File #21985: "XA1MSA249_1-7_EllaMaurerFarmDiary1925_054.pdf"


July, 1925. 17 Friday. Cold and windy Aubrey was plowing and Walter fixed the manure spreader. Our callers this afternoon - Mr. & Mrs. Norman Kiug, Blauche, Phyllis & Lorraine and Miss Annie Platt of Toronto. Mrs. Tom. Habin of Heidelberg Mrs. Chas. Plaug of Detroit, Mr. & Mrs. Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Randall & Lillian Mrs. Whitmore ^ Ivy Brooke and Miss Violet Tuttle all of Hamilton. The neighbors had a surprise party for Mr & Mrs. Jno, N.Miller and presented them with an electric iron and a rocker. We were there and had a real nice time. 18 Saturday. Fair and warmer. Walter was drawing manure and Aubrey was plowing. We went up to Henderson's tonight. 19 Sunday. Warm. We went to S.School this morning and spent the rest of the day at Hilliards. Joe Lawson had dinner with Aubrey.
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