File #31236: "William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879_33.pdf"


Oct 17 Ad plowed in the South field I dug the potatos in the garden
18 Ad plowed I finished diging in the garden
19 Ad went to the River for Potatos got bushel I went to Gananoque for to assist P. Haslip in a liquor sosee
20 there was twelve cases got home on the Express
21 Revd Mr Conley preached this morning Mr Nicholson at night
22 Ad plowed in the south field I did chores
23 Do Do I went to Gananoque on the Express there was two of the cases ajourned till to day
24 got home on the Mixed this morning Ad finished the South field and went to the road to plow
25 Christie Young helped me to lay a floor in the house it is maple inch thick from 3 to 5 inches in width it is hard {illegible}
26 got the floor finished today it is a bad job the floor is so uneven the lumber is hard and crossgrained Ad is plowing at the road
27 I fixed up the portions & other fixing in the house & got the cook stove in and the other two stove up
28 the Revd Mr Nicholson preached in the morning and Mr Brown at night
29 I fixed an old shovel & cleaned out one of the cross fureres in the Southeast field Henery McGloughlin drew ashe with J. Darlings team he drew 3 loads in the afternoon 2 in the midle field & 1 to the North field next next the fall wheat
30 Henery drew 7 loads to the same field I finished cleaning out the cross furrows in the sout east field
31 heavy rain the most of the day had the cows in the stable at night
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