File #31428: "RosamondMcKenny(Sweet)_1914_043.pdf"


== Sunday, January 25 == 25 DAYS PAST 340 TO COME === The Superiority of the Organic Combination === in the domain of iron therapy during recent years, points overwhelmingly to the superiority of the organic com- bination, and clinical experience, as recorded by compe-: tent observers in all parts of the world, has been more favorable to Pepto-Mangan (Gude) than for any other officinal or popular agent known.-American Therapist. Weather Fair Temp. Eugene brought Allarta over in the afternoon, Maudie Melba & Calvin went to Sunday school. Mark took the big sleighs & took Cols & us all to church. John was down to Sheds. Drove Lydia 14 miles
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