Saturday, January 8,[1927]
Weather: - fair + Cold, zero
Eggs: gathered 107 + 1 Duck egg
Marked day, Produce from the farm
100 Pints of cream
55 Doz eggs
28 lbs butter
4 chickens
Mr. Cunningham paid for milk 90 cts
Delivered two loads of straw to Mr. French
Laura payed a short visit in the afternoon
Sunday, January 9,[1927]
Weather: East winds, partly cloudy + cold
Eggs: - gathered 101 + 1 duck egg
attended church + sunday school, attendance was fair, This being sacrament service
Jean + Dorothy payed us a visit in the afternoon and stayed for tea with us
Jean + Julie called on the Stevensons
In the evening we attended the young Peoples meeting which was taken by Mr. Eaton ?
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