WHICH?{diarist used extra-large letters} Which{diarist used extra-large letters} of the numerous prepartions of iron and maganese has attained the greatest reputation and prestige among the medical men of America? Which{diarist used extra-large letters} has become the accepted world-wide standard as a readily tolerable and thoroughly efficient hematinic? Which{diarist used extra-large letters} enjoys "the homage that inferiority pays to merit" -i. e.: universal imitation? Pepto-Mangan("Gude"){diarist used extra-large letters} is of unquestioned and unqestionable value as a hemogenic and reconstituent in Anmeia, Chlorosis, Bright's Disease, Marasmic states and General Denutrition. In original bottles only. Never sold in bulk. Samples and literature upon application. M. J. BREITENBACH CO. NEW YORK, U. S. A.
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