Monday, January 19 {diarist used extra-large letters} 19 DAYS PAST 346 TO COME
THE ILLS OF THE AGED. The Elderly invalid requires gentle, yet efficient treatment.
Pepto-Mangan("Gude") {diarist used extra-large letters} is especially adapted to the ills of the aged, as it it free from harshness or constipating effect.
Weather Cloudy rained a little Temp. [left blank]
To night Eugene took the girls to school. The little house boy got hurt to day. Mrs Ed Thompson & I went to the sale at Bulls this afternoon. Boys hawled manure all day. Lewis drove his grey colt this morning. We was at Mrs McLeays? Aunt Anna came back this morning. I was in at Mrs Harrises & Mr Rodgers.
Drove Bill 5 miles Eggs $1