa goes to meet Mae. Storming away. Bring chair home
from Sta
Wednesday, December 26 {25 written below}
359 days past 5 to come
"Again at Christmas did we weave The holly round the Christmas hearth."
We wash papa goes to town for Aunt Annie
A nice day but storming. Papa & boys go to church Joe & Etta comes Joe Papa & children go to Sta
Thursday, December 27
360 days past 4 to come
Sheeting and Sheets---full range, all widths, Plain and Twill. Sheets---Plain, hemmed and hemmed
A H Chisholm comes in afternoon with Katies parcel. Mary Rahal also. We go to Concert in evening
very cold
I do a big washing. We go
Friday, December 28
361 days past 3 to come
"Steelclad" Galatea---used with satisfaction from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Awful cold no one goes to Xmas. Tree
Boys cutting wood in bush with George Rahal A fine Day. We go down to see Mr. Mike
Monday, December 31
365 days past
"Turn over a new leaf." -Middleton.
We wash. very Cold. Papa goes down to Amelle's Bonneville
Did no wash but ironed all day. Papa goes after to see Mae
Memoranda 1917
Made 1st Syrup in March
March 30 5 gallons
April 2nd 13 "
April 4th 6 "
" 5 3 "
" 7 3 "
" 14 9½ "
" 16 1
" 16 '7 "
" 20 22 "
69½ "
Sat. Ap. 28. Took Pig home from AD
spotted Stripper 12. April
Lion back 17 "
Big Black April May 8th
Uncle Joe's Apr. 27th
Took pig home 14th Dec /.7
Made 1st Syrup, 29th April
29th March 2½ Gallons
30 " 4 "
43rd April 17 "
6 " 14½
8 Apr 21½
8 raing 7
10 last 27
{figures written at bottom of page} 6, 59½, 65, 23, 68
I sett Old Donald 7th May. Hen house
" Grey turkey 7th " Itoms Cr.
" Old Black. 7th ElemTree
I sett Black Hen in. Hen house
" " White " before Calves 8th May
{Blank Page}
{blank page}
Duncan Angus{el}
D McDonald
Bessie Elizabeth McDonald
September 11 1921
Duncan MacDonald
{blank page}
19 doz. Eggs 9th May. 36¢ = 6.78
13 " " 16 " 40. = 5.20
5 " " 19 " 40. = 2.00
18 " " 30. " 40 = 7.20
3½ " " 1st June 38 = 1.33
22 doz - 16 " 33 = 7.28
5 doz. Eggs 23rd " 30 = 1.55
20 " " 28 " 16 = 5.60
12 Montreal July 31st = 4.20
12 Montreal " 327 4.80
15 Monklan 40 40 5.42
12 Montreal 40 4.80
12 Montreal 40 . 4.80
11 Monkland 40 . 4.40
12 Montreal 45 . 5.40
12 Monkland 43 . (5.16)
12 " 44 (5.48)
5 cwt shorts July 23rd 10.75
3 " " " July 30 Y6.45
3 " " " Aug. 7 6.45
3 " " " " 13. 6.45
3 Aug 16 6.45
12 " " 43. 5.16
12 doz Eggs to Monk 44¢. 5.28
19 " " " " 38. 7.22
19 doz. 38 Montreal 45. 5.40
12 " " " Monkland 43 5.16
{several columns of figuring written at bottom of page}
{Columns of figuring written on remainder of page}
{Next 4 pages are printed pages listing Postage Rates for each of the Provinces}
{Next three pages are printed material on various subjects}
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