File #31259: "William Beatty Diary, 1877-1879_56.pdf"


Oct 1 I went to Gananoque with Wat he came here last night with Lizie there was a great demonstration in honor of the Conservative triumph fire works Balloons & traid workin at them louder on a large waggon McIntire Dr Tuper and a host of other speakers
2 Ad went to Escott & got 700 of brick for to build a chimnie in the wood shed for a kitchen a little rain
3 Ad helped D Cowanto thrash I went to Delta with Wm Webster to the Show acted as Judge on sheep
4 got home at 9 oclock to night there was a good display of everything Ad came to Wats last night Mary Jane McNiel Miss Smith & Jennet came with him
5 Ad is helping Wm McNiel to thrash they expect to go to Bruces at noon fine weather
6 Revd Mr Garret preached in the morning Mr Gallacher at night
7 I set up some of the Buckwheat that was down expect the thrashers in the afternoon they are at Bruces they came here about 3 oclock they drew with 2 team & thrashed with four finished about 8 oclock had 50 bushel as it is
8 Ad went to Brockville on the Mixted he has to atend as Juryman Wallace came out & we emptied the wheat on the Barn floor to dry
9 I picked 10 rows of the corn there is forcefull wind this afternoon with some rain the fences is down
10 done up some of the fences Ad went to A McNiels with the colt then Mr Peck soil bought a cookstove for one dollar & ten cents for the shanty
11 Ad & Wallace pulled the corn in the field & garden I husked & pulled some little rain
12 Ad rew a load of wood and other chores the Revd Mr Edie came on the Express
13 the Revd Mr Eden preached this morning Mr Garrat at night
14 Ad & Wallace commenced to plow & scrap out the seller in the woodshed he is making 14 feet in width & the breadth of the woodshed
15 they worked at the seller I went with Mr Edie to James McMullens the Widow Turner vs Wm Cornetts & the Widow McGloughlin he read & pr{illegible}
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