David Allan (1808 - 1895)
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive volunteers
Printed Calendar for the Year 1869
Two newspaper advertisement clippings pasted at top of page.
Daily Journal for 1869
Published by Brown Brothers,
Manufacturing Stationers
{Four newspaper articles pasted on the page}
{The first newspaper article}
Our city contemporary says:
The Dominion Telegraph Company having, in its desperation, secured an organ in our city contemporary,
actually furnishes it with despatches from Ottawa, although its line is not extended further than Toronto.
Who can beat that, as a feat of telegraphy? To the above question we answer, no-body. By the use of the
Dominion Telegraph lines we get Ottawa news twelve hours in advance of the Spec. That's what's the
matter; and it is perfectly satisfactory to us and to our innumerable readers, if not to our neighbor and its
few subscribers. We may also remark that we advocated the new enterprise from its first introduction to
the public notice till now, believing a new telegraph line to be an absolute necessity to the Province. The
Spec. also advocated it as well as we; but suddenly turned short round and began to oppose it. But these
short turns constitute one of the normal features of the Spec. It once commenced to expose the brewery
frauds in Waterloo, and that with great force and energy; but it suddenly turned round, as it has done with
the Dominion Telegraph enterprise, and took the opposite course - defending them. Why, we shall not
pretend to say; but not long afterwards the President of the Brewers' Association issued a circular, calling
upon the members of that body to add five dollars a year to their usual contribution, to compensate a
gentleman connected with the Spec. for his Parliamentary services in their behalf. It formerly denounced,
in unmeasured and bitter language, without regard to truth, the management of the Great Western
Railway, and then turned suddenly round and became its warmest eulogist. It at one time within a year,
denounced John Bright and Gladstone, while it lauded to the skies Disraeli and other Tory leaders; but in
a short time after it was found pronouncing panegyrics upon Bright and Gladstone, and anathematizing
Disraeli and his friends. For a time it was high Tory in its professions, next mongrel, and then actually
pretending to be Reform in its teachings, and becoming the organ of John Sandfield Macdonald's hybrid
Govment. We admire consistency, especially as illustrated in the management of the Spec. It may
sometimes be difficult to say which side it does espouse; but having discovered that we are quite safe to
conclude it will soon be on the other. We shall not assume to assign the reasons for the zig-zag policy of
the Spec.; but uncharitable people ascribe it to an instinctive scent for the dimes. Probably it is all
patriotism and a genuine regard for the public good. {The last sentence was written in italics)
{The second newspaper article pasted on the page}
Why, in the name of everything that's good, do not the Directors of the above Company clear up the
doubts that at present hang round it? With suspicion on every side, with grave charges made, with
Directors resigning, all the general public has had laid before it in the way of refutation has been that at a
dinner at St. Catharines, at which were present Directors and Stockholders, us "out-side barbarians" were
assured that it was "all right." No proof that the charges made were false, no proof of the soundness and
integrity of a concern in which the people of this country are asked to invest $500,000, but merely
champagne congratulations on the construction of a few miles of the road, and grand prophecies for the
future. If this is to remove distrust, to refute charges, it is easily done, but we are doubtful. The Upper
Canada and Commercial Banks were "all right" till they failed; and more to the point, the "Grand Trunk
Telegraph Company" was no doubt heralded as "all right" and decidedly proved its right to be considered
so. Why, if everything is satisfactory, if the inauguration and present position of the company are
satisfactory, is it not clearly shown to the public? The originators of the scheme are pronounced to be
speculators and unsound. Why not disprove this? They are accused of controlling the stock in order to
gain their own ends. Disprove this. Of having secured the contract for the building of the line at an
exorbitant price, and such as to allow them a profit of something like $125 per mile, or one half of the
contract price, and that they secured this contract without it having been submitted to tender. Disprove
these assertions, Distrust is too general now to be neglected. Stock must yet be sold - and who will buy?
Payments on stock already subscribed will become due, and who, in the face of all these charges, will
have any satisfaction in making those payments, or will not avoid such payments if possible. The
Company at present {illegible section to follow as the pasted on newspaper article curled} ...down with an
incubus of doubt. ...must remove that load before....undertaking.
{The third newspaper article pasted on the page}
PAPER MAKING. - It was not until the year 1806 that the first patent "for manufacturing paper of an
indefinite length" was taken out by Henry Fourdrinier. This was soon followed by Mr. Dickinson's patent of
Jund 30, 1807, for machinery for cutting and planing paper thus made. Fourdrinier's patent for the paper
machine, which still bears his name, was taken out in the same year; and it was about this time that Mr.
Dickinson (whose death has been recently announced) commenced his career as a paper manufacturer
by the purchase of Apsley Mill, near Hemel Hempstead, to which, in the course of time, four other mills in
Hertfordshire were added, two of them constructed, and the water-power for them create, under his own
superintendence. It was in 1807, before the commencement of the Peninsular campaign, that he invented
a new cannon-cartridge paper, made by mixing together linen and woollen rags in certain proportions, so
that after the explosion, it was prevented from retaining sparks of fire. In 1809 he patented machinery for
the manufacture of paper by means of an ingeniously constructed cylinder of brass, covered with wire
gauze and connected with an air-pump - a form of machine which still remains in use. This was followed
by other patents for the manufacture of finely-faced copperplate paper by a soft of {Your comment
here...}veneering process, and for a machine to cut cards, both of which were successful inventions, and
the former especially tended much to increase his reputation. In 1829 he invented the process of
introducing coloured threads into the body of paper at the instant of its manufacture, which was again
improved on in 1839. This preservative against forgery will have been noticed by holders of Exchequer
bills, and many of us will remember it in the stamped envelopes which were issued by Government after
the adoption of the penny postage system, in the introduction of which Mr. Dickinson had taken great
interest. In 1832 we find him again patenting a knotter or strainer for cleaning pulp from impurities; and
two years later applying magnets for the removal of any portion of iron that may happen to be in the pulp,
and thus preventing ion-mould in the paper.
{The fourth newspaper article pasted on the page.}
DOMINION TELEGRAPH COMPANY. (To the Editor of the Globe.)
Sir, - There are a few point connected with the present fierce controversy about this undertaking, that
require a little discussion; and as you have published several articles on the subject, no doubt the public
would like to have a little more information. This I do not propose to furnish myself, but to ask from the
Directors; and as one of the original subscribers who has hitherto had confidence in them, I think I am
entitled to ask for it. Firstly, amid so many and so diverse opinions about the cost of a good telegraph line
thoroughly equipped, including all the preliminary expenses, we might expect our Directors to discover
from outside sources the actual facts of the case, and lay them before the public. On the one hand we are
asked to believe that the lines lately built in the United States have cost from $300 to $450 per mile, (see
'Dominion Telegrapher'), whilst the opponents of the Company confidently affirm that the outside figure
should be $125, and that Mr. Reeve would make more than $200,000 out of the operation. If this is not
the case, then I think the Directors owe it to us, the shareholders, who are {newspaper is wrinkled,
illegible sentence}...and to the public who are asked to subscribe to collect evidence from some other
source than Mr. Reeve or Dr. Dwight, and make it known to us through your columns. Perhaps they could
learn what the People's Telegraph Company in Quebec are going to pay for their line, as the contract for
a portion has been already awarded. Secondly, if it should appear that Mr. Reeve will clear anything like
so enormous a sum as $200,000, would it not be advisable to try to get rid of him, and give out the resst
of the line to tender? Ungrateful, do they say? We could afford to give him $50,000 for his charters of
connection, the value of which does not seem to be sufficiently recognized in the Trade Review articles. If
that would not satisfy the man, I don't know what would. He could pay up all his debts in the States, and
begin life anew with the remainder. Failing that, however, the shareholders might still be satisfied if they
could be assured that the profits would pay fair dividends on the capital of $500,000. Let us hear what the
results of operation have been already between Toronto and Buffalo, and any other figures obtained from
disinterested parties. Lastly, attention has been drawn to the alleged fact, that the mileage between
Hamilton and Wellington Square has been unnecessarily increased and the Spectator refuses to accept
the future extension westwards as a sufficient reason for it. This is a point which I am most anxious to see
cleared up as soon as possible. Believing, as I do, that the whole enterprise may yet be successful, if
public confidence can be restored, but that at the same time this cannot be unless the directors
vouchsafe clearer and fuller information. I have written this letter to indicate to them just the doubt and
difficulties that have arisen in the mind of A SHAREHOLDER.
Hamilton, 25th March, 1869.
{Glued to Journal page, a receipt from Russell House}
Ottawa, 14 June 1869
No. of Room 19
Mr. D. Allan to James A. Gouin, Dr.
2 Days Board & Lunch $5.50
Omnibus Up & Down $.50
Received payment, Dr. J. A. Gouin (Signature) {Second Signature illegible perhaps that of D. Allan}
Glued to page are two articles First Article:
AUCTION SALE of VALUABLE MILL SITE, DISTILLERY, &c. Will be sold by Public Auction, at
VICTORIA HALL, in the TOWN OF COBOURG, Province of Ontario,
On WEDNESDAY, 9th JUNDE, 1869, At 12 o'clock, noon, that valuable property known as the ONTARIO
DISTILLERY, Situate in the TOWN OF COBOURG, Province on Ontario, within a short distance of the
Grand Trunk Railway station and commodious harbour of Cobourg, consisting of a large BRICK
DISTILLERY, driven by water and 2 steam engines of about 40 horse-power each, and capable of
mashing 500 bushels of grain per day; also a BRICK RECTIFYING HOUSE, with steam engine of 25
horse-power, and also a BRICK MALT HOUSE & KILN. There are also on the premises large Granaries,
Sheds for 300 head of cattle and Pens for 500 hogs, besides Stales, Ice Houses &c. The above Buildings
are nearly new and in excellent order. The entire property on which these valuable buildings are situated,
including the Mill Pond, comprises about 23 acres, through which the Ham Creek runs, giving about 8 feet
head of water. Land to the extent of 75 acres additional, and immediately adjoining, can be had on
reasonable terms, the soils of which, as well as that of the locality generally, is admirably adapted for the
cultivation of the Sugar Beet, and this property might meet the requirements of persons disposed to
engage in the manufacture of Sugar from that material; but the buildings could easily be made available
for almost any manufacturing purpose; the Corporation of the Town of Cobourg having lately passed a
by-law exempting from local taxation for 5 years several descriptions of Factories. Terms - One-half
Cash, balance in three annual instalments, with interest at 7 per cent. There will be a Reserved Bid. For
full particulars as to title, &c, apply (if by letter post-paid) to the MANAGER BANK OF MONTREAL,
Cobourg, Ont, or the undersigned, A.J. VAN INGEN & Co., Auctioneers, &c, Cobourg Ont
Second Article
The Consolidated Bank.
At a meeting of the Consolidated Bank shareholders, at Montreal, on Wednesday, the Chairman, in reply
to a question read the following list to show where the share-holders' money had gone:-
Toronto, Campbell & Cassels .........$30,498 Toronto Fuel Co..............28,000 Galbraith, Christie & Co....
69,193 Turner & Co .................77,696 Credit Valley Co............106,456 A. Shanly....................20,900
Montreal Furniss & Co.............. $123,325 W.H. Riley............. 65,000 Ascher & Co............... 501,839
Beatty & Co................. 94,848 Fish, Shephard & Co.........120,354 Davidson & Co............... 64,322 A.
Davidson..................23,000 Koitask......................75,301 Coultz, Raynor & Co..........23,685 Wm.
Ebb......................48,000 Cowper.......................72,000 Forsyth......................48,000
Mrs. Hollis - With all those losses in Montreal, Sir Francis Hincks was found guilty one day and allowed to
walk out the next day. Mr. Morgan - He is not, I am told, buying a property worth ten thousand dollars.
The Chairman remonstrated, and asked if Mrs. Hollis could not understand the effect of having an
unfaithful servant. (Cries of disapproval and doubt.) Miss McDougall then called upon Mr. Campbell, the
General Manager, to state what he had been doing since last fall for the shareholders. Mr. Campbell said
he had been working very hard. (Laughter.) Miss McDougall thought Mr. Campbell did not look her
straight in the face like an honest man should. interruptions now became frequent. One of the ladies
suggested that a movement be made to bring Mr. Rennie back, and have him tried for fraudulently using
the names of the directors to the syndicate which originated only in his own brain, as stated by Mr.
Rankin. Miss McDougall was glad to have evidence that he had any brains. (Laughter.) Ex-Governor
Macdonald will be the liquidator for the creditors of the bank. Mr. W.W. Ogilvie is the Government's
liquidator, and the shareholders have elected Mr. Robert Moat, E.J. Barbeau, and Mr. Ogilvie.
{On the edge of the article in handwriting is written: "Mercury" 11th June 1860 }
{Advertisement glued onto page, typed with diagrams}
The Felt is made of flax and hemp, carded together until such a fibre is formed as will absorb a sufficient
quantity of Asphaltum to give a perfect foundation of a roof. This may be thoroughly tested by placing the
Felt in water, and allowing it to remain there awhile. when taken out and examined; it will be observed
that the texture of the Felt is not in any way injured. When coated with the Prepared Roof Coating, the
Felt is not affected by change of temperature, and, being non-conducting in its properties, resists alike
heat from the sun and cold from frost and snow. It is made in rolls 25 yards long, 32 inches wide, equal to
200 square feet, and is put up for shipment in cases of 4 rolls, each case weighing about 375 pounds,
and containing 8 squares of roofing. DIRECTIONS FOR APPLYING THE PATENT ASPHALTE
the boarding or rafters should be taken off, so as to form an even surface for the Felt to rest upon. Do not
tar, pitch, or apply any adhesive mixture to the boards on which the felt is to be laid. Old wooden roofs
that have been previously tarred should have a coating of whitewash before the Felt is laid on. The Felt
can be laid from gable to gable, or across the roof from eave to ridge. It is essential that it should be
stretched tight and smooth, overlapping from 1 to 2 inches at the joinings, and closely nailing through the
overlap with 24-oz. roofing tacks 1 1/2 inches apart. The gutters must be of two layers of Felt, one over
the other, cemented together with the boiling mixture, and then coated and sanded. when the Felt has
been nailed to the boards, it is absolutely necessary, to complete the roof, to give a good thick coat of the
Prepared Roof Coating - say 3 gallons to the square of 100 feet. {Large diagram of a barn with product
being laid on roof.} ROBERTS SC N.Y. This Design shows the MOST DESIRABLE FORM FOR ROOFS
to be covered with the PATENT ASPHALTE ROOFING FELT. The Letter F represents the Felt on the
Roof. {imagine of barrel with the company name and address as follows...} PREPARED ROOF COATING
E.H. MARTIN, 70 Maiden Lane, 9 Liberty St., N.Y. Prepared Roof Coating. We have taken great pains to
manufacture for the Asphalte Roofing Felt our Prepared Coating, which has a combination of such
materials as are necessary to stand the action of the severe winter and the intense heat of our summer
climate. A coating to be durable must have a stout body as well as great elasticity, and hence the
Prepared Coating will be found too thick to run freely from the bunghole of the barrel; it is therefore
advisable to remove the head, stir the contents thoroughly from the bottom, and if necessary heat until it
spreads with ease. The Coating must be laid on with a brush, and immediately afterwards some course
sharp sand sifted over it, as much as it will absorb. It is important that the day should be dry "and the Felt
perfectly so" when the Prepared Roof Coating is applied. A second coat, after the first has thoroughly
dried, "will ensure a perfect roof for many years. {On the side edges of the paper with the advertisement,
there is additional writing.} Dry and Tarred Sheathing Paper, Coal Tar, Roofing Pitch, Mineral Paint,
Asphalte Varnish, Etc. Roofing Brushes, Swedes Iron Nails (galvanized and plain), Roof Paint and
general Roofers' Sundries.
January, Friday 1. 1869.
This is a very stormy morning the wind drifting the snow most furiously.
The was a fire during the morning John Harris Bakery and storehouse was completely gutted between 4
& 5 this morning.
Saturday 2.
This has been a day of snow with very little interuption. Went up to the Foundry for the purpose of
assertaining, if a heading jointer could be made to joint the staves for Rectifiers tubs Tuns &c
In the afternoon attended William Wilson's Funeral, it snowed all the time, and is now very deep in some
places where it has been drifting.
The water for the mill is in good supply, and 2 run going steady
January. Monday, 4. 1869 {No entry}
Tuesday, 5. {No entry}
Wednesday, 6. {No entry}
January. Thursday, 7. 1869.
I returned from Toronto this forenoon, weather mild, the sleighing mostly gone.
The beam accross the lower stile that steadies the copper pipe broke to day and had to secure it as
Friday, 8.
This has been a raw cold day, and more frosty thaw yesterday,
Some snow fell this evening
Saturday, 9.
This has been a fine day, but little or no Sleighing except on the road sides,
I went down to Galt this morning to see what progress Goldie & McCullough are making in the
construction of the new boiler & the Engine, I found that the boiler was well advanced, and so far good
workmanship, and the new Cylinder is bored and ready for fitting on
January. Monday, 11. 1869
This morning opened fine, have got an additional carpenter on to the filters, (Aulden) who is preparing all
the bottoms.
This is the anneversary of my Birth day
The water is holding out well, we are grinding all night now
Tuesday, 12.
More frosty this morning, but rather too fine having no sleighing, but the waggoning on the gravelled
roads is quite smooth.
Funeral of George David Armstrong, James's Son he had been married little more than 3 months,
will grind to night again, plenty of water
Wednesday, 13.
This has been a mild day, plenty of water, both for the mill and for sawing wood &c
There is no appearance of more snow yet and the roads are all very bare
We are getting on very well now with the Filtering vessels.
William went of this afternoon in the Buggy to Erin villiage Acton Georgetown &c
Grinding to night again
January. Thursday, 14. 1869.
This has been a mild day, and more like an April day than Jany, Began to grind the middlings yesterday
at noon, and have been at it all day The malting is going on very well in this mild weather
I have decided on a tender for sawing the wood.
Friday, 15.
Quite mild to day also, water holding out
Rob came back from Philadelphia
Saturday, 16.
This has been rather a colder and rawer day yet the water is still good
January. Monday, 18. 1869.
This has been dark heavy morning, and also the forenoon, with snow flakes flying the most of the day,
though not enough to make any good sleighing
David Brown began this morning as fireman in the Distillery
I have just heard from Toronto that the Still is ready
Tuesday, 19.
Fine morning but no snow of any account although it looked much like it
I went down to Toronto this morning and saw Martin & Son and ordered a six horse power Engine for
Rectifying house, examined pipes at Levys, ordered some of the locks at Morrisons to be chased for
was informed that the flat copper still was shipped yesterday.
Wednesday, 20.
Dull morning with some snow flakes falling
I went up to Berlin and to Waterloo to enquire about store casks, and saw some that were very well
made, and to hold from 12 to 16 Bbls. each, all made of 2 inch stuff, I returned at 3 pm, and found the
still at this station and got it down with the worm all safe, got an alarm about Johney Higinbotham
having been run over by the wheel of a light waggon loaded with some light lumber but fortunately no
bones were broken,
{calculations at bottom of page} 16 + 32, 32 + 480 = 512 a Boiler maker worked 1/2 day
January, Thursday, 21 1869
The foreman Thos Butler boiler maker came down & worked all day.
Friday, 22
Fine bright day but cold, and the roads exceedingly hard and Good, a considerable number of teams are
now comming with Wheat seeing that the sleighing should snow comes will not likely last long enough to
enable them to take out their grain in time. the waggoning is splendid
Boiler Maker, with 1 man & a day was at work from 1 pm to 3.45 ½ past 4 PM
Saturday, 23
Boiler maker, with 1 man & a boy, was at work from 7 am till 3,45 PM
January. MONDAY, 25. 1869.
Very cold this morning below zero but did not look till about 8 o'clock when it was about 2 degrees
above that,
I have taken a bad cold this morning & am quite hoares.
Boiler A holder, on man & a boy during the forenoon only did very little
Tuesday , 26.
This was another cold morning, the wind very sharp and has continued so all day
Have got 2 men to work at the cattle shed or Byre to fit up the stalls &c
No person came to work at the Boiler to day
Cold and windy to day, yet fine clear weather and the roads hard and smooth.
A great many loads of wheat in to day, we took in over 2,100 Bushels.
to day at 1 oclock the Boiler maker 2 men and a boy came
January. THURSDAY, 28. 1869
This is quite a mild morning, and heavy looking as if there was going to be a fall of rain or snow
A good many teams in with wheat to day but so many as yesterday
The Boiler maker 2 men & a boy all day
FRIDAY, 29. {No entry}
SATURDAY, 30. {No entry}
February. MONDAY, 1. 1869. {No entry}
Lydia Anderson came back to day and entered into the charge of the old House as House Keeper &c a
$6 pr month, and a girl to help her. Mrs. Calum left
The snow is very deep this morning, there having been a continued fall all night,
I was very much dissapointed at finding that the foreman boiler maker had done nothing last night, they
have been working all day cutting of the old revits heads so as to get the holes for the new ones,
and now have promised them a reward if they work all this night
February. THURSDAY, 4. 1869.
The boiler makers only got the boiler finished this mor=g about 6 Oclock & I handed them the reward of a
dollar, to each of the 3 men if they got done by that time
The 2 masons got done with the building up of the brick work by 1/2 past 4
Have also found that the revits in front of the Mill boiler are not tight
FRIDAY, 5. {No entry}
SATURDAY, 6. {No entry}
February. MONDAY, 8. 1869.
Moderate weather, began to day to take the Engine appart
This has been a very mild day, and has made considerable empression on the sleighing, making it very
bare in some places
I attended as a Pall bearer at Jos Websters funeral, left the house at 12 noon for the Union Cemetery.
A great quantity of Wheat in the market to day
This is a fine mild morning but no thaw as yet. Began to day to make a large tressel to lift the Boiler with.
The Cattle shed is finished to day.
February. THURSDAY, 11. 1869.
{No entry}
Very mild and sloppy roads.
got the boiler about up on the bridge to night
Quite mild and splended weather for hoisting the boiler
Meeting of Creditors of John McLean at 10 Oclock at Gathen's office,
have got the boiler accross the bridge and on the road opposite the Blacksmith shop on the carriage with
3 inch planks for a tramway and going well.
February. MONDAY, 15. 1869.
This was a mild day throughout, and we got on very well with the Boiler, having got it down the hill and
halfway into the boiler house.
Yesterday was a stormy day snow & drift, but not so hard as during Saturday night in which a
considerable quantity of snow fell which was packed quite hard.
Revd Principal Snodgrass & Revd Mr. Mackerras addressed the meeting in St. Andrew Church this
This is another mild morning and snowing a little
I had prepared to leave by the Great Western for Brantford this morning, but got out too late for the train
and had to go by way of Stratford
The {large X written above line with initial W} Engine frame, shaft and connecting rods &c were sent down
to Galt this morning on a sleigh and will try if the boiler could also be brought up from there by a similar
conveyance and save the carriage to & from the cars which is more than half the labour.
This was quite a snowy morning at Brantford and left there this morning and got home at 1/4 past 12
noon, the snow & sleet has been general , and has continued more or less all the afternoon
X should be here as this was the day it was sent down. {indicated above entry was on this day not 16th}
February. THURSDAY, 18. 1869.
{No entry}
Mr. Vincent got
Fine mild weather
February. MONDAY, 22. 1869.
This is a fine morning after the heavy fall of snow we had all yesterday.
We got down the Car with the tubs and casks &c from Brantford, to this Station above and had them all
taken down and put into the Shed, in the evening the sky was clear and beautiful yet many predicted
comming storm of some Kind.
I got the boiler set down in its place and recess in the wall made for the small fly wheel
William and (John Faulkoner the man), started with the horse and cutter for upper Townships.
Mr. Vincent went to Simcoe on his own business.
We have had a very stormy night, and this morning completely inundated with snow, and continued falling
and blowing all the forenoon that the 10 o'clock train with 2 Engines ahead did not arrive till 1/2 past one,
and only one freight train went down & no passenger train for the East as yet 1/2 past 5.
{No entry}
February. THURSDAY, 25. 1869.
This is of anything a better day have been making holes through the walls for pipes &c and have got the
smoke pipe for the boiler into the chimney, and putting the water cistern up in the garret
A good deal of Snow has fallen through the last night and through the day, at it clear and fine and then
dull and heavy.
Had a telegram from William this forenoon from Owen Sound and about to Start for Durham
I got a man down from Ingles this morning but sent him back to repair the heater and then come back,
{underlined with purple ink} which he did (Robt Hiam) {again underlined in purple ink} Am hewing the
Rock for seats for frame of the little Engine.
Renewed Church note, with Jas Massie for another 3 months to day. {underlined in purple ink} Recd
Gold draft from Halifax for $998.
To day Gibson and Jamison, at pump geering Jno McPherson & Wiswall, at the foundation of Engine,
A. McDonald & at the cisterns, and Riddel fixing pipes to Boiler
This has been a very cold day, a sharp Keen wind blowing from the N West, have got the water cisterns
in their places in the Garret and connected with a 3 inch pipe
The snow being so abundant makes good sleighing though rather deep, brings in the firewood teams
very fast that I now refuse to take any more new lots but only from those who have not filled their
contracts as yet
William was at Mount Forest at 5 this PM and cannot be home till tomorrow forenoon.
March. MONDAY, 1. 1869.
This has been a much colder day than yesterday but towards evening it got calm
William got home yesterday at 1 Oclock
We got the sleepers down for the Engine foundation properly bedded to the Rock and then 3 bolt of 7/8th
square iron drven down 9 inches into the stone, drilled first bore
Gibson got drunk this afternoon and unfit for work.
Attended to funeral of Alexander White's daughter, who died near N York
This has not been a cold day about 20° in the morning the Sun shone out fine about noon, so I took,
Mother, out a short distance on the York Road,
getting on but slowly to day, but fitting up the Brantford rectifiers the one above the other. I intend to go
to Galt in the morning.
I went down to Galt in the morning , and returned at Noon, the weather was pleasant.
I went to Godie & McCulloughs and examined the Boiler which has every appearance of being a good
job, and they fully expect to have it ready to be brought up in 10 days, I got a young man up with me to
fit up the water pipes through the Distillery his name is William Herriot {underlined in purple ink}
March. THURSDAY, 4. 1869.
{no entry}
It was very cold last night and the logs of the old Priory cracked loud and sharp like a gun shot the
Thermometer at 7 stood at 15° below Zero 1/2 an hour before that the gardner noted 16° below,
fortunately it was very calm during the day otherwise it would have been desperate cold. We are making
very good progress with the pipes, and also the small Engine
This is a very stormy cold morning, and yet the Thermometer does not indecate more than 10° above
zero but the wind is Keen and sharp from the North with occasional showers of snow.
We are obliged to rehoop the Brantford rectifiers as the bottom ones were altogether too thin and rotten
March. MONDAY, 8. 1869.
Rather a cold day
This is quite a mild morning
I started for the Preston linning and flax Works of Elliot & Co. and where they made seemless Bags ropes
&c also linseed oil, all on a large scale and every thing of the best construction and latest improvement ,
but from want of sufficient demand the works were a loosing concern and were shut up in toto last year
and now a large part of the machinery is being shipped in boxes, to Stevens Linnen works, Webster
All the shafting of the Mill is of one uniform size {being} 2 3/8th drain all turned from end to end & hung
with splended screw hangers, the whole is heated by coils of iron pipes, lighted by gass, and water
carried to all the flats in pipes with hydrants & hose at different places
William went to Toronto & returned to day
This is a very different Kind of day from what yesterday was the snow is falling thick and constant, and as
the wind is not strong the snow falls very equal,
very few teams are comming to Town
George Booth was here this afternoon and got the measure of the coppar pipes &c yet wanting, I sold him
the old coppar of former mash tun at 23 cents a {illegible}
March. THURSDAY, 11. 1869.
This is a mild calm day, yet no thaw, and plenty of work in shoveling snow to make roads.
This has been another snowy day, yet not any drifting
Peter Idington here for his sisters
Edmund Ritchie, Post Master of Hamilton, died this afternoon 62 years past, he was born in Wales,
March 2d 1807.
Fine clear calm morning and moderate frost
Recd from Bond 2 pipes 10 ft 2 and 4 do {ditto} about 13 feet at same price as last (he will charge for a
Zink Cock $2,60,
Evat & Ingles To returned to them 1 bar angle iron wt 149 lbs
March. MONDAY, 15. 1869.
Cold blustering morning
This was a very cold morning, and the walls of the log house were cracking again, the mercury stood at
11 below zero, and about 9 oclock it had got up to 20 above.
I told Robert Hiam not to come tomorrow till {underlined in purple ink} more work was ready for him.
This has not been such a cold day as yesterday, fine and clear. This is Easter fat Cattle show day, and
was largly attended a vast number of cattle were brought in. I never saw finer and 2 espessially from
Esquesing were large & fat
The coppar Smiths made a beginning this morning. G Booth went of in the afternoon train to Toronto &
left a journeman and a boy at work I have begun to take out the tuns from the cellar below for charger
& receiver
Had a short interview with Mr. Bridges this morning regarding.
Mrs Tawse returned to day from Peters
March. THURSDAY, 18. 1869
Fine clear morning. glass stood at 6 below Zero at 1/4 to 7 I have got one Receiver set up this evening
and one hoop on.
William accompanied his wife as far as Galt on her way to Hamilton this afternoon
Mr. Romaine drew my attention to the smallness of my yealds, & which is atributed to the large quantity of
fine corn meal sifted out of it, and also of using none but reground middlings, But to test the matter so as
to find out whither the fault lies there or in the inferiority of the yeast I shall next week try the pure corn
and rich middlings.
The weather has been some milder to day with an occasional shower of snow, have got the first large
tun finished as a charger, and getting 2 more emptied for taking down.
I made up my mind to let, William Harriot from Galt go home as all the work is done that I required him to
do, so he left by the afternoon Train
It has snowed a good deal this afternoon and this evening quite heavy.
at 7 am Temp 14° above zero
{No entry}
March. MONDAY, 22. 1869.
A cold wind blowing and not at all an agreeable day
at a 1/4 past 6 oclock the Thermometer stood at 5° above Zero and at 7 it was 13°.
Fine mild weather the snow melting very grandley away yet there is plenty left for good sleighing the
roads slushey in parts
am making preparations to raise the large receiver in the Rectifying room overhead at least 18 inches so
as to be high enough to charge the small rectifyer.
Henry Booth, began for the first to work at making the joint for the column of the little still, which on their
contract work for about 1/2 the day, the rest of it at pipes to conect the old with the new distillery
This is a fine morning and the roads quite slushey in many places.
have removed the tie beams wider appart to let the receiver be raised
Henry Booth has worked all day at the pipes for the old distillery, and the two young men at the new.
March. THURSDAY, 25. 1869.
This morning was rainey, and a thick mist hang over the ground for most of the forenoon the snow is
melting pretty fast
Have got men at work clearing away the snow, also the ice &c behind the flood gates
The journeman copper smith, David Startup quit work at noon and went to Toronto.
This morning was quite wet, and a thick mist hung over the ground for most of the forenoon. The snow
continues to melt fast
Have got men still working at the flood gates
{Short newspaper article glued to page} "Locomotive boilers, it is reported, can be kept free from scale
by introducing about once in three months twelve pounds of zinc in half ounce pieces. The zinc is said to
dissolve and cover the inner surface of the flues with a thin coating."
Quite a mild morning, and looks as if it had rained during the night. The thaw continued all day, and no
rain, yet the streets all over were running down in great streams like little rivers. Booth got the new
coppar pipe from the pump to the old receiver in the Rectifying house room in the old distillery finished to
March. MONDAY, 29. 1869.
Still thawing and the water is now flowing over the dam, it looks something like rain this morning and
should that come on the rise will be rappid. I am now in doubts whither to take up the erection at the end
of the Bridge for lowering the new boiler or to let it stand in the river and load it heavily with stones.
There was only Gibson working at the new tun to day the rest were at other work
Thawing fast yet and the water in the river rising pretty fast, there has been a slight drizzel of rain during
the forenoon
this afternoon has been inclined to wet and thickish like mist.
Stevens has built in the chimney and also the fly wheel to day
Quite a change in the weather to frost his morning There is more water in the river this morning
Stevens at the furnase of Boiler this morning.
April. THURSDAY, 1. 1869.
{No entry}
Hard frost this morning, with a coat of new snow on the ground
Dr. Henry Orton was intered in the Guelph Cemetery this afternoon he died in Fergus on Tuesday the
30th March aged 67 he came from Nottinghamshire to this Town in 1835
A cold and unpleasant day, a light coating of snow had fallen. The new Boiler from Galt was brought
down to the station this afternoon and we took down the lighter parts of the Engine &c
Have been trying all the rectifyers with water as to tightness
Bo't 2000 Bushels of old corn out of Robbins Store house
{Next page begins on Monday the 5th, no page for 4th}
April MONDAY, 5. 1869
Quite a cold morning and thought that the remaining snow would be of advantage in case I should take
the new Boiler down on a sleigh, but it went away while we were working at the Erection of the large
trussel and screw, and got the Boiler swung in the Chains by night
I weighed the last bundle of coppar pipes that came by Express on last & found it to be 35 lbs a heavy
bar of soulder came too
Tuesday, 6.
This has been a very fair day with somewhat of a cold wind, have got the Boiler on the truck and
travelling on Zinch oak planks laid flat on the ground & have got as far as the {my?} white gate tonight
and made fast to Keep it from running down the Hill
The copparsmith is getting pretty nearly done with his work
Had the Engineer Robt Hiam, down from Ingles this afternoon
Wednesday, 7.
The ground was pretty hard this morning, but as soon as the Sun got fairly up it soon softened, and
became quite muddy. We got on well to day with the Boiler This was the monthly Fair {underlined in
purple ink} Day and a large number of very fine fat cattle came in, have bought the remainder of the Corn
in Romain's Storehouse, in all about 6,000 Bushels
William had to go down to Brockville this afternoon at 3 Oclock
The case in Chancery of Wilson ves Robertson for Backing water on Wilson, the case was soon
concluded, defendant in his written answer having admitted that the backing up took place in 1844 before
he bought the Mills We got the Boiler alongside of the Carding mill this evening have got the water in
the new distillery this evening 1 Robt Hiam here all day
April. THURSDAY, 8. 1869.
This has been a fine day, yet cold in the morning Had a Telegram from William that he arrived in
Brockville at 6 am all right. Broke part of the new pump this morning which detained us from filling the
Heard of the failure of Weir who exported so much silver.
broke part of the new pump to day, but got the Brassfounder to start his fire at once and cast one of
Hard frost this morning the ground is quite hard and dry, but as the day advanced all was deep mud,
have got the Pump all right again and the water going over in large quantities
hope to get the steam up tomrrow if at all possible
William returned from Brockville this evening and got things pretty much to his mind
SATURDAY, 10. {No entry}
April. MONDAY, 12. 1869.
This is a fine morning. Mr. Stevens began to build in the copper boiler 3/4 of a day only, as the frame of
the furnace was not ready for him.
Mr. Stevens got the copper built in & finished this evening.
We have had the Column Still tested to day with water and runs well
April. THURSDAY, 15. 1869.
This has every appearance of being a fine day
We have been again trying the little still the most of the day and cannot get it to work to please at all, and
have resolved to put in a coil of pipe, and take out the inner coppar bottom, the worth of which Mr George
Henry George Booth thinks will cover the expense of the coil
And have Telegraphed G. Booth to come up to see if he can propose any other plan (These remarks
belong to Wednesday 14th.) {underlined in purple ink}
John Baker, (son of Mary Burns or Dudgeon) began work today, having engaged him for a year at $120 &
Nat & Maggie gone to Toronto this afternoon.
This is a very fine day, have braced up the Barley floor in the Malt house so as to carry the load of
whisky that must be finished for Bonding this evening -
Mr. George Booth came up to day at 10 Oclock but could not suggest any better plan than we thought of
yesterday and recommends 4 turns of a coil {hand drawn diagram here} thus so we have this noon
begun to take the bottoms apart
Have also taken in 10 bbls of whisky to charge the still tomorrow (all these remarks belong to Thursday)
this is a warm fine day, Theremometer about 60°, the river is rising fast to day, busey getting the bottom
out of Still, also measuring contents of tuns in Rectifying House. Hung up the Hams in Smoke house to
Nat & Maggie gone to Toronto this afternoon
This has been a fine day thou rather colder than yesterday, yet the water kept increasing in the river.
Sold 9 pigs to Sharp to day at $8,50
The ice was broken up and went all over the Dam this forenoon
April. MONDAY, 19. 1869.
This was a thickish foggy morning, and we had a dreadfull night of Thunder & lightning accompanied with
heavy rain which must have melted the snow up the country very fast, for the water was very high early in
the morning and Kept rising much faster than I have ever known it, and far beyond the highest usual
hight, and great lots of stumps and trees came down and several of them stuck fast under the Bridge that
we had to lift the Planking so as to get at the roots to cut them away so as to reliese them, But all to no
effect, and about 11 Oclock the Dam gave way, but previous to that the Pig house was swept off.
I had taken the precaution of loading the Engine Bridge with stones & it stood fast, the foundation of the
Bath house was undermined and fell & a portion of the corner of the Distillery as well.
Began this morning to construct a shield of planks and sunk it at the corner of the Distillery to prevent the
strong current from cutting away any more of the wall.
I have also begun to prepare a horse leaver to pump up the beer and water to run of the four tubs
This has been a cold, windy day and slight showers of sleet and snow fell but melted soon away.
Barclay, the Carpenter and his men have been very busey to day supporting the our Bridge by laying or
projecting a long beam over each of the bridge beams and have chained them up and is getting long 1
1/2 inch bolts {ink blot} to hold them together which will enable teams to pass when covered over with
planks, it will make a rise on the roadway untill the dam is rebuilt.
The inside scroll pipe for the coppar came, also 5 peices of Brass to bear it from the bottom, weighing
each 7 1/2 lbs.
I have been informed that Armstrongs dam did actually go off yesterday afternoon at 5 Oclock.
April. THURSDAY, 22. 1869.
This has been a fine spring day, and the water in the river has fallen very considerable, and the great
quantity of large stones gathered behind the dam are seen, horses have passed over the Bridge to day.
Fine day and have been collecting timber and planks all day that drifted down the river
We tried the Horse power this forenoon and found the speed far too slow, and resolved to change change
the pinion from the upright shaft on to the laying one and the large one where it was so as to double the
motion, and got it all ready to put in its place in the morning.
This has been a fine day, and the water has fallen considerably, yet not low enough to commense the
measurement &c of the Dam,
We got the Horse power to work very well to day and began to pump up the first charge about 1 oclock
and will get done by 10 this evening.
April. MONDAY, 26. 1869.
Fine morning, Went down to Toronto to attend the meeting of Directors of the Dominion Telegraph
Company, there was a tolerable full meeting
Returned from Toronto this morning, Went up for a few minutes to attend the Sale of Lands for Taxes,
but the crowd was great and the bidding so brisk that I did not remain any time, there was a little rain
during the day, and indications of more.
WEDNESDAY, 28. {No entry}
April. THURSDAY, 29. 1869. {No entry}
This has been a very fine day, and have got the water in the river cowered very much by the removal of
the Stones formed into heaps, and the quantity of water in the river is much reduced
Henry Booth got finished yesterday but a few small appearant leaks had to be seen to he packed up his
tools in the forenoon, tied up a bundle of pipes 25 lbs also 65½ lbs of Soulder to go to Waterloo
This has been a cold bleack day, rain in the morning and a Kind of drizzle throughout the day and a
shower of Snow and sleet in towards evening.
I have been blasting out a trench in the rock towards the Well for water to Supply the Rectifying house
May. MONDAY, 3. 1869.
This was a cold morning but dry, yesterday was also cold and some rain fell in the morning.
The Grand Trunk folk's had a large gang of men lifting the old rails of the Bridge and some of the beams
and cross ties that were rotten, and laying down new Rails of a size much heavier than the former, and
the cars to day seem to run much smother on them.
I had to get more props put under the Distillery wall for the crack is evedently getting wider and have
bored holes through the wall for a bolt to go half across the the house so as to screw it up or at all events
keep it where it is. also began to clear away the head race preparatory for quarrying out the Rock on the
mill side.
Began to get the new boiler across into nearer to its place and got it down and turned on to the Bridge at
the Blacksmiths Shop.
WEDNESDAY, 5. {No entry}
May. THURSDAY, 6. 1869. {no entry}
Have got the Boiler on its site, and the Engine frame down on its bed, and the shaft likewise
Weather fine for outside work
Stevens built the foundation for the Mill Boiler end to rest on, to day.
Have been all the week blasting for the drain &c
May. MONDAY, 10. 1869.
This has been one of the warmest days we have had this Spring. The water in the river is much lower
and will begin to lay the temporary dam in a day or two
We are still going on blasting for to get the water pipes low enough to be below the frost, and expect to
have them connected with the Pump tomorrow.
Have bought the chains, Blocks, Pullie &c also the wheel & pinion and barrel of a Derrick from Mr Bell for
$45. Also had men removing the fence at the Quary for room to strip more ground
TUESDAY, 11 and WEDNESDAY, 12 {No entry}
May. THURSDAY, 13. 1869.
Very warm day, but extremly dusty about 11 oclock I went down to Hespeler to attend a sale of cattle
I left about 1/2 past 3 but it came on a heavy Thunder storm of hail and & rain
Haley and Martin ODonell have begun this morning to blast out the race at the Carding mill for the future
wast gates.
This has been a fine pleasant day, except a portion of the afternoon, when about 1/2 past 5 a Thunder
storm came on when the sky became dark, and down came a shower of hail first & then heavy rain, for
about 20 minutes
have got the greater part of the Blasting done Bo't 4 good steel spades a $1.40 and 6 shovels a $1.25
This has been a dull sort of day and little or no Sunshine, there was a light rain in the forenoon We
have been getting on pretty fair in blasting out the new flood gate & have not quite finished the drain yet
May. TUESDAY, 18. 1869.
This has been a fine working day and have got all the blasting for the drain and now covering over the
Have got the Engine laid down in its proper place but is not as screwed down
The Boiler is also placed but not built under
This has been rather a cold unpleasnt day with a damp cold air
Run off today the first charge of Spirit in the New Rectifying House, & which performed very well
May. THURSDAY, 20. 1869.
This has been a much more pleasant day. Have run off a charge of Spirit in the New Gin Still which also
run very well
Sent down this morning 3 men & man horse and cart to strip in the Quarry
May 21 & May 22 {no entries}
May. MONDAY, 24. 1869.
This is the Queens Birth day , and the weather is fine, but there was not so much rejoysing as in former
Very fair weather
George McCulloch from Galt began this morning to fit up the Engine
Have let the York Road farm to Alex Chrighton for $80 a year and taxes
May. THURSDAY, 27. 1869
This has been a coldish raw day. We have been getting on pretty well with the blasting out of the Race
for flood gates.
I am continuing the quarrying out of the drain for to take the water from the Distillery race to the Rectfying
house and have had to blast the upper end.
FRIDAY, 28. 1869
This has been a thick dull forenoon with a drizzling rain which began before 11 O'clock and increased to
rain at noon, and at One O'clock I stopt the outdoor men from working.
Had to stop the Retifying House for the purpose of attaching a Steam Stop Valve next to the dome.
Sold the Sheep & lambs, Sow & calf, Sow and pigs, and 11 acres of Barley to D. Chrighton.
It rained heavy about 10 O'clock this evening.
SATURDAY, 29. 1869
This is a dull morning, and rained till about 6 o'clock, since it has been fair and all the men at work.
May, 31, June 1, 2, 3 & 4. {No Entries}
This is a very wet morning and none of the men are working in the Quarry this forenoon
June. MONDAY, 7. 1869.
Fine morning have got the race blaster deep enough and are now triming the sides
Have sent down some men to the quarry to begin the lower bed
Fine weather Went down to Toronto this morning & ordered a Globe Valve to regulate the Steam on the
Column Still when up stairs
Called at Chewits to get business cards printed on stone that is lithographed
I xamined the Derricks at the docks and got some very good hints from them, Went in to Levys Shop to
see if he had any Wheels & pinions that might suit me , but saw none, Birmingham began to deepen the
well and brought his tackle box with him the
Rather a cool morning left Toronto at 1/2 past 7 & got here 1/4 to 10.
The water is comming into the well much faster than 2 men can pump it, and am now making an inner
curb 4 feet high and made small enough to pass down inside the upper one The Engineer is fitting in the
Steam pipes to day
June. THURSDAY, 10. 1869.
This morning was threatening rain, yet we persevered in getting ready for putting in the triangle frames for
the temporary dam and a flood gate
Mr Goldie having previously agreed to let of the water of his dam and then shut down his gates which
gave us several hours of very low water and notwithstanding some heavy showers of Rain and Thunder
we worked all the time, We got the 2d curb into the well and had to put in 2 pumps to enable the men to
Weather fine and getting on well with our work
Our Collector of Inland Revenue intimated some time ago that he would not be allowed to grant me a
Licence without a new set of Plans of the interior of the Distillery, and as I have been searching for the
Tracings of those sent to the Department at Ottawa for several days without being able to find them and
not having time to make out another from the rough Sketch in any thing like the time it will be required, I
start for Ottawa this afternoon at 4.10, to ask for the use of it
I arrived at Prescott this morning at 6. See Memorandum Book
June 14 & 15 {No Entries}
I returned from Ottawa this morning about 2,30
June. THURSDAY, 17, FRIDAY, 18, SATURDAY, 19 {No Entries}
June. MONDAY, 21. 1869.
got some planking done in the bottom of the temporary waste gate to day, Goldie again troubled with the
Toe of the shaft of his Water Wheel that drives his Machinery which goes 140 resolutions a minute &
wont allow the water to enter it
This was a fine forenoon and we got on well with the dam in being able to get some planks nailed in the
bottom of the flood gates which the rain on
We had also a fine opportunity of building under the Wall at the outlet of the Carding Mill race, as Goldie
was obliged to let of the water of his dam and then shut down which gave us a fine chance of getting
foundation dry for more than 2 hourses and well it was so for it rained very heavy for more than an hour
WEDNESDAY, 23, THURSDAY, 24 {No Entries}
This was a fine morning
Went down to E Carrols quarry and brought home his Derrick to my quarry on loan for a season with a
long chain & two single iron blocks & 1 wooden one
During the forenoon for the most part it Kept fair but in afternoon it rained for a considerable time, and
then in the evening We got on however very well with our wall in North side of the waste gate, and is
now feet high from the bottom of the race, and have some thoughts of carrying it up to the top of the
bank of dry stone We also got the South wall founded on the solid Rock which I did not expect to get so
Mr Bridges Mr Spicer, & Mr Hannaford passed up this afternoon, & Mr H gave me leave to fasten the top
of my Derrick Mast to the iron tube of the Bridge
June. MONDAY, 28. 1869.
This morning is warm and sultry, it is now 5:45 a.m and every appearance of more rain. There was
very little rain yesterday forenoon but it had rained heavy during the night, and yesterday afternoon both
going and returning from Church it was raining heavy and all the gutters sewers and low parts of the
Streets all covered, None of the outdoor men could work till noon I observe no damage done to our
temporary dam as yet, But when the effects of this rain come down this afternoon from the country above
I am affraid it will tax the capacity of the flood gate very much, in the afternoon the water rose a
considerable deal, the afternoon Kept fair and all the men were at work
This morning at 6 oclock looks threatning like I went out to the Brick Yard to engage for getting out clay
at $1 a load, and it began to rain and soon got fair again, yet the men worked all day though showrey at
times with frequent flashes of lightning, about noon the water got very high so as to endanger the
tempory dam & had to Keep the men on till dark wheeling on earth to raise the bank high enough
I bought 45 large blocks of stone from Dobie and Patterson a 10¢ a foot this day,
We hear of several dams in Waterloo having gone that stood the freshet in the spring and the dam at
Doon has gone again after having been repraired & & is now worse than before
It rained hard last night at 11 and then during the night yet it has done no damage, the river is at least 3
inches lower than last night when we left off, But there is every likelihood of it rising again as at present
1/2 past 5 a close rain is falling, the men did not begin to work till 1/2 past 9 it continued after that
tollerably settled but dull and cloudy
July. THURSDAY, 1. 1869.
This being Dominion Day, no work is done and the most of the men are off to the Falls on the Excurtion
train going and returning for $1,00
This also being our Sabbath school, Picknick great preparations are made
John & I drove out to see Armstrongs dam which is up and the water at full height & the Mill going, the
weather is dry and pleasant and appears like being settled
This opened a fine morning, and fair all day and enabled us to get well on with our work to day, One of
my men named Groet in returning from the Excurtion last night got on the top of one of the railway cars
when in motion and in passing under a Bridge near Coptown struck his head against it and fell senseless
and had to be left at the station
In measuring the actual contents of one of the tuns, we got short of water and had to start the small
Engine to pump enoug water for the purpose as well as enough to change the water in the old distillery
James again on
Last night has been a dreadful night of rain it broke through a gutter at the East end of the Bridge above
the bank rusing down into the bottom of the race and disarranging all the mud cills laid in the bottom all of
which will have to be done over again, the men did not begin work till quarter time, The engine
continued to work well driving 3 pair of Stones every day
Vincent returned from Toronto this evening at 6 Jas no work
July. MONDAY, 5. 1869.
This has been a fine dry day, yet it has not the appearance of being settled, the water however in the
River is getting lower. but in the Quarry it is so deep that the men cannot work in the lower beds
Mr Brunel the Assistant Commissioner of Excise was here and and after looking through the premises
gave Mr Romain permission to allow a License to be granted to me, the Receivess being that near as to
come come within the range required by the Department
This is a very fine day, and have been making good progress with the work on the dam &c Mr Hughes,
the Bridge Inspector was here to see what way I intend to the Guys of the Derrick to the Bridge, and
approved of the manner I proposed and even more allowing me to make holes through the timber close
down to the iron tube
This is our Horticultural Exhibition day, the Display is good and the attendance large especially in the
This is a very fine morning, and looks as if it was going to be very warm, This being our Monthly Fair day
a number of cattle are being driven in
The day turned out well My application for License is put in & expect it to be issued tomorrow,
July. THURSDAY, 8. 1869.
This morning is dark and gloomy, 1/2 past 6 a smart shower of rain came on, it appears to have rained
heavy during the night, no work can begin this morning The labourers mostly began about 1/4 time and
the Masons at noon
The quarry continues to be Kept so full of water by the continual showers that no ordinary evaporation
can dry it up, so that I was compelled to day to begin the erection of a Pump and to use the 3 inch iron
pipes to convey it away
It rained very heavy about 11 Oclock
This morning is not clear yet, It appears to have rained hard during the night
The malitia companies are mustering to day for a weeks encampment
This has been a dry day, hot and Sultry occasionally with great Gusts of wind & dust flying in great clouds
I Have got the Crane raised in the quarry to day
July. MONDAY, 12. 1869.
This is a pleasant morning, yesterday morning about 2 or 3 Oclock it blew a perfect harracane for some
time accompanied with a heavy shower of rain a considerable number of trees were blowen down in and
around the Town, The day has Kept fair and the work gone uninterupted, the crane in the quarry
answers well, and lifts the large Stones with great ease
This is a fine morning, William left for Toronto at 10 Oclock to try to sell Flour
Went out to the Camp this evening
This has been a dull day, threatning rain all forenoon when it began to fall a little after 12 Oclock, I
attended a Meeting of our Presbitary at noon today, I have got the wall about up to the height now at the
flood gate entrance
William came home this evening
July. THURSDAY, 15. 1869
This morning opened very dark and rainey like, but became clear and very warm during the day and quite
close in the evening Have been to lay the cills of the flume for the outlet of the Flood gate this morning,
and have torn down the old walls on each side behind the arch and have begun to build it up with water
This morning presents in many respects a deplorable sight, the great rain that began about 2 Oclock
came down in perfect sheets of water, flooding the Camp from 6 to 18 inches deep of water so that all
their bedding had to be lifted & removed to dry on the fences, The quarry was quite full of water over 4
feet deep and 3 men has been all day pumping and only reduced it for 4 to 5 inches, and has stoped the
rest of the men from working
The Red Mill dam was again carried away and the walls of the culvert or bridge on the Waterloo road
scooped out clean, also the garden walks much damaged
I dined at the mess this afternoon Col. Taylor present
This morning the weather seems settled and has continued so all day
Have been pumping all day with very little effect, about a couple of inches only. Have got the walls up to
about the last course now and the frame work in front ready for the spars or Rack,
July. MONDAY, 19. 1869.
This has been a warm day and at times the Sun was quite hot which is indicative of more rain, but the
roads were quite dry and we made considerable progress in pumping out the water out of the Quarry say
about 3 inches
And we have got on well in framing the flume at the back of the waste gate,
Brought down Mr Morrisons power pump from Mr Wallaces late recidence, and use it to pump the water
out of the site for the Dam it is 18 inches diam. inside by 2 3/4 in deep
{illustration of power pump drawn by diarist}
Jas off work
This is a very dark morning about 1/2 past 5 there appeared to have been no rain during the night, but at
7 it began to rain heavy and continued till 1/2 past 8 so that the men could not work till after dinner in the
It began again to rain heavy about 4 and Kept on for about an hour, but having dug gutters round the
quarry completely prevented any more running into it than what fell on its surface and the water this
evening is exactly 5 inches below what it was when the began yesterday morning
Began this morning to take out the front plate of the Distilley Boiler and remove the stone work so as to
get it out into the yard for examination
Jas off work
This is a dull morning and by no means settled, rain must have fallen during the night. Wm went down to
Hamilton this morning The greater part of the forenoon there was a drizzling rain and frequent showers
in the afternoon, and now again at 1/2 past 8 a close rain, and it has been more like an October day for
cold had to light a fire in the dinning room, have been moving the horse power up to drive the rollars to
grind the charcoal
Jas off work
July. THURSDAY, 22. 1869.
This has been a dry day and have got all the old logs of the {h}ents of the flood gate dragged out by the
Gibson has been off work all day Jas also
Went over to bid Mrs Glendenning goodby as she leavs for Philadelphia in the morning with her son
Meeting of Dominion Telegraph Co in Toronto a 2 Oclock but could not find time to attend
This day has continued dry and we have got on very well with our work, had a couple of men out this
afternoon cutting poles for the rack
A thunder storm began this evening with some rain
Gibson off, also Jas
This was a very dull morning, at breakfast the main journal of the Crank Shaft of the Engine became so
hot as to melt the Babbit metal, which run in about the Brasses that it brought the engine to about a stand
and not having a reliable man to put it in order again I started out at once in the Buggy to Farishs New Mill
nee Rockwood and brought in George McCullough who got it all right, and Steam on and tested by 9
Oclock, it rained again this forenoon
Gibson off, also Jas
July. MONDAY, 26. 1869.
This is a fine morning but not settled looking yet, there is appearance on the ground of it having rained
through the night. Yesterday was warm & dry & of any thing sultry,
It turned very warm this forenoon and cloudy and about 10 minutes to 12 it began to rain a smart shower
for 1/2 an hour and after that continued dry
The mason work for entrance of the flood gate is finished except a little pointing on two upper courses,
have begun to clean out the race beyond the Carding Mill preparatory for pointing up some leaky places if
we can find them out, have got well on with planking the flume behind the gates, Bot a lot of Spikes
from Store
Jas off still
This has been a dry day
Jas off
This is a very wet morning & it appears to have been raining hard during the night
The rain continued this morning till near 10 am began again at about 11, and stopt a little after 12. the
afternoon was dry and the men worked in the quarry
Jas off
July. THURSDAY, 29. 1869.
This is a dull morning and the ground wet from the heavy shower that fell early this morning between 2 &
3 o,clock, Alexr McNaughton left for Acton then,
Since then it has been fair and all hands working
Jas off
This has been a dry day and no interuption to the work I made an attempt to bruse charcoal in the
Rollars with 2 horses but found that they were not able and had to fix it for 4
Got enough of the temporary dam removed and turned the Water through the new flood gates
Went up this afternoon with Mr Jas Hough the Secretory of the Cemetary to see if the lots taken up by us
were right viz Nos 5 &11 and although they do not agree with the present Plan or Map yet they could not
be altered, being in our possession so long and Interments made in both ends, and will begin tomorrow to
the walls for the railing
Jas off still
SATURDAY, 31 {No Entry}
August. MONDAY, 2. 1869.
This is a fine morning, and have started the masons up to the Cemetery to lay the foundation & find the
railing is made too large by a foot for the ground and have to set it up in the shop to have it cut to a size
and cannot reduce it less than one pannel of pattern viz 13 inch Telegraphed Thorold about an Engine
It began to rain about 1/4 past 5 and continued for abt half an hour,
Jas off yet but is now reforming,
This though somewhat clear is a doubtfull morning it must have rained heavy through the night by
I intend starting for Toronto at 4 OClock
Jas off
In Toronto all day it rained heavy in the morning and had wait in doors untill the first shower passed
over, & there again under other shelter, called at three different places, about hiring an Engine to drive
the Pump in the Dam but did not succeed, I then left for Hamilton at 12 O,clock and arrived there 2 P.M.
made more enquirey there but all wanted to sell but not to let
August. THURSDAY, 5. 1869.
This was a dull morning yet it Kept fair and during the day it cleared up fine but cooll
Agreed with Davidson & Chadwick for their Engine at $1,00 per day, and am preparing foundation for it
and hope to have it set this week
Jas right & piling lumber to day
This has been a fine dry day, and have got on very well with our work, have got down the Boiler from the
Foundry, and will get the Engine down tomorrow
Gibson has never come near his work all this week, James has been working at piling oak lumber this
last two days
This has been a fine dry day and the water is getting lower
I have got the Engine down and is now set in its place. I got John Oliver also from the Foundry to fix the
pipes and set her a going
August. MONDAY, 9. 1869
This is a delightful morning quite dry and looks as if a spell of dry weather has set in.
This has been a great day for sight seers, Vanambergs Exhibition of wild beasts and birds, contained in
24 vans besides several large fine carriages for the Band &c
This has been another fine warm day, and have been pushing on with the Engine for driving the Pump
and have got it started at last, throwing a large quantity of water
I have had men deepening the river so as to let me lay the foundation of the Distillery wall.
WEDNESDAY, 11. {No Entry}
August. THURSDAY, 12. 1869.
This is a fine dry morning, The day is warm and have been getting on as hard as we could with the
coffer dams, and got the Engine started again, to reduce the water but up to dark all we could make was
3 inches lower than the outside, and will run her all night and see if anything can be done
have been putting in a coffer dam at the corner of the Distillery
The ground was wet this morning from the heavy rain last night, the Engine run all night but did no good
and have determined to deminish the space by putting in two fresh dams
I do not feel well to day and have Kept the House this forenoon, but had to go out to exam and push on
with the Distillery dam
The Boiler is also out being properly cleaned for examination
This was a fair dry day during the early part of it, but the clouds began to over hang in the afterpart, Our
upper coffer dam shows signs of being tight as the water is flowing over in to the spout to conduct it past
the lower one. The water in the river was too high to day for begining to build under the corner of
Distillery, but have got a quantity of Stones dressed & laid down at the end of the gangway
The evening was wet and it rained very heavy from 9 to 11,
August. MONDAY, 16. 1869.
This day is set appart as a Holiday by proclamation of the Mayor, and from the rainey and wet appear{off
page} of the morning there will be neither weather for work nor play. About 1/2 past 9 it became dry and
fit for the men to work and got the dams quite tight enough to warrant us in making another attempt with
the Engine which was done in the evening & she brought down the water a foot in less than an hour
I set of the door of the new warehouse this forenoon to four feet wide in the clear, which is large enough
to admit puncheons
This has been a dry day and the Engine was able to Keep the water down, that we got a good deal of the
round boulders out of the Foundation, and got a footing prepared for the Derrick
Revd Mr Livingston came this evening to attend the Presbytery
This morning looks dull and looks like rain But the day turned out warm and rather sultry
William left home for the upper country, this afternoon
The Presbytery meet here to day
August. THURSDAY, 19. 1869.
This has been a warm day and very fatiguing we have got the foundation for the centre part of the Dam
about cleared out, and as soon as the Derrick is ready will begin to lay stone
Mr Livingston left for home this morning
We had a lighter fog this morning than we have had for several mornings past, but it has been a very
warm day, have got the irons on the top of the Derrick attached to the Bridge
R Little engages to get out 3 trees a 3 to make logs 22 inches square and 36 feet long, and rip them in
too with whip saw, the trees to cost $5 each, the hewing $24, and hawling 1 team to each stick
have got the iron now laid on the Steam Mill Railway and the new car at work
It began to rain about 4 Oclock and continued for an hour very heavy
This morning the rain began about 4 Oclock and rained very heavy that the ground was more like a sea in
parts, the Pump began to go about 4 and made a good empression at first, but the rain sent in several
streams that gave her more work than she could manage
The rain Kept on through the forenoon that the labourers could not work, the Carpenters went on in the
afternoon to finish the Railway
Recd a Telegram from Wm to night that he had got to Kincardine & would start for Southampton on
August. MONDAY, 23. 1869.
This is a dry morning but the water is still high and the Engine labouring very hard & has made very little
empression as yet, Yesterday morning the water increased so that I was affraid of the upper coffer
dams, being cut away or having to take down part of the planks in the sluice, but a little after Church time
it began to fall, the rain must have been gen{off page} and heavy up the country
We got the Car on the railway
This has been another fine working day But we had some dilay during the forenoon from the slide valve
of the Engine getting out of order but after that we got the water low in the afternoon and got a cours of
large Stones begun
We had intended to work an hour later this evening in laying stone in the foundation, then a terrible
accident happened to George Moir my foreman Stone Mason he persisted in runing the Car down the
inclined Railway with the large Stones on & before the proper break for Stopping the Car was ready
having run one load well, he went on a second though strongly advised not to attempt it, but he did so,
and lost the command of the Car, and from the increased velocity it attained and when reaching the
bumper threw him off down into the hole beneath and the stone and car on the top of him the men got of
the car with their hands but the stone had to be lifted with the Crane, and when got out, only said "Oh My
God", once or twice, & died when being carried home
This has been a lonesome day for me as I cannot forget the poor fellow The water is much lower and
the Engine can keep the hole quite low
William in Durham to day
August. THURSDAY, 26. 1869.
This has been a fine working day, and all the men except the Quarry men, dropt at 9 Oclock to attend the
funeral of Poor George Moir, he was 43 years of age, the attendance was large,
We began work again at 1 Oclock we had the water very low this afternoon
The Moulder {written in pencil above line} Foundry came down at 4 Oclock from Evat & Ingles to cast 2
brasses for the Old Mill water wheel, they weighed 55 lbs each
I intended by casting 2, to have them bored out but after considering the time and expense and only one
of them being required, we chipped and filed it
This is a fine dry day and the water has fallen considerably
This was a wet morning and must have rained heavy during the night. I went down to Galt with the view
of procuring two or three masons but found that there was full employment for all the men they could get,
but left word in case of any desiring a change. I returned at noon,
I found that the feed pump, of the pumping Engine would not work, and the day was lost so far as laying
the large stone was concerned but we set to work to construct a road to drive carts down to the lower side
of the Dam
{A variety of newspaper clippings placed on page}
August. MONDAY, 30. 1869.
This turned out a fine day and after some bother with the Engin pumps we got out the water and have got
a good many large stones laid according to the pins set for a guide mostly on the South West end of the
We have also stript the roof of the Wheel house of the Carding Mill and put in heavy cedar rafters and
covered it with new boards.
This has been another dry day.
We have got the new brass set under the inner end gudgeon of the Water wheel and are making good
progress in putting the new float boards or buckets
We are also going on framing the middle bent for the Bridge, the Council having last night accepted my
offer to construct it
September. WEDNESDAY, 1. 1869.
Another fine dry day and have got on fine with the N. Eeast end of the dam and have got it above the
There was hard frost during the early morning, Andw Quarrie and his brother returned from the Old
country this morning somewhat improved in health
This is the Fair day
We began to night to set of the true circle for the front Dam by ordinates, but could not see to finish it
September. THURSDAY, 2. 1869.
Fine weather, set to work early this morning before the men began to work to finish the lines of work and
the masons have made good progress to day with the work and began to use water lime
Dr Hamilton called this afternoon also D C Gunn formerly of Hamilton wharf now of Oswego.
Dry weather and fine for puddling the front of the Dam
Fine dry weather and the water very low. The Mill water wheel has got in the last bucket board now
and the men have been helping to raise the Distillery Water Wheel to put in new head Blocks, the old
ones being quite rotten and was picked out in peices
I have not got the corner of the Distillery repaired yet, as I am waiting till the Dam is far enough advanced
to enable me to shut off the water to dry the foundation
September. MONDAY, 6. 1869.
This has been another dry day, and have got on so far well, some dirt got into the Pump which stop{off
page} the Puddling only for a little, We began this forenoon to tear down the old Bridge and have stopt
all passage that way Poor, John Neeve died to day aged 62
This morning was dark and dull untill about 1/2 past 8 when it began to rain and continued with very little
interuption all day so that no outdoor work was done after the rain began, Our old teamster and Flour
salesman in Hamilton John smiths Wife came to Town last night, I spoke to her to day
at 10 Oclock is still raining
This is another wet morning and appears to have been raining during the night, no outdoor work can
begun this morning, thought that the work could begin about quarter time in the forenoon but no it
rained, then at 1 the men were in the quarry but it again became dark and began to rain,
The carpenters however kept at it sawing the timbers for corbels of Bridge, screwing up the stringers &c,
and also in the Distillery fitting in 3 new cedar lintals under arch way of tail race to rest end of new beam
on &c
September. THURSDAY, 9. 1869.
At 6 this morning it was raining and the water has risen very considerably since last night, and even this
7 it is now fair and the men have all begun to work though not to advantage in some cases
counted the water lime this morning only 31 Bbls left I order another to day
This was a fine dry morning, and the work went on as usual, the water became sufficiently low about
noon so that the Steam Pump was started and got the water out so that we got the centre bent of the
Bridge up in place, and began taking down the walls and excavations far enough back of the roadway,
between the pillars to allow of moving all the 5 timbers or stringers back at once on rollars by means of
the large screw
SATURDAY, 11. {No Entry}
September. MONDAY, 23. 1869.
This has been another fine dry day and the work has progressed very
This is a fine dry morning
Have got well on with the Dam and also have got the fine stringers of the Bridge drawn over to their right
place and have put the corbels under the N.E end
We also began to bale out the water out of the coffer dam at the corner of the Distillery and got part of the
foundation of that laid with cement
Three teams left this morning for Freelton for heavy timbers for the Bridge
have had accounts compared with James & find him largely in Debt to me
Fine morning, the teams did not get home till 3 Oclock this morning and were not able to get out the
heaviest viz 22 x 22, but bought two pieces 22 x 11 and another stick
September. THURSDAY, 16. 1869.
This is a fine morning and all the masons at the Distillery yet, and they will not be able to finish it to day.
Three teams left this morning at 1/2 past 5 for Freelton for the large sticks of timber for the Bridge
Dull morning it has rained heavy through the night but quite fair now, The teams got home with the
heavy logs about, about 12 Oclock last night
We have got on well with the corner of the distillery and have been closing the front of the dam with
Puddle to a very narrow space that we may close tommorrow
Have also been getting the big logs on tresses fit for ripping them up, we also pulled down a
considerable peice of the walls jutting out beyond the G. T Pier
Jas very drunk this morning
Fine dry morning but cool
September. MONDAY, 20. 1869.
This is a fine day and regret to have to burry a fine horse one of the span that used to be used on the
farm he died yesterday
Fine weather, have been sitting more of the upright bolts in the Dam and laying the flat bars lengthways
Prince Arthur passed up at 1 oclock to Exhibilton in London. I missed seeing him
Fine working day but very warm
September. THURSDAY, 23. 1869.
This has been a fine day, but there was a good deal of mist in the morning, Set more bolts to day in the
middle of Dam, took on 3 more hands to day so as to hurry out the portions of the old Bridge
abbutments and fill up the deep portion of the hole behind the dam so as to get done with the Engine this
We got the last of the beams in the bridge this afternoon and have got down the crable belonging to
Massie to lay the stones for the new abbutments, we got out one of the largest stones of the Old Bridge
the derrick has yet lifted & set it to night on the dam
Gold ran up to 150 this afternoon
a drunk man fell through the beams this evening and broke his thigh
This has been another very fine day though very misty and thick in the morning
Two of the spurr wheels that drives the Separator broke yesterday and found one ready at the Foundry
and got the other cast at Crows Foundry this afternoon, have got the crabb mounted for lifting stones
below the Bridge
Gold at noon to day was 162½ Bot to day in Chicago 10000 bushels No 2 Corn n 76¢ in Store
Finished with pumping last night and will begin in the morning to take the Engine apart
The forenoon was fine working weather but at 12 Oclock a dark cloud came over us and a heavy shower
of rain came on & continued for over an hour, and part of the afternoon
Began to take the engine apart
September. MONDAY, 27. 1869
This is a cold morning and the water very high, but not in such quantity but could be Kept below the upper
course of the Dam by Keeping the culvert clear of sticks
Sent part of the Engine up to Ingles Foundry
Bot of Messrs Bruce 1 piece timber 8 x10 - 34 feet long
1 do " " - 46 do
a 12½¢ a foot
This morning is dry but quite cold and all the timbers on the dam and Bridge are quite white with frost
This has been a fine working day
Have got the Hewars of Timber started out at the rocks to day
September. THURSDAY 30. 1869 {No Entry}
October. FRIDAY, 1.
Fair weather
Went down this afternoon to Galt about getting a man to examine Distilley Boiler
Fine day
George McCullough came up and examined the Boiler
October. MONDAY, 4. 1869.
This is a coldish morning
I went out to the Rocks this afternoon to see how the men are getting on in squaring timber for the Dam,
and found that they are likely to get all the large timber of my land
The teams hauled in the 1st two loads to day
This is a fine morning but cool
Have got 2 additional Carts on the Dam and have now got the banks united and driving freely accross
and are now making good progress with the filling in front of the Dam
the South End abutment of the Bridge will be about finished tomorrow and after that we will carry on with
the mud cills for the foot of the apron before the water gets too cold
I have stopped quarrying stone for the season and will take home all the tools tomorrow
Cold morning below freezing 28° to 30 degrees the ground is white
This is the Fair day and the first day of the Fall Show of Agriculture products & the next day for cattle &c
I went down to Galt this afternoon to examine a Boiler for the Distillery, and have decided to take it, and
have ordered it to be got ready
October. THURSDAY, 7. 1869.
This is the 2d day of the Fair, The weather continues exceedingly fine, and have all the carts at work
driving gravel from the Mill yard on to the Dam
The hewars are not getting on with the timber as fast as I could wish, They attend fairs, la cross games
This has been another very fine day and are pushing on with the work
This has been a fine working day, and we are making good progress with the Dam
There appeared indication of rain in the afternoon it however Kept fair
Have arranged that the men shall begin work at 1/2 past 6 a.m. and drop at 1/2 past 5 in the evening
Reid and Murdock of Chicago are here this afternoon
October. MONDAY, 11. 1869
This is a wet morning, yet not so heavy but only drizzling, the labourars began at 1/2 past 6, but the
Masons fearing rain did not make their appearance They however began at 1/4 time
Have 2 men at work replacing the cattle Byres
TUESDAY, 12 {No Entry}
Fine weather And we are now pushing hard with 4 carts in the gravel pit, and it takes men as pickers and
shovelers, to Keep them going
I went down to Galt to see what progress they have made with the Boiler, but that they had not touched it
yet, but would positively begin to tomorrow,
October. THURSDAY, 14. 1869.
This is fine weather though cold in the morning We are about finished with the roothouse behind the
Office, having removed all the old earth first, then laid on about a coat of 6 inches thick of clay well
packed down over the logs, then returned the earth and after that covered it all over with turf & put a
fence round it also renewed the lining for the bins inside,
Have got the water wheel and shafting in the Distillery put to rights, put in new beams and also new head
blocks under the Water wheel, the old brasses were good and may wear many years yet
We have got the walls or abutments of the Bridge finished now and the drystone walls on the top below
planking done & Have paid of 4 masons to night, and will keep on two of them to finish the flank wall of
dam & the back
This has been a coldish day with slight drizzling showers now and then, and have been attending the
Funeral of William Jackson Senr of the Paisley block It was quite cold with occasional showers
Have made good progress with the graveling in front of the dam
Willie Jackson died on the 12th Inst aged 66 years and 5 months
This is a fine dry morning, but 4 degrees below freezing. Will have to day 2 hired teams to help with
getting the timber
October. MONDAY, 18. 1869.
This is a cold morning and the first Snow shower of the season is falling, the Conductiors of the Grand
Trunk say it is an inch thick at Stratford
We are pushing on with the gravel of the Dam and will soon have enough, and hewing coping for the top
of the Wing wall
also repairing the floor of the Mill in renewing the wooden grating for the Steam of the flour
We have been busey taking in Corn to day. The blacksmith has about finished the irons for the Booms
to conduct the stumps, trees and ice over the Dam
This morning is also threatning and cold and flurries of snow falling
I attended the Funeral of Andrew Ritchie one of the oldest settlers who died on the 17th of a cancer in the
stomach aged 67,
This has been a coldish day but no Snow
George Lillie farmer Scotch Block died on the 18th Inst aged 76 his funeral took place to day he was
originally a Stone Mason,
We have had 2 teams to day hauling down Corn, one at stone and another drawing in Timber from Rocks
October. THURSDAY, 21. 1869.
The weather was milder this morning and have deminished the number of men in the gravel pit --- and
have taken some of them to excavate the trenches at the foot of the apron for mud cills and have shut
down the gates for short time to lower the water as much as possible, and have one of them laid quite low
ramed on both sides and under loaded with heavy stone to prevent it rising with the water
Had one of the masons rebuilding the butterise of the garden wall at the the Boat landing steps, the lower
courses say 2 feet high with Cement
This has been a fine working day, have again begun this morning to lay more cills, Also removed the
coffer dam this forenoon at the distillery, and pointed up all the Openings at the bottom with water
lime that could not be got at before and packed it with Clay, Gibson put in Guta percha washers, or
gaskins between the joint of the large copper pipe of the big still and put in heavier bolts to make it tighter
than it was before with pasteboard, also put in a Cock to draw of the condenced water from the Steam
pipe, likwise put new brass spring in the colapse valve
Intend to visit Galt in the morning about the Boiler.
A very Wet morning, Went down to Galt and found that the Boiler was taken apart and the tubes being
cleaned, and the new end plate in hands flanging it, so that it will be ready next week
It rained all the forenoon
October. MONDAY, 25. 1869.
This is a frosty morning the ground quite hard, and am preparing to go off this morning at 9 with the
Deputation to Walkerton
We did not get away till 1/2 past 10, The party consisted of Dr Herod Mayor, Mr Peter Gow M.P. Mr Robt
Melvin and myself. we got as far as Harriston that night about 8 Oclock, we found the roads very heavy
after we passed Elora where snow had fallen, and by the time we got to Harriston it was several inches
deep, we started
This morning at 1/2 past 8 and got to Walkerton at 3 p.m. the snow within 5 miles of it was 18 inches
deep on the road and two feet in the Woods and falling thick & heavy at times. after I got my dinner I
took a turn out to look at the River, it is certainly a fine stream and a large supply of Water the upper
Mill has 13 feet of fall on which they are Building a new flour Mill fitted for 4 run of Stones but only 3 to be
put in at present , The country round looks fine The Town is located quite in a vally with high lands all
round and well wooded with hardwood
This morning I found that considerable snow had fallen through the night, and a shower now & then, and
hearing that it was snowing heavy in Guelph I began to be very uneasy about the Dam not being finished
in case the winter sets in with hard frost also if a sudden thaw came on with rain, might place me in a
very critical position, so I determined to leave for home at once, and engaged a man to take me to
Durham by slay for $2,50 and got there by 2 Oclock and left there at 4 in a One horse buggy for Mount
Forest for $2,00 and got there about 7 O,clock and slept at Coynes Hotel. Had a telegram from Guelph
as I arrived at Durham that Gooderhams Distillery had burnt down last night
October. THURSDAY, 28 1869
I left Mount Forest by stage at 1/2 past 3 a.m. got to Arthur at 7 very cold, at Fergus got a seat from W
Garvin in his buggy and got home at 1/2 past 11, and found there had been a great fall of snow.
However this afternoon it began to grandually wear away.
I saw on my way down large fields of turnips out. also Oats standing in the sheaff and covered with
Fine morning the frost not hard and as the day advanced it became sloppy,
The teams are removing the stones off the road, the Carpenters got up the hammer beam or main
beam under for the rafters to rest on set up to day and two of the diagonals laid in their places, Cut of
the planks of the temporary dam and filled it up behind with good gravel, began to break out a door at
the back of the Kiln. John Hall has got all the Stringers on Neeve Street Bridge.
Got 2 of Little's men this afternoon to help on with the work.
This has been a cold day, very little snow fell, but near noon some of it melted away it then turned cold
again. We are hurrying on with all speed. It would be strange if winter is going to set in in earnest
already. Yet it looks remarkably like it. Large feilds of turnips, potatoes and even apples are on the
trees yet.
November, MONDAY, 1. 1869.
Cold frosty morning, but about noon it was of any thing milder. I went down to Toronto this morning by
the 1/2 past 7 train and got into the City at 1/2 past 10. Took a cab to see Gooderham & Worts ruined
Distillery, it was truly amasing to see the amount of Property destroyed.
This has been a very fine day, and much milder no snow whatever laying on the ground and people
getting up their turnips and potatoes with all speed.
Went down to Galt this afternoon, and found them hand at Work at the Boiler & will have it ready on
Saturday. The Council are making poor progress with the Pier of the lower Bridge.
This morning opened clear, and fine mild weather, and continued so all day. this being the Monthly fair
day, a good many people in Town. Good news came in to day that the By-law in the county of Bruce had
been carried in favour of the Wellington Gray & Bruce Railway by a Majority of 257
This was a dry day but cold and windy we are still drawing nearer to a close with the Dam
discharged 2 masons I had I taken on for a day or two as the work is all but done
This has been rather course day. raining and sleeting now and then. took down the little crane this
This looks bad for people getting up their Turnips Emence quantity of apples are frozen on the Trees
This is a Wintry looking morning the ground again covered with Snow busey finishing, the top of the
Dam with gravel, and preparing to take down the large crane, have got the
November. MONDAY, 8 1869
This is a very cold morning, it has been blowing and snowing all night, and the ground is again covered
with snow, we did not get the wheels of the mill and Distillery finished in time to let the water on, the
stones requiring to be trained yet after the water is on. we are still leveling and filling up the breast of the
dam in places where some settlement of the soft earth has taken place, And also filling up the last space
behind the Dam where the Crane stood
Cannot get up the Boiler from Galt yet for want of the Truck's, which are somewhere on the road from
Goderich. I was at Ritchies sale this afternoon, very cold wind & great fields of Turnips frozen in and
likely to be lost
The weather this morning is still wintry like it is not hard frost, yet no thaw and the little snow remains on
the ground. We are busey getting the Boom that is to guide the stumps and timber over the Dam fixed in
its place and then remove the tempory Bridge that is over the race
Went out to the Western station to night to acertain if they had brought up the Truck to Galt and the
Conducter said no
November. THURSDAY, 11. 1869
Rather a raw day, and yet not very favourable for those who have their turnips in the ground of getting
them out
Got a Telegram this forenoon that the Truck waggon had reached Galt last night, and made preparations
to start down here after dinner, with 2 span of horses and also and a team with a waggon to carrey the
chains boxes &c and got there about dark and found the Boiler loaded and ready for the chains to bind it
(the conductor was not aware that he had the Truck with him last night in a close box car)
The water Mill started this morning with 3 run of stones,
We left Galt this morning at 8 oclock with the Boiler and had to leave the waggon a little distance out of
Galt and attach that span of horses also to the Boiler as the weight was too much for 2 span through the
mudd which was soft in places, We however got on well and reached Guelph about 4 Oclock
The water mill has been going all last night, and the gudgeon became heated & and had to stop for a little
Riddle is busey blowing of the boiler for to clean her out for the winter
The frost this morning was not severe yet enough to thicken the ice on the Dam,
Busey this morning unloading the Boiler and getting it into position,
The Planking of the Dam is far forward and will be finished on Monday.
Have got the Boiler on to her seat in the Distillery to night
November. MONDAY, 15. 1869.
Moderate weather though cold and raw
Got the boiler set in its place this forenoon and took the measurement for a steam pipe
The weather tolerably mild considering the lateness of the season. I went down to Galt with the Pattern
of the Steam Pipe to attach the Boiler to still. Likewise the smoke pipe to lead into the Chimney, also a
Bend for the feed pipe.
I returned at noon, Robt Ward went down with the Truck and brought up the Smoke dome and furnace
bars by night, and well for him he did as it now blows almost a gale with thick pelting snow storm, Wm
in Toronto, came home in the evening
There had been rain early in the morning and now a heavy thaw and the roads quite slushey and now
rains and sleets alternately.
The last of the Planks have been put on the bent under the bridge, and also on the tail walls of the apron
behind the Piers, and all planks collected and taken into the Yard, have got the feed pipe in the boiler,
and the smoke box fitted on.
The carpenters began the Cattle Byre
Hiam the engineer from Ingles came at one oclock to help with the pipes
November. THURSDAY, 18. 1869
Rather a rough wintry looking morning, showers of snow falling throughout the day, it was quite at noon,
let several more men go to day.
am busy at the Boiler getting pipes attached and the foundation built up under it, and the smoke pipe
conducted into the chimney, also forging a frame for an ask pit door
Intend to work late to night
Several sleighs have been running to day, Hiam all day at work
Has been snowing through the night, and began again about 8 Oclock, did not get the mason work and
the pipe fittings done last night after working to 11 Oclock, have got on the guage cocks. Also got a
new glass tube from a G trunk {Grand Trunk} engineer for Water guage I am putting a raised grating in
front of the Boiler. Snowing now again noon time, a good many sleighs in with wheat at the Mill just
Have done with the Masons at the boiler and laying the front this afternoon at 4 Oclock & got the fire on to
dry the work
The Carpenters still at the cattle byres.
Snowing most all the afternoon heavy Hiam all day at work
Snowing heavy this morning, and has been through the night, so that there is a thick coat of it on the
ground. got the fire on this morning to heat up the water to make yeast to start with, but the draft I am
afraid is not going to be sharp enough and now see that so many (100) small tubs form a considerable
opposition to the smoke &c it is so weak as to leave a white fur round the mouth of each of the tubes
November. MONDAY, 22. 1869
This is a fine clear morning, and the thermometer at a 1/4 to 7 stood at 13 degrees
The distillery Boiler does not seem to get any better to day
Began to day to cut a hole in the distillery roof for the erection of a scaffold to aid in putting an iron stalk
on top of the Brick one to increase the draft
But a fall of snow came on so heavy and continued all the afternoon which put a stop to outdoor work.
The Dam all covered with strong ice
This has been a fine mild day 3° above freezing at 9 Oclock, making grating for windows of the rectifying
Johney Higinbotham's Birthday
& Father & Mother at Elora
Fine clear morning Thermtr 5° above zero at 7 am & continued fine all day. men still rpairing at the
cattle byres
November. THURSDAY, 25. 1869
This has been a fine day throughout and rather milder than yesterday
Have been busey fixing underneath the large water pump, also changing the pully for drawing the
engine pump for the Rectifying house
I went down to Galt this morning to consult Mr Goldie about the difficulty in the draft of the brick chimney,
and he thinks that by adding to the height of the old one, that a great improvement may be made
Hood has now over 70 head of cattle in the Byres
Fine winter weather with indecations of a thaw
Bob Ward came home from Galt with 32 feet of 22 inch Smoke Stalk
November. MONDAY, 29. 1869.
Fine mild weather and thawing
Attended our adjurned annual meeting in the Church
this evening quite
Thawing very rappidly to day, and have been very busey in getting the chimney ready, and have just got
the larger portion through the roof
This is St Andrews day, Ball & Supper to night
December. WEDNESDAY, 1.
Quite a change to day, the roads hard and freezing, Working hard to get up the Smoke stalk to day
Got the chimney up through the roof and all ready to hoist by 1/2 past 4, but I deemed it too late to do any
more as we could not possibly see to work safly in half an hour after that
December. THURSDAY, 2. 1869
The weather pleasant and calm this morning with a slight shower of snow falling, and set to work with all
dilligence and got the smoke Stalk in its place and the fire started by 10 Oclock and find it has made a
great improvement in the draft.
Fine morning
Went up to Waterloo Villiage to attend the meeting of W Fischers Creditors when John Kerr of Toronto
was appointed official assignee
This has been a mild morning, and of any thing turned to a thaw, have been working for some few days
at finishing the stall in the new cattle Byre, and also preparing stuff for the bottom of some of the tuns
(fermenting) which in some appear defective
Wm Dixon formerly of Dundas called to day & would like to leave St {Lain's} if he could find a place to do
business in,
December. MONDAY, 6. 1869.
Fine winter day, frost moderate.
Meeting of Directors of Mutual Insurance Co.
Some snow fell to day
a good deal of wheat came in
Fine weather, and the teams with wheat began to pour in early to day
December. THURSDAY, 9. 1869.
This has been another very fine day of anything thawing in the middle of the day
It has been a very throng day in taking wheat the teams reached about up to the G. Trunk tank house
and many unhitched their horses and came back in the afternoon and hauled in the load This has been
the Fat Cattle Showday, and prime ones they were
Adam Brown Esqr, Mr Burton the lawyer and some other gentlemen passed down on their way from
Walkerton after being present at the final passing of the By=Law, for a Bonus to the railway
This has been another mild day, and good many sleighs in with wheat, some slight showers of sleet fell
& thought it was going to turn into rain but did not, putting up to day a coal and wood shed at the end of
The pit wheel that is fixed on the gudgeon of the Shaft of the Water Wheel in the Distillery got loose and
broke 2 teeth, we have taken it out to burn the greese of it put in 2 inch pins where the teeth is (as they
are not both in the same place) which will help thereon in geering, and enable us to get to work in the
morning without loss of time
Mild this morning also, and is wearing the snow of the roads very fast, and waggons are resorted to in
many cases,
December. MONDAY, 13. 1869.
The weather is of anything on the turning point and getting colder
John McPherson has got the coal house finished to day
The roads are now quite bare of snow and waggons are now generally used
This is a sharp morning and freezing hard
The wind has got up through the day and is blowing quite cold, the roads are now very bare and quite
Fisher fitted in our new Press & Desk to day in the inner office
WEDNESDAY, 15. {No Entry}
THURSDAY, 16, FRIDAY, 17, & SATURDAY, 18 {No Entries}
December. MONDAY, 20. 1869.
This is a sharp morning, with a few flakes of snow flying,
Election for Mayor took place to day, or rather nominated.
Have got the Byres finished so far as to admit the Cattle into the new stalls just finished
This has been another cold day but no wind in the early part of the day,
A great many loads of Wheat came in to day, Goldie did not seem to take his usual share, we took in
about 1800 bushes at an average of.
We have got the posts up for a platform with roadway to drive up hay to the end of the new feeding byre
and will have it completed in a day or two.
Snowing a good deal at 10 pm and fast also blowing and cold
This is a very wet morning, a considerable quantity of Snow fell during the night, and the rain is melting it
away very fast
I have some intention of going to Bowmanville by the afternoon train,
heard that this was the day that Feilds distillery at Canastoga was seized
December. THURSDAY, 23. 1869.
I got safe to Bowmanville at 11 Oclock last night, The weather to day is cold and blowing fresh
I got home this morning at 4 Oclock having left Bowmanville at 11 last night.
This is a pleasant winter day
Fine winter weather, and great lots of people on the Dam seating and Curling
December. MONDAY, 27. 1869.
This is a very misty morning, It began to rain in the forenoon a little, and then heavy in the afternoon
Only a few loads of wheat came in to day.
The rain yesterday has washed away much of the sleighing, it is however fine weather to day. We had
a fire in Town this morning between 5 & 6 oclock the Stable of Mr Taylor (who married Mrs Sunby) was
burned down
I went down to Toronto this morning & was on change saw Brunell who goes to Ottawa to morrow
Fine working day
Have put in the iron Catwater on the middle bent of the bridge to day, and preparing to fit on the Beam
and and remove the temporary side of the flame, so that the two waters join together
December. THURSDAY, 30. 1869.
There has been a fall of snow during the night and will improve the roads a good deal
This has been a very mild day, and the little snow that fell, night before last is pretty much worn away
There was very few teams in with wheat to day
Had a Telegram from Wm Osborne of Galt that he would take the Barley stone & case at $60
For more information on David Allan, check out the “Meet the Diarists” section under “Discover”
on our website: ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive volunteers
Printed Calendar for the Year 1869
Two newspaper advertisement clippings pasted at top of page.
Daily Journal for 1869
Published by Brown Brothers,
Manufacturing Stationers
{Four newspaper articles pasted on the page}
{The first newspaper article}
Our city contemporary says:
The Dominion Telegraph Company having, in its desperation, secured an organ in our city contemporary,
actually furnishes it with despatches from Ottawa, although its line is not extended further than Toronto.
Who can beat that, as a feat of telegraphy? To the above question we answer, no-body. By the use of the
Dominion Telegraph lines we get Ottawa news twelve hours in advance of the Spec. That's what's the
matter; and it is perfectly satisfactory to us and to our innumerable readers, if not to our neighbor and its
few subscribers. We may also remark that we advocated the new enterprise from its first introduction to
the public notice till now, believing a new telegraph line to be an absolute necessity to the Province. The
Spec. also advocated it as well as we; but suddenly turned short round and began to oppose it. But these
short turns constitute one of the normal features of the Spec. It once commenced to expose the brewery
frauds in Waterloo, and that with great force and energy; but it suddenly turned round, as it has done with
the Dominion Telegraph enterprise, and took the opposite course - defending them. Why, we shall not
pretend to say; but not long afterwards the President of the Brewers' Association issued a circular, calling
upon the members of that body to add five dollars a year to their usual contribution, to compensate a
gentleman connected with the Spec. for his Parliamentary services in their behalf. It formerly denounced,
in unmeasured and bitter language, without regard to truth, the management of the Great Western
Railway, and then turned suddenly round and became its warmest eulogist. It at one time within a year,
denounced John Bright and Gladstone, while it lauded to the skies Disraeli and other Tory leaders; but in
a short time after it was found pronouncing panegyrics upon Bright and Gladstone, and anathematizing
Disraeli and his friends. For a time it was high Tory in its professions, next mongrel, and then actually
pretending to be Reform in its teachings, and becoming the organ of John Sandfield Macdonald's hybrid
Govment. We admire consistency, especially as illustrated in the management of the Spec. It may
sometimes be difficult to say which side it does espouse; but having discovered that we are quite safe to
conclude it will soon be on the other. We shall not assume to assign the reasons for the zig-zag policy of
the Spec.; but uncharitable people ascribe it to an instinctive scent for the dimes. Probably it is all
patriotism and a genuine regard for the public good. {The last sentence was written in italics)
{The second newspaper article pasted on the page}
Why, in the name of everything that's good, do not the Directors of the above Company clear up the
doubts that at present hang round it? With suspicion on every side, with grave charges made, with
Directors resigning, all the general public has had laid before it in the way of refutation has been that at a
dinner at St. Catharines, at which were present Directors and Stockholders, us "out-side barbarians" were
assured that it was "all right." No proof that the charges made were false, no proof of the soundness and
integrity of a concern in which the people of this country are asked to invest $500,000, but merely
champagne congratulations on the construction of a few miles of the road, and grand prophecies for the
future. If this is to remove distrust, to refute charges, it is easily done, but we are doubtful. The Upper
Canada and Commercial Banks were "all right" till they failed; and more to the point, the "Grand Trunk
Telegraph Company" was no doubt heralded as "all right" and decidedly proved its right to be considered
so. Why, if everything is satisfactory, if the inauguration and present position of the company are
satisfactory, is it not clearly shown to the public? The originators of the scheme are pronounced to be
speculators and unsound. Why not disprove this? They are accused of controlling the stock in order to
gain their own ends. Disprove this. Of having secured the contract for the building of the line at an
exorbitant price, and such as to allow them a profit of something like $125 per mile, or one half of the
contract price, and that they secured this contract without it having been submitted to tender. Disprove
these assertions, Distrust is too general now to be neglected. Stock must yet be sold - and who will buy?
Payments on stock already subscribed will become due, and who, in the face of all these charges, will
have any satisfaction in making those payments, or will not avoid such payments if possible. The
Company at present {illegible section to follow as the pasted on newspaper article curled} ...down with an
incubus of doubt. ...must remove that load before....undertaking.
{The third newspaper article pasted on the page}
PAPER MAKING. - It was not until the year 1806 that the first patent "for manufacturing paper of an
indefinite length" was taken out by Henry Fourdrinier. This was soon followed by Mr. Dickinson's patent of
Jund 30, 1807, for machinery for cutting and planing paper thus made. Fourdrinier's patent for the paper
machine, which still bears his name, was taken out in the same year; and it was about this time that Mr.
Dickinson (whose death has been recently announced) commenced his career as a paper manufacturer
by the purchase of Apsley Mill, near Hemel Hempstead, to which, in the course of time, four other mills in
Hertfordshire were added, two of them constructed, and the water-power for them create, under his own
superintendence. It was in 1807, before the commencement of the Peninsular campaign, that he invented
a new cannon-cartridge paper, made by mixing together linen and woollen rags in certain proportions, so
that after the explosion, it was prevented from retaining sparks of fire. In 1809 he patented machinery for
the manufacture of paper by means of an ingeniously constructed cylinder of brass, covered with wire
gauze and connected with an air-pump - a form of machine which still remains in use. This was followed
by other patents for the manufacture of finely-faced copperplate paper by a soft of {Your comment
here...}veneering process, and for a machine to cut cards, both of which were successful inventions, and
the former especially tended much to increase his reputation. In 1829 he invented the process of
introducing coloured threads into the body of paper at the instant of its manufacture, which was again
improved on in 1839. This preservative against forgery will have been noticed by holders of Exchequer
bills, and many of us will remember it in the stamped envelopes which were issued by Government after
the adoption of the penny postage system, in the introduction of which Mr. Dickinson had taken great
interest. In 1832 we find him again patenting a knotter or strainer for cleaning pulp from impurities; and
two years later applying magnets for the removal of any portion of iron that may happen to be in the pulp,
and thus preventing ion-mould in the paper.
{The fourth newspaper article pasted on the page.}
DOMINION TELEGRAPH COMPANY. (To the Editor of the Globe.)
Sir, - There are a few point connected with the present fierce controversy about this undertaking, that
require a little discussion; and as you have published several articles on the subject, no doubt the public
would like to have a little more information. This I do not propose to furnish myself, but to ask from the
Directors; and as one of the original subscribers who has hitherto had confidence in them, I think I am
entitled to ask for it. Firstly, amid so many and so diverse opinions about the cost of a good telegraph line
thoroughly equipped, including all the preliminary expenses, we might expect our Directors to discover
from outside sources the actual facts of the case, and lay them before the public. On the one hand we are
asked to believe that the lines lately built in the United States have cost from $300 to $450 per mile, (see
'Dominion Telegrapher'), whilst the opponents of the Company confidently affirm that the outside figure
should be $125, and that Mr. Reeve would make more than $200,000 out of the operation. If this is not
the case, then I think the Directors owe it to us, the shareholders, who are {newspaper is wrinkled,
illegible sentence}...and to the public who are asked to subscribe to collect evidence from some other
source than Mr. Reeve or Dr. Dwight, and make it known to us through your columns. Perhaps they could
learn what the People's Telegraph Company in Quebec are going to pay for their line, as the contract for
a portion has been already awarded. Secondly, if it should appear that Mr. Reeve will clear anything like
so enormous a sum as $200,000, would it not be advisable to try to get rid of him, and give out the resst
of the line to tender? Ungrateful, do they say? We could afford to give him $50,000 for his charters of
connection, the value of which does not seem to be sufficiently recognized in the Trade Review articles. If
that would not satisfy the man, I don't know what would. He could pay up all his debts in the States, and
begin life anew with the remainder. Failing that, however, the shareholders might still be satisfied if they
could be assured that the profits would pay fair dividends on the capital of $500,000. Let us hear what the
results of operation have been already between Toronto and Buffalo, and any other figures obtained from
disinterested parties. Lastly, attention has been drawn to the alleged fact, that the mileage between
Hamilton and Wellington Square has been unnecessarily increased and the Spectator refuses to accept
the future extension westwards as a sufficient reason for it. This is a point which I am most anxious to see
cleared up as soon as possible. Believing, as I do, that the whole enterprise may yet be successful, if
public confidence can be restored, but that at the same time this cannot be unless the directors
vouchsafe clearer and fuller information. I have written this letter to indicate to them just the doubt and
difficulties that have arisen in the mind of A SHAREHOLDER.
Hamilton, 25th March, 1869.
{Glued to Journal page, a receipt from Russell House}
Ottawa, 14 June 1869
No. of Room 19
Mr. D. Allan to James A. Gouin, Dr.
2 Days Board & Lunch $5.50
Omnibus Up & Down $.50
Received payment, Dr. J. A. Gouin (Signature) {Second Signature illegible perhaps that of D. Allan}
Glued to page are two articles First Article:
AUCTION SALE of VALUABLE MILL SITE, DISTILLERY, &c. Will be sold by Public Auction, at
VICTORIA HALL, in the TOWN OF COBOURG, Province of Ontario,
On WEDNESDAY, 9th JUNDE, 1869, At 12 o'clock, noon, that valuable property known as the ONTARIO
DISTILLERY, Situate in the TOWN OF COBOURG, Province on Ontario, within a short distance of the
Grand Trunk Railway station and commodious harbour of Cobourg, consisting of a large BRICK
DISTILLERY, driven by water and 2 steam engines of about 40 horse-power each, and capable of
mashing 500 bushels of grain per day; also a BRICK RECTIFYING HOUSE, with steam engine of 25
horse-power, and also a BRICK MALT HOUSE & KILN. There are also on the premises large Granaries,
Sheds for 300 head of cattle and Pens for 500 hogs, besides Stales, Ice Houses &c. The above Buildings
are nearly new and in excellent order. The entire property on which these valuable buildings are situated,
including the Mill Pond, comprises about 23 acres, through which the Ham Creek runs, giving about 8 feet
head of water. Land to the extent of 75 acres additional, and immediately adjoining, can be had on
reasonable terms, the soils of which, as well as that of the locality generally, is admirably adapted for the
cultivation of the Sugar Beet, and this property might meet the requirements of persons disposed to
engage in the manufacture of Sugar from that material; but the buildings could easily be made available
for almost any manufacturing purpose; the Corporation of the Town of Cobourg having lately passed a
by-law exempting from local taxation for 5 years several descriptions of Factories. Terms - One-half
Cash, balance in three annual instalments, with interest at 7 per cent. There will be a Reserved Bid. For
full particulars as to title, &c, apply (if by letter post-paid) to the MANAGER BANK OF MONTREAL,
Cobourg, Ont, or the undersigned, A.J. VAN INGEN & Co., Auctioneers, &c, Cobourg Ont
Second Article
The Consolidated Bank.
At a meeting of the Consolidated Bank shareholders, at Montreal, on Wednesday, the Chairman, in reply
to a question read the following list to show where the share-holders' money had gone:-
Toronto, Campbell & Cassels .........$30,498 Toronto Fuel Co..............28,000 Galbraith, Christie & Co....
69,193 Turner & Co .................77,696 Credit Valley Co............106,456 A. Shanly....................20,900
Montreal Furniss & Co.............. $123,325 W.H. Riley............. 65,000 Ascher & Co............... 501,839
Beatty & Co................. 94,848 Fish, Shephard & Co.........120,354 Davidson & Co............... 64,322 A.
Davidson..................23,000 Koitask......................75,301 Coultz, Raynor & Co..........23,685 Wm.
Ebb......................48,000 Cowper.......................72,000 Forsyth......................48,000
Mrs. Hollis - With all those losses in Montreal, Sir Francis Hincks was found guilty one day and allowed to
walk out the next day. Mr. Morgan - He is not, I am told, buying a property worth ten thousand dollars.
The Chairman remonstrated, and asked if Mrs. Hollis could not understand the effect of having an
unfaithful servant. (Cries of disapproval and doubt.) Miss McDougall then called upon Mr. Campbell, the
General Manager, to state what he had been doing since last fall for the shareholders. Mr. Campbell said
he had been working very hard. (Laughter.) Miss McDougall thought Mr. Campbell did not look her
straight in the face like an honest man should. interruptions now became frequent. One of the ladies
suggested that a movement be made to bring Mr. Rennie back, and have him tried for fraudulently using
the names of the directors to the syndicate which originated only in his own brain, as stated by Mr.
Rankin. Miss McDougall was glad to have evidence that he had any brains. (Laughter.) Ex-Governor
Macdonald will be the liquidator for the creditors of the bank. Mr. W.W. Ogilvie is the Government's
liquidator, and the shareholders have elected Mr. Robert Moat, E.J. Barbeau, and Mr. Ogilvie.
{On the edge of the article in handwriting is written: "Mercury" 11th June 1860 }
{Advertisement glued onto page, typed with diagrams}
The Felt is made of flax and hemp, carded together until such a fibre is formed as will absorb a sufficient
quantity of Asphaltum to give a perfect foundation of a roof. This may be thoroughly tested by placing the
Felt in water, and allowing it to remain there awhile. when taken out and examined; it will be observed
that the texture of the Felt is not in any way injured. When coated with the Prepared Roof Coating, the
Felt is not affected by change of temperature, and, being non-conducting in its properties, resists alike
heat from the sun and cold from frost and snow. It is made in rolls 25 yards long, 32 inches wide, equal to
200 square feet, and is put up for shipment in cases of 4 rolls, each case weighing about 375 pounds,
and containing 8 squares of roofing. DIRECTIONS FOR APPLYING THE PATENT ASPHALTE
the boarding or rafters should be taken off, so as to form an even surface for the Felt to rest upon. Do not
tar, pitch, or apply any adhesive mixture to the boards on which the felt is to be laid. Old wooden roofs
that have been previously tarred should have a coating of whitewash before the Felt is laid on. The Felt
can be laid from gable to gable, or across the roof from eave to ridge. It is essential that it should be
stretched tight and smooth, overlapping from 1 to 2 inches at the joinings, and closely nailing through the
overlap with 24-oz. roofing tacks 1 1/2 inches apart. The gutters must be of two layers of Felt, one over
the other, cemented together with the boiling mixture, and then coated and sanded. when the Felt has
been nailed to the boards, it is absolutely necessary, to complete the roof, to give a good thick coat of the
Prepared Roof Coating - say 3 gallons to the square of 100 feet. {Large diagram of a barn with product
being laid on roof.} ROBERTS SC N.Y. This Design shows the MOST DESIRABLE FORM FOR ROOFS
to be covered with the PATENT ASPHALTE ROOFING FELT. The Letter F represents the Felt on the
Roof. {imagine of barrel with the company name and address as follows...} PREPARED ROOF COATING
E.H. MARTIN, 70 Maiden Lane, 9 Liberty St., N.Y. Prepared Roof Coating. We have taken great pains to
manufacture for the Asphalte Roofing Felt our Prepared Coating, which has a combination of such
materials as are necessary to stand the action of the severe winter and the intense heat of our summer
climate. A coating to be durable must have a stout body as well as great elasticity, and hence the
Prepared Coating will be found too thick to run freely from the bunghole of the barrel; it is therefore
advisable to remove the head, stir the contents thoroughly from the bottom, and if necessary heat until it
spreads with ease. The Coating must be laid on with a brush, and immediately afterwards some course
sharp sand sifted over it, as much as it will absorb. It is important that the day should be dry "and the Felt
perfectly so" when the Prepared Roof Coating is applied. A second coat, after the first has thoroughly
dried, "will ensure a perfect roof for many years. {On the side edges of the paper with the advertisement,
there is additional writing.} Dry and Tarred Sheathing Paper, Coal Tar, Roofing Pitch, Mineral Paint,
Asphalte Varnish, Etc. Roofing Brushes, Swedes Iron Nails (galvanized and plain), Roof Paint and
general Roofers' Sundries.
January, Friday 1. 1869.
This is a very stormy morning the wind drifting the snow most furiously.
The was a fire during the morning John Harris Bakery and storehouse was completely gutted between 4
& 5 this morning.
Saturday 2.
This has been a day of snow with very little interuption. Went up to the Foundry for the purpose of
assertaining, if a heading jointer could be made to joint the staves for Rectifiers tubs Tuns &c
In the afternoon attended William Wilson's Funeral, it snowed all the time, and is now very deep in some
places where it has been drifting.
The water for the mill is in good supply, and 2 run going steady
January. Monday, 4. 1869 {No entry}
Tuesday, 5. {No entry}
Wednesday, 6. {No entry}
January. Thursday, 7. 1869.
I returned from Toronto this forenoon, weather mild, the sleighing mostly gone.
The beam accross the lower stile that steadies the copper pipe broke to day and had to secure it as
Friday, 8.
This has been a raw cold day, and more frosty thaw yesterday,
Some snow fell this evening
Saturday, 9.
This has been a fine day, but little or no Sleighing except on the road sides,
I went down to Galt this morning to see what progress Goldie & McCullough are making in the
construction of the new boiler & the Engine, I found that the boiler was well advanced, and so far good
workmanship, and the new Cylinder is bored and ready for fitting on
January. Monday, 11. 1869
This morning opened fine, have got an additional carpenter on to the filters, (Aulden) who is preparing all
the bottoms.
This is the anneversary of my Birth day
The water is holding out well, we are grinding all night now
Tuesday, 12.
More frosty this morning, but rather too fine having no sleighing, but the waggoning on the gravelled
roads is quite smooth.
Funeral of George David Armstrong, James's Son he had been married little more than 3 months,
will grind to night again, plenty of water
Wednesday, 13.
This has been a mild day, plenty of water, both for the mill and for sawing wood &c
There is no appearance of more snow yet and the roads are all very bare
We are getting on very well now with the Filtering vessels.
William went of this afternoon in the Buggy to Erin villiage Acton Georgetown &c
Grinding to night again
January. Thursday, 14. 1869.
This has been a mild day, and more like an April day than Jany, Began to grind the middlings yesterday
at noon, and have been at it all day The malting is going on very well in this mild weather
I have decided on a tender for sawing the wood.
Friday, 15.
Quite mild to day also, water holding out
Rob came back from Philadelphia
Saturday, 16.
This has been rather a colder and rawer day yet the water is still good
January. Monday, 18. 1869.
This has been dark heavy morning, and also the forenoon, with snow flakes flying the most of the day,
though not enough to make any good sleighing
David Brown began this morning as fireman in the Distillery
I have just heard from Toronto that the Still is ready
Tuesday, 19.
Fine morning but no snow of any account although it looked much like it
I went down to Toronto this morning and saw Martin & Son and ordered a six horse power Engine for
Rectifying house, examined pipes at Levys, ordered some of the locks at Morrisons to be chased for
was informed that the flat copper still was shipped yesterday.
Wednesday, 20.
Dull morning with some snow flakes falling
I went up to Berlin and to Waterloo to enquire about store casks, and saw some that were very well
made, and to hold from 12 to 16 Bbls. each, all made of 2 inch stuff, I returned at 3 pm, and found the
still at this station and got it down with the worm all safe, got an alarm about Johney Higinbotham
having been run over by the wheel of a light waggon loaded with some light lumber but fortunately no
bones were broken,
{calculations at bottom of page} 16 + 32, 32 + 480 = 512 a Boiler maker worked 1/2 day
January, Thursday, 21 1869
The foreman Thos Butler boiler maker came down & worked all day.
Friday, 22
Fine bright day but cold, and the roads exceedingly hard and Good, a considerable number of teams are
now comming with Wheat seeing that the sleighing should snow comes will not likely last long enough to
enable them to take out their grain in time. the waggoning is splendid
Boiler Maker, with 1 man & a day was at work from 1 pm to 3.45 ½ past 4 PM
Saturday, 23
Boiler maker, with 1 man & a boy, was at work from 7 am till 3,45 PM
January. MONDAY, 25. 1869.
Very cold this morning below zero but did not look till about 8 o'clock when it was about 2 degrees
above that,
I have taken a bad cold this morning & am quite hoares.
Boiler A holder, on man & a boy during the forenoon only did very little
Tuesday , 26.
This was another cold morning, the wind very sharp and has continued so all day
Have got 2 men to work at the cattle shed or Byre to fit up the stalls &c
No person came to work at the Boiler to day
Cold and windy to day, yet fine clear weather and the roads hard and smooth.
A great many loads of wheat in to day, we took in over 2,100 Bushels.
to day at 1 oclock the Boiler maker 2 men and a boy came
January. THURSDAY, 28. 1869
This is quite a mild morning, and heavy looking as if there was going to be a fall of rain or snow
A good many teams in with wheat to day but so many as yesterday
The Boiler maker 2 men & a boy all day
FRIDAY, 29. {No entry}
SATURDAY, 30. {No entry}
February. MONDAY, 1. 1869. {No entry}
Lydia Anderson came back to day and entered into the charge of the old House as House Keeper &c a
$6 pr month, and a girl to help her. Mrs. Calum left
The snow is very deep this morning, there having been a continued fall all night,
I was very much dissapointed at finding that the foreman boiler maker had done nothing last night, they
have been working all day cutting of the old revits heads so as to get the holes for the new ones,
and now have promised them a reward if they work all this night
February. THURSDAY, 4. 1869.
The boiler makers only got the boiler finished this mor=g about 6 Oclock & I handed them the reward of a
dollar, to each of the 3 men if they got done by that time
The 2 masons got done with the building up of the brick work by 1/2 past 4
Have also found that the revits in front of the Mill boiler are not tight
FRIDAY, 5. {No entry}
SATURDAY, 6. {No entry}
February. MONDAY, 8. 1869.
Moderate weather, began to day to take the Engine appart
This has been a very mild day, and has made considerable empression on the sleighing, making it very
bare in some places
I attended as a Pall bearer at Jos Websters funeral, left the house at 12 noon for the Union Cemetery.
A great quantity of Wheat in the market to day
This is a fine mild morning but no thaw as yet. Began to day to make a large tressel to lift the Boiler with.
The Cattle shed is finished to day.
February. THURSDAY, 11. 1869.
{No entry}
Very mild and sloppy roads.
got the boiler about up on the bridge to night
Quite mild and splended weather for hoisting the boiler
Meeting of Creditors of John McLean at 10 Oclock at Gathen's office,
have got the boiler accross the bridge and on the road opposite the Blacksmith shop on the carriage with
3 inch planks for a tramway and going well.
February. MONDAY, 15. 1869.
This was a mild day throughout, and we got on very well with the Boiler, having got it down the hill and
halfway into the boiler house.
Yesterday was a stormy day snow & drift, but not so hard as during Saturday night in which a
considerable quantity of snow fell which was packed quite hard.
Revd Principal Snodgrass & Revd Mr. Mackerras addressed the meeting in St. Andrew Church this
This is another mild morning and snowing a little
I had prepared to leave by the Great Western for Brantford this morning, but got out too late for the train
and had to go by way of Stratford
The {large X written above line with initial W} Engine frame, shaft and connecting rods &c were sent down
to Galt this morning on a sleigh and will try if the boiler could also be brought up from there by a similar
conveyance and save the carriage to & from the cars which is more than half the labour.
This was quite a snowy morning at Brantford and left there this morning and got home at 1/4 past 12
noon, the snow & sleet has been general , and has continued more or less all the afternoon
X should be here as this was the day it was sent down. {indicated above entry was on this day not 16th}
February. THURSDAY, 18. 1869.
{No entry}
Mr. Vincent got
Fine mild weather
February. MONDAY, 22. 1869.
This is a fine morning after the heavy fall of snow we had all yesterday.
We got down the Car with the tubs and casks &c from Brantford, to this Station above and had them all
taken down and put into the Shed, in the evening the sky was clear and beautiful yet many predicted
comming storm of some Kind.
I got the boiler set down in its place and recess in the wall made for the small fly wheel
William and (John Faulkoner the man), started with the horse and cutter for upper Townships.
Mr. Vincent went to Simcoe on his own business.
We have had a very stormy night, and this morning completely inundated with snow, and continued falling
and blowing all the forenoon that the 10 o'clock train with 2 Engines ahead did not arrive till 1/2 past one,
and only one freight train went down & no passenger train for the East as yet 1/2 past 5.
{No entry}
February. THURSDAY, 25. 1869.
This is of anything a better day have been making holes through the walls for pipes &c and have got the
smoke pipe for the boiler into the chimney, and putting the water cistern up in the garret
A good deal of Snow has fallen through the last night and through the day, at it clear and fine and then
dull and heavy.
Had a telegram from William this forenoon from Owen Sound and about to Start for Durham
I got a man down from Ingles this morning but sent him back to repair the heater and then come back,
{underlined with purple ink} which he did (Robt Hiam) {again underlined in purple ink} Am hewing the
Rock for seats for frame of the little Engine.
Renewed Church note, with Jas Massie for another 3 months to day. {underlined in purple ink} Recd
Gold draft from Halifax for $998.
To day Gibson and Jamison, at pump geering Jno McPherson & Wiswall, at the foundation of Engine,
A. McDonald & at the cisterns, and Riddel fixing pipes to Boiler
This has been a very cold day, a sharp Keen wind blowing from the N West, have got the water cisterns
in their places in the Garret and connected with a 3 inch pipe
The snow being so abundant makes good sleighing though rather deep, brings in the firewood teams
very fast that I now refuse to take any more new lots but only from those who have not filled their
contracts as yet
William was at Mount Forest at 5 this PM and cannot be home till tomorrow forenoon.
March. MONDAY, 1. 1869.
This has been a much colder day than yesterday but towards evening it got calm
William got home yesterday at 1 Oclock
We got the sleepers down for the Engine foundation properly bedded to the Rock and then 3 bolt of 7/8th
square iron drven down 9 inches into the stone, drilled first bore
Gibson got drunk this afternoon and unfit for work.
Attended to funeral of Alexander White's daughter, who died near N York
This has not been a cold day about 20° in the morning the Sun shone out fine about noon, so I took,
Mother, out a short distance on the York Road,
getting on but slowly to day, but fitting up the Brantford rectifiers the one above the other. I intend to go
to Galt in the morning.
I went down to Galt in the morning , and returned at Noon, the weather was pleasant.
I went to Godie & McCulloughs and examined the Boiler which has every appearance of being a good
job, and they fully expect to have it ready to be brought up in 10 days, I got a young man up with me to
fit up the water pipes through the Distillery his name is William Herriot {underlined in purple ink}
March. THURSDAY, 4. 1869.
{no entry}
It was very cold last night and the logs of the old Priory cracked loud and sharp like a gun shot the
Thermometer at 7 stood at 15° below Zero 1/2 an hour before that the gardner noted 16° below,
fortunately it was very calm during the day otherwise it would have been desperate cold. We are making
very good progress with the pipes, and also the small Engine
This is a very stormy cold morning, and yet the Thermometer does not indecate more than 10° above
zero but the wind is Keen and sharp from the North with occasional showers of snow.
We are obliged to rehoop the Brantford rectifiers as the bottom ones were altogether too thin and rotten
March. MONDAY, 8. 1869.
Rather a cold day
This is quite a mild morning
I started for the Preston linning and flax Works of Elliot & Co. and where they made seemless Bags ropes
&c also linseed oil, all on a large scale and every thing of the best construction and latest improvement ,
but from want of sufficient demand the works were a loosing concern and were shut up in toto last year
and now a large part of the machinery is being shipped in boxes, to Stevens Linnen works, Webster
All the shafting of the Mill is of one uniform size {being} 2 3/8th drain all turned from end to end & hung
with splended screw hangers, the whole is heated by coils of iron pipes, lighted by gass, and water
carried to all the flats in pipes with hydrants & hose at different places
William went to Toronto & returned to day
This is a very different Kind of day from what yesterday was the snow is falling thick and constant, and as
the wind is not strong the snow falls very equal,
very few teams are comming to Town
George Booth was here this afternoon and got the measure of the coppar pipes &c yet wanting, I sold him
the old coppar of former mash tun at 23 cents a {illegible}
March. THURSDAY, 11. 1869.
This is a mild calm day, yet no thaw, and plenty of work in shoveling snow to make roads.
This has been another snowy day, yet not any drifting
Peter Idington here for his sisters
Edmund Ritchie, Post Master of Hamilton, died this afternoon 62 years past, he was born in Wales,
March 2d 1807.
Fine clear calm morning and moderate frost
Recd from Bond 2 pipes 10 ft 2 and 4 do {ditto} about 13 feet at same price as last (he will charge for a
Zink Cock $2,60,
Evat & Ingles To returned to them 1 bar angle iron wt 149 lbs
March. MONDAY, 15. 1869.
Cold blustering morning
This was a very cold morning, and the walls of the log house were cracking again, the mercury stood at
11 below zero, and about 9 oclock it had got up to 20 above.
I told Robert Hiam not to come tomorrow till {underlined in purple ink} more work was ready for him.
This has not been such a cold day as yesterday, fine and clear. This is Easter fat Cattle show day, and
was largly attended a vast number of cattle were brought in. I never saw finer and 2 espessially from
Esquesing were large & fat
The coppar Smiths made a beginning this morning. G Booth went of in the afternoon train to Toronto &
left a journeman and a boy at work I have begun to take out the tuns from the cellar below for charger
& receiver
Had a short interview with Mr. Bridges this morning regarding.
Mrs Tawse returned to day from Peters
March. THURSDAY, 18. 1869
Fine clear morning. glass stood at 6 below Zero at 1/4 to 7 I have got one Receiver set up this evening
and one hoop on.
William accompanied his wife as far as Galt on her way to Hamilton this afternoon
Mr. Romaine drew my attention to the smallness of my yealds, & which is atributed to the large quantity of
fine corn meal sifted out of it, and also of using none but reground middlings, But to test the matter so as
to find out whither the fault lies there or in the inferiority of the yeast I shall next week try the pure corn
and rich middlings.
The weather has been some milder to day with an occasional shower of snow, have got the first large
tun finished as a charger, and getting 2 more emptied for taking down.
I made up my mind to let, William Harriot from Galt go home as all the work is done that I required him to
do, so he left by the afternoon Train
It has snowed a good deal this afternoon and this evening quite heavy.
at 7 am Temp 14° above zero
{No entry}
March. MONDAY, 22. 1869.
A cold wind blowing and not at all an agreeable day
at a 1/4 past 6 oclock the Thermometer stood at 5° above Zero and at 7 it was 13°.
Fine mild weather the snow melting very grandley away yet there is plenty left for good sleighing the
roads slushey in parts
am making preparations to raise the large receiver in the Rectifying room overhead at least 18 inches so
as to be high enough to charge the small rectifyer.
Henry Booth, began for the first to work at making the joint for the column of the little still, which on their
contract work for about 1/2 the day, the rest of it at pipes to conect the old with the new distillery
This is a fine morning and the roads quite slushey in many places.
have removed the tie beams wider appart to let the receiver be raised
Henry Booth has worked all day at the pipes for the old distillery, and the two young men at the new.
March. THURSDAY, 25. 1869.
This morning was rainey, and a thick mist hang over the ground for most of the forenoon the snow is
melting pretty fast
Have got men at work clearing away the snow, also the ice &c behind the flood gates
The journeman copper smith, David Startup quit work at noon and went to Toronto.
This morning was quite wet, and a thick mist hung over the ground for most of the forenoon. The snow
continues to melt fast
Have got men still working at the flood gates
{Short newspaper article glued to page} "Locomotive boilers, it is reported, can be kept free from scale
by introducing about once in three months twelve pounds of zinc in half ounce pieces. The zinc is said to
dissolve and cover the inner surface of the flues with a thin coating."
Quite a mild morning, and looks as if it had rained during the night. The thaw continued all day, and no
rain, yet the streets all over were running down in great streams like little rivers. Booth got the new
coppar pipe from the pump to the old receiver in the Rectifying house room in the old distillery finished to
March. MONDAY, 29. 1869.
Still thawing and the water is now flowing over the dam, it looks something like rain this morning and
should that come on the rise will be rappid. I am now in doubts whither to take up the erection at the end
of the Bridge for lowering the new boiler or to let it stand in the river and load it heavily with stones.
There was only Gibson working at the new tun to day the rest were at other work
Thawing fast yet and the water in the river rising pretty fast, there has been a slight drizzel of rain during
the forenoon
this afternoon has been inclined to wet and thickish like mist.
Stevens has built in the chimney and also the fly wheel to day
Quite a change in the weather to frost his morning There is more water in the river this morning
Stevens at the furnase of Boiler this morning.
April. THURSDAY, 1. 1869.
{No entry}
Hard frost this morning, with a coat of new snow on the ground
Dr. Henry Orton was intered in the Guelph Cemetery this afternoon he died in Fergus on Tuesday the
30th March aged 67 he came from Nottinghamshire to this Town in 1835
A cold and unpleasant day, a light coating of snow had fallen. The new Boiler from Galt was brought
down to the station this afternoon and we took down the lighter parts of the Engine &c
Have been trying all the rectifyers with water as to tightness
Bo't 2000 Bushels of old corn out of Robbins Store house
{Next page begins on Monday the 5th, no page for 4th}
April MONDAY, 5. 1869
Quite a cold morning and thought that the remaining snow would be of advantage in case I should take
the new Boiler down on a sleigh, but it went away while we were working at the Erection of the large
trussel and screw, and got the Boiler swung in the Chains by night
I weighed the last bundle of coppar pipes that came by Express on last & found it to be 35 lbs a heavy
bar of soulder came too
Tuesday, 6.
This has been a very fair day with somewhat of a cold wind, have got the Boiler on the truck and
travelling on Zinch oak planks laid flat on the ground & have got as far as the {my?} white gate tonight
and made fast to Keep it from running down the Hill
The copparsmith is getting pretty nearly done with his work
Had the Engineer Robt Hiam, down from Ingles this afternoon
Wednesday, 7.
The ground was pretty hard this morning, but as soon as the Sun got fairly up it soon softened, and
became quite muddy. We got on well to day with the Boiler This was the monthly Fair {underlined in
purple ink} Day and a large number of very fine fat cattle came in, have bought the remainder of the Corn
in Romain's Storehouse, in all about 6,000 Bushels
William had to go down to Brockville this afternoon at 3 Oclock
The case in Chancery of Wilson ves Robertson for Backing water on Wilson, the case was soon
concluded, defendant in his written answer having admitted that the backing up took place in 1844 before
he bought the Mills We got the Boiler alongside of the Carding mill this evening have got the water in
the new distillery this evening 1 Robt Hiam here all day
April. THURSDAY, 8. 1869.
This has been a fine day, yet cold in the morning Had a Telegram from William that he arrived in
Brockville at 6 am all right. Broke part of the new pump this morning which detained us from filling the
Heard of the failure of Weir who exported so much silver.
broke part of the new pump to day, but got the Brassfounder to start his fire at once and cast one of
Hard frost this morning the ground is quite hard and dry, but as the day advanced all was deep mud,
have got the Pump all right again and the water going over in large quantities
hope to get the steam up tomrrow if at all possible
William returned from Brockville this evening and got things pretty much to his mind
SATURDAY, 10. {No entry}
April. MONDAY, 12. 1869.
This is a fine morning. Mr. Stevens began to build in the copper boiler 3/4 of a day only, as the frame of
the furnace was not ready for him.
Mr. Stevens got the copper built in & finished this evening.
We have had the Column Still tested to day with water and runs well
April. THURSDAY, 15. 1869.
This has every appearance of being a fine day
We have been again trying the little still the most of the day and cannot get it to work to please at all, and
have resolved to put in a coil of pipe, and take out the inner coppar bottom, the worth of which Mr George
Henry George Booth thinks will cover the expense of the coil
And have Telegraphed G. Booth to come up to see if he can propose any other plan (These remarks
belong to Wednesday 14th.) {underlined in purple ink}
John Baker, (son of Mary Burns or Dudgeon) began work today, having engaged him for a year at $120 &
Nat & Maggie gone to Toronto this afternoon.
This is a very fine day, have braced up the Barley floor in the Malt house so as to carry the load of
whisky that must be finished for Bonding this evening -
Mr. George Booth came up to day at 10 Oclock but could not suggest any better plan than we thought of
yesterday and recommends 4 turns of a coil {hand drawn diagram here} thus so we have this noon
begun to take the bottoms apart
Have also taken in 10 bbls of whisky to charge the still tomorrow (all these remarks belong to Thursday)
this is a warm fine day, Theremometer about 60°, the river is rising fast to day, busey getting the bottom
out of Still, also measuring contents of tuns in Rectifying House. Hung up the Hams in Smoke house to
Nat & Maggie gone to Toronto this afternoon
This has been a fine day thou rather colder than yesterday, yet the water kept increasing in the river.
Sold 9 pigs to Sharp to day at $8,50
The ice was broken up and went all over the Dam this forenoon
April. MONDAY, 19. 1869.
This was a thickish foggy morning, and we had a dreadfull night of Thunder & lightning accompanied with
heavy rain which must have melted the snow up the country very fast, for the water was very high early in
the morning and Kept rising much faster than I have ever known it, and far beyond the highest usual
hight, and great lots of stumps and trees came down and several of them stuck fast under the Bridge that
we had to lift the Planking so as to get at the roots to cut them away so as to reliese them, But all to no
effect, and about 11 Oclock the Dam gave way, but previous to that the Pig house was swept off.
I had taken the precaution of loading the Engine Bridge with stones & it stood fast, the foundation of the
Bath house was undermined and fell & a portion of the corner of the Distillery as well.
Began this morning to construct a shield of planks and sunk it at the corner of the Distillery to prevent the
strong current from cutting away any more of the wall.
I have also begun to prepare a horse leaver to pump up the beer and water to run of the four tubs
This has been a cold, windy day and slight showers of sleet and snow fell but melted soon away.
Barclay, the Carpenter and his men have been very busey to day supporting the our Bridge by laying or
projecting a long beam over each of the bridge beams and have chained them up and is getting long 1
1/2 inch bolts {ink blot} to hold them together which will enable teams to pass when covered over with
planks, it will make a rise on the roadway untill the dam is rebuilt.
The inside scroll pipe for the coppar came, also 5 peices of Brass to bear it from the bottom, weighing
each 7 1/2 lbs.
I have been informed that Armstrongs dam did actually go off yesterday afternoon at 5 Oclock.
April. THURSDAY, 22. 1869.
This has been a fine spring day, and the water in the river has fallen very considerable, and the great
quantity of large stones gathered behind the dam are seen, horses have passed over the Bridge to day.
Fine day and have been collecting timber and planks all day that drifted down the river
We tried the Horse power this forenoon and found the speed far too slow, and resolved to change change
the pinion from the upright shaft on to the laying one and the large one where it was so as to double the
motion, and got it all ready to put in its place in the morning.
This has been a fine day, and the water has fallen considerably, yet not low enough to commense the
measurement &c of the Dam,
We got the Horse power to work very well to day and began to pump up the first charge about 1 oclock
and will get done by 10 this evening.
April. MONDAY, 26. 1869.
Fine morning, Went down to Toronto to attend the meeting of Directors of the Dominion Telegraph
Company, there was a tolerable full meeting
Returned from Toronto this morning, Went up for a few minutes to attend the Sale of Lands for Taxes,
but the crowd was great and the bidding so brisk that I did not remain any time, there was a little rain
during the day, and indications of more.
WEDNESDAY, 28. {No entry}
April. THURSDAY, 29. 1869. {No entry}
This has been a very fine day, and have got the water in the river cowered very much by the removal of
the Stones formed into heaps, and the quantity of water in the river is much reduced
Henry Booth got finished yesterday but a few small appearant leaks had to be seen to he packed up his
tools in the forenoon, tied up a bundle of pipes 25 lbs also 65½ lbs of Soulder to go to Waterloo
This has been a cold bleack day, rain in the morning and a Kind of drizzle throughout the day and a
shower of Snow and sleet in towards evening.
I have been blasting out a trench in the rock towards the Well for water to Supply the Rectifying house
May. MONDAY, 3. 1869.
This was a cold morning but dry, yesterday was also cold and some rain fell in the morning.
The Grand Trunk folk's had a large gang of men lifting the old rails of the Bridge and some of the beams
and cross ties that were rotten, and laying down new Rails of a size much heavier than the former, and
the cars to day seem to run much smother on them.
I had to get more props put under the Distillery wall for the crack is evedently getting wider and have
bored holes through the wall for a bolt to go half across the the house so as to screw it up or at all events
keep it where it is. also began to clear away the head race preparatory for quarrying out the Rock on the
mill side.
Began to get the new boiler across into nearer to its place and got it down and turned on to the Bridge at
the Blacksmiths Shop.
WEDNESDAY, 5. {No entry}
May. THURSDAY, 6. 1869. {no entry}
Have got the Boiler on its site, and the Engine frame down on its bed, and the shaft likewise
Weather fine for outside work
Stevens built the foundation for the Mill Boiler end to rest on, to day.
Have been all the week blasting for the drain &c
May. MONDAY, 10. 1869.
This has been one of the warmest days we have had this Spring. The water in the river is much lower
and will begin to lay the temporary dam in a day or two
We are still going on blasting for to get the water pipes low enough to be below the frost, and expect to
have them connected with the Pump tomorrow.
Have bought the chains, Blocks, Pullie &c also the wheel & pinion and barrel of a Derrick from Mr Bell for
$45. Also had men removing the fence at the Quary for room to strip more ground
TUESDAY, 11 and WEDNESDAY, 12 {No entry}
May. THURSDAY, 13. 1869.
Very warm day, but extremly dusty about 11 oclock I went down to Hespeler to attend a sale of cattle
I left about 1/2 past 3 but it came on a heavy Thunder storm of hail and & rain
Haley and Martin ODonell have begun this morning to blast out the race at the Carding mill for the future
wast gates.
This has been a fine pleasant day, except a portion of the afternoon, when about 1/2 past 5 a Thunder
storm came on when the sky became dark, and down came a shower of hail first & then heavy rain, for
about 20 minutes
have got the greater part of the Blasting done Bo't 4 good steel spades a $1.40 and 6 shovels a $1.25
This has been a dull sort of day and little or no Sunshine, there was a light rain in the forenoon We
have been getting on pretty fair in blasting out the new flood gate & have not quite finished the drain yet
May. TUESDAY, 18. 1869.
This has been a fine working day and have got all the blasting for the drain and now covering over the
Have got the Engine laid down in its proper place but is not as screwed down
The Boiler is also placed but not built under
This has been rather a cold unpleasnt day with a damp cold air
Run off today the first charge of Spirit in the New Rectifying House, & which performed very well
May. THURSDAY, 20. 1869.
This has been a much more pleasant day. Have run off a charge of Spirit in the New Gin Still which also
run very well
Sent down this morning 3 men & man horse and cart to strip in the Quarry
May 21 & May 22 {no entries}
May. MONDAY, 24. 1869.
This is the Queens Birth day , and the weather is fine, but there was not so much rejoysing as in former
Very fair weather
George McCulloch from Galt began this morning to fit up the Engine
Have let the York Road farm to Alex Chrighton for $80 a year and taxes
May. THURSDAY, 27. 1869
This has been a coldish raw day. We have been getting on pretty well with the blasting out of the Race
for flood gates.
I am continuing the quarrying out of the drain for to take the water from the Distillery race to the Rectfying
house and have had to blast the upper end.
FRIDAY, 28. 1869
This has been a thick dull forenoon with a drizzling rain which began before 11 O'clock and increased to
rain at noon, and at One O'clock I stopt the outdoor men from working.
Had to stop the Retifying House for the purpose of attaching a Steam Stop Valve next to the dome.
Sold the Sheep & lambs, Sow & calf, Sow and pigs, and 11 acres of Barley to D. Chrighton.
It rained heavy about 10 O'clock this evening.
SATURDAY, 29. 1869
This is a dull morning, and rained till about 6 o'clock, since it has been fair and all the men at work.
May, 31, June 1, 2, 3 & 4. {No Entries}
This is a very wet morning and none of the men are working in the Quarry this forenoon
June. MONDAY, 7. 1869.
Fine morning have got the race blaster deep enough and are now triming the sides
Have sent down some men to the quarry to begin the lower bed
Fine weather Went down to Toronto this morning & ordered a Globe Valve to regulate the Steam on the
Column Still when up stairs
Called at Chewits to get business cards printed on stone that is lithographed
I xamined the Derricks at the docks and got some very good hints from them, Went in to Levys Shop to
see if he had any Wheels & pinions that might suit me , but saw none, Birmingham began to deepen the
well and brought his tackle box with him the
Rather a cool morning left Toronto at 1/2 past 7 & got here 1/4 to 10.
The water is comming into the well much faster than 2 men can pump it, and am now making an inner
curb 4 feet high and made small enough to pass down inside the upper one The Engineer is fitting in the
Steam pipes to day
June. THURSDAY, 10. 1869.
This morning was threatening rain, yet we persevered in getting ready for putting in the triangle frames for
the temporary dam and a flood gate
Mr Goldie having previously agreed to let of the water of his dam and then shut down his gates which
gave us several hours of very low water and notwithstanding some heavy showers of Rain and Thunder
we worked all the time, We got the 2d curb into the well and had to put in 2 pumps to enable the men to
Weather fine and getting on well with our work
Our Collector of Inland Revenue intimated some time ago that he would not be allowed to grant me a
Licence without a new set of Plans of the interior of the Distillery, and as I have been searching for the
Tracings of those sent to the Department at Ottawa for several days without being able to find them and
not having time to make out another from the rough Sketch in any thing like the time it will be required, I
start for Ottawa this afternoon at 4.10, to ask for the use of it
I arrived at Prescott this morning at 6. See Memorandum Book
June 14 & 15 {No Entries}
I returned from Ottawa this morning about 2,30
June. THURSDAY, 17, FRIDAY, 18, SATURDAY, 19 {No Entries}
June. MONDAY, 21. 1869.
got some planking done in the bottom of the temporary waste gate to day, Goldie again troubled with the
Toe of the shaft of his Water Wheel that drives his Machinery which goes 140 resolutions a minute &
wont allow the water to enter it
This was a fine forenoon and we got on well with the dam in being able to get some planks nailed in the
bottom of the flood gates which the rain on
We had also a fine opportunity of building under the Wall at the outlet of the Carding Mill race, as Goldie
was obliged to let of the water of his dam and then shut down which gave us a fine chance of getting
foundation dry for more than 2 hourses and well it was so for it rained very heavy for more than an hour
WEDNESDAY, 23, THURSDAY, 24 {No Entries}
This was a fine morning
Went down to E Carrols quarry and brought home his Derrick to my quarry on loan for a season with a
long chain & two single iron blocks & 1 wooden one
During the forenoon for the most part it Kept fair but in afternoon it rained for a considerable time, and
then in the evening We got on however very well with our wall in North side of the waste gate, and is
now feet high from the bottom of the race, and have some thoughts of carrying it up to the top of the
bank of dry stone We also got the South wall founded on the solid Rock which I did not expect to get so
Mr Bridges Mr Spicer, & Mr Hannaford passed up this afternoon, & Mr H gave me leave to fasten the top
of my Derrick Mast to the iron tube of the Bridge
June. MONDAY, 28. 1869.
This morning is warm and sultry, it is now 5:45 a.m and every appearance of more rain. There was
very little rain yesterday forenoon but it had rained heavy during the night, and yesterday afternoon both
going and returning from Church it was raining heavy and all the gutters sewers and low parts of the
Streets all covered, None of the outdoor men could work till noon I observe no damage done to our
temporary dam as yet, But when the effects of this rain come down this afternoon from the country above
I am affraid it will tax the capacity of the flood gate very much, in the afternoon the water rose a
considerable deal, the afternoon Kept fair and all the men were at work
This morning at 6 oclock looks threatning like I went out to the Brick Yard to engage for getting out clay
at $1 a load, and it began to rain and soon got fair again, yet the men worked all day though showrey at
times with frequent flashes of lightning, about noon the water got very high so as to endanger the
tempory dam & had to Keep the men on till dark wheeling on earth to raise the bank high enough
I bought 45 large blocks of stone from Dobie and Patterson a 10¢ a foot this day,
We hear of several dams in Waterloo having gone that stood the freshet in the spring and the dam at
Doon has gone again after having been repraired & & is now worse than before
It rained hard last night at 11 and then during the night yet it has done no damage, the river is at least 3
inches lower than last night when we left off, But there is every likelihood of it rising again as at present
1/2 past 5 a close rain is falling, the men did not begin to work till 1/2 past 9 it continued after that
tollerably settled but dull and cloudy
July. THURSDAY, 1. 1869.
This being Dominion Day, no work is done and the most of the men are off to the Falls on the Excurtion
train going and returning for $1,00
This also being our Sabbath school, Picknick great preparations are made
John & I drove out to see Armstrongs dam which is up and the water at full height & the Mill going, the
weather is dry and pleasant and appears like being settled
This opened a fine morning, and fair all day and enabled us to get well on with our work to day, One of
my men named Groet in returning from the Excurtion last night got on the top of one of the railway cars
when in motion and in passing under a Bridge near Coptown struck his head against it and fell senseless
and had to be left at the station
In measuring the actual contents of one of the tuns, we got short of water and had to start the small
Engine to pump enoug water for the purpose as well as enough to change the water in the old distillery
James again on
Last night has been a dreadful night of rain it broke through a gutter at the East end of the Bridge above
the bank rusing down into the bottom of the race and disarranging all the mud cills laid in the bottom all of
which will have to be done over again, the men did not begin work till quarter time, The engine
continued to work well driving 3 pair of Stones every day
Vincent returned from Toronto this evening at 6 Jas no work
July. MONDAY, 5. 1869.
This has been a fine dry day, yet it has not the appearance of being settled, the water however in the
River is getting lower. but in the Quarry it is so deep that the men cannot work in the lower beds
Mr Brunel the Assistant Commissioner of Excise was here and and after looking through the premises
gave Mr Romain permission to allow a License to be granted to me, the Receivess being that near as to
come come within the range required by the Department
This is a very fine day, and have been making good progress with the work on the dam &c Mr Hughes,
the Bridge Inspector was here to see what way I intend to the Guys of the Derrick to the Bridge, and
approved of the manner I proposed and even more allowing me to make holes through the timber close
down to the iron tube
This is our Horticultural Exhibition day, the Display is good and the attendance large especially in the
This is a very fine morning, and looks as if it was going to be very warm, This being our Monthly Fair day
a number of cattle are being driven in
The day turned out well My application for License is put in & expect it to be issued tomorrow,
July. THURSDAY, 8. 1869.
This morning is dark and gloomy, 1/2 past 6 a smart shower of rain came on, it appears to have rained
heavy during the night, no work can begin this morning The labourers mostly began about 1/4 time and
the Masons at noon
The quarry continues to be Kept so full of water by the continual showers that no ordinary evaporation
can dry it up, so that I was compelled to day to begin the erection of a Pump and to use the 3 inch iron
pipes to convey it away
It rained very heavy about 11 Oclock
This morning is not clear yet, It appears to have rained hard during the night
The malitia companies are mustering to day for a weeks encampment
This has been a dry day, hot and Sultry occasionally with great Gusts of wind & dust flying in great clouds
I Have got the Crane raised in the quarry to day
July. MONDAY, 12. 1869.
This is a pleasant morning, yesterday morning about 2 or 3 Oclock it blew a perfect harracane for some
time accompanied with a heavy shower of rain a considerable number of trees were blowen down in and
around the Town, The day has Kept fair and the work gone uninterupted, the crane in the quarry
answers well, and lifts the large Stones with great ease
This is a fine morning, William left for Toronto at 10 Oclock to try to sell Flour
Went out to the Camp this evening
This has been a dull day, threatning rain all forenoon when it began to fall a little after 12 Oclock, I
attended a Meeting of our Presbitary at noon today, I have got the wall about up to the height now at the
flood gate entrance
William came home this evening
July. THURSDAY, 15. 1869
This morning opened very dark and rainey like, but became clear and very warm during the day and quite
close in the evening Have been to lay the cills of the flume for the outlet of the Flood gate this morning,
and have torn down the old walls on each side behind the arch and have begun to build it up with water
This morning presents in many respects a deplorable sight, the great rain that began about 2 Oclock
came down in perfect sheets of water, flooding the Camp from 6 to 18 inches deep of water so that all
their bedding had to be lifted & removed to dry on the fences, The quarry was quite full of water over 4
feet deep and 3 men has been all day pumping and only reduced it for 4 to 5 inches, and has stoped the
rest of the men from working
The Red Mill dam was again carried away and the walls of the culvert or bridge on the Waterloo road
scooped out clean, also the garden walks much damaged
I dined at the mess this afternoon Col. Taylor present
This morning the weather seems settled and has continued so all day
Have been pumping all day with very little effect, about a couple of inches only. Have got the walls up to
about the last course now and the frame work in front ready for the spars or Rack,
July. MONDAY, 19. 1869.
This has been a warm day and at times the Sun was quite hot which is indicative of more rain, but the
roads were quite dry and we made considerable progress in pumping out the water out of the Quarry say
about 3 inches
And we have got on well in framing the flume at the back of the waste gate,
Brought down Mr Morrisons power pump from Mr Wallaces late recidence, and use it to pump the water
out of the site for the Dam it is 18 inches diam. inside by 2 3/4 in deep
{illustration of power pump drawn by diarist}
Jas off work
This is a very dark morning about 1/2 past 5 there appeared to have been no rain during the night, but at
7 it began to rain heavy and continued till 1/2 past 8 so that the men could not work till after dinner in the
It began again to rain heavy about 4 and Kept on for about an hour, but having dug gutters round the
quarry completely prevented any more running into it than what fell on its surface and the water this
evening is exactly 5 inches below what it was when the began yesterday morning
Began this morning to take out the front plate of the Distilley Boiler and remove the stone work so as to
get it out into the yard for examination
Jas off work
This is a dull morning and by no means settled, rain must have fallen during the night. Wm went down to
Hamilton this morning The greater part of the forenoon there was a drizzling rain and frequent showers
in the afternoon, and now again at 1/2 past 8 a close rain, and it has been more like an October day for
cold had to light a fire in the dinning room, have been moving the horse power up to drive the rollars to
grind the charcoal
Jas off work
July. THURSDAY, 22. 1869.
This has been a dry day and have got all the old logs of the {h}ents of the flood gate dragged out by the
Gibson has been off work all day Jas also
Went over to bid Mrs Glendenning goodby as she leavs for Philadelphia in the morning with her son
Meeting of Dominion Telegraph Co in Toronto a 2 Oclock but could not find time to attend
This day has continued dry and we have got on very well with our work, had a couple of men out this
afternoon cutting poles for the rack
A thunder storm began this evening with some rain
Gibson off, also Jas
This was a very dull morning, at breakfast the main journal of the Crank Shaft of the Engine became so
hot as to melt the Babbit metal, which run in about the Brasses that it brought the engine to about a stand
and not having a reliable man to put it in order again I started out at once in the Buggy to Farishs New Mill
nee Rockwood and brought in George McCullough who got it all right, and Steam on and tested by 9
Oclock, it rained again this forenoon
Gibson off, also Jas
July. MONDAY, 26. 1869.
This is a fine morning but not settled looking yet, there is appearance on the ground of it having rained
through the night. Yesterday was warm & dry & of any thing sultry,
It turned very warm this forenoon and cloudy and about 10 minutes to 12 it began to rain a smart shower
for 1/2 an hour and after that continued dry
The mason work for entrance of the flood gate is finished except a little pointing on two upper courses,
have begun to clean out the race beyond the Carding Mill preparatory for pointing up some leaky places if
we can find them out, have got well on with planking the flume behind the gates, Bot a lot of Spikes
from Store
Jas off still
This has been a dry day
Jas off
This is a very wet morning & it appears to have been raining hard during the night
The rain continued this morning till near 10 am began again at about 11, and stopt a little after 12. the
afternoon was dry and the men worked in the quarry
Jas off
July. THURSDAY, 29. 1869.
This is a dull morning and the ground wet from the heavy shower that fell early this morning between 2 &
3 o,clock, Alexr McNaughton left for Acton then,
Since then it has been fair and all hands working
Jas off
This has been a dry day and no interuption to the work I made an attempt to bruse charcoal in the
Rollars with 2 horses but found that they were not able and had to fix it for 4
Got enough of the temporary dam removed and turned the Water through the new flood gates
Went up this afternoon with Mr Jas Hough the Secretory of the Cemetary to see if the lots taken up by us
were right viz Nos 5 &11 and although they do not agree with the present Plan or Map yet they could not
be altered, being in our possession so long and Interments made in both ends, and will begin tomorrow to
the walls for the railing
Jas off still
SATURDAY, 31 {No Entry}
August. MONDAY, 2. 1869.
This is a fine morning, and have started the masons up to the Cemetery to lay the foundation & find the
railing is made too large by a foot for the ground and have to set it up in the shop to have it cut to a size
and cannot reduce it less than one pannel of pattern viz 13 inch Telegraphed Thorold about an Engine
It began to rain about 1/4 past 5 and continued for abt half an hour,
Jas off yet but is now reforming,
This though somewhat clear is a doubtfull morning it must have rained heavy through the night by
I intend starting for Toronto at 4 OClock
Jas off
In Toronto all day it rained heavy in the morning and had wait in doors untill the first shower passed
over, & there again under other shelter, called at three different places, about hiring an Engine to drive
the Pump in the Dam but did not succeed, I then left for Hamilton at 12 O,clock and arrived there 2 P.M.
made more enquirey there but all wanted to sell but not to let
August. THURSDAY, 5. 1869.
This was a dull morning yet it Kept fair and during the day it cleared up fine but cooll
Agreed with Davidson & Chadwick for their Engine at $1,00 per day, and am preparing foundation for it
and hope to have it set this week
Jas right & piling lumber to day
This has been a fine dry day, and have got on very well with our work, have got down the Boiler from the
Foundry, and will get the Engine down tomorrow
Gibson has never come near his work all this week, James has been working at piling oak lumber this
last two days
This has been a fine dry day and the water is getting lower
I have got the Engine down and is now set in its place. I got John Oliver also from the Foundry to fix the
pipes and set her a going
August. MONDAY, 9. 1869
This is a delightful morning quite dry and looks as if a spell of dry weather has set in.
This has been a great day for sight seers, Vanambergs Exhibition of wild beasts and birds, contained in
24 vans besides several large fine carriages for the Band &c
This has been another fine warm day, and have been pushing on with the Engine for driving the Pump
and have got it started at last, throwing a large quantity of water
I have had men deepening the river so as to let me lay the foundation of the Distillery wall.
WEDNESDAY, 11. {No Entry}
August. THURSDAY, 12. 1869.
This is a fine dry morning, The day is warm and have been getting on as hard as we could with the
coffer dams, and got the Engine started again, to reduce the water but up to dark all we could make was
3 inches lower than the outside, and will run her all night and see if anything can be done
have been putting in a coffer dam at the corner of the Distillery
The ground was wet this morning from the heavy rain last night, the Engine run all night but did no good
and have determined to deminish the space by putting in two fresh dams
I do not feel well to day and have Kept the House this forenoon, but had to go out to exam and push on
with the Distillery dam
The Boiler is also out being properly cleaned for examination
This was a fair dry day during the early part of it, but the clouds began to over hang in the afterpart, Our
upper coffer dam shows signs of being tight as the water is flowing over in to the spout to conduct it past
the lower one. The water in the river was too high to day for begining to build under the corner of
Distillery, but have got a quantity of Stones dressed & laid down at the end of the gangway
The evening was wet and it rained very heavy from 9 to 11,
August. MONDAY, 16. 1869.
This day is set appart as a Holiday by proclamation of the Mayor, and from the rainey and wet appear{off
page} of the morning there will be neither weather for work nor play. About 1/2 past 9 it became dry and
fit for the men to work and got the dams quite tight enough to warrant us in making another attempt with
the Engine which was done in the evening & she brought down the water a foot in less than an hour
I set of the door of the new warehouse this forenoon to four feet wide in the clear, which is large enough
to admit puncheons
This has been a dry day and the Engine was able to Keep the water down, that we got a good deal of the
round boulders out of the Foundation, and got a footing prepared for the Derrick
Revd Mr Livingston came this evening to attend the Presbytery
This morning looks dull and looks like rain But the day turned out warm and rather sultry
William left home for the upper country, this afternoon
The Presbytery meet here to day
August. THURSDAY, 19. 1869.
This has been a warm day and very fatiguing we have got the foundation for the centre part of the Dam
about cleared out, and as soon as the Derrick is ready will begin to lay stone
Mr Livingston left for home this morning
We had a lighter fog this morning than we have had for several mornings past, but it has been a very
warm day, have got the irons on the top of the Derrick attached to the Bridge
R Little engages to get out 3 trees a 3 to make logs 22 inches square and 36 feet long, and rip them in
too with whip saw, the trees to cost $5 each, the hewing $24, and hawling 1 team to each stick
have got the iron now laid on the Steam Mill Railway and the new car at work
It began to rain about 4 Oclock and continued for an hour very heavy
This morning the rain began about 4 Oclock and rained very heavy that the ground was more like a sea in
parts, the Pump began to go about 4 and made a good empression at first, but the rain sent in several
streams that gave her more work than she could manage
The rain Kept on through the forenoon that the labourers could not work, the Carpenters went on in the
afternoon to finish the Railway
Recd a Telegram from Wm to night that he had got to Kincardine & would start for Southampton on
August. MONDAY, 23. 1869.
This is a dry morning but the water is still high and the Engine labouring very hard & has made very little
empression as yet, Yesterday morning the water increased so that I was affraid of the upper coffer
dams, being cut away or having to take down part of the planks in the sluice, but a little after Church time
it began to fall, the rain must have been gen{off page} and heavy up the country
We got the Car on the railway
This has been another fine working day But we had some dilay during the forenoon from the slide valve
of the Engine getting out of order but after that we got the water low in the afternoon and got a cours of
large Stones begun
We had intended to work an hour later this evening in laying stone in the foundation, then a terrible
accident happened to George Moir my foreman Stone Mason he persisted in runing the Car down the
inclined Railway with the large Stones on & before the proper break for Stopping the Car was ready
having run one load well, he went on a second though strongly advised not to attempt it, but he did so,
and lost the command of the Car, and from the increased velocity it attained and when reaching the
bumper threw him off down into the hole beneath and the stone and car on the top of him the men got of
the car with their hands but the stone had to be lifted with the Crane, and when got out, only said "Oh My
God", once or twice, & died when being carried home
This has been a lonesome day for me as I cannot forget the poor fellow The water is much lower and
the Engine can keep the hole quite low
William in Durham to day
August. THURSDAY, 26. 1869.
This has been a fine working day, and all the men except the Quarry men, dropt at 9 Oclock to attend the
funeral of Poor George Moir, he was 43 years of age, the attendance was large,
We began work again at 1 Oclock we had the water very low this afternoon
The Moulder {written in pencil above line} Foundry came down at 4 Oclock from Evat & Ingles to cast 2
brasses for the Old Mill water wheel, they weighed 55 lbs each
I intended by casting 2, to have them bored out but after considering the time and expense and only one
of them being required, we chipped and filed it
This is a fine dry day and the water has fallen considerably
This was a wet morning and must have rained heavy during the night. I went down to Galt with the view
of procuring two or three masons but found that there was full employment for all the men they could get,
but left word in case of any desiring a change. I returned at noon,
I found that the feed pump, of the pumping Engine would not work, and the day was lost so far as laying
the large stone was concerned but we set to work to construct a road to drive carts down to the lower side
of the Dam
{A variety of newspaper clippings placed on page}
August. MONDAY, 30. 1869.
This turned out a fine day and after some bother with the Engin pumps we got out the water and have got
a good many large stones laid according to the pins set for a guide mostly on the South West end of the
We have also stript the roof of the Wheel house of the Carding Mill and put in heavy cedar rafters and
covered it with new boards.
This has been another dry day.
We have got the new brass set under the inner end gudgeon of the Water wheel and are making good
progress in putting the new float boards or buckets
We are also going on framing the middle bent for the Bridge, the Council having last night accepted my
offer to construct it
September. WEDNESDAY, 1. 1869.
Another fine dry day and have got on fine with the N. Eeast end of the dam and have got it above the
There was hard frost during the early morning, Andw Quarrie and his brother returned from the Old
country this morning somewhat improved in health
This is the Fair day
We began to night to set of the true circle for the front Dam by ordinates, but could not see to finish it
September. THURSDAY, 2. 1869.
Fine weather, set to work early this morning before the men began to work to finish the lines of work and
the masons have made good progress to day with the work and began to use water lime
Dr Hamilton called this afternoon also D C Gunn formerly of Hamilton wharf now of Oswego.
Dry weather and fine for puddling the front of the Dam
Fine dry weather and the water very low. The Mill water wheel has got in the last bucket board now
and the men have been helping to raise the Distillery Water Wheel to put in new head Blocks, the old
ones being quite rotten and was picked out in peices
I have not got the corner of the Distillery repaired yet, as I am waiting till the Dam is far enough advanced
to enable me to shut off the water to dry the foundation
September. MONDAY, 6. 1869.
This has been another dry day, and have got on so far well, some dirt got into the Pump which stop{off
page} the Puddling only for a little, We began this forenoon to tear down the old Bridge and have stopt
all passage that way Poor, John Neeve died to day aged 62
This morning was dark and dull untill about 1/2 past 8 when it began to rain and continued with very little
interuption all day so that no outdoor work was done after the rain began, Our old teamster and Flour
salesman in Hamilton John smiths Wife came to Town last night, I spoke to her to day
at 10 Oclock is still raining
This is another wet morning and appears to have been raining during the night, no outdoor work can
begun this morning, thought that the work could begin about quarter time in the forenoon but no it
rained, then at 1 the men were in the quarry but it again became dark and began to rain,
The carpenters however kept at it sawing the timbers for corbels of Bridge, screwing up the stringers &c,
and also in the Distillery fitting in 3 new cedar lintals under arch way of tail race to rest end of new beam
on &c
September. THURSDAY, 9. 1869.
At 6 this morning it was raining and the water has risen very considerably since last night, and even this
7 it is now fair and the men have all begun to work though not to advantage in some cases
counted the water lime this morning only 31 Bbls left I order another to day
This was a fine dry morning, and the work went on as usual, the water became sufficiently low about
noon so that the Steam Pump was started and got the water out so that we got the centre bent of the
Bridge up in place, and began taking down the walls and excavations far enough back of the roadway,
between the pillars to allow of moving all the 5 timbers or stringers back at once on rollars by means of
the large screw
SATURDAY, 11. {No Entry}
September. MONDAY, 23. 1869.
This has been another fine dry day and the work has progressed very
This is a fine dry morning
Have got well on with the Dam and also have got the fine stringers of the Bridge drawn over to their right
place and have put the corbels under the N.E end
We also began to bale out the water out of the coffer dam at the corner of the Distillery and got part of the
foundation of that laid with cement
Three teams left this morning for Freelton for heavy timbers for the Bridge
have had accounts compared with James & find him largely in Debt to me
Fine morning, the teams did not get home till 3 Oclock this morning and were not able to get out the
heaviest viz 22 x 22, but bought two pieces 22 x 11 and another stick
September. THURSDAY, 16. 1869.
This is a fine morning and all the masons at the Distillery yet, and they will not be able to finish it to day.
Three teams left this morning at 1/2 past 5 for Freelton for the large sticks of timber for the Bridge
Dull morning it has rained heavy through the night but quite fair now, The teams got home with the
heavy logs about, about 12 Oclock last night
We have got on well with the corner of the distillery and have been closing the front of the dam with
Puddle to a very narrow space that we may close tommorrow
Have also been getting the big logs on tresses fit for ripping them up, we also pulled down a
considerable peice of the walls jutting out beyond the G. T Pier
Jas very drunk this morning
Fine dry morning but cool
September. MONDAY, 20. 1869.
This is a fine day and regret to have to burry a fine horse one of the span that used to be used on the
farm he died yesterday
Fine weather, have been sitting more of the upright bolts in the Dam and laying the flat bars lengthways
Prince Arthur passed up at 1 oclock to Exhibilton in London. I missed seeing him
Fine working day but very warm
September. THURSDAY, 23. 1869.
This has been a fine day, but there was a good deal of mist in the morning, Set more bolts to day in the
middle of Dam, took on 3 more hands to day so as to hurry out the portions of the old Bridge
abbutments and fill up the deep portion of the hole behind the dam so as to get done with the Engine this
We got the last of the beams in the bridge this afternoon and have got down the crable belonging to
Massie to lay the stones for the new abbutments, we got out one of the largest stones of the Old Bridge
the derrick has yet lifted & set it to night on the dam
Gold ran up to 150 this afternoon
a drunk man fell through the beams this evening and broke his thigh
This has been another very fine day though very misty and thick in the morning
Two of the spurr wheels that drives the Separator broke yesterday and found one ready at the Foundry
and got the other cast at Crows Foundry this afternoon, have got the crabb mounted for lifting stones
below the Bridge
Gold at noon to day was 162½ Bot to day in Chicago 10000 bushels No 2 Corn n 76¢ in Store
Finished with pumping last night and will begin in the morning to take the Engine apart
The forenoon was fine working weather but at 12 Oclock a dark cloud came over us and a heavy shower
of rain came on & continued for over an hour, and part of the afternoon
Began to take the engine apart
September. MONDAY, 27. 1869
This is a cold morning and the water very high, but not in such quantity but could be Kept below the upper
course of the Dam by Keeping the culvert clear of sticks
Sent part of the Engine up to Ingles Foundry
Bot of Messrs Bruce 1 piece timber 8 x10 - 34 feet long
1 do " " - 46 do
a 12½¢ a foot
This morning is dry but quite cold and all the timbers on the dam and Bridge are quite white with frost
This has been a fine working day
Have got the Hewars of Timber started out at the rocks to day
September. THURSDAY 30. 1869 {No Entry}
October. FRIDAY, 1.
Fair weather
Went down this afternoon to Galt about getting a man to examine Distilley Boiler
Fine day
George McCullough came up and examined the Boiler
October. MONDAY, 4. 1869.
This is a coldish morning
I went out to the Rocks this afternoon to see how the men are getting on in squaring timber for the Dam,
and found that they are likely to get all the large timber of my land
The teams hauled in the 1st two loads to day
This is a fine morning but cool
Have got 2 additional Carts on the Dam and have now got the banks united and driving freely accross
and are now making good progress with the filling in front of the Dam
the South End abutment of the Bridge will be about finished tomorrow and after that we will carry on with
the mud cills for the foot of the apron before the water gets too cold
I have stopped quarrying stone for the season and will take home all the tools tomorrow
Cold morning below freezing 28° to 30 degrees the ground is white
This is the Fair day and the first day of the Fall Show of Agriculture products & the next day for cattle &c
I went down to Galt this afternoon to examine a Boiler for the Distillery, and have decided to take it, and
have ordered it to be got ready
October. THURSDAY, 7. 1869.
This is the 2d day of the Fair, The weather continues exceedingly fine, and have all the carts at work
driving gravel from the Mill yard on to the Dam
The hewars are not getting on with the timber as fast as I could wish, They attend fairs, la cross games
This has been another very fine day and are pushing on with the work
This has been a fine working day, and we are making good progress with the Dam
There appeared indication of rain in the afternoon it however Kept fair
Have arranged that the men shall begin work at 1/2 past 6 a.m. and drop at 1/2 past 5 in the evening
Reid and Murdock of Chicago are here this afternoon
October. MONDAY, 11. 1869
This is a wet morning, yet not so heavy but only drizzling, the labourars began at 1/2 past 6, but the
Masons fearing rain did not make their appearance They however began at 1/4 time
Have 2 men at work replacing the cattle Byres
TUESDAY, 12 {No Entry}
Fine weather And we are now pushing hard with 4 carts in the gravel pit, and it takes men as pickers and
shovelers, to Keep them going
I went down to Galt to see what progress they have made with the Boiler, but that they had not touched it
yet, but would positively begin to tomorrow,
October. THURSDAY, 14. 1869.
This is fine weather though cold in the morning We are about finished with the roothouse behind the
Office, having removed all the old earth first, then laid on about a coat of 6 inches thick of clay well
packed down over the logs, then returned the earth and after that covered it all over with turf & put a
fence round it also renewed the lining for the bins inside,
Have got the water wheel and shafting in the Distillery put to rights, put in new beams and also new head
blocks under the Water wheel, the old brasses were good and may wear many years yet
We have got the walls or abutments of the Bridge finished now and the drystone walls on the top below
planking done & Have paid of 4 masons to night, and will keep on two of them to finish the flank wall of
dam & the back
This has been a coldish day with slight drizzling showers now and then, and have been attending the
Funeral of William Jackson Senr of the Paisley block It was quite cold with occasional showers
Have made good progress with the graveling in front of the dam
Willie Jackson died on the 12th Inst aged 66 years and 5 months
This is a fine dry morning, but 4 degrees below freezing. Will have to day 2 hired teams to help with
getting the timber
October. MONDAY, 18. 1869.
This is a cold morning and the first Snow shower of the season is falling, the Conductiors of the Grand
Trunk say it is an inch thick at Stratford
We are pushing on with the gravel of the Dam and will soon have enough, and hewing coping for the top
of the Wing wall
also repairing the floor of the Mill in renewing the wooden grating for the Steam of the flour
We have been busey taking in Corn to day. The blacksmith has about finished the irons for the Booms
to conduct the stumps, trees and ice over the Dam
This morning is also threatning and cold and flurries of snow falling
I attended the Funeral of Andrew Ritchie one of the oldest settlers who died on the 17th of a cancer in the
stomach aged 67,
This has been a coldish day but no Snow
George Lillie farmer Scotch Block died on the 18th Inst aged 76 his funeral took place to day he was
originally a Stone Mason,
We have had 2 teams to day hauling down Corn, one at stone and another drawing in Timber from Rocks
October. THURSDAY, 21. 1869.
The weather was milder this morning and have deminished the number of men in the gravel pit --- and
have taken some of them to excavate the trenches at the foot of the apron for mud cills and have shut
down the gates for short time to lower the water as much as possible, and have one of them laid quite low
ramed on both sides and under loaded with heavy stone to prevent it rising with the water
Had one of the masons rebuilding the butterise of the garden wall at the the Boat landing steps, the lower
courses say 2 feet high with Cement
This has been a fine working day, have again begun this morning to lay more cills, Also removed the
coffer dam this forenoon at the distillery, and pointed up all the Openings at the bottom with water
lime that could not be got at before and packed it with Clay, Gibson put in Guta percha washers, or
gaskins between the joint of the large copper pipe of the big still and put in heavier bolts to make it tighter
than it was before with pasteboard, also put in a Cock to draw of the condenced water from the Steam
pipe, likwise put new brass spring in the colapse valve
Intend to visit Galt in the morning about the Boiler.
A very Wet morning, Went down to Galt and found that the Boiler was taken apart and the tubes being
cleaned, and the new end plate in hands flanging it, so that it will be ready next week
It rained all the forenoon
October. MONDAY, 25. 1869.
This is a frosty morning the ground quite hard, and am preparing to go off this morning at 9 with the
Deputation to Walkerton
We did not get away till 1/2 past 10, The party consisted of Dr Herod Mayor, Mr Peter Gow M.P. Mr Robt
Melvin and myself. we got as far as Harriston that night about 8 Oclock, we found the roads very heavy
after we passed Elora where snow had fallen, and by the time we got to Harriston it was several inches
deep, we started
This morning at 1/2 past 8 and got to Walkerton at 3 p.m. the snow within 5 miles of it was 18 inches
deep on the road and two feet in the Woods and falling thick & heavy at times. after I got my dinner I
took a turn out to look at the River, it is certainly a fine stream and a large supply of Water the upper
Mill has 13 feet of fall on which they are Building a new flour Mill fitted for 4 run of Stones but only 3 to be
put in at present , The country round looks fine The Town is located quite in a vally with high lands all
round and well wooded with hardwood
This morning I found that considerable snow had fallen through the night, and a shower now & then, and
hearing that it was snowing heavy in Guelph I began to be very uneasy about the Dam not being finished
in case the winter sets in with hard frost also if a sudden thaw came on with rain, might place me in a
very critical position, so I determined to leave for home at once, and engaged a man to take me to
Durham by slay for $2,50 and got there by 2 Oclock and left there at 4 in a One horse buggy for Mount
Forest for $2,00 and got there about 7 O,clock and slept at Coynes Hotel. Had a telegram from Guelph
as I arrived at Durham that Gooderhams Distillery had burnt down last night
October. THURSDAY, 28 1869
I left Mount Forest by stage at 1/2 past 3 a.m. got to Arthur at 7 very cold, at Fergus got a seat from W
Garvin in his buggy and got home at 1/2 past 11, and found there had been a great fall of snow.
However this afternoon it began to grandually wear away.
I saw on my way down large fields of turnips out. also Oats standing in the sheaff and covered with
Fine morning the frost not hard and as the day advanced it became sloppy,
The teams are removing the stones off the road, the Carpenters got up the hammer beam or main
beam under for the rafters to rest on set up to day and two of the diagonals laid in their places, Cut of
the planks of the temporary dam and filled it up behind with good gravel, began to break out a door at
the back of the Kiln. John Hall has got all the Stringers on Neeve Street Bridge.
Got 2 of Little's men this afternoon to help on with the work.
This has been a cold day, very little snow fell, but near noon some of it melted away it then turned cold
again. We are hurrying on with all speed. It would be strange if winter is going to set in in earnest
already. Yet it looks remarkably like it. Large feilds of turnips, potatoes and even apples are on the
trees yet.
November, MONDAY, 1. 1869.
Cold frosty morning, but about noon it was of any thing milder. I went down to Toronto this morning by
the 1/2 past 7 train and got into the City at 1/2 past 10. Took a cab to see Gooderham & Worts ruined
Distillery, it was truly amasing to see the amount of Property destroyed.
This has been a very fine day, and much milder no snow whatever laying on the ground and people
getting up their turnips and potatoes with all speed.
Went down to Galt this afternoon, and found them hand at Work at the Boiler & will have it ready on
Saturday. The Council are making poor progress with the Pier of the lower Bridge.
This morning opened clear, and fine mild weather, and continued so all day. this being the Monthly fair
day, a good many people in Town. Good news came in to day that the By-law in the county of Bruce had
been carried in favour of the Wellington Gray & Bruce Railway by a Majority of 257
This was a dry day but cold and windy we are still drawing nearer to a close with the Dam
discharged 2 masons I had I taken on for a day or two as the work is all but done
This has been rather course day. raining and sleeting now and then. took down the little crane this
This looks bad for people getting up their Turnips Emence quantity of apples are frozen on the Trees
This is a Wintry looking morning the ground again covered with Snow busey finishing, the top of the
Dam with gravel, and preparing to take down the large crane, have got the
November. MONDAY, 8 1869
This is a very cold morning, it has been blowing and snowing all night, and the ground is again covered
with snow, we did not get the wheels of the mill and Distillery finished in time to let the water on, the
stones requiring to be trained yet after the water is on. we are still leveling and filling up the breast of the
dam in places where some settlement of the soft earth has taken place, And also filling up the last space
behind the Dam where the Crane stood
Cannot get up the Boiler from Galt yet for want of the Truck's, which are somewhere on the road from
Goderich. I was at Ritchies sale this afternoon, very cold wind & great fields of Turnips frozen in and
likely to be lost
The weather this morning is still wintry like it is not hard frost, yet no thaw and the little snow remains on
the ground. We are busey getting the Boom that is to guide the stumps and timber over the Dam fixed in
its place and then remove the tempory Bridge that is over the race
Went out to the Western station to night to acertain if they had brought up the Truck to Galt and the
Conducter said no
November. THURSDAY, 11. 1869
Rather a raw day, and yet not very favourable for those who have their turnips in the ground of getting
them out
Got a Telegram this forenoon that the Truck waggon had reached Galt last night, and made preparations
to start down here after dinner, with 2 span of horses and also and a team with a waggon to carrey the
chains boxes &c and got there about dark and found the Boiler loaded and ready for the chains to bind it
(the conductor was not aware that he had the Truck with him last night in a close box car)
The water Mill started this morning with 3 run of stones,
We left Galt this morning at 8 oclock with the Boiler and had to leave the waggon a little distance out of
Galt and attach that span of horses also to the Boiler as the weight was too much for 2 span through the
mudd which was soft in places, We however got on well and reached Guelph about 4 Oclock
The water mill has been going all last night, and the gudgeon became heated & and had to stop for a little
Riddle is busey blowing of the boiler for to clean her out for the winter
The frost this morning was not severe yet enough to thicken the ice on the Dam,
Busey this morning unloading the Boiler and getting it into position,
The Planking of the Dam is far forward and will be finished on Monday.
Have got the Boiler on to her seat in the Distillery to night
November. MONDAY, 15. 1869.
Moderate weather though cold and raw
Got the boiler set in its place this forenoon and took the measurement for a steam pipe
The weather tolerably mild considering the lateness of the season. I went down to Galt with the Pattern
of the Steam Pipe to attach the Boiler to still. Likewise the smoke pipe to lead into the Chimney, also a
Bend for the feed pipe.
I returned at noon, Robt Ward went down with the Truck and brought up the Smoke dome and furnace
bars by night, and well for him he did as it now blows almost a gale with thick pelting snow storm, Wm
in Toronto, came home in the evening
There had been rain early in the morning and now a heavy thaw and the roads quite slushey and now
rains and sleets alternately.
The last of the Planks have been put on the bent under the bridge, and also on the tail walls of the apron
behind the Piers, and all planks collected and taken into the Yard, have got the feed pipe in the boiler,
and the smoke box fitted on.
The carpenters began the Cattle Byre
Hiam the engineer from Ingles came at one oclock to help with the pipes
November. THURSDAY, 18. 1869
Rather a rough wintry looking morning, showers of snow falling throughout the day, it was quite at noon,
let several more men go to day.
am busy at the Boiler getting pipes attached and the foundation built up under it, and the smoke pipe
conducted into the chimney, also forging a frame for an ask pit door
Intend to work late to night
Several sleighs have been running to day, Hiam all day at work
Has been snowing through the night, and began again about 8 Oclock, did not get the mason work and
the pipe fittings done last night after working to 11 Oclock, have got on the guage cocks. Also got a
new glass tube from a G trunk {Grand Trunk} engineer for Water guage I am putting a raised grating in
front of the Boiler. Snowing now again noon time, a good many sleighs in with wheat at the Mill just
Have done with the Masons at the boiler and laying the front this afternoon at 4 Oclock & got the fire on to
dry the work
The Carpenters still at the cattle byres.
Snowing most all the afternoon heavy Hiam all day at work
Snowing heavy this morning, and has been through the night, so that there is a thick coat of it on the
ground. got the fire on this morning to heat up the water to make yeast to start with, but the draft I am
afraid is not going to be sharp enough and now see that so many (100) small tubs form a considerable
opposition to the smoke &c it is so weak as to leave a white fur round the mouth of each of the tubes
November. MONDAY, 22. 1869
This is a fine clear morning, and the thermometer at a 1/4 to 7 stood at 13 degrees
The distillery Boiler does not seem to get any better to day
Began to day to cut a hole in the distillery roof for the erection of a scaffold to aid in putting an iron stalk
on top of the Brick one to increase the draft
But a fall of snow came on so heavy and continued all the afternoon which put a stop to outdoor work.
The Dam all covered with strong ice
This has been a fine mild day 3° above freezing at 9 Oclock, making grating for windows of the rectifying
Johney Higinbotham's Birthday
& Father & Mother at Elora
Fine clear morning Thermtr 5° above zero at 7 am & continued fine all day. men still rpairing at the
cattle byres
November. THURSDAY, 25. 1869
This has been a fine day throughout and rather milder than yesterday
Have been busey fixing underneath the large water pump, also changing the pully for drawing the
engine pump for the Rectifying house
I went down to Galt this morning to consult Mr Goldie about the difficulty in the draft of the brick chimney,
and he thinks that by adding to the height of the old one, that a great improvement may be made
Hood has now over 70 head of cattle in the Byres
Fine winter weather with indecations of a thaw
Bob Ward came home from Galt with 32 feet of 22 inch Smoke Stalk
November. MONDAY, 29. 1869.
Fine mild weather and thawing
Attended our adjurned annual meeting in the Church
this evening quite
Thawing very rappidly to day, and have been very busey in getting the chimney ready, and have just got
the larger portion through the roof
This is St Andrews day, Ball & Supper to night
December. WEDNESDAY, 1.
Quite a change to day, the roads hard and freezing, Working hard to get up the Smoke stalk to day
Got the chimney up through the roof and all ready to hoist by 1/2 past 4, but I deemed it too late to do any
more as we could not possibly see to work safly in half an hour after that
December. THURSDAY, 2. 1869
The weather pleasant and calm this morning with a slight shower of snow falling, and set to work with all
dilligence and got the smoke Stalk in its place and the fire started by 10 Oclock and find it has made a
great improvement in the draft.
Fine morning
Went up to Waterloo Villiage to attend the meeting of W Fischers Creditors when John Kerr of Toronto
was appointed official assignee
This has been a mild morning, and of any thing turned to a thaw, have been working for some few days
at finishing the stall in the new cattle Byre, and also preparing stuff for the bottom of some of the tuns
(fermenting) which in some appear defective
Wm Dixon formerly of Dundas called to day & would like to leave St {Lain's} if he could find a place to do
business in,
December. MONDAY, 6. 1869.
Fine winter day, frost moderate.
Meeting of Directors of Mutual Insurance Co.
Some snow fell to day
a good deal of wheat came in
Fine weather, and the teams with wheat began to pour in early to day
December. THURSDAY, 9. 1869.
This has been another very fine day of anything thawing in the middle of the day
It has been a very throng day in taking wheat the teams reached about up to the G. Trunk tank house
and many unhitched their horses and came back in the afternoon and hauled in the load This has been
the Fat Cattle Showday, and prime ones they were
Adam Brown Esqr, Mr Burton the lawyer and some other gentlemen passed down on their way from
Walkerton after being present at the final passing of the By=Law, for a Bonus to the railway
This has been another mild day, and good many sleighs in with wheat, some slight showers of sleet fell
& thought it was going to turn into rain but did not, putting up to day a coal and wood shed at the end of
The pit wheel that is fixed on the gudgeon of the Shaft of the Water Wheel in the Distillery got loose and
broke 2 teeth, we have taken it out to burn the greese of it put in 2 inch pins where the teeth is (as they
are not both in the same place) which will help thereon in geering, and enable us to get to work in the
morning without loss of time
Mild this morning also, and is wearing the snow of the roads very fast, and waggons are resorted to in
many cases,
December. MONDAY, 13. 1869.
The weather is of anything on the turning point and getting colder
John McPherson has got the coal house finished to day
The roads are now quite bare of snow and waggons are now generally used
This is a sharp morning and freezing hard
The wind has got up through the day and is blowing quite cold, the roads are now very bare and quite
Fisher fitted in our new Press & Desk to day in the inner office
WEDNESDAY, 15. {No Entry}
THURSDAY, 16, FRIDAY, 17, & SATURDAY, 18 {No Entries}
December. MONDAY, 20. 1869.
This is a sharp morning, with a few flakes of snow flying,
Election for Mayor took place to day, or rather nominated.
Have got the Byres finished so far as to admit the Cattle into the new stalls just finished
This has been another cold day but no wind in the early part of the day,
A great many loads of Wheat came in to day, Goldie did not seem to take his usual share, we took in
about 1800 bushes at an average of.
We have got the posts up for a platform with roadway to drive up hay to the end of the new feeding byre
and will have it completed in a day or two.
Snowing a good deal at 10 pm and fast also blowing and cold
This is a very wet morning, a considerable quantity of Snow fell during the night, and the rain is melting it
away very fast
I have some intention of going to Bowmanville by the afternoon train,
heard that this was the day that Feilds distillery at Canastoga was seized
December. THURSDAY, 23. 1869.
I got safe to Bowmanville at 11 Oclock last night, The weather to day is cold and blowing fresh
I got home this morning at 4 Oclock having left Bowmanville at 11 last night.
This is a pleasant winter day
Fine winter weather, and great lots of people on the Dam seating and Curling
December. MONDAY, 27. 1869.
This is a very misty morning, It began to rain in the forenoon a little, and then heavy in the afternoon
Only a few loads of wheat came in to day.
The rain yesterday has washed away much of the sleighing, it is however fine weather to day. We had
a fire in Town this morning between 5 & 6 oclock the Stable of Mr Taylor (who married Mrs Sunby) was
burned down
I went down to Toronto this morning & was on change saw Brunell who goes to Ottawa to morrow
Fine working day
Have put in the iron Catwater on the middle bent of the bridge to day, and preparing to fit on the Beam
and and remove the temporary side of the flame, so that the two waters join together
December. THURSDAY, 30. 1869.
There has been a fall of snow during the night and will improve the roads a good deal
This has been a very mild day, and the little snow that fell, night before last is pretty much worn away
There was very few teams in with wheat to day
Had a Telegram from Wm Osborne of Galt that he would take the Barley stone & case at $60
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