File #22003: "XA1MSA249_1-7_EllaMaurerFarmDiary1925_072.pdf"


September, 1925. 26 Saturday. Fair. Walter took some wood and grist to Elmira this morning and this p.m. he and Vernon cut roads through the corn field. Ella was at a quilting at Louis Millers this afternoon and enjoyed it very much 27 Sunday. Miserable rainy day. Walter, Ella & Vernon went to Woolwich church & S.S. where Rev.W.S. Henish of North Easthope preached. We went to Jno. Metz's near Walterloo for tea. 28 Monday. Cloudy. Ella did her washing. Aubrey was plowing. Walter started cutting the corn. 29 Tuesday. Cloudy & cold. Walter finished cutting the corn. Aubrey plowed. Vernon went to the School Fair at Jerusalem with a truck load of High School kids. 30 Wednesday. Fine cool day. Maurer's were cutting corn this p.m. Our help - Sam Spies, Earl Miller, Elmo Kiug, Lincoln, Edle, Edmund Schwindt, alf. Fromhold, Frank Simons, George Koepke & Melvin Allgeier.
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