File #21951: "XA1MSA249_1-7_EllaMaurerFarmDiary1925_020.pdf"


March, 1925 5 Thursday. Fine day. Walter went to Elmira this morning and to Drayton this afternoon. 6 Friday. Beautiful spring day. We killed a pig here for Jack Miller of Parker. Ezra Maurer spent the day here. Walter, Ella, and Vernon went to the Literary at Angus Weber's tonight. The ladies had charge of the programme. 7 Saturday. Fair. Raw east east wind. We killed a pig here for Sam Brunkard. Walter took a pig he sold down to Leon Wagner's this p.m. Thunderstorm and rain tonight after supper. 8 Sunday. Fair. Raw cold wind We went to church & S.School this p.m. Our company for tea tonight - Mr. & Mrs. Weslet Umback. Mr & Mrs. Elmo Kruig and Miss Phyllis Kruig. 9 Monday. Fair and windy. Ella did her washing and ironing. Walter butchered 2 pigs at Addison
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