The Importance of Nutrivite Repair in the treatment of tuberculosis, is now generally acknowledged. All phthisio-therapists agre that the therapeutic trinity of salvation for the tuberculous invalid is composted of: 1-Fresh, pure air, in abundance, both night and day; 2-A properly balanced ample supply of nutritious food; 3-Plenty of rest, especially during the febrile period. While medication is useless, unless the patient is properly fed, "ventilated" and rested, as aboved referred to; there is no doubt that intelligent medical treatement designed to promote nutition, is indicated in a majority of cases. If the tuberculous patient has been neglected for any length of time, some degree of anemia is almost always present. In such cases, an absolutely bland, non-irritant, readily tolerable and assimilable form of iron, such as exists in Peto-Mangan (Gude), cannot but be of benefit, by stimulating the formation of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, and thus augmenting the oxygen-bearing potency of the blood. Metabolic interchange is thus quickened, better absorption and assimilation of food follows, and as a consequence, nutritive repair is encouraged and hastened
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