File #31241: "William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879_38.pdf"


January 1 there was no visitors {illegible} fine day
2 Ad A C going with Bessie he intends to take her to {illegible} she is going to teach in the normal school then {illegible} went there it is very stormy high wind with a little snow
3 Ad got home this afternoon {illegible} day Mother has a very bad cold Jennet is a good deal better {illegible} most of the day
4 stormy day with snow I mended at boots Mother is in in bed most of the day has a very bad cough
5 the snow fell near 12 inches yesterday a{illegible} night {illegible} came home from the 6 consession Johnston team went for David Ellen is very poorly in bed most of the time she has a very bad cold with a cough
6 Revd Mr Nicholson preached this morning Mr Brown at nigh
7 no work done I went to the station & voted & came home Dr Percie came to see Ellen left two powders for her to take She is not able to be up
8 Geordy went out to the 6 Con with David Jonston Ad went out for a load of wood afterwards he brought home a load of wood
9 Ad went to 6 Con he drew out a lot of railcuts for to fence the fallow there he says the swamp is first rate he brought home a load of wood he went in where he could not go last year
10 Ad brought home a load of wood this forenoon rain most of the day the roads is neraly gone I atended our Agriculture annual Meeting at Stuarts Ellen came from Glen Tay in the Express to see her mother she is a little better the Dr thinks there is no danger
11 rain most of the day the snow is going fast
12 still thawing no snow on the fields except at the fences Billie brought David home with the buggy they led Wallaces horse behind the buggy David intends going home on the morning Express
13 A Mr Lawson preached in the morning at night Mr Nicholson
14 we cut some straw Bruce & Wallace helped
15 finished cuting straw then we cut the 3 loads of wood that we had here all in the afternoon
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