File #29211: "Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1927_059.pdf"


Saturday, April 16 Weather - Cloudy - Mild. Showery East wind Eggs - 128 - 2 goose 1 duck 1 Turkey Market day Produce from farm (good market) Cream 104 1/2 Pts Butter 30 Ibs Eggs - 5 doz Apples - 5 bu Little carrier track switch and car head light welded - $1.00 Fine in fire place Brought Gertee a flower home for Easter Sunday, April 17 Weather - Fine & warm Partly Cloudy, Misty at night Eggs - 128 - 2 duck Attended S.S. & Church in morning Mr. Eaton took change of service also had comunion servies In the afternoon, we along with Mr. & Mrs Brown went up to visit. John & Margerete Ash at Sharon. Mrs. Pinder came home with us from New Market

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