File #31247: "William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879_44.pdf"


April 1 Geordy got home from Young on the Express Tommy came with him they are all well in Young
2 Geordy, Jimmy Jennet & Jennie went to Gananoque I went Wm Websters got a line from him as Reeve for Jennie Kenney that the council would pay for his Board to any person that keep here has been here since friday she is sick we cannot keep her
3 Jimmie made hounds for the truck waggon I helped him with the irons fine day
4 Ad & Geordy drew dung from J Taylors for a Bee hat & brought a load of meal from the mill for the cows
5 went to the funeral of Mrs Wm Gilbert shw was buired at the Union Church Revd Mr Huston preached there 30 rigs there was a bee drawing stones for the church Watt came to survey the church lot
rain 6 he did it to day there was a driseling rain most of the day Billie came from Delta this afternoon
7 Mr Mallory Elliot preached this morning Revd Mr Nicholson at night
8 Geordy drew 4 loads of dung to the garden rom Joseph Taylors I worked at the hot bed fine day
9 I worked at the hot bed Geordy rolled the midle field & part of the church field is too wet
rain 10 heavy rain in the night & most of the day
11 sowed seeds in the hot bed everything is growing
12 Geordy & Jennet went to Young this afternoon they intend to go to Brockville tomorrow
13 I planted out over 100 Strawberrys plants that came from Mr Nichols at the house
14 Revd Mr Nicholson preached this morning & Mr Brown at night
15 Ad began to sow at the Road he sowed bushel of wheat & Barley & oats Geordy helped
16 Geordy helped Ad out at the road to ditch or rather to clean out the old bed dich
17 fine showr last night they finished the ditch in the big field next Cauch{illegible}
18 Geordy helped Ad at the road they are sawing & are nearly done
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