such obstruction shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding two Dollars and a turther Penalty of one Dollar for every twenty four house such obstructions shall remain on such road the same to be levied collected and disposed of as herein after directed
Be it further enacted that the words he and him only when they occur in this By Law as imparting the masculin gender and refer to the priviledge liabilites obligations and duties of a person assessed on the assessment rolls of said Township shall not be construed as exempting females who are assessed at more than $200 from the performance of statute labor or prohibiting them from compounding for the same but shall be understood to include female as well as male and all other words and phrases shall receive such fair and liberal construction as shall be best adapted to cary out this By Law according to its true intent meaning and spirit
Be it further enacted that for the contravention or breach of any of the provisions thereof this By Law every person so offending being convicted thereof before the Town Reeve or any one or more Justices of the Peace who are hereby authorized and empowered to hear and determine the same shall forfeit and pay (excepting when the amount of the pecuniary penalty is hereinbefore specially specified and moved a sum not exceeding five pounds nor less than five shillings currency as to the said Town Reeve Justice or Trustee may seem meet and default of payment of the said sum ( or of the sumes hereinbefore mentioned together with the costs within the time specified for the payment thereof at the time of conviction it shall be lawful for the said Town Reeve Justice or Justices to issue there warrrent directed to any Constable in said Township to levy the said sum and costs within a certain time to be in the said warrant specified.