Wednesday, January 21 {diarist used extra-large letters} 21 DAYS PAST 344 TO COME
Post-Pneumonic Heat Weakness.
R Strychinæ Sulph. (Gm.0.02) gr.1/3
Liq. Potas. Arsen. (Cc. 4.0-8.0) 3i-3ij
Pepto-Mangan (Gude). (Ce.330-original bottle) 3xi
M. Sig.-Tablespoonful after each meal. Children portion, according to age.
Weather Some Flurries Temp.
Eugene went to St Thomas this afternoon took a duck up to his Aunty. John went to Aylmer to a telephone meeting then brought the children home from school. Mr Cox was over this evening. I took the girls to school. Lydia went 30 miles Bill 5.