File #31392: "RosamondMcKenny(Sweet)_1914_007.pdf"


Thursday, January 1 {diarist used extra-large letters} I DAY PAST 364 TO COME In the Morning or the Evening of life, or at any of the periods typified by Shakespeare's "Seven Ages," tonic medication may be indicated. Pepto-Mangan (Gude) tones, restores and reconstructs surely, promply and pleasantly, in all conditions of systemic devitalization. Weather Temp Fair 28 degrees Roads good, no snow on the ground. We drove Nydia Todd the first time. 6 miles We brought her. Dec. 29th 1913 {illegible} is not well {illegible}-At his late residence. 59 Metcalfe street. Stephen W. Tee-ple, esq.,in his 84th year. Funeral private. Friends will kindly omit flowers.

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