File #31224: "William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879_21.pdf"


Be it further enacted that it shall be the duty of all overseers to furnish the Township Clerk with a true statement of all the inhabitants residing within the limits of there respective Divisions who may be liable to perform statute labor previous to the time of his making out the road list Be it further enacted that all persons liable to perform statute labor shall severally perform such labor in the road division in which the Township Clerk shall have {illegible} there names as well appear by the lists furnished by the overseers as provided in the 10th section of this By Law provided always and it is hereby enacted that it shall be the duty of the Township Clerk to enter the names of all such persons so liable in the lists of the road Division in which they severally reside until otherwise directed by By Law or resolution of said Council Be it further enacted that any person liable to the performance of statute labor on the public highways of said Township who shall neglect or refuse to perform the same when legally notified so to do (unless under this By Law or by Statute exemped) shall forfeit and pay one dollar for each day he shall be dificient or in arrears to be recovered before the Town Reeve or any Justice of the Peace on the Complaint of the Overseerer under whose superindence he was liable to perform such labor and it shall be the duty of such Overseerers to enter such complaint and prosecute all parties so deficient in arrears within the ttime specified in this By Law for making the returns of the statute labor to the Township Clerk Be it further enacted that any person willfully stopping up or obstructing any public road or highway in said Township who shall not within a reasonable time after receiving notice from any Overseerer of Highways councillor or majistrate of said Township removed
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