Thursday, January 15{diarist used extra-large letters} 15 DAYS PAST 350 TO COME The Handsome Bacteriological Chart, issued by the American agents for Pepto-Mangan (Gude), is a most useful and ornamental addition to the physician's office. It consists of sixty beautifully colored litho graphs of the pathogenic bacteria, and has recently been brought fully up to date by the addition of two excellent plates representing the spirochette of syphilis, and the treponema pallidum of Schaudinn. It is an excellent chart for reference, as well as a reliable guide for the laboratory worker. Weather Warm Cloudy Temp I took the girls the school. Then in the afternom John & & went to Allier, and brought the Children home. Eugene went over to help mend M Dances wind snill. I was in to see ours le line. a little while. Lee Muro Thaupson have Mella's old devek. Mrs Thomp Syn & Boy de came and of spent the evening Aydia 7 miles Bill 6
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