File #29177: "Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1927_025.pdf"


Thursday, February 10 Weather - Fine + Mild Eggs -97 Churned 34 {lbs?} butter Attended the Poultry class at Richmond hill along with J. Brown Wr. Brook, + James Atkinson, Gertie, + Ms Brooke spent the afternoon at the Rodicks In the evening we spent the evening at r. Brillingers Friday, February 11 Weather - Fair + partly cloudy with west wind Eggs - 94 Attended the poultry class at Richmond hill along with the rest of the gang, a good attendance were at the meeting throughtout as high as 155 were there Dance at the hall tonight {Saura?}spent the afternoon with Julie an stayed for supper {Stoud John?} battery

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