== Friday, January 30 ==
=== Puerperal Eclampsia === (Continued)
6. Whenever under reasonably vigorous treatment the patient does not improve, induce labor.
7. In the presence of actual convulsions: (a) If the cervix is open apply forceps or do version; (b) if the cervix is closed do vaginal or abdominal Caesarian section; (c) avoid the strain of labor.
8. Gas is the anesthetic of choice for operative procedure, next ether; never chloroform.--Skeel; Cleveland Med. Journ. Weather: Very Cold. Temp. I took Mella to school. Maudie was not well enough to go. Mella walked a far home as Clarence Skinners. I met her. Thompsons Augustus Mrs Cline & Spence (Mister & Wife Mr Mitchells) {illegible} Clarke & wife, friend & Melba was there. Went with the buggy. (Mr Baker was here & the Jewler Man) Eugene brought the beef home. Evelin came & spent the evening with Ann & Maude. Drove Lydia 7 miles Bill 6
7. In the presence of actual convulsions: (a) If the cervix is open apply forceps or do version; (b) if the cervix is closed do vaginal or abdominal Caesarian section; (c) avoid the strain of labor.
8. Gas is the anesthetic of choice for operative procedure, next ether; never chloroform.--Skeel; Cleveland Med. Journ. Weather: Very Cold. Temp. I took Mella to school. Maudie was not well enough to go. Mella walked a far home as Clarence Skinners. I met her. Thompsons Augustus Mrs Cline & Spence (Mister & Wife Mr Mitchells) {illegible} Clarke & wife, friend & Melba was there. Went with the buggy. (Mr Baker was here & the Jewler Man) Eugene brought the beef home. Evelin came & spent the evening with Ann & Maude. Drove Lydia 7 miles Bill 6