File #31399: "RosamondMcKenny(Sweet)_1914_014.pdf"


Monday, January 5{diarist used extra-large letters} 5 DAYS PAST 360 TO COME Post-Grippal Prostration. R Strychniae Sulph. (Gm.o.o2) Pepto-Mangan (Gude) (Cc. 300-orig. bottle) gr. 1/3 3xi M. Sig.-Tablespoonful after each meal. Children in proportion, according to age Weather Temp Fair 80 Municiple Election also voted for Local Option, lost by 1/6 votes. Pinco elected reeve for Malahide 5. Wagner " mayor of Aylmer. Good sleighing. Drove Nydia 7 miles. Drove Bill 12 miles.

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