File #29196: "Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1927_044.pdf"


Friday, March 18 Weather - Heavy rain in morning clearing and then fine & warm - Eggs - 103 - 1 goose Men were cleaning seed grain Preparing for load for city, had two loads to take to the corner with the team on account of bad roads W.M.S. thank offering meeting was postponed on account of roads & rain However Mrs. Calvert & Janet French came along and spent the afternoon & evening Saturday, March 19 Weather - Fair & a little cooler Eggs - 112 - 1 goose Market day, Produce from farm Cream - 109 pts Butter - 32 Ibs Eggs - 5 doz Apples - 3 bu & one chicken Miss Rea Scott & Mary Rodick came up to spend the afternoon & evening, stayed over night and went to church with us next morn. On my way to market in morning got stuck in the mud. Fred went with me to the corner, Left the car in Mike Boyington's garage when I came home Brought Joe. one dozen spring traps home with me

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