File #31423: "RosamondMcKenny(Sweet)_1914_038.pdf"


Friday, January 23 {diarist used extra-large letters} 23 DAYS PAST 342 TO COME Weak Heart, Gripe Prostration, Etc. We have frequently referred to the complete compatibility of both arsenic and strychnia with pepto-Mangan(Gude), in any desired proportion. The following R is espeically indicated in "grippe" prostration, weak heart, etc. R Strychniæ Sulph. (Gm.0.02) gr. 1/3/ Pepto-Mangan (Gude). (Cc.330-original bottle) 3xi. M. Sig.-Tablespoonful after each meal. Children in proportion. Weather Thawed all day Temp. rained all night. I took the firls to school, Eugene went for them. Was all over to Mr Cox's for tea, Thompsons & Sheds were up. Mrs. Cox got her new table extension and hall rack. John went to mill in the afternoon Eugene drove Lydia 10 miles Bill 5
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